16-Year-Old Arrested for Attempted Murder
This is a press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:
On June 27, 2024 at about 3:27 p.m., Humboldt County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to the 900 block of Tish Tang Rd., Hoopa for the report of a possible homicide attempt involving a firearm.
The 17-year-old victim sustained a life-threatening injury and was flown out of the area for treatment. The victim is currently in stable condition. A 16-year-old suspect has been arrested on charges of attempted murder (PC 664 /187(a)) and felon in possession of a firearm (PC 29800(a)(1)) in connection with the attempted homicide. The suspect remains in custody at the Humboldt County Juvenile Hall.
The victim and suspect are known to each other and there are no other suspects outstanding at this time. Names are being withheld due to the ages of the parties involved.
This case is still under investigation.
Anyone with information about this case or related criminal activity is encouraged to call the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office at (707) 445-7251 or the Sheriff’s Office Crime Tip line at (707) 268-2539.
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The 16 year old suspect is already a felon?
Bad scene for sure. Hope the victim recovers fully and that this tragedy can help to steer them in a more positive direction in the rest of their life
Not a felon unless and until convicted in a court of law.
Try actually reading the press release, might clear things up a bit
lol amazing huh
They wouldn’t have charged him with felon in possession of a firearm unless he has already been convicted. This is just so sad on so many levels. I hope the kid heals up okay but the shooter – well, what can you say.
No prob. Maybe this alleged teen felon can run for president someday.
TDS is alive and well
And trump id NOT a felon?
Kamala’s family owned more slaves then Jefferson davis, and she locked up more African Americans than him to during her time on the state legislature, democrats have always been and Wil always be the party of the Klan, and segregation, that’s why they try to divide everyone by race gender and sexuality, we are all AMERICANS!!!!
Ironically, those who post the three magic letters are the ones who suffer from the condition.
What’s TDS
We are proud of Trump for standing up to the Nazis who are witch hunters for sure, I am a felon, cultivation, He will destroy Kamala in a debate, there wont be 2, cause she cannot handle tough questions, too stupid to. We teach our freedom school kids how evil Kamala is, how she has lied so many times. Lets go republicans, fight fight fight!
Tee hee-assuming you’re serious, Trump has as much chance of winning that debate as a six year old would have knocking out George Foreman. That’s why he has declined to debate her. On the subject of lying, that is one thing Trump has on his resume. Statistically more than any politician, ever.
When I read Chesterton, I thought it was The Onion.
“We teach our freedom school kids how evil Kamala is,…”
I hope it’s satire, I fear it isn’t.
It isn’t.
One of the charges the suspect faces is being a felon in possession of a firearm, indicating that the 16 year old suspect was a convicted felon at the time of his arrest
He is a felon at age 16 by law when he is in possession of a firearm that he stole or was given to him by another person. This also makes the other person an accessory to attempted murder.
It sounds like he was already a felon previous to this incident, even at only 16.. So sad across the board
If we can’t outlaw guns, how about outlawing bullets/shells?
after the first amendment, there is this second one you should read…………..
Have you read it?
There is nothing absolute.
The Constitution is a framework, (hence Amendments), to create a MORE perfect union.
Laws are written and abolished in an effort to get closer to that elusive perfect.
Not perfection mind you, just moving toward more perfect.
All laws and politics are compromise in a democracy. We’re still trying to get democracy down.
I don’t worry about my right to own a gun(and ammo)in our democracy. Laws work sometimes…
I worry more about armed self-righteous zealots goaded on by a petty autocrat to exact retribution like a fevered 16 year old.
I understand Our system is a Constitutional Republic, rather than a democracy
The USA was formed as a Constitutional Republic, however, now the USA is a Plutocracy.
Natural Rights are inalienable and absolute.
The ‘right’ to keep and bear arms was concocted by people.
Under our Constitution it is a specifically listed right, no apostrophes required.
It’s the right to self-defense by whatever means necessary… be it rock or rocket propelled gernade.
ONLY if you have the Do-Re-Mi yo…
I’ve had SO MANY of my ‘rights’ violated but had no recourse due to unaffordable and structured legal obstacles.
ONly the ‘rich’ have rights and protections…
Nobody can take away your natural rights, but….
natural rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, from god.
Since there is no god, there are no “god given” natural rights
God/ Allah is real. Don’t think He is a politician though. Read the Bible/ Qu-ran with an open mind if you haven’t already. You are obviously entitled to your beliefs no matter what.
God IS real and doesn’t need to be verified by any of His creation but His creation is evidence enough for me.
🙌🌻🙌 🌺🙌🌷🙌
Fortunately our Founding Fathers were Christians and gave us the Declaration of Independence – “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”. If your rights are endowed by the State, remember what the State gives it can take away. What God grants can never be taken away.
I pity you.
The down votes are funny… people apparently don’t want inalienable rights. So weird.
agreed, but the original bill of rights is protection for the people, from the government
TDS much?
Ironically, those who post the three magic letter are the ones who suffer from the condition.
Natural Rights are inalienable.
A well regulated militia …
The meaning of that so-called “prefatory clause” was argued and decided in DC v Heller, look it up. Spoiler: it doesn’t constrain the second part of the sentence.
“A militia when properly formed are in fact the people themselves…and include, according to the past and general usuage of the states, all men capable of bearing arms… “To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms, and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.”
– Richard Henry Lee, Federal Farmer No. 18, January 25, 1788
It was already against several laws for this person to have a gun. Maybe we should start prosecuting existing gun laws, something this state does not do well.
Anybody with any skills at all can make a gun and gunpowder. With very simple tools. Survival of the smartest. You can pass all the laws you want. Have at it.
Print your law on really thick paper, if you want to stop anything.
The Polynesians solved that problem without the use of moden tools or refined metal. They just refined local tropical koa and other hardwoods down to a baseball bat sized body. They then utilized local ocean mollusks and other hard shelled ocean creatures, and embedded the half shells into the head of the bat. Makes for a brutal battle axe/protein seeking implement. Long koa spears were also popular. Check out that Senagalese tribe who was recently photographed on their beach, on their island. To this day, they have had no modern contact except from seeing boats offshore. Anybody who attempts to go to their island ends up not being of this Earth anymore. There is a picture of them taken from an offshore boat, on their beach, with wicked wooden long spears and bows/arrows that equal their body height. The picture of them says everything, don’t even try….Good for them, Screw our perception of how the world should be.
Handguns need to be outlawed except for law enforcement. They are responsible for almost all homicides. Too easy to hide down the fruit of the loons or your pants. Long guns should be encouraged for everyone who wants one. In that way, the playing field will be equal. No more hiding weapons for a sneak attack.
Hand guns have no responsibility
Person holding the gun is supposed to be the responsible one
Interesting ideas, except for the part where the toothpaste is already out of the tube. You say “handguns need to be outlawed” but don’t propose a way to eliminate them. Are you thinking it would be enough to outlaw them and everybody who owns one will just fall in line?
Also mostly agree that for many situations a long gun is actually preferable, but what about a close-quarters encounter with a knife-wielding assailant ,or one with a seashell and koa wood bat? Or somebody who forgot to surrender their outlawed handgun? Or, maybe just a situation where you don’t want to reveal that you are armed? You bring a long gun, but I think I’d rather keep my options open.
The great warrior king of Hawaii, Kamehameha, was immediately intrigued by guns and gunpowder when he saw these used in the skirmish that ended the life of Captain Cook. His conquest of the islands was a direct result of his acquisition of guns, gunpowder and a cannon, as well as the help of two foreigners, John Young and Isaac Davis, who became his military advisors. The pololu, the koa pike you knowledgably mention, was no match for western firearms, as the Hawaiians and other native peoples instantly recognized.
You must be kamaaina
Really? We already have the strictest gun laws in the country and the hardest access to ammunition, guns don’t kill people, people kill people, same with cars and other tools.
Better yet why not outlaw criminals
Good idea, because outlawing stuff always makes sure nobody has them. Especially the folks that are breaking more serious laws.
how about the three strikes law, or putting violent criminals ‘away’ ?
Or better yet a 2 strikes law
First Trump and Harris crap and now bullet controls. Jesus people….stay off the politics for five minutes!!
I hope to see charges for the owner of the gun which should include a ban on the future ownership of guns.
Sure. That works well now, right?
California has no law requiring that guns be locked up.
Although a person can be charged if a child hurts themselves or someone else, state law recommend that the owner “shall be prosecuted only in those instances in which the parent or guardian behaved in a grossly negligent manner.” Cal. Penal Code §§ 25115
This needs to be amended to require guns to be kept safely locked up and to allow for prosecution of the gun owner any time a child hurts themselves or someone else with than unsecured gun, or any time someone uses an unsecured gun to commit a crime.
CA does in fact have a law requiring secure storage of firearms using a CA DOJ approved safe or gun lock.
It also has laws prohibiting firearms possession by felons, and many other failed “public safety” anti gun laws.
But leftist DA refuse to prosecute crimes, and CA dummy voters continue supporting soft on crime politicians, so you essentially have criminals empowered by the governement while law abiding citizens are victimized.
Of course clowns like you want more laws and more disarmament and victimization of your honest neighbors while apologizing for the criminals.
Can you cite the code that requires firearms to be stored in a locked container?
It is advised by the California DoJ, but not required.
While a person is required to store a gun in a place where they can claim that did not believe a child could access it, clearly this is insufficient.
You love the government. Lol
The original intent of the 2nd amendment was to be able to protect against an unreasonable Government. To protect against draconian rules and regulations. And to protect against a totalitarian government takeover.
We should all just vote for strawberry fields forever. Wouldn’t that be nice?
You can’t make a firearm purchase without the lock and guess whose sells the lock (the state). Long guns, you have to have or purchase a state approve safe. Laws and regs are just suggestions with consequences. Some are detered by consequences and comply, others don’t care.
According to the California Attorney General, the safest way to store a gun is with a state-approved firearm safety device and by keeping the weapon in a locked container. Owners should also ensure that the firearm is not loaded. Finally, people should store their guns and ammunition for these guns in different locations.
California gun laws further require owners to make sure that a gun is stored unloaded and in a place not accessible by children and adults prohibited from possessing a gun. This is required per Penal Code 25100 PC. A violation of this statute can result in a misdemeanor charge and lead to custody in county jail for up to one year. These penalties increase if the child/adult does access the gun and causes injury or death.
You cite some good recommendations, but clearly mere recommendations are not sufficient. There need to be requirements. And, currently, the requirement is merely that one not store their guns in a “grossly negligent manner.”
An empty gun, or a gun behind multiple locked doors, is of very little value in a self-defense situation. “Mr. Burglar, please give me five minutes to unlock my gun safe, remove the trigger lock, and load her up…”
I bet you have never been robbed. The gun does not have to be behind a number of lockable doors, and small metal handgun case with a key or finger reader which is located by your chair is enough. It also gives you quick access to your protection. Practice getting your gun out, so when trouble arrives you are ready. You can keep it loaded as long as it is in your possession.
I follow the Audie Murphy style with my .45 Kimber.
Yes that’s why I posted that confusing part of the storage law. The law needs to be strengthened and specific.
Excellent and very true comment Country Joe!
That’s a great question and I bet law enforcement is investigating the source of the weapon.
I hope to see the miscreant who committed the act pay for his actions.
So read the article again. he was already a felon and under age. It was already illegal for him to posses a gun for life. Also you need a background check now to buy ammo in California.
Why dont we try making meth and fentnyal illegal i bet that will stop it. Oh wait they already are illegal.
amazing how people that dont know the law ant to pass more laws thinking they will work better.
Law enforcement is pretty nonexistent on pretty much anywhere north of willow creek on 96. They have a force, but they really aren’t the best of the best. It’s all about enforcement if you want to make laws work.
said he was booked and in custody, not convicted
Reading comprehension? Logic?
To be charged with “felon in possession of a gun” you have to have previously been CONVICTED of a felony.
If he is tried in tribal court, little if nothing will happen. The parents are responsible for his actions, jail them, make them pay until they’re penny less.
Where are the elders? Where are the parents?. Parenting doesn’t start getting any easier once they get older. They require more time more input more support cuz it’s the time that they can make bad judgments and they have access to things such as cars and older people and attitudes. Where are the elders where are the parents we must support our children to be good honest people and if we are not good on this people we cannot expect our children to be good honest people.
I’m lucky enough to be old and to understand that we can’t shoot ourselves out of problems
I sure hope the 17-year-old that was flown out of the area will make a complete recovery from their injuries. The physical wounds will heal fine, and I hope the trauma from that event will not haunt them for years.
I’m so disappointed in the youth of America. Maybe we can send him to adult prison where he can learn his craft. No more of this “attempted ” crap.
And why is failure rewarded?
Is it fair that someone who sets a goal and achieves it is punished more harshly than those who fail?
First, there’s no such thing as “fair”. Life is inherently unfair. Failure is rewarded all the time in this society. The banks,investment houses,airlines, etc.,etc. are all failed businesses that were rewarded by taxpayers so they can fail again. Capitalism works so well in this country because the “capitalists” have socialism to fall back on. It’s quite the scam.
I tell you what, I live not too far off the Hoopa res and I’m done with the bullshit that place creates. One of the worst reservations I’ve ever seen. Stewarts of the land my ass. I have to drive through 13 miles of trash just to get to my place. That tribe is a cancer.