HCSO Seeks Leads in Puzzling Disappearance of Man and Woman

Bailey Blunt
Press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:
The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office needs the public’s help to locate two missing persons last known to be at a property in the Berg Road area.
Bailey Faye Aralene Blunt, age 28, was reported missing on Sept. 25, 2023. Blunt was last seen on September 22 when she reportedly went to retrieve her belongings from a property on Berg Road, off State Route 299, associated with her ex-boyfriend 24-year-old Tyler Thomas Burrow.
On September 26, a family member of Burrow’s contacted the Sheriff’s Office to report him missing. According to the family member, their last phone contact with Burrow was on September 23. Repeated attempts to call him have gone unanswered. Neither Blunt nor Burrow were located at the Berg Road property when checked by friends and family.
Blunt’s green Dodge Ram (CA License Plate Number 8T73126) was detected by a license plate reader in the Redding area on September 24. No additional detections of the vehicle have been received.
Blunt and Burrow’s whereabouts are unknown.
Bailey Blunt is described as a white female, approximately 5 feet 5 inches tall, 200 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes.
Tyler Burrow
Tyler Burrow is described as a white male, approximately 5 feet 11 inches tall, 220 pounds, with red/brown hair, hazel eyes and a beard.
Anyone with information for the Sheriff’s Office regarding Blunt or Burrow’s possible whereabouts is asked to call the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office at (707) 445-7251, reference case numbers 20230449 and 202304457.
Poster available for downloading:
Update: Tyler Burrow Arrested After Oregon Hunters Locate Fugitive’s Encampment

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Huh? Two consenting adults left insane over regulated, over taxed California and we’re searching for them? Doing exactly what another 30 million sheep should do.
You might want to look up what often happens with women who “went to retrieve [their] belongings” from ex- (male or female).
They may both be “room temperature”. 🙁
These people are missing, all else at this point, is speculation. Keep in mind that their relatives will probably be reading this.
They probably already know. But I hope I’m wrong.
I am her mother. My heart is wrecked! I think she’s dead on that mountain and it’s so big of an area to search I’ve been trying my best and will never give up!
Tiffany, our hearts are breaking for your family.
💛 Prayers for Bailey, you, and all others who are hurting from her absence.
God Bless You.
My heart hurts for you. I know exactly what you’re going through. Been there. Do not give up and make sure you stay on the detectives so they don’t drop it. Will be praying for you and your family and that your daughter is found safe!
We are reading this! Me and my
mother. All of you should be ashamed of yourselves the way you talk about a possibility dead sister, daughter, human!
sounds like maybe its time for you to leave too?
You’re free to leave.
Huh. And you’re still here. Baa baa.
One pulled a gun on the other..
That’s hearsay from the ex-boyfriend who was up on the property when Bailey came up missing Tyler wasn’t on the property and hadn’t been the whole day until he was told the ex-boyfriend has HIS dog Hank
It is not hearsay. Jackie! He shot a 300 mag hunting rifle at her and powder burned divots in her leg. I picked her up and saw them myself! All her messages on Friday afternoon was somebody come help me. Tyler’s drunk and waving around a gun at me. Somebody please come help me! Sent out to three separate people! Lying makes you look stupid and like you’re hiding something! That is the facts! The BOYFRIEND was responding to her. Please for help! That dog wouldn’t have left Bailey if she was still on that mountain at that point! Those are the facts! You’re so busy trying to blame someone else that you can’t see that the last person with Bailey was your son Tyler! If you have any recent photos of your son you could forward them to me so we can make posters to put up in Oregon to try to find him. Your help would be appreciated. I can post the screenshots of the messages if you would like. The fact is your son’s on the run by himself!
Your son is a murderer!!!
Has anybody ever stopped to think of maybe she is a aggressor in a lot of their fights my son was raised not to lay a hand on a female but if she starts hitting him it ok to restrain her from hitting him this girl has hit him in the face with a çersent wrench and punch him with her fists that had a chain wrapped around it and didn’t hit her back and he is being made out to be the bad guy she isolated him up on that mountain where he wasn’t able to call his family or hangout with his friends but she was able to take off and go sleep with his friend Jordan no one knew that Tyler and Jordan once where friends and my son still loved her and wanted to make it work with her yet he’s the bad guy maybe you should really look into things before you start accusing people of being something that they’re not and understand maybe she was on the other foot and people make me sick
Jackie you make me sick. Stop spreading that you were freinds with Bailey, she meet you in sober living after rehab and you got her high again she told us to not even talk to you cause you were crazy! And Tyler was her EX!! They are not some happy couple. I have all the messages between him and my sister to prove it, she was done with him!
Also it is not hearsay I have the messages from Bailey asking for help cause your son had her at gun point! And you know that cause you have read them with your own eyes sitting next to me in my truck on top of the mountain while we looked for baileys dead body. How could you have spent 7 days with my family sharing meals crying together, listening to everyone telling us how Tyler was acting that night. He even assaulted another man Saturday and almost killed him. How
Do you explain that. I understand it’s a fucking terrible weight to carry and that you want to find you son to I’m sot saying this isn’t killing you as a mother! But all these changes stories and lies are derailing the real investigation, if you have them looking in the wrong places they will never find either of them! And no mom deserves to be left with a missing child for the rest of her life!!
Blaming the dead girl isn’t a good look
My daughter told me many times that he threatened that he would kill himself if she left him and also if I can’t have you, no one will! That came out of Bailey’s mouth to me, her mother!
That is one scary looking dude
These both look like mug shots.
Aren’t family-initiated missing persons reports usually accompanied by family-provided photos?
Unfortunately if the police “decide” to look into their past which they do immediately they will use a booking photo to get a picture out. If there is one to use. It’s up to family to use an actual photo and make their own flyers. This I know from experience.
I don’t know about that? He looks like any ax murderer I’ve seen
Check the closet
He looks like a friendly guy
He is a d there’s more to this story that isn’t being said
Are you seriously fat-shaming a woman who is missing? How is that helpful or relevant?
It is relevant in this era of EV mandates, morbidly obese people are not going to have the range to get to McDonalds…
Does it make you feel better about yourself to break down a post from her family to help find her! He being 200 lbs has nothing to do with the evil that has happened to you. She is far from obese. She is beautiful and has the biggest heart and most of all she is a human! You sir need to do better
This is a murder suicide 💯. May the family find peace
My name is steffany me and my mom are hear searching for her, this very old booking photo is not what she looks like anymore, and we are at terms with what most likely has happened to her and that she is probably not on the earth anymore but some of these comments you should be ashamed of yourselves god hope something like this never happens in your family and if it does I hope other show you more compassion then your showing now!
Steffany, we are so sorry for what your family is going through.
Steffany – I hope you find your sister soon. I am very sorry for what you and your family in going through.
Steffany, Your grace, dignity and class shine through your post as brightly as your sister Bailey’s radiant smile in the photo you posted. Thank you. Your words stand in sharp contrast to those from the ignorant and thoughtless trolls who posted them. Hope you are able to get some answers and bring your sister home. God Bless.
This is my son you guys are talking about you guys don’t know the whole story he loves Bailey he is not an ax murder Bailey’s mom and I have been together looking for our kids you guys are assuming things on hearsay our familys are going through the worst imaginable situation ever and you want to say things about my Son he is not what you say you don’t know what happened we don’t know what happened if you can’t be positive don’t comment maybe there is someone else involved why can’t people just say positive things I’m hoping and praying that they both are found safe like I said he is my son she is my friend my heart hurts not knowing if their dead or alive my family and Bailey’s family don’t need to hear negative comments period
You’re understandably distraught, but I made no comment about your son.
I’m so sorry about what you are going through. I have been right in your shoes not very long ago. And I have had to endure the ugly comments people had to say. There are so many ignorant and rude people out there. Let the comments roll off you like water on a ducks back and focus on what’s important. Will be praying for you and your family!
You hav proof of this?
This is Tyler and Bailey his girlfriend and it is posted on Facebook does he look like a ax murder I think not
Again, I made no comment about your son, especially the one you mention, as you can see if you scroll back to it.
I hope you find her safe and sound.
Berg road is a way out there grow road/logging road that is inaccessible through the winter. Only one ‘house’ that I know of, and the owner is a normal family- not anyone associated with these guys.
You must have not been out there recently I have spent 8 days on that mountain in my sisters trailer. There is one actual house out there and they are most definitely Freind of these two I have spoke to the personally. Yes it’s an old grow farm and it is now we’re people go to dump all their trash or live for free witch is what these two were doing. No water no electricity just a trailer parked on top of a drugy mountain. That you thow for your most unhelpful comment.
I wish redheaded blackbelt would ban all the low life, petty, mean spirited comments, from missing persons stories. It’s uncalled for, and abusive to family and friends going through one of the most traumatic things that someone can experience.
Thank you this the hardest things a parent can ever go through he is my only child and this is hard for my family as well as Tiffany’s family Bailey’s mom we just pray to god they are found safe
Please be kind with your comments these families are going thru the worst thing imaginable…and I know the young Man that some of comments are directed toward hes a good kid with a
Big heart that is very much in love with this girl and as his mother stated there is much more to this story that is still being processed so please help if you can with any possible info. That may bring these two home to their families And leave the negative input out thank you …
I hope the best for their families and hope they are found safe.
Hoping they are found safe and healthy. Very sorry to see these 2 haven’t been located yet. Call in the dog squad and start searching the area from where they were last seen.
Dude has Confederate flags on his Facebook. Yikes. I knew Baily for a couple of months, she is a spunky gal. I hope she’s ok.
There’s nothing wrong with Confederate flags I’m from the south and I proudly rep a southern flag on another note keep your politics out of it and let the detectives do their fucking job
There is plenty wrong with slapping the Confederate flag on many things. Obviously. It has become a symbol violent malcontents and racists far beyond being a geographic identity. And surely the detectives have noticed this.
I can’t comprehend someone boasting of their ancestors’ treason by flying the Stars and Bars. And I am southern-born.
This sounds an awful lot like the family of the man is covering up and one’s where he is to me. Sounds just like the gabby petito (don’t remember the exact last name) situation to me but that’s just my intuition.
I use the gabby reference to the police also when pleading my case! I remember watching that on the news thinking to myself how the family must be tearing apart knowing the police are doing nothing and now I’m living it I know how they felt!
Soooooo.. they’re still not going to point fingers at Tyler? SHE texted that he was drunk and pulled a gun on her.. that doesn’t raise ANY red flags?
The dude is a crazy person, been that way for years.
Glad they found this scum bag!! I hope he gets the death penalty!! At minimum let him rot away in prison for the rest of his life. Justice for Bailey needs to be served on this PIECE of S*$!T