An Open Letter to Senator Mike McGuire about PG&E’s Power
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Dear Senator McGuire,
Across the nation, people are gathering in 25 different locations during this “week of action” to protest utility rate hikes and policies that are slowing down the conversion to clean energy. We have entrusted utilities with exclusive control of a vast infrastructure and compensate them with billions of dollars every year. Now we need their expertise to replace carbon-intensive fossil fuels with renewable zero-carbon energy. They’re working on it, but we urgently need them to do it faster and more affordably.
One of those demonstrations is taking place in front of PG&E headquarters in Oakland. PG&E’s profits increased by 28% in the last year even though the company paid out billions of dollars in fines for causing wildfires of record-breaking deadliness. Apparently, PG&E is not hurting for money, yet it has hiked its rates even higher and instituted unpopular policies such as adding an uncapped fixed charge to all of its customers’ bills. It has also slashed its reimbursement rates for distributed solar electricity.
PG&E does an enormously difficult job. Besides supplying everyone with electricity it coordinates with multiple agencies to maintain, manage, and develop the transmission and distribution grids in its area. This job is only getting more complex as new sources of intermittent renewable energy come on line. In March of this year, the California Public Utilities Commission approved new interconnection rules that will enhance the flexibility of lower-voltage grids to receive power from differently scaled solar and battery installations. This option, called Limited Generation Profile, will make distributed solar power an unmitigated asset.
Yet just two months after this big step in the right direction, the CPUC gave in to pressure from the utilities in the state and de-incentivized community solar projects, which are optimum for the Limited Generation Profile. Many legislators were stunned because California had passed AB 2316 less than two years ago, a bill you voted for to help people, including low income people, invest in solar projects in their neighborhoods. This extremely unpopular decision was the third blow that the commission and utilities have struck against distributed solar in less than two years. The first two drastically reduced reimbursement for rooftop solar for households and then for apartment buildings, schools, and other multi-meter customers.
Such contradictory maneuvers seem to portray a corporation that is torn between its responsibility to transform the grid and a fiduciary obligation to enrich its shareholders. (Publicly owned utilities don’t have this conflict because they aren’t set up to make a profit.) The purpose of the CPUC is to prevent investor-owned utilities from abusing its monopoly powers to make an unreasonable profit. How well it succeeds is another matter.
This is where our political leaders such as yourself come in. When asked about your top priorities two years ago, you named climate change first. You’ve also been unafraid to take on PG&E in order to ensure the safety and well-being of your constituents. The legislature already plays a role along with the CPUC to align the operation of utilities to the public good. Yet bolder measures are needed—measures that change the fundamentals of how utilities make money. Hawaii recently provided an exciting example when it unlinked utility profit from the sheer amount of power sold. This reform encourages conservation, efficiency, demand response programs and lower bills. It reduces CO2 emissions.
Much of utilities’ profits are based on their capital expenditures, which incentivizes the construction of more physical infrastructure, whether or not it’s necessary for our priorities of clean energy and affordable rates. What if PG&E’s profits were tagged to clean energy and affordable rates instead? Rewarding performance instead of spending is not an entirely new idea, but there is far to go in implementing it.
Though investor-owned utilities need to make a healthy profit (but perhaps not so healthy that they pay their CEO $16+ million like PG&E did last year), they must also provide us with reasonably priced clean, renewable energy. That is the message that thousands of climate and utility justice advocates across the nation this week are sending.. We’re telling utilities, like PG&E, that they have a huge responsibility to lead us, all of us, into the clean energy future. They are capable of doing better. California’s legislature has an even larger responsibility to make sure they heed the call.
Martha Walden for 350 Humboldt
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Well, a review for 2024:
Power has been reliable, on the whole, but during my last 10 years of PGE customership, my use and cost was about the same, except in the hottest months, when cost has risen considerably, from a high of $350 for July of 2023, to $489 for July 2024!
This is just for a modern but largeish home, where there is no gas service and where we are very conservative but try to stay comfortable… So add on $2500/year for Propane!
PGE wants you to own your own system, if you live rural, and recently installed a “backup power meter” for direct generator connection… They never mention batteries, and tell you to get the COSTCO $700 generator, while “behind the meter battery storage systems” are really what they want you to have, so they can access your storage when they need it… Of course you will need a solar array, but fuck it, I need a new car not another household system to maintain and operate…
I’m no tech nerd, but a couple of Tesla Batteries and wiring and permits and solar panels=$50,000 investment in something that should be reasonably priced and reliable!
Should I refinance my 3% mortgage, to provide myself with what should be the service I relied upon for 50 years as a customer?
For those on the NorthWest corner of California, if you live in a home, electric service and electric, hell, everything, depends on YOU investing in a reliable personal energy system, which is something that was everyday, in Redway…
PGE has failed to maintain, upgrade, underground and manage, while supporting privatising solar farms, windmills and batteries, so that we could turn on our LED bulbs, run our electric chain saws and weed eaters and automobiles, and all the other hardware and accoutrements we all need…
My advice: Either use less, or pay more, or buy everything you need to power yourself, and pull the plug.
If you ask me, utilities should not equal more than your house payment, but to live rural, your taxes, insurance, utilities and water service and trash services should not be more than a house payment, but into the future, taxes, services and repairs and insurance, will far outpace the cost of a home…
No wonder the Millenials reject owning cars, homes and property…
No one owns anything. Stop paying property taxes and find out who owns your home.
As for paying stockholders, PGE last paid a significant dividend on our 1000 shares, in 2017.
PGE is profiteering, no question, but Billion Dollar Judgements are hard to budget…
Supposed “green energy” is far from carbon neutral and far from clean. The components of solar panels and wind turbines utilize vast amounts of rare earth minerals, most of which are in 3rd world countries and are strip or pit mined. In the DRC child and slave labor is often used. Solar panels, wind turbine blades, batteries for those and for E.V. are not recyclable, often times just ending up in a landfill. The amount of land needed for these types of energy production is vast and often times irrecoverable. It’s time to have an honest conversation about “green” energy.
It’s only “clean” if you live with your head in the sand. Windmills only produce when the wind is blowing and they’re not down for maintenance which is expensive and solar panels need replacement…..we have solar and they lasted 12 years…BP solar gave a 20 year warranty unfortunately BP solar ceased to exist about 8 years ago. So new solar panels which are more productive but required new charge controller to handle the increased output and we will wait and see. All these technologies including the batteries to store the energy come from slave/child labor in third world countries (which the U.S. is aspiring to become because of misguided and misinformed policy) or massive open pit mines which are increasingly difficult and expensive because of negative public pressure (recent western proposal in the Balkans is receiving massive public protests)make the transition to “clean” energy very difficult if not impossible. Everyone wants to save the world but not in my backyard. By the way the twenty solar panels we replaced are sitting in a warehouse somewhere as they can’t be economically recycled. Same goes for windmill blades….
Honest … lol, that’s funny.
If any of the climate pearl clutchers were honest they wouldn’t drive cars that operate on lithium batteries mined by poor child in third world nations.
‘profits based on capital expenditures’ ? i need to find out how to do that.
We need to be using US made oil and NG for our heating, cooking and auto fuel. Coal and NG to produce electricity is a great way to solve out problems. The US has the most clean energy production in world. There is a lot of hype about climate change, but non of it is man made. If you want to ride a bike or walk, good for you. Keep a raincoat handy for that acid rain, and some good sunscreen for the Ozone hole.
“Climate change: How do we know it is happening and caused by humans?”
It’s not. It’s linked to the 12000 year cycle and upcoming cataclysm Sir Isaac Newton pegged to happen around 2060.
The elite have their bunkers ready … do you?
It’s funny that you mention acid rain and the ozone hole, two man-made examples of the climate change you claim doesn’t exist.
How do you know either are ”man made”?
Democrats are all talk when they propose and mandate green energy deadlines in California, and the elimination of fossil fuel internal combustion engines, and they are wreaking total havoc on our economy and our financial situation.
The Democrats are incompetent when it comes to actually rolling up their sleeves, getting the real work done…
The EV’s are available but, lack adequate charging infrastructure, and can’t be supported by the maxed out electrical generating and distribution infrastructure capacity.
The clean burning hydrogen vehicles are available, but the Democrats can’t get it together with the build out of the hydrogen fuel supply infrastructure that they, themselves, have necessitated, and, consequently, they have created a catastrophe.
And PGE wants you to have a “back up generator” with 7-10,000 watts, which, if everyone fires them up at the same time, will result in immense pollution…
This Far left, Democrat front Humboldt 350 equals Fort Bragg Change Our Name. Darwin’s fossilized proof of why genetics matter. If they had their way, they would put Kamala in charge of our power grid, and lo and behold, back to kerosene lamps, candles, and warming fires. “We’ll get the power back on in two years, as soon as I get a chance to visit the borde…errrr…uhhhh…power plant…”. Good luck with that…..
I’ll rent a Ditch Witch for you.
FWIW, I moved from Humboldt to Western North Carolina this past spring when I retired. The cost of electricity from Duke Energy here is 11 cents/kwh, which about 1/4 what I was paying in McK. Yeah, the cost of doing business here is a bit lower, but it’s sure as heck not 1/4. Something is rotten somewhere.
Hint: California State Government.
Originally, if you had excess energy from your solar system, you could sell it back to the grid for the same price you had been paying for power. Well, they scrapped all that. The Public Utilities Commission and politicians greased the wheels for them to do it.
I remember that they had to pay you top tier, which at the time, was about 55 cents a kilowatt hour….
But the trick was, that they didn’t have to pay you cash, only credits…
And right after that, they raised the price of the bottom tier, and lowered the price of top tier, in order to pass the cost of the additional power supplied , to all of the bottom tier users…
And you had to use your credits all up, by Jan 1, or lose them, which didn’t give you much time after generating power all spring, summer, and fall, to make use of them, before they just vanished.
And, at first, you got a 50% tax credit on the cost of your system, which they no longer give…
They even charge you a surcharge now for feeding power into their system…
And now they want to TAX you solar panels.
You want to keep the lights on and charge your piece of crap toy battery car better get busy building some big ass nuclear power plants….long life and reliable power. Turns out coyotes born near Chernobyl have evolved with radiation resistance. I’m sure given enough time humans can do the same…..
I charge both of my cars from solar for free 20 panels wife and I each charge one day a week = a tank of gas 3 hrs of sun for 318 miles. It’s a no-brainer.
And the Electric Car was free!
If you are appealing to California government to act against PGE, “you could be a democrat”.
The California Governor and Legislative members rely on PGE’s huge political campaign donations. The 5 PUC members are appointed to 6 year terms by the Governor and usually finds in favor of the utilities company on rate hikes.
An example of this is the PUC finding in favor of Newsom’s plan to have consumers cover the 13 billion dollar cost to cover the futher fire costs expected to be caused by PGE. What a deal huh.
Maybe if we want a fair deal and a program that works with the public, we should end the appointment of PUC members by the governor and make them elected positions. This is how the Insurance Commission came about being an elected position instead of a governor appointment.
As long as PGE can buy favorism from the government, they will continue to profit at the public’s expense.
I remember when Public Utilities were Public Utilities. And Doctors could not advertise. Government and People got sold the idea private corporations could and would do it better and for less. Guess what?
Sadly, I don’t expect Mike McGuire to even reply to this letter, let alone take action.
i have found him to be unresponsive.
a for profit utility is unconscionable.
my PG&E bill, this summer, is 50% higher than last year.
my winter bills are astronomical.
in Willow Creek, we have no gas lines, so my home is all electric.
i survive on Social Security, being both disabled and senior.
i don’t know how to survive the constantly increasing costs.
pge needs to be wrangled from the hands of investors and become a public utility.
McGuire doesn’t care about his constituents. Oh sure, he shows up and does some glad handing from time to time so he can garner more votes next election, but HE’S A GRIFTER and despite his dimples, doesn’t give a fluff about any of us.
It is mind-boggling how so many believe you can have “affordable green energy.” No, sorry, it’s either/or. Affordable energy OR “green energy.”
PGE has made paying for “Electricity” totally crippling in California for it’s customers. They have the Governor appointed CPUC in their hip pocket as well as many who operate in Sacramento. It’s appointees need to be replaced with credible people with integrity. And not appointed by Mr Newsom. Vote a Republican into the Governor ‘s and stop Democrat slide of our state into default.