Humboldt County Jail Reports: Daily Booking Sheet – July 16, 2024
Humboldt County Correctional Facility’s Daily Booking Sheet. This is information from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Department. This shows individuals booked into the jail or given supervised release. Any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty: Click the arrows on the lower left-hand side to see more. It may take a few seconds to load:
The 20240716_BookingSheet
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South Side Chicago street art got it right…
DEI hire Secret Service Director says they didn’t have someone on assassin’s rooftop perch because it wasn’t flat, they/them might have slipped and fallen
I saw that… jeesh that roof had a steep pitch! They will be walking that back as taken out of context.
That roof wasn’t built to ADA standards???
“The new wheelchair sniper division expressed concerns about rolling off.”
– Alex Berenson
Fallout from President Trump’s assassination attempt…
Saturday, President Trump was shot at in an attempted assassination. A man adjacent to him was murdered. Several others were wounded.
But miraculously, there were no riots. No burning cities. No looting. No mass destruction or chaos of any kind; anywhere.
It’s time to acknowledge that Leftists are 100% of the problem in a free society…
When conservatives reach the flash point, it’s an entirely different reaction by orders of magnitude. Borders are redrawn, technology advances manifold, entire populations go missing, and the helicopter rides are free.
The only hope that the focus of their ire has, is that a somewhat less conservative force comes along and champions for them.
I can see why after J6 you might think that folks on the right showed more restraint than one might expect but I have a lot more faith in the conservative portion of our society than you do. I think J6 was an anomaly not standard practive.
Barely over a year ago someone slammed their vehicle into the White House barrier with the stated intention of killing the president, yet leftists didn’t riot either. What’s amazing is how the vast majority of folks aren’t idiots and yet some folks still keep pretending that one side or the other holds all the idiocy.
Plenty of idiots on both sides.
Please edit to start your second comment with “Whatabout”! Circle back Jen is a role model: Thrump survives an assassin’s bullet. Jen: (paraphrase) We all frightened and concerned “they” “might” come after us.
Both political rhetoric wordsmiths do this. It’s seems to be who uses it the most and for what reason.
Stop the rhetoric and please and listen to the Ordinary People that spoke at the Republican Convention – and some not so ordinary people like the Teamsters President (unheard of in the past). They start with “F”. (Not necessarily in order) Freedom, Family, Finances, Faith.
For accuracy, add fascism.
You can add fascism to the list that includes Freedom. For accuracy, fascism is a subset of Socialism. Government starts with a ___.
Clarification so no confusion: “You”, meaning you personally, can add fascism to Freedom, Faith, Family, Finances to accurately describe your view and persona!
There it is, folks!
You have a point but the two attacks aren’t comparable.
Shooting someone in the head has a high percentage chance of killing them. Crashing a vehicle into a robust barrier outside the White House has a very small chance of harming the President inanyway.
I’m definitely not an expert on riots. My phone says a riot is, “a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd”. Here is a Wikipedia list of “incidents of civil unrest” in the US…
It looks like some of the events on the list were (or included) riots and some did not. Since the turn of the century there have been quite a few riots. I don’t have the time right now, but it would be interesting to see if particular groups have rioted more frequently than others.
I agree with you that the vast majority of people aren’t idiots, and I’m grateful for that.
As I posted earlier today, I believe most of us are much more alike than different. Our country is flawed but it is in my opinion the best the world has yet seen. I would love to see us all work together to make our country (and our world) the best it can be.
I appreciate you and what you do for our community. Thank you foremost for the local news but also for providing this space for us to share our thoughts.
So, you’re comparing the actions of an individual that drove his car into a concrete barrier to the attempted assassination of a presidential candidate as even slightly comparable. Wow, you suffer some serious reasoning power and are bankrupt in the arena of ideas.
It took over 3 hours for Trump to respond to assassination attempts of his own VP on J6.
It took 1 hr for Biden to denounce the attack on Trump.
There’s the bell, class….
I’m not sure Trump ever denounced the attempts, and if he did, it was all a show to avoid prosecution.
Now he calls the assasins hostages.
Trump’s calling Michael Byrd, the J6 Assasin of the unarmed protester Ashli Babbitt, a hostage? Byrd created his own cage he’ll inhabit the rest of his life, no sympathy.
Another Dem Assassin just arrested in Milwaukee packing an AK looking for Biden’s bullseye. Cops had to shoot another one dead earlier today. Administrative State sending them in waves.
Trump posted a tweet early on J6 but administrative state scrubbed it, they wanted blackout.
BTW, just how many feds were in the crowd and were they instigating the crowd?
Do the other 7 answers on your fascist MAGA 8-ball include;
Hunter computer
Pelosi did it
History is false
Cry victim
Cry victim louder
that’s because Biden was watching Trump
All of antifa watches the red coats.
If Moms and pops being goaded into mayhem by government agencies releasing flash/bang pyrotechnics and Capital police shooting rubber bullets into crowds while they’re peacefully touring their capital alarms you, then the official propagandists of the mainstream media have performed their misdirection admirably.
Folks being goaded into mayhem is pretty frightening. I’m pretty sure we don’t agree who did the goading though.
You pulling Zipline’ comment on the other article/story/thread ?
Thanks for pulling that! It’s pretty frightening that folks are so comfortable making comments like that!
Our tax dollars hard at work:
“Newsom signs bill banning schools from notifying parents about student gender identity”
Green light for schools to groom your children.
It’s worrisome that your mind goes to such a disturbing place.
Next. Newsom signs bill to prevent schools from telling parents about drug addiction in their children.
Go figure.
Drug use is pretty obvious. You can look right at someone and tell if they’re drunk or high. And when you’re inebriated, it’s hard to hide unless you, well…actually run and hide. If a parent can’t detect something is going on, or intervene, or at least let the child know they noticed something, then they aren’t being helpful as parents. Then of course we have parents that get high and drunk alongside their teenagers or completely ignore they’re even in the house, or just let a child do whatever they please, so the cycles continue.
Our children don’t need their parents replaced by government employees. And those government employees definitely don’t need to be discussing sexuality in anyway with them.
Sex Ed has been a part of school curriculum for decades.
And this law has nothing to do with replacing parents with government employees.
Your nothing to do with comment jebs : Then why would Gov. Hairstyle sign a law excluding Parental notice and consent. Are parents not part of the schooling process for their children? Explain Jebs /along with explaining why you changed the subject with your first comment about this!
The disturbing fantasy that schools are ‘grooming’ kids is where the conversation deviated from what the law actually does.
Why people think such perverted thoughts about something so innocent is another conversation that perhaps we should be having.
Still dodging and deflecting jebs.
This law has nothing to do with a kid sexually consenting to anything.
The rest of your post is just sick.
There you have it folks, refuses to answer a question already dictated by both Law and decency. In the refusal lies the hidden admission.
He was replying to his own comment: “The rest of your post is just sick.” Lol
The comment this was in reply to has thankfully been deleted.
Have no idea what you are talking about? The original comment you jumped on is still there.
Give it up Jebs with the false dialog.
The comment was about a law passed with a citation, ie GOVERNMENT! The grooming is a conclusion and concept many people have legitimate concerns about as a result of Government removing parental freedom involving children, their children. You just trashed a whole lot of people by labeling them as having “disturbing fantasy” and being “perverted”. Hate much jebs? Legit question?
This law is not about ‘grooming’.
That is entirely inappropriate, illegal, and unrelated.
If people sexualize something as innocuous and common-sense as this law, then yes, that is disturbing.
Maybe you need to look at your own views and tell us your definition of grooming? Or at least ask the person you are trolling to see if it fits your view? Maybe they consider grooming to include teachers influencing their children as to what “gender” they are? “That’s never happened, right!” Stop with the BS false dialog. Maybe ask them?
There’s that imagination again.
Teachers don’t influence kids about what gender they identify as.
And, allowing a kid to speak freely with a teacher is not ‘grooming’- regardless of one’s definition.
You sure made yourself an expert? You have no clue what some teachers might say! You are all over the map with grooming, sexual fantasies, gender? It was about parental rights and consent. Odds are it will be tossed as unconstitutional like so many of Gavins and the Ca Legislature bills have been tossed.
How do you know what teachers do or don’t do
It was enough to convince Elon Musk to pull both X and Space X out of California. He called it “the last straw”. Musk is a devoted father, as is well known. I do not think he found this new law either innocuous or common-sense.
Elmo might have pulled the company HQ, but he still needs CA launch facilities for all the Starlink trinkets up in space and about to be.
I’m more concerned about where Gavin’s mind goes and especially concerned about people – that change the subject – employing the old cold war Soviet propaganda tool of “whataboutism”! Address the subject that this person is bringing up jebs, if you can?
A study in contrasts…
President Donald Trump gets up after shots fired at him in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday and pumps his fist saying, “Fight, fight, fight!”
President Biden* attempted to participate in a debate a few weeks ago and Democrats everywhere get PTSD when the debate concluded.
I thought it was “let me get my shoes”?
Is that what you were saying to yourself Saturday?
Hey, calm down your agro. You’ve had multiple hot responses. Try to stick to ideas. Don’t attack other commenters.
Eh, it’s nothing worse than what my kids have said to each other, so a rather tepid attempt to annoy me.
I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. Jimmy Dean
When nothing in society deserves respect, we should fashion for ourselves in solitude new silent loyalties. – Nicolás Gómez Dávila
Is it censorship to hold comments “awaiting moderation” for a dozen hours or more until everyone has come and gone from a post, never to see the released from moderation late at night? No one looks at yesterday’s booking post
Nope, it’s one underpaid woman who is recovering from COVID.
I hope this isn’t too personal a question. Or too far off topic.
Since you brought up the subject is this the first time getting COVID?
I hope you feel better, soon.
You’ve had all available vaccinations and they didn’t prevent covid like they promised? Yeah, yeah, I know they now deny saying vaccines prevent contracting covid but shouldn’t they be called thereuputics instead of vaccines then?
I had essentially a bad cold. (Not even that bad–I worked through the whole thing.) Four years ago the hospitals were overflowing. People were dying in large numbers. Whatever you call it–a vaccine or a therapeutic– a lot of people didn’t die because President Trump’s administration managed to get what they called a vaccine ready that saved a lot of lives. I’m glad I’m up to date on my vaccines. I hope you are up to date on your therapeutics.
Oh, yeah, and in spite of folks claiming that the vaccine is a death sentence, I and a lot of other folks are just fine.
And, according to my books, you have effective exposure prevention protocols. Four years is a long time. And a strong immune system.
Covid sucks! Glad you are feeling better. The early form was rough especially if comorbidity occurred. That is still a concern with current variants. Viruses are like parasites – it’s not their goal to kill the host. As always there are exceptions. Ebola is a good example of that. Covid has mutated many, many times since its arrival and seems to have evolved to a less lethal form. Your immune system is boosted and may (may) afford a measure of protection. Not sure of the time frame – 6 months? Maybe someone can come back on that? Again, glad you are feeling better.
Sounds like SOME good things did happen under Trump during his first term…
Some might even consider them “miraculous”.
Back when covid was first starting, the dramatic protection seemingly offer by vaccination created a period of euphoria and optimism about prevention from some sources. It soon faded when testing was developed and widespread enough for it to be clear that vaccination reduced the devastating damage of covid for a lot of people but not actual infection.
Unlike anti vaxxers, who keep repeating wrong information for decades, most people are willing, even eager, to adjust heir ideas as the facts become available.
A good example of why you should check for accuracy before sharing misinformation.
The manufacturers of the vaccines never said they prevent COVID.
They said that vaccines lessen the likelihood that you’ll get COVID,
that they’ll usually lessen the severity of th symptoms should you get COVID,
and that they’ll lessen the likelihood that you’ll die from COVID.
They were 100% correct in those statements.
Google easy to find tape of Biden Fauci plenty others saying you won’t get covid if vaccinated. Don’t think anyone read vaccine profiteer’s fine print disclaimers. Did you read before getting the clot shot?
The vaccines were enclosed in almost entirely blank pieces of paper. One of the most chilling things I have ever seen.
100 % and the research and data that quantifies and proves the vaccines lessen the likelihood you will get Covid is … they never said they prevent Covid. Wait … isn’t “lessen the likelihood that you will get Covid” – Prevention to some measure?
Sorely misinformed. Nobody claimed that vaccinations are 100% preventive. Your likelihood of contraction is far less, and IF you did get it, your symptoms would be less severe than if you had no vaccination. You’ve had a few years of having this information pounded into you, so what’s the hold up acknowledging it? I tested positive for it one time in the last two years and that’s with being around others who where positive, and symptomatic. No idea if they were vaccinated or not. Some more than once. Zero symptoms for myself. 4 vaccinations so far. Guess what? I’m not dead either. I also make no claim that anything is a 100% cure, just as advertised. But you do you.
Sometimes we focus on our differences but almost all of us want the same big things. May all of us have peace today and the strength we need to keep going.
Babylon Bee analysts make bold prediction on who will win Presidential election in November:
The GOP has been taken over by an evolving movement. What used to be a fringe thing, “an extreme minority position that will probably never catch on beyond a tiny cult following” has metastasized; been added to and polished and wedded with other bowel-movements. The result is but a little monster delivered by Mr. Trump.
A vulgarian at heart, Trump surely holds his nose at times. But the prestige he’s earned in delivering is, well, priceless. He gets a short handful more years in the limelight, gets in the history books, and probably some statues of him placed in the gardens of his current elite backers, to eventually overgrow with vines. Decades from now their grandchildren will ask of the statue’s “who’s that?”, to be told “a man who did a job”. Then they might ask if the Putin kids are coming over to play that afternoon.
The country has a shadow illegitimate-government in exile and ready. When Trump 2.0 kicks off, they begin to truly grow their little beast. If they can, if no free and fair democracy gets in their way, they’ll feed and nurture it. Veep Vance, converted and groomed, will serve both the baby and Trump as directed before graduating for 8 years, given the new “administrative state” in place to assure just that. Unless, of course, the Democrats figure out how to best the new GOP without losing both morals and ethics … like the new GOP has successfully done.
Remember the Tea Party? (not the 18th century one)
I enjoy reading your posts Grace.
What is to enjoy in left’s version of conspiracy theorists enjoying their flights of fancy about what deep, dark secrets of cabals are running the world that they can see but others can’t?
I prefer offerings of opinions over confrontational challenges.
Enjoy Vance’s links with Peter Thiel, one of the billionaire heavies playing in the Theofascist-leaning sandbox with Leonard Leo (and many others who like to stay out of the limelight). Vance once worked for Thiel, who donated $10 million to a super pac backing Vance. And research the Teneo Network, just one of many places of convergence. Some low-information folk can’t handle it, or pretend not to see, an afront t to their … beliefs.
I really miss “Weird Tales”, don’t you? Sometimes I get so nostalgic, reading certain posts.
is she replacing Clinton ?
Shots rang out at President Donald J Trump’s rally, Saturday, in Butler, Pennsylvania at 6:11 PM.
Ephesians 6:11
Climate change: How do we know it is happening and caused by humans?
Demented Joe Biden is screaming and yelling incoherently at a gathering of black people in Vegas and that’s him trying to read the script. He’s got to get off the drugs, this is pitiful, an American disgrace. He complains he’s not being treated like a president but he’s not acting like one, continuing the hate speech that caused the assassination attempt.
And did you see his interview with Lester Holt yesterday? These appearances aren’t helping assuage voters’ concerns about Biden’s cognitive capacity, not at all!
Adam Schiff says Trump is going to break his foot off in Biden’s ass, best all campaign donations are redirected from Biden to Dem Congressional candidates in attempt to avoid a filibuster proof Republican majority that’ll clear the path for Trump policies.
Good God. What’s he on today?
Biden warned us today, “Kamala could be President” if they’re given another term.
Newsoms transgender law is the “final straw” for Elon Musk
“SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Billionaire Elon Musk says he’s moving the headquarters of SpaceX and social media company X to Texas from California.
Musk posted on X Tuesday that he plans on moving SpaceX from Hawthorne, California to the company’s rocket launch site dubbed Starbase in Texas. X will move to Austin from San Francisco.
He called a new law signed Monday by California Gov. Gavin Newsom that bars school districts from requiring staff to notify parents of their child’s gender identification change the “final straw.”
“I did make it clear to Governor Newsom about a year ago that laws of this nature would force families and companies to leave California to protect their children,” Musk wrote.”
Bigotry is alive and well- and apparently has a home in Texas.
Undoubtedly, the local community is filled with excitement about the developments at Starbase and their impact on the environment, such as noise pollution during rocket tests and launches.
“(The Heritage Foundation) is a great group and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do.”
— 2022 Trump Heritage Foundation speech
“I know nothing about (the Heritage Foundation’s) Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it.”
— Trump 2024 statement
Paul Dans directs Heritage’s 2025 Presidential Transition Project (2025). Dans served in the Trump Administration as Chief of Staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). He also served as OPM’s White House liaison and worked integrally with the White House Office of Presidential Personnel to staff the approximately 4000 presidential appointees across the federal government. In January 2021, President Trump appointed Dans to serve as Chairman of the National Capital Planning Commission.
— excerpts from Heritage Foundation Project 2025 website
Anything they (the Heritage Foundation) do, I wish them luck, but I have nothing to do with them.”
— 2024 Trump Statement
Isn’t this fun?
The terrifying outlook for Black America presented by Project 2025, with its plan to turn the entire federal government into a right-wing army to carry out Donald Trump’s orders, including dismantling the Justice Department’s independence and permitting the firing of any nonpartisan employee who refuses to support the agenda, has come under increased scrutiny. However, the project’s comprehensive goals concerning racial relations have received less attention. Racial policy recommendations in Project 2025 include taking away labor rights from federal employees who are disproportionately black, doing away with minority business loans, and doing away with federal data collection on black employment and discrimination. Project 2025 calls for delisting white supremacist groups as terrorist organizations for the sake of protecting “free speech” and enshrining a very specific version of Christian nationalism in law that caters to predominantly white evangelical churches on a broad range of policies, giving preference to these beliefs over the beliefs of black churches as well as the nonreligious.
Then to top it all off, Project 2025 calls for defunding underperforming schools, which frequently perform poorly due to ongoing segregation, removing any mention of “equity” or similar terms from federal regulations, expanding school vouchers, which were initially created as a way to get around school integration mandates and still primarily flow to white families; and ending oversight of racial bias in real estate appraisals, which is a major barrier to Black families building generational wealth.
All of this is scarier because Project 2025 is a conservative strategy rather than a Trump proposal. A GOP-controlled Senate might install a large number of Project 2025 appointees. The House has budgetary authority over the nation, and the policies under these proposals are implemented without Trump’s approval by a GOP-controlled House majority. Also, it may take generations to completely remove the MAGA infection in the federal government because it integrates MAGA employees into the administration.
“Mitch McConnell Booed at Republican National Convention”
After all he has done for you, what happened?