Mendocino County Code Enforcement Begins Releasing Weekly List of Actions Against Non-compliant Cannabis Growers

Mendocino marijuana Mendocino cannabis feature IconIn the last two weeks, Mendocino County’s Code Enforcement Department has released two public notices describing efforts to enforce cannabis compliance. Code Enforcement Officer Trent Taylor told us the publicity of the department’s labors comes in the wake of the county-wide discussion of the future of cannabis cultivation and the characterization that compliance efforts were slim-to-none.

Providing an overview of Code Enforcement’s approach to cannabis compliance press releases, Officer Taylor explained going forward the public would be informed any time the office cites someone for refusing to comply by issuing a stand-alone press release describing the nature of the non-compliance and the location of the grow site. The public will also be provided a weekly list of all the cultivators that complied with Code Enforcement’s requests.

Just today, Code Enforcement published its list of compliant cannabis growers throughout the county. The press release explained that in the third week of April 2021 Code Enforcement investigated non-permitted commercial cannabis cultivation locations, non-permitted structures, or those lacking a state cultivation license. The press release provided a succinct list of where those cultivation sites were located, when the enforcement action took place, and how many plants were abated.

The list: 

5/13/21 – 8900 Block of West Road in Redwood Valley – 500 Cannabis plants abated.

5/17/21 – 30200 Block of West highway 20 in Fort Bragg – 810 Cannabis plants abated.

05/19/21 – 10600 Block of Monterey Road in Redwood Valley – 144 Cannabis plants abated.

05/19/21 – 3200 Block of Ridgeview Road in Willits – 96 Cannabis plants abated.

Last Friday, Code Enforcement published one of the stand-alone press releases describing a non-compliant cultivator on the 400 block of Ukiah’s Hardwick Lane. Investigators found the cannabis cultivation was occurring in non-permitted structures without both a County or State cultivation license. The cultivator “refused to abate” 100 cannabis plants resulting in the following Administrative citations:

1.) $260.00 per day for non-permitted structures used for cannabis cultivation.

2.) $2,000.00 per day for violations of the Mendocino County Cannabis Cultivation Ordinance.

3.) A $20,000.00 (onetime) “per plant” penalty for non-permitted commercial cannabis cultivation

Officer Taylor suggested Mendocino County residents take note Code Enforcement has enacted a revamped fine structure with significantly higher fines for non-compliance. The old fines of hundreds of dollars have given way to fines adding up to several thousands of dollars, as per the latest press releases.

Before the COVID-19 enforcement deluge, Officer Taylor said his department was regularly informing the public of cannabis compliance efforts. Officer Taylor explained that since March 2020 Code Enforcement’s main role was investigating COVID-19 compliance concerns throughout the county. “We were just buried,” Officer Taylor said.

Despite COVID-19 compliance taking center stage for the last year, Officer Taylor said cannabis compliance enforcement has sustained eradicating, on average, 15-20,000 plants per year.

One of the barriers to informing the public, according to Officer Taylor, is Code Enforcement’s lack of administrative staff. The composition of these press releases is falling on the shoulders of Code Enforcement Supervisor John Burkes. The editing and dissemination is done by the same staff that is in the field actively enforcing. Officer Taylor said that his office is actively advocating for administrative support and the public should expect more updates on code enforcement efforts.

In the interest of visualizing cannabis compliance vs. non-compliance, we requested Code Enforcement begin to couple their press release with photographs of the grow sites. Officer Taylor said the department is actively working to make that happen.


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2 years ago

Well, let’s embarrass the pot farmers until they pay up!

Mendocino has some interesting approaches to “compliance”, but the best way to improve the situation would probably be to directly fine property owners and then follow up with impounding real property.

Mendocino County has few teeth, but in actual fact, it is the county that embarrases itself, over and over…

It would take the National Guard, or Black Ops, to restore sense and order in Mendo, and the likelihood of engaging the real offenders is minimal…

Good luck, Mendo! Great copy and content, poor quality government overall…

2 years ago
Reply to  VMG

Public notices are normal in other counties Y’all softies don’t want your name published, don’t act a fool. Wanna be rich and famous? Get your name printed.

2 years ago
Reply to  VMG

Mendocino county is going to get sued into oblivion with the poorly structured cannabis program of broken promises and discriminatory unpermitted cannabis fines. There’s no other plant that your limited on growing except cannabis. Theres a county king pin buy in fee, you have to pay the boss or you get outrageous fines that don’t even make sense. Who decides the fine amounts anyways? The problem is who the power is given, to decide the fine amounts.

2 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Unfortunately you cannot go back and sue over a cannabis ordinance / permitting process because one of the first forms you have to sign is a release for your right todo that. They call it an indemnification agreement. ……Or it would have been done in Humboldt long before now.
We were lucky to get some justice on the measure S issue over cultivation canopy but we will see if they actually implement the changes ordered by the court.

2 years ago
Reply to  Guest

We just got fined 6,500 dollars for plants that we have been growing for the last 5 years. No complaints just a random drone because he busted one of our friends that was fined 51,000 dollars for a indoor grow on his property where he has 2 houses and 5 acres. why ruin us financially? I wish people would start getting angry about the crippling financial fines? And who decides what those fines are going to be? We ripped them out the same night and were forced to show pictures or it was 8,900 a day. That is a called a shake down

2 years ago
Reply to  VMG

What happens if someone gets robbed after there address is posted for having a cannabis garden. It’s a common problem with legal cannabis when there addresses are listed. Also robberies are getting more common because of listed addresses to cannabis grows according to our own sheriff department.

2 years ago
Reply to  VMG


Grow a brain
Grow a brain
2 years ago

Hasn’t life in northern California become great under the newsom ragime ??????

2 years ago
Reply to  Grow a brain

Newsom is the Cat’s Paw of the wealthy. The recall effort should be very entertaining, and could possibly result in another Swartzenegger-type Gov-Fest…

Mendocino, on the other hand, is it’s own apparent experiment in incompetent government by the crooked, corrupt, and the folks who hire their friends, neighbors and family members…

Mendo public employees are poorly paid, marginally qualified, and, they frequently come up with silly programs like attempting to embarrass the pot farmers…

Pot farmers are primarily concerned with accelerated growing methods, polluting the heck out of the environment, and liquidating their products before the Sherrif and CDFW show up… Pot farmers waste water, steal everything not welded to the wall, spread poisons and divert every tributary and stream, they cut down any tree which will get them “more light” and build shacks to live in, dig holes to throw garbage in, they spill gas and diesel liberally all over the place, and generally act like pirates, whenever they are not speeding and careening all over the roads in their jacked-up pickups!

Anyone who has ever gone to Mendocino County knows to avoid the place in Summer! Ukiah is a mess, Willits is uninhabitable, and Fort Bragg should always be avoided at any cost!

Mendocino County has been known to hire clericals to run Health Services! This guy who is the current “Code Enforcement Officer” should be damn careful where he is recognized, and exactly where he goes and lives… In my opinion, his life is in grave danger, but, he is bravely attempting to embarrass the growers into “compliance”, whatever that is…

Good luck, Trent! Be well…

Jackie Chiles
Jackie Chiles
2 years ago
Reply to  VMG

Wow! Did you just threaten a public official?? You’re treading on dicey water with those statements.

Hyperbolic Nonsense
Hyperbolic Nonsense
2 years ago
Reply to  VMG

Lucky you have pot farmers to blame all of society’s ills on.
Replace 100 pot plants with 100 zinnias, roses, zucchini, artichokes, and it’s not that scary. Not even impressive for a home Veggie garden. Fining someone for 100 plants sure does miss the intent of legalizing weed. Maybe if you think weed’s DNA causes crime, foster a bill to re-criminalize it. We could seize any property that has even a seed on it…you will be called a hero by the old and boring.

Night Sky
Night Sky
2 years ago

When weed trades at the same price as zinnias, roses and artichokes you’ll have a valid point. As it stands 100 plants times a couple pounds each equals a lot of economic power and the crime that hitches a ride. Abatement makes sense, especially since it isn’t legal yet to shoot at screaming generators and lit up hoop houses ruining the night sky.

Sowat Chur Sayn...
Sowat Chur Sayn...
2 years ago
Reply to  Night Sky

So really, it is that people don’t like their 20-smtn year old neighbors in shorts and flip flops making $60k in their backyards, while you struggle to pay for the benefit of having a “real jerb”?

Steve Koch
Steve Koch
2 years ago
Reply to  VMG

you really have a way with words, very entertaining and colorful.

2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Koch

We aim to please!

You aim too, please!

It is amusing how many deign to attempt to control other people’s comments, by misreading them and then issuing veiled threats…

I have noticed, over time, that leading by example, using punctuation and correcting misspellings, and couching statements in a general format, has lead to the improvement of the comment section…

What do you think?

It’s just entertainment, guys, and comments are mostly extemporaneous.

Aside: I quit reading comments accompanying all stories about COVID, and, I mostly am over COVID stories entirely! These items are boring, and, I am vaccinated…

It is amusing that certain commenters post the same garbage after every COVID story, but that the Editor still allows the unstable and unhinged commentator to continue to post…

Namaste, Steve, be well…

2 years ago
Reply to  Grow a brain

And blame the wannabe Gruesome..
Who can put a stop to it ..
But for those political contributions !

Just Wondering
Just Wondering
2 years ago

Taking bribes?

In my 1911 I trust
In my 1911 I trust
2 years ago

I wonder if they will head out to Covelo to hand out abatements? 810 plants is the biggest grow they abated? Weak sauce. Quit being wimps, picking on the elderly and backyard growers, they are not the problem. Grow a sack and go serve an abatement on a 20,000 plant 20 greenhouse cartel grow in Covelo, that’s where the problems are, go solve them. The abatement program in Mendocino is destined to be less successful than the Humboldt Abatement program. Wasn’t a 29 greenhouse 8000 plant grow busted yesterday? Didn’t the county say they got rid of those? Yeah the abatement program is dead, not a single one sent out in almost 13 months. They got their ass sued and not only have to pay back Measure S money, but unlawful abatement money as well. How are they going to pay back those illegal growers? With your tax dollars. Oh yeah, not as much money for enforcement this year either, they gotta pay back all those growers somehow. Good thing there is a gag order on the lawsuit otherwise the word would really be out. What a waste of everyone’s time. If the government stayed out of it, the $300 pounds would’ve put more people out of business than any enforcement or abatements ever could’ve.

2 years ago

Whoever this guy is for mayor
At this point who they pick to fine is costing those people the possibility of ever getting a license. Never ending nonsense

2 years ago

Gag order in what lawsuit please I’d like to know

2 years ago

How exactly do they expect anyone to come up with $20,000 per plant for refusing to “abate” or kill them? Thank heavens it’s only a one time fine… and these fines are asinine. I agree completely with fines for pollution of waterways or illegal diversion of water, but fines for marijuana plants in a state with “legal” recreational marijuana is just stupid. Licenses are not only overpriced, but they are also an easy way for those looking to rob a marijuana farm to find out who is growing and where they are growing.

Do these “outlaw” or unlicensed marijuana farmers pay the fines or not? What are the penalties for nonpayment of these outrageous fines? Take your land? Take your landlord’s land? Liens? Withholding vehicle registration? Obviously jail is not an option, when there is no bail and no room at the “inn.” Why not just post their names with their address? So many questions and so few answers. “Alienation’s for the rich ….and I’m getting poorer every day. “

2 years ago

The fine per plant is actually up to $400 per plant. Not $20,000 per plant. The press release should be rewritten.

2 years ago

What is 20k “per plant”? Is that just a 20 k fine for having pot or is that literally 20k per plant? Because that 500 plant abatement would be 10,000,000$ Seems a little steep if that’s the case

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

If the county wanted to they could go even harder on some of these properties that are under Williamson Act contracts that aren’t being properly followed. “ AB 1492 allows a local government to levy a monetary penalty for a material breach of contract up to 25 percent of the unrestricted fair market value of land rendered incompatible by the breach, plus 25 percent of the value of any incompatible building and related improvements on the contracted land.” Imagine the how high those costs could go.

“ Sonoma County couple ordered to pay nearly $600,000 for uprooting 180-year-old tree on protected property”. That’s one tree.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

The fine is up to $400 per plant. The way the press release is written is misleading.

B Honest
B Honest
2 years ago


They wasted how much money and time to enforce a grow with 96 and 144 plants.

Let’s just say that each plant got 2 lbs.

Wow that’s a big bust.
144*2= 288 lbs

A daily smoker smokes 3-4 lbs per year. You just raided a family farm that provides at most 72 people per year.

Is that cost effective?

$20,000 one time fee for a plant.

What the f@#$ is wrong with you people in Government.

A plant doesn’t harm anyone.
Why not go after real crime.


How many cases are not tested in a timely manner?

Drunk driving

How many times do you site a driver under the influence?

Why don’t we have $20,000 dollar fines for those providing alcohol to minors?

Or who sell alcohol to minors.

Alcohol actually causes real societal problems.

A plant doesn’t.

No respect.

2 years ago
Reply to  B Honest

Nice (and accurate)

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
2 years ago
Reply to  B Honest

Cocaine comes from a plant too.

But I guess Columbias and Mexicos cartel problems are really just a drunk driving problem.

Not to take away from the fact that good people get screwed in canna-business, but stop making pot-farming look like innocent candy distribution networks.

If the problem is not the plant, it’s the money, and you can’t get rid of that. Be realistic.

In my 1911 I trust
In my 1911 I trust
2 years ago
Reply to  The Real Brian

You touched on an interesting point I have been attempting to make. Coca plant harvested in its natural form actually quite useful. It cures altitude sickness, it relieves headache, and provides long lasting energy when the leaves are chewed and popped in the lip like a dip. Once the leaves are refined, it’s a different animal.

Same with reefer. I find it be increasingly harmful since legalization. The “it’s just a plant argument” no longer hold water. It’s being refined into powders and crystals now, which the effects resemble heroin more than pot. I’ve seen kids in their 20’s take a “dab”, fall over and pass out. Then sit on the couch for hours. It’s sad to see. Whatever happened to smoking a good ol joint and taking a hike in the woods? I have mixed feelings about legalization and what it will do to our already crumbling, drug filled society.

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
2 years ago

On your point about the Coca plant, I find the leaves to be enjoyable as a chew on their own, as was tradition for many cultures.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Real Brian

That explains a lot.

2 years ago

For most of us, too much is just about enough. It’s why so many of our laws are stupid, why we are destroying our planet. We are defecating where we eat, not a good long-term survival strategy.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Real Brian

You are correct Brian. I get so tired of folks defending their right to grow “a plant”. A guy last week was trying to say that he needed to grow 100 plants for his own medical use. No one is smoking a pound a week. It is what you do after the growing folks……selling it and not paying your fair share of taxes to support all the services you benefit from everyday. Not to mention moving across state lines to areas where this product is illegal. It isn’t lemons.

2 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Actually it is 100% just a plant. A plant should not be controlled in any way. Period.

2 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Services, lol, pay your fair share. Exactly what services are provided on land that provides its own power, water and road maintenance. These taxes (services) you pay are to conform under rules and laws. It’s what makes us outlaws when the federal government lies.

What Legal lettuce Says
What Legal lettuce Says
2 years ago
Reply to  Legallettuce

Hear! Hear!!!
And how many 4WD miles from the gate out on the county road? Seriously this alone costs me the equivalent of a monthly mortgage payment every year!
You tell em Legal!!

Funny farm
Funny farm
2 years ago

Code enforcement is as useless as Ted Williams,Mo ” the other stooge”, haschack,Jerde, and the new one mc gordy….this is the worst leadership this county has ever seen…oh yeah also. angelo…what a joke….

2 years ago
Reply to  Funny farm

Williams is a tool. He was respectable when going after “hack and squirt”, but lost all credibility when he began touting “the vaccine” as the only way to get back to normal early on in the scamdemic.

Abating mom & pops with the satellite imagery is wrong and will hurt the people and the economy of mendo.
It will protect their newfound tax revenue stream though.

I hope the sheriff shows some discretion and the satellites fall out of the sky

2 years ago

Cannabis is legal.

funny farm
funny farm
2 years ago

Cannabis is legal if you have a permit if you do not have a permit expect to be abated as you should be, if you ruining the environment or committing crimes armed robbery home invasion trash everywhere on your property pit bulls, guns,you deserve to be abated.

2 years ago
Reply to  funny farm

comment image

California Condor
California Condor
2 years ago
Reply to  funny farm


wedding cake
wedding cake
2 years ago

Nice try farce.wer’e very savy to your propaganda..ask all the neighbors with livestock if your picture warms their hearts..your smoking too much wedding cake…ps…how many of this years fawns will be mauled by free roaming pits from doper dens [edit].

2 years ago
Reply to  wedding cake

I’ll take a sweet pittie over anybody’s wedding cake anyday. Wedding Cake?! It should be named Death Cake. That’s why we wear black at weddings…

Mendocino Mamma
Mendocino Mamma
2 years ago

Wouldn’t it seem more cost-effective before you abate them to try to assist them to come into compliance. Or if they have no desire to comply then they can abate. Seems like a huge waste of time to pop a few people for a few plants. At the county level that took hours and hours of review and smashing around between many different desks to make the decision to show up out there. Do not really know what the abatement team looked like but I’m sure there was some Sheriff’s and some fish and game and other things. The cost of that abatement and the staff will exceed any fines or fees if compliance was adhered to. Just Mendoshitshow County blowing more money on the shitshow. The newest ill-conceived in the back office bad decision. The hyenas drooling buggy eyed over the next I’ll gotten funding stream sit back and wave try to look busy!!!

2 years ago

Well…Mendocino County made it virtually impossible to get a permit. None of my neighbors can even apply for one because of the zoning. But of course rangeland zone is now wide open… Because of corporate influence. The county will now begin attacking everybody they never allowed to get a permit. Probably again because of corporate influence. Then the county will get the satellite program with lidar and go after everybody’s unpermitted cabins. Massive revenue stream as proven by Humboldt County. And the corporate grows will expand… It’s not a mistake. What they are doing is very logical and was to be expected from the moment that this fake “legalization”was approved by a coalition of idiots, hopeful morons and greed -filled assholes. And this is only the beginning-just wait for that Federal “legalization”. Oh boy- we will be so free and safe…

dee dee
dee dee
2 years ago

very simple…you get a every other business does…why are we babysitting these morons who need assistance to run a you see grape growers,loggers,fisherman,plumbers,and everybody else begging for free help to get their business going…no….grow up dopers time to get off the tit like the rest of us…oh yeah pay taxes too..

2 years ago

m=a=r=i=h=u=a=n=a — its my life , its my wife , because a mainline to my vein , leads to a center in my head and then i’m better off than dead ..

Fine Fentanyl not Pot
Fine Fentanyl not Pot
2 years ago

How much will the county be fining people for giving underage minors fentanyl? I’m sick of finding my nieces blue in their rooms. Why no punishment for attempted overdosing of young people?

Grow Sustainable
Grow Sustainable
2 years ago

Can we just talk about the environmental damage done by the timber industry. Or wine.

Y’all should look up the Aboriginal lumber company. They where here in mendo there logo is appalling and they where bought by gorgia Pacifica. Bunch of racist loggers who did what they want with the land before pot growers ever moved in.

Don’t even get me started on Remco the poisoned half the town of Willits.

Compared to them the pot growers are an ant on the back of an elephant. Fuck the timber industry.

The All Father
The All Father
2 years ago

We are not having massive fires in California because the pot growers grow too much.

We have massive fires because of the mismanagement of giant stretches of timber.

All types of agriculture have depleted ground water and streams. If you look at the central valley for satalite you can see the ground sinking because of depleted aquafers.

Was the the pot growers too? No it was big AG, rice, corn, almonds the list goes on.

Are the grape growers getting there water magically transported for some non drought stricken state?

What about cattle farmers. The don’t pot any nitrates into ground water. While there cows eat the grass lands into a desert.

I think alot of these past comments are a clear representation of how the public education system across our great nation is failing us.

Third World County
Third World County
2 years ago

Hey Mendocino County , get ready for budget deficits just like Humboldt after their failed abatement program. Fewer people having money in the county means less money to enrich your local economy and bring in taxes. Your new corporate farmers will bring in trickle down economics through low wage jobs where most of the profits will leave the county to line the pockets of investors. Along with the elimination of Mom and POP pot farms, a severe drought threatening grape production and throw in a big wildfire, I’ll bet Mendocino is in for hard times.

Clive McCarthy
Clive McCarthy
2 years ago

For a very long time there has been registration, regulation and taxes for growing tobacco, for brewing beer, vinting wine, distilling etc. for any commercial purposes. So regulating cannabis is simply inline with that — nothing new really. The constitution doesn’t say that the pursuit of happiness is free and pleasurable indulgences do have to be paid for and taxes levied.

One might argue that, for medical purposes, cannabis might be tax free but that is not the case for other pharmaceuticals. Sorry, even the Sacklers paid taxes.

Death and taxes. You have to pay your taxes. Tax evasion is for people like Donald Trump.

So where can I report unlicensed commercial growers? I want to increase Mendocino’s revenue collection.

2 years ago

Travis Pastrana, (the athlete who has won more medals, awards and records for high risk motorsports than anyone) once ventured into the relatively tame world of traditional pavement auto racing and failed miserably. He honestly assessed his performance by saying essentially that he had succeeded in his ventures previously because he was willing to take more risks than everyone else. When he entered mainstream racing there was little opportunity for such and he would simply have to become really, really good — and he didn’t.

While that may seem like a strange prelude it’s quite relevant. Many of us played (and still play) the risk game in this business. Some of us payed dearly. Our ‘sport’ was ‘propped up’ by legislation and nothing more. The laws drove the prices high enough to fuel the payoffs that drove/drive the Pastrana’s of the weed world.

Like it or not, there will be less and less room for those players to test their fortunes as the legal growers tune and develop their craft. Sure, most corporate weed will be mids (think Budweiser/Miller), but little by little, there will be legal growers who get it together and satisfy the more discriminating tastes.

I’m not predicting the demise of the traditional market, but there will sure be a contraction over time — particularly post Fed legalization.

Change is hard.

2 years ago
Reply to  JB

Look JB, they are busting small operations, why? I will tell ya why cause that is the threat to corporate weed. Traditional Market ain’t gonna decline for at least 20 years maybe 100. Growing is just one part and even it has three phases in order to be successful.

As much as corporate wants to industrilize the product they will fail. They fail at harvest not knowing how to properly remove product from the stalk. They fail at drying by improperly removing key material cause their monkey juiced shit weeds water based cell structure. They misberly fail at curing which is one of, if not, the most important component to a proper made product. They will always fail with the corporate view to get their product to market at the most yield per square foot.

Honestly, corporations are the fools this plant ain’t easy to grow. Machines cannot replace humans and you will always need humans in the weed industry. Humans are overhead to corporations so they need the per pound price to remain high and find it difficult to grow better weed than a triangle guerilla grower. Fact, and that fact ain’t gonna ever change.

Corporations need to accept the fact they are on the losing side. Welcome to the war and never forget the traditional market has been paved with real blood, real oppression, ripped apart families and we intend on winning for these facts!

2 years ago
Reply to  Legallettuce

I think you may be confusing *really good* traditional market weed with ‘green rush’ weed. Growing excellent weed tends to insulate one from other market forces.

Fed legalization will make it possible to grow shitty mids most anywhere. Not every state will make it hard to grow legally when the Feds say “OK”. The traditional ‘mid’ growers will have no reason to fight the satellite abatements then.

Cars are very hard to build and used to take massive human input. You underestimate the drive corporations have to adapt technology to do the jobs of humans. People I know (who are unbelievably good at it) are already using imaging/lidar technology to teach robots to scissor trim. They will get there and that robot will trim beautiful colas 24 hours a day for 5 bucks a lb.

I spent 35 years working in the Silicon Valley with some of the smartest people in the world. You underestimate them.

2 years ago
Reply to  JB

lol, We do not underestimate anyone. We seen how long it took them to peel a potato. Now, as far as our plant we been feeding America for a long time. Some say 60% and that’s before medical or legalization. Full circle will happen long before corporations dominate. Just laid down today another 175 JB and still many weeks before the solstice….Blessings

2 years ago
Reply to  Legallettuce

// “We do not underestimate anyone. We seen how long it took them to peel a potato.”//

You just did.

The question is not “How long did it take them to peel a potato with hundred year ago technology?”, but rather “How long would it take them to learn to peel potatoes with today’s technology.”

Nice to hear you’re doing well. Seriously. Best wishes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Legallettuce

Sadly,corporations have the time, incentive and money to develop never ending ways to dominate any market they choose. They aren’t emotionally attached to cultivation of cannabis like you are. Sure, you will have your niche customers that appreciate the love you put into it , like the small farmer is appreciated at the farmers market but let’s face it, corporate weed will dominate in the end, just like corporate vegetables do. And as far as the consumer is concerned, in the end all that will matter to most is how high the weed got them. I assume corporations are probably working to produce super high THC varieties.
Likewise they are probably working on breeding super high CBD varieties to dominate that market.
The die is cast. I don’t like what’s happened but isn’t this what happens to everything in America?
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall listening to corporate/politician secret meetings plotting they’re take-over. They weren’t going to ignore the multi billion dollar cash cow that was there for the taking.
Yes, you will survive and struggle like the small veggie farmer but make no mistake, corporate weed is going to ultimately take over with the most products for the vast consumers that don’t really care where that product came from as long as it gets them high or eases symptoms. Sad truth…

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeah,sure

Nah, the only chance corporate had was vaping. In order to dominate they need a product that we cannot make in the hills. However, let’s be real as I keep stating this is not an easy product to produce. Corporations have been losing tons of money. The most shocking thing that happened recently was gross income was negative 4% for a corporation that was supposed to gain 22%. Just sales I ain’t even gonna get into the 100+ millions in operating losses. These losses are at a time when people are home and have money and can sit on their asses and have it delivered.

Now, let’s talk about our year. Sales were up over 150% operating expenses were reduced by 50% it was so good that a few growers who lost their corporate growing job now work for us. We expanded our footprint, nursery and picked up a few new states :-). We also know our business and understand the resources needed to accomplish our goals. We are not the only ones and my operation pales in comparison to a few of my neighbors.

Again, corporations are the fools. They are up against generations of experience, contacts, distribution, sales and are clueless to the true demographics of our industry. They won’t dominate in my lifetime or the next generation I guarantee.

2 years ago
Reply to  Legallettuce

If you think that your successful clandestine operation is going to supply the nations thirst for pot I don’t know what to tell you. Add up all of the clandestine grows in the triangle and they wouldn’t be able to supply enough. And if you think Corporate weed is a failure and is going to throw in the towel you’re wrong. They didn’t manipulate legalization to be scared off by a negative year ( was it really?) Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy you’re happy with you’re operation. Every one involved has to find their own way and there are as many ways as there are people trying to survive post legalization.
Corporate or corporate backed weed isn’t going anywhere and it’s goal is a takeover. They’ve got the money, lawyers, political connections and access to anything else that will further its cause. They may appear to stumble but they’re not giving up. Not a chance in hell.
Too much money to be made.

2 years ago
Reply to  Yeah,sure

We clandestine growers supply 60% percent of the nation’s weed. I am vocal which 99.9% of the people who work in my industry are not. You assume we are not organized which is not correct. Since ’96 we have a mass amount of subpar weed at our disposal to flood any state or city if need be.

Corporations will have to work together to defeat us and they can’t. They will even try to assimilate into our way of life. They will fail just like flow kana. They will try to under cut us like med men only to face heavy competition and be ran from this state with their tails between their legs. Lastly, they depend on the stock market and once that crashes we will pick up the pieces for a penny on the dollar.

Clearly, we dominate this industry as we should it’s our plant.

Clive McCarthy
Clive McCarthy
2 years ago
Reply to  Yeah,sure

Yes, corporations will grow inexpensive cannabis, thus reducing the cost for the consumer. Like all products there will be high quality and low quality and you, the consumer, will be able to choose. Some people will pay lots of money for a Rolls Royce others will be able to better afford a Chevy Malibu. Some people will pay $1,000 for a bottle of vintage wine while others shop for Gallo.

If you despise corporations then you should abandon your iPhone and your computer. Both of these products are produced inexpensively by corporations. The invention of the corporation allows capital to be aggregated so that complex things like iPhones and computers can be produced. There are no mom-and-pop phone manufacturers.

Once upon a time there were buggy whip makers. Things change and and there is social dislocation. The best thing is for people to, as best they can, anticipate such changes and prepare for them. If someone makes their principle living from growing cannabis they should contemplate how they will make a living after the growing is industrialized. Some buggy whip makers probably stuck to their craft even as the Model-T destroyed their livelihood.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clive McCarthy

They can’t produce the mass and get it cheaper than we can buy it from the many subpar growers in our area. For over 35 years I heard the stories of people that are gonna be made millionaires upon arriving up here cause they know how to grow weed. Corporations are just the new green rushers. This is how I view corporations I don’t hate them they have propelled and justified our hard work. The fools just don’t realize it’s a war they have entered and on the wrong side. It’s our plant and fuck legalization repeal the law it’s the only way out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Legallettuce

My comments here relate to several things you’ve said responding to others above.

1: // “It’s our plant”//
There’s no competitive benefit to this claim – it’s just a war cry. You can say it all you want, but the plant doesn’t know or care that you feel this way. Licensed growers don’t care either. It’s a cost/quality/risk matrix. Always has been. Always will be.

2: // “They can’t produce the mass and get it cheaper than we can buy it from the many subpar growers in our area. “//

OK, let’s do the math: Large SB County farms are producing the mass for <$60 lb. Add the 4% SB cultivation tax and the CA cultivation tax and you're under $215lb.

Now you're gonna tell me with a straight face that folks who are risking property seizure and fines in the millions will sell you tens of thousands of pound, month in and month out for less than that. You and I both know you're full of shit so stop with the charade.

Producing mids in farm country is crazy cheap.

3: // "We clandestine growers supply 60% percent of the nation’s weed."/

Yes you do. Why not 100%? — that’s what we did when I was clandestine. Why is the legal side steadily growing? According to your logic you should be smoking the legal side at every turn. You just killed your own assertions with your own numbers.

4: // “They won’t dominate in my lifetime or the next generation I guarantee.”//

So how did they get to 40% so quickly? Again your logic eats itself. What dynamic allows them to approach half the market share in the relative blink of an eye and yet suddenly you predict an ass kicking? A business analyst would explain to you that losing market share at that rate IS an ass kicking, but in the other direction.

5: // “Lastly, they depend on the stock market”//

Nonsense. Very few licensed producers rely on the stock market. On the whole it’s in fact *extremely rare* for licensed producers to be publicly traded. Of course those that do get the press and the action so there is an attention bias that you’ve fallen for.

So you run a well oiled operation – excellent. Congrats. This thought that licensed growers can’t and won’t continue to improve at a similar rate to current is just hubris on your part.

There are good people doing the right things on the licensed side and they have huge advantages due to the disparate risk profiles. They have grown the licensed side dramatically (as you illustrate with your own numbers). Cherry picking the failures is but one of the places where you've gone wrong in your assessment.

In my 1911 I trust.
In my 1911 I trust.
2 years ago
Reply to  JB

We’ve never provided 100%. Your claim leaves out the biggest player in the whole game, which makes your whole comment wrong. The Mexican Cartel supplied 100% of weed before the 60’s-70’s. The triangle struggled up against that to reign in 60% of the market, the other 40% being Mexican booboo brick weed from south of the border. Now I don’t know how much reefer corporate supplies, but we still provide 60% and the Mexicans still provide a large part of the remaining 40%. All your corporate weed is doing is beating out the Mexican brick, which it should. Corporate weed might have a 5-15% market share. Bows from Mexicans cost $150 that are green and not bricked up, $80 if you want the booboo brickers. That will undercut corporations anytime. If you’ve been in the game as long as you say you have JB, you are being disingenuous at best by leaving out the biggest player in the game.

Also, that’s just California. On a national level, as far as grows go, corporate farms are small compared to illegal farms. The triangle is nothing, California is nothing. Oregon is the place, check out the flyover from the Jackson County sheriffs in Oregon, JB. It will blow your mind. People are risking a lot in order to produce massive quantities of cheap black market weed. The grow busted in Myer’s Flat was nothing, those legal grows you like to tout in Santa Barbara are much smaller than the black market grows in Jackson and Josephine County Oregon. 10 acres and 100 greenhouses is nothing. There are 20 acre black market grows with hundreds (yes plural with an “s”) of greenhouses on them. You just don’t have your finger on the pulse anymore. Growing an acre of light dep in the hills is so Emerald Triangle in 2000. It’s 2020 baby! All about the 20 acres of light dep on ag land where you can till the soil with a tractor and plant in the ground! Get with the times already!

2 years ago

//”We’ve never provided 100%. “//

Of course we did. LL said “clandestine growers” and the Mexicans were as clandestine as anyone. His “we” didn’t mean him and his buddy are now supplying 60% of the market, he was referring to the traditional market as a whole.

The point stands — the legal market continues to take a bigger and bigger bite out of the traditional market.


In my 1911 I trust
In my 1911 I trust
2 years ago
Reply to  JB

Gonna leave this here for you

2 years ago

Not sure what you are gleaning from that video:

1: A bunch of two bit grows compared to the central coast.
2: How many of those are cannabis and how many are hemp?
3: How many of the cannabis grows are licensed?

Again — is there a point?

2 years ago
Reply to  JB

It’s our plant we control the streets, Corporate never will. Yes I can get tons and tons of subpar weed for less than any corporation corporation can produce and if I state a good cause they will even donate. SB, lol I will just say the Pines probably outgrow the whole fuck’in valley.
We never had 100% I will let 1911 educate you. They most certainly do depend on the stock market. They been losing grandma and state workers money in the 100s of millions to try and dominate. Where the fuck do you think Kana Flow got their money…filed an S-2 with the securities exchange, fact!

It’s our plant JB and I mean it. I remind you this is a war we been fighting for decades.

2 years ago
Reply to  Legallettuce

Flow Kana? A massive error in strategy and now two bit players.

The Pines? ROFLAO You really should visit the farms in SB county. One farm of many, averaging 550lbs per day 365.

You live in a small world my friend.

Best wishes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Legallettuce

// It’s our plant JB and I mean it.”//

I’m sure you do mean it — doesn’t make it real. War cry (shrug).

// “I remind you this is a war we been fighting for decades.”//


Nuff said.

Best wishes.

2 years ago
Reply to  Clive McCarthy

And Stetson hats. !!

The Real Brian
The Real Brian
2 years ago
Reply to  JB

When can I hook up with a MAV1S trimmer JB?


2 years ago
Reply to  The Real Brian

How much you got to spend? 🙂

2 years ago

I follow California law and have plenty of great cannabis products for myself with 6 plants…Sadly, the invasive helicopters seem to be a permanent part of the scene…

2 years ago

Yet if the Government didn’t outlaw pleasure there would be no need to tax it.
The laws creates the cartels and the excess grows it needs the taxes to control.
They do it to create a reason for their jobs…..
Prisons, Attorneys, Legislators, Cops, Coast Guard, and many more all feed off these laws, and turn many of these law enforcing folks into criminals as well.
And Ca. is the greediest of all lawmakers.

Early Cuyler
Early Cuyler
2 years ago

Absolute larceny. Do the math.

What happened to going after the cartels in covelo? 96 plants? What a joke.

Native lives matter.

Bart Kaplan
Bart Kaplan
2 years ago

There’s one hell of a lot of envy on the part of the population too afraid of authority to ever disobey the nazi priests telling them what a good citizen must do and think. Marihuana is the greatest medicine known to humans. Why? Because it cures the diseases induced by capitalism. The indignities of life caused by the hideous pressures on individuals born in this class divided, racist world, lead to stress disorders and they are dealt with by the endocannabinoids. Really, there is much information on the internet to educate ANYONE OUT OF THEIR STUPIDITY. Not an iota of danger in marihuana, except you are supposed to take pharmaceuticals with hideous side effects if you are ever going to get into heaven. So, one again there is absolutely nothing dangerous about marihauna and yet the plant is totally demonized in the most stupid, disgusting way. If you are oppressed by authorities,remember these authorities are a very sick bunch, precancerous, pre cardiac arrest.. I invite you to watch the latest supervisor’ s meeting for a complete lesson in arrogance and stupidity and corruption. The suit and tie set use the police to get their way. There is nothing substantive in anything they say And you people elect these idiots instead of one of your own. The fascists are a minority but they kill at random and we know that. So we created an independent economy after the piss test made us unemployable. Now today many many people have entered as growers who are no longer just homesteaders because the economy has been shattered by the covid bio-weopon. You can work for slave wages though. You are not supposed to prosper unless you agree to build bombs and invade small countries. There is a national and international press that every local must access to see that the vicious cretans who are our leaders are just that –warmongers and tyrants.

2 years ago

Whatever!!! What do the agencies do for the cannabis farmers who are legal licensed and compliant but get robbed and illegally raided 3 years in a row?!? Not a damn thing! They said if we help you were gonna have to help everyone! WTF kind of bullshit answer is that!?! Its all gonna come out how the cannabis industry is a big fat joke! Rico case is coming for you MF’s!!!!!