Survey Seeks Input from Humboldt Parents on Universal Pre-Kindergarten Needs

Press release from the Redwood Institute of Social Research:

redwood institute of social research logoRedwood Institute of Social Research (RISR) is surveying parents and guardians of young children in Humboldt County, on behalf of the Humboldt Local Child Care Planning Council (LCCPC) and the County Office of Education, in order to better understand how to make care and education more accessible for every 3-4 year old child in Humboldt County.

The purpose of this survey is to explore the needs of Humboldt families with young children who have previously or are currently engaged in Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK). UPK is a term defined as the “whole child care system,” including transitional kindergarten (TK), state and private preschool programs, Headstart programs, center-based and in-home childcare programs, as well as unlicensed family, friend, and neighbors providing childcare services. Our goal is to hear from as many different families in Humboldt County as possible by September 31, 2024.

We will be hosting two outreach events on Sunday, August 18th – Fortuna from 10am to noon at Rohner Park, and Willow Creek from 3pm to 5pm at Veterans Park. These events are free for families with children under 7. There will be a bounce house, raffles, snacks, live music from a brass band, and more! Share your opinions while the kids have fun in the park.

If you’re unable to attend an outreach event, you can take the survey at

This survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. It should take no more than 15-20 minutes to complete, and after starting you are welcome to skip any questions or withdraw at any time.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please email [email protected]. You can also learn more about our research team and services by visiting our website at

Thank you, and we hope to hear from you soon!


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7 Let us come and reason together. Isaiah 1:18
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D'Tucker Jebs
7 days ago

Free childcare should be available to all children of all ages, but I certainly hope they are not panning on making TK mandatory.
It is not what’s best for everyone.

Guest 2
Guest 2
6 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

Agreed! Forced education at first grade is plenty of government overreach for my family. While meaningful childcare opportunities are ideal for kiddos and for parents to work, particularly single parents, it’s not attainable because of 2020 CA vax law changes prohibiting any form of exemption given by doctors without risking their licenses and livelihoods. I wish these folks would seriously survey how unconstitutionally unattainable these compulsory educational establishments are to many all natural families as a direct result of mandated vaccines required to attend. It’s only a matter of time that CA will get sued like other states have for this.

nailed it
nailed it
7 days ago

Child care should be provided by a family member whenever possible. In order to facilitate this, we need a return to an economy where only 1 parent in a household needs to have a job.

The corporations want to make child care an economic sector and have both parents in the workplace while strangers are paid to care for the future workers (formerly known as children).

Canyon oak
Canyon oak
2 days ago

envision a world where certified poor people care for the children of breeding Americans.
Like Man, Woman works in the economy and enlists to fight in the futures wars.
neo-equality, equity, but not disproportionately..
The family includes the state, the university, the market, and the consumer.
It’s a shadow puppet skit..
No woman should be expected to stay with her breeding partner, that’s sexism!
Daddy WIC help you..
A discombobulated modern California family is genealogically head scratching ..
But, we know love can heal too..
A man with children shattered from many wombs..
I’ve heard single parenthood can be liberating..
I guess I don’t see the buck around much after breeding..
Just momma and her two wiggly legged fawns
If only we could survive on grass and brush

1 day ago
Reply to  Canyon oak

Herb Caen is rolling in his grave … … … … 🤣

1 day ago
Reply to  Canyon oak

Kym’s rule 6 ” Also, grammar, punctuation, spelling criticisms should come from parents, teachers, and bosses not anonymous people on the internet. If you can understand what someone says, refrain from telling them how to edit their comments. The one exception to this is me. If I make an error, politely pointing it out is fine.”

21 hours ago
Reply to  Yabut

It was tongue in cheek. The
is ubiquitous these days and, as I jokingly said, Caen is not impressed.

So critical 🙄

Besides, no one actually uses it properly … there’s supposed to be a space before it as well, not many do that.

I won’t ever touch the Oxford comma 🤣