Letter Writer Concerned about What She Characterizes as Deputy DA Roger Rees’ Bias

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man holding protest sign that reads, "cut off baby heads"

Deputy DA Rees holding a holding protest sign that reads, “cut off baby heads.” Rees describes himself as a Zionist and was counter protesting a Pro Palestinian demonstration held at the Humboldt County Courthouse where he works. He was apparently presenting his perception of Pro Palestinian protesters’ stance–ie he appears to be saying that those who are against the war in Gaza are pro cutting off babies’ heads. [Photo provided by Shannon Townsend-Bettis]

Remember opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect that of Redheaded Blackbelt nor have we checked the letters for accuracy.

Dear District Attorney Eads,

I am writing this public letter to you to express my deep concern for your professionalism, your ethics, and your ability to represent the people of Humboldt County. For at least the past 6 months, you have protected your subordinate, Senior Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees, as he continues to use his profession and workplace to express his political and religious views and ideologies and to continually harass and intimidate protestors, infringing on their right to free speech, in a manner that is escalating. As I write this,  it appears your subordinate took the day off work in order to stand outside your offices and wave his flag all day, greeting protestors as they are released from jail from the Cal Poly Humboldt action. I’m honestly wondering how any of these students should be prosecuted with such flagrant bias exuding from your office.

I didn’t vote for you. You have a track record of the status quo which I was already not happy with as a Humboldt County citizen, most notably your prosecution of the Marci Kitchen case and other failures of your mentor/predecessor in maintaining a ginormous backlog of cases, and in my opinion, a nonsensical manner of prioritizing cases. For context, I was a juror on a criminal DUI case of “who was driving” with a shoddy CHP report that should have never made it to trial and was a complete waste of public time and resources, whereas I am aware of extremely violent and disturbing cases that were immediately dropped by your department. In addition, I was involved in the animal cruelty case in 2016 of that poor dog caught on camera being abused by his owner, a habitual animal abuser, and after a hung jury, your office intended to return that poor dog to his abuser and luckily the community rallied and applied public pressure so that dog could live another day. In 2022, you ran your campaign on the tails of DA Fleming and bragged about working for Humboldt right out of law school for the last twenty years. For anyone who has had anything to do with your office for the last decade or so, we know what it needs is change, fresh new ideas and reinvigoration. But that is beside the point of this letter.

The reason I bring this up is I was reviewing statements you made during your campaign in 2022 and I found several relevant points. For instance, you told Redheaded Blackbelt, a challenge of the DA “is to maintain an office of ethical prosecutors.” You stated, “I think we have a well-staffed office of qualified prosecutors…..I will be continuously working to make sure this continues.” In addition, you stated that “one of the primary changes” you will make will be on “recruitment and retention.”   And that you hoped to go to law schools and “let them know we are looking….to diversify the office in term of viewpoints.” You go on to state that you value “serving the public” and describe yourself as having a “strong reputation for professionalism and ethics…..being very upfront and fair….having a strong sense of justice and compassion…and being open and appreciative of input from others.”

Back in December, I wrote you a letter expressing my deep concern about DA Roger Rees and his actions exhibiting partiality and bias on the issue of Israel and Palestine. I received no response or observed any change in his behavior. In fact, his behavior has continued to escalate and become more threatening. For example, on April 15th, he called the police on protestors, alleging “assault and disturbing the peace”, for the fact that Palestine flags were flapping in the wind and touching counter protestors on a windy day. He made sure to tell the dispatcher there were over 24 people present. Eight police officers responded and left quickly thereafter due to no crimes being committed. Just to reiterate, the District Attorney of Humboldt County made a false police report with false statements intended to illicit a large response of our public officers, not only wasting their time and our precious public resources, but also only furthering the personal agenda of the DA in his attempts to harass and intimidate protestors, in using his position and power within law enforcement, to continue to infringe on their right to free speech. District Attorney, do you think that your office is serving the public when your senior DA continues to act in this manner? There are rumors circulating, most notably mentioned in now disgraced Judge Kreis’ complaint, that your subordinate has guns and a concealed carry permit and may even be wearing weapons as he continues his demonstrations against protestors on a weekly basis in front of your offices. Are you concerned for the safety of protestors in front of your office?

I am aware that the County of Humboldt is currently conducting some type of investigation into your subordinate. I have spoken with the personnel office, and they have been very responsive to my complaints, and I am aware there are others. Many of the complaints center around the display of a foreign flag in the public-facing window of your office, going back to at least November. The information I have requested from the County through the Freedom of Information Act has uncovered that the county has not removed the flag due to the nature of it being maintained inside a “personal workspace” and yet they are continuing their investigation into your subordinate as he continues to supposedly represent the people in the courtroom and practice law. So, the foreign flag in the public facing window of the highest office of law enforcement in the county remains and continues to influence public perception of what the District Attorney office and the County of Humboldt stands for. How as District Attorney, are you not able to supervise and discipline your own employees? I am aware that your office is low-staffed, most notably noticing two DA’s are leaving as reported by John Chiv last week.  Are you willing to allow the public image of your office to be tarnished to keep your most Senior prosecutor?

Respectfully, if you cannot even manage your subordinates, how are you supposed to be managing the most serious and violent criminal cases in our county? Your job is to be fair, impartial and maintain the highest ethical standards. I ask for you to do some self-reflection and consider what you are orR are not doing to maintain those values and either change or respectfully resign. I ask that you remember the promises you made during your campaign and the fact that your job is to represent the people, not your subordinates.

Shannon Townsend-Bettis

Eureka CA

Relevant videos provided by Shannon Townsend-Bettis:


Earlier letter to Redheaded Blackbelt: Letter Writer Questions Deputy DA’s Behavior at Recent Protests


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Elise Rae
Elise Rae
20 days ago

The two DAs leaving had absolutely nothing to do with DDA Rees. If you are using John chiv as your news, I am concerned for your mental well being.
it appears hard for you to wrap your head around opposing viewpoints but it’s actually illegal if Eads were to tell her employees what viewpoints they have to have. Please try to use critical thinking.
If this was a person who shared your viewpoints we would never hear from you. If Rees was out there with a Palestine flag you would be silent.
The thing you are asking for is being upheld. Ms Eads can’t fire someone just because you don’t like them. That’s being unethical.
Please I really urge you to do some soul searching.

20 days ago
Reply to  Elise Rae

Tell me your work in the DAs office without telling me you work in the DAs office. 😅

20 days ago
Reply to  Elise Rae

Your intel is wrong. She def wasn’t arrested or anywhere near a cop during any protest.

8 days ago
Reply to  Elise Rae

Please! If right-wing racist Rees brought a Palestinian flag to his place of employment, he’s probably be fired AND arrested on the spot. But bringing an Israeli flag to your workplace is somehow acceptable as a public employee in America? I don’t fucking think so! This is still America, and the Israeli flag is the WRONG flag. The stars & stripes would be entirely appropriate of course instead.

20 days ago

Good letter! I support Mr. Rees right to also protest and wave a flag out front if he wants. But yes- hanging one in the window of the DA’s office is ridiculously wrong! And pretty much everything else is this letter is spot on, written without hype or exaggeration, professional even…

20 days ago
Reply to  Farce

In the world of government employment, reasonable displays of personal politics are permitted in private work areas that are not used by the public. This was an issue roundly discussed when Black Lives Matter and Gay Pride flags were common. The window part pushes the definition of non public area but it is not such an easy thing to do as the letter writer says. Any college president with faculty involved in the current protest can tell you.

I disagree with you about the letter. It sounds like an agenda looking for a hook.

20 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

Okay. But I disagree with your disagreement of my agreement! I don’t like the DA’s office so maybe I got charmed…I’ll think over this possibility back at work transplanting the basil…

20 days ago
Reply to  Farce

I do like a person who can be entertained by a disagreement.

20 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

Well then good person I must disagree. It is not a good thing at all! (insert Monty Python reference)

20 days ago
Reply to  Farce


19 days ago
Reply to  Yabut
20 days ago

Although I have no use for the letter writer as she has her own ethics and integrity issues which are far worse than the DA, I do agree the DA office is not functional and hasn’t since at least 3 DAs ago. But, in a county where the BOS as well as the Sheriff are so corrupt, why on earth would anyone expect the DA office to be any better? And the judges? Just try to find one who isn’t bought and paid for by special interest groups.

The moral of the story is, the county is led by corruption, voted in by the equally corrupt voters. Humboldt has truly gone to hell in a handbasket!

fellow trinidadianD
fellow trinidadian
19 days ago
Reply to  Alf

At least she has the courage to use her own name when expressing her opinion. Also, to those who think humboldt is such a terrible place to live nowadays, move somewhere else!

Mendo Known 50 years
Mendo Known 50 years
20 days ago

Obviously DA Rees has a severe case of mental health issues judging by the sign he made. It’s apparent now that the DA’a office is biased against the protestors.
This will wind up showing in court.
Delegitimization is a classic tactic in the debate over who has the higher moral ground. But it shouldn’t matter: All peaceful protesters — on and off campus — need to be protected, regardless of where their participants stand on the war.
Watching footage of the violence at UCLA this week is chilling, and there’s sure to be more dangerous clashes if the safety of nonviolent protesting students is mocked as unnecessary, or colleges continue to treat them as the threat. Their right to safely exercise free speech has to be protected

20 days ago

Can’t get more dismissive than declaring this DA mentally ill.

20 days ago

Kinda feels like you feel that because his belief system doesn’t agree with yours that you feel his 1st amendment rights should be squelched so yours can be heard. I’m pretty sure civil rights apply to everyone… that’s kinda the basis of free speech. Is he supposed to forfeit his rights because he works for the county and disagrees with you? Doesn’t sound very tolerant to me.

Mendo Known 50 years
Mendo Known 50 years
20 days ago
Reply to  justsayin

He has an obvious bias.
He should not be prosecuting people who he is biased against.

19 days ago

Nonsense, and thanks for demonstrating what most of us know. All prosecutors and defense lawyers have bias. That’s why they’re prosecutors and defense attorneys. In criminal proceedings the search for bias is during jury selection.

20 days ago
Reply to  justsayin

Kinda feels like you don’t understand how the justice system works.

Ricky Bennis
Ricky Bennis
20 days ago
Reply to  justsayin

He’s protesting at his work…which is a place where they bring charges, prosecute, and sentence citizens. Including citizens who have been arrested for protesting the very issues he counter protests. He could protest elsewhere about whatever he wants. He can hang any flag he wants at his own house. He puts the DA in a weird position, with extra scrutiny as with this letter, and the need to recuse himself from any cases related to his protests. Work environments are not always very tolerant

Mendo Known 50 years
Mendo Known 50 years
20 days ago

Anyone holding a sign up which reads “cut babies heads off” and who is promoting violence against children and works for our County Government should face severe consequences and should definitely be taken into custody , he needs a psychological evaluation.

20 days ago

The line between being anti war or even anti Israel and being antisementic with pro Palestinian protesters gets really blurred. It would not hard to see that antisemitism does a lot of the blurring if protesters are so dismissive as to say there is no justification for Israel’s war without any concern expressed for the murdered and kidnapped and abused Israelis.

There is a great lack of sensitivity for fellow citizens who are Jews among this movement. Instead demands are mafpde about them being “their kind of Jew.” It’s like saying to a black person they are overreacting to the police killing George Floyd when they are angry about it. It is a simple dismissal of what is important to them and reasonable fear that is so harmful. Pro Palestinian protesters’s rhetoric is just as blatantly oblivious when they pontificate that protesting against Israel is not antisemitic without showing any concern they would care about any abuse of Israelis.

For example, right under that first photo about cutting babies ‘heads off is the author’s statement ” he appears to be saying that those who are against the war in Gaza are pro cutting off babies’ heads.” That is a rather obliviously wrong headed remark. What the purpose of this sign, at least as I see it, is to raise the issue of why people who did (supposedly) cut off babies’s heads would ever be supported in these protests by their fellow citizens. Which is a valid concern. Why would anyone not care if the people they try to defend did such things?

The only answer is antisemitism -that attacking Jews is nowhere near as important as protecting those who attacked. To not raise those fears, it is important to condemn those who attacked Israel as to condemn Israel for the response. Not dismiss the long history of violence towards Jews from Palestinians as Israelis’ fault for not treating the Palestinians better. Palestinians clearly are hateful to Jews in general, have been for centuries, and just because their ability to act on it less doesn’t make it less hateful.

Concern for the hostages and murdered families in Israel, for the safety of Jews in general, must said at the same time as concern for Palestinians if stopping war is the goal. Even if it is actually seen as not important by the protestors, which it clearly is not. It is needed because there is a long standing history of antisemitism that makes it a reasonable charge. And frankly a lot of pro Palestinian rhetoric here is hard to tell at times from good old fashion KKK hate speech because no one seems willing to interrupt their own spew long enough to make the distinction out of care for their fellow Americans.

20 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

You are just as ignorant as our DA if you’re still believing the lies about the babies. Read Haaretz account. No babies with heads cut off. Two died from bullets, one 9 months inside mother’s belly. Horrible. But what have we been seeing for over 6 months? Worst atrocities of our time.

Stopping the war is the goal. It should be all of ours goal if you are compassionate and care about life.

Moshe Doshan
Moshe Doshan
20 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

If the Zionists would have just stayed within the 1948 borders there would basically be zero problems today between the Israelis and Palestinians. But they got greedy and wanted the whole country.

And they keep taking the Palestinians land and building settlements. Gaza was basically an open air prison and the Palestinians living and working in Israel are basically second class citizens in an Apartheid nation.

The Jews have been mistreated horribly for the last 2700 years. But to say the Zionists are the victims at this point is laughable. They are mistreating and oppressing the Palestinians.

Al L Ivesmatr
Al L Ivesmatr
20 days ago

Oh nooos, Mrs. Bill. What shall we do? Jeebus yikes glory to jah rastafari, lord of lords, king of kings, the one.

North westCertain license plate out of thousands c
North westCertain license plate out of thousands c
20 days ago

Idiots are everywhere nowadays. Friggen idiots.

Moshe Doshan
Moshe Doshan
20 days ago

Rees’s 20 years of public service is admirable. Perhaps he should immigrate to Israel and represent the Zionists when they have to defend themselves for their war crimes.

20 days ago
Reply to  Moshe Doshan

I think that is a great idea. I’m sure they will be desperate for immigrants after this “war” too. The Zionists stopped counting how many have fled the “safe” haven in December but I’ve heard credible estimates at 1500-2 million so far.

Life is what you make of it!
Life is what you make of it!
20 days ago
Reply to  Moshe Doshan

The crucifixion (execution) of Jesus of Nazarene by the Jews could possibly make Jesus a
Palestinian. So now we know why the Jews want to erase the Gaza area and it’s people. Guilty as charged?

Ricky Bennis
Ricky Bennis
20 days ago

Twisted history there. Lies are what you make of it!
Is it too crazy to imagine Jews and Muslims could live together in a place named Israel, or Palestine?
I urge you to read “Zealot” by Reza Azlan!
It is a historical perspective on the politics and life during the time of Jesus of Nazareth. Romans occupied Palestine. The occupiers co-opted the elite priests of the local religion by allowing them to continue grifting the worshippers at the temple; you had to offer a sacrifice, a dove was cheaper than a lamb, etc. All conveniently for sale at the temple. Jesus was not peaceful, but after fairness. He was in this rebel movement, and was elevated to leader after a Joseph was executed. The Romans executed political trouble makers by crucification on the road into town. Judaism was a messianic religion at that time, with a character or two running around claiming to be the return of God, just about every week. Roman guards taunted the Jews by hanging a sign “King of the Jews” on the crucified. Jesus of Nazareth was executed after staging a violent protest at the temple, kicking out the corrupt priests.. temporarily. Of course the Romans didn’t like the threat to their “Coalition Authority”, and caught up with Jesus, perhaps after torturing his sidekicks.
So there’s more to it than “Jews killed Jesus” it’s like saying Christians killed Martin Luther King Jr.

8 days ago

Jesus was a Palestinian. Duh. The place was called Palestine after all, at the time when Jesus was alive.

But whatever you do, don’t have anything published under your legal name even suggesting or hinting at the obvious & indisputable fact that Jesus was a Palestinian, or every rabbi in your time zone is going to falsely claim that you’re an anti-Semite.

Erik BurmanD
Erik Burman
18 days ago

It appears that Mr. Roger Rees is expressing his social-political concerns as an individual citizen, on his own time, and on public property across the street from the courthouse. You may not agree with his ideas but doesn’t the right to free speech and free expression apply to all of us? Or does that essential civil liberty apply to you alone? “Free speech for me but not for thee?”

8 days ago
Reply to  Erik Burman

Not in your place of employment if you’re working for the public. I can tell you’ve never had a government job before. HE WORKS THERE, [edit]. He should be fired yesterday. Can they go back in time somehow and get that done for the public good?