Humboldt County Jail Reports: Daily Booking Sheet – May 24, 2024

Humboldt County correctional facility

Humboldt County Correctional Facility [Photo by Mark McKenna]

The Humboldt County Correctional Facility’s Daily Booking Sheet. This is information from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Department. This shows individuals booked into the jail or given supervised release. Any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty: Click the arrows on the lower left-hand side to see more. It may take a few seconds to load:


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tru matters
tru matters
23 days ago

Breaking News:
In Revolutionary Move, Louisiana Lawmakers Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide to Protect Unborn Water Babies!

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
23 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Biden’s Fascist Reich is threatened by Trump’s polling and they should be, all law abiding Americans will insist on retribution for all involved in unconstitutional election interference schemes. Guantanimo would be an appropriate spot to serve their 20.

Last edited 23 days ago
D'Tucker Jebs
23 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

Retribution, huh?
Sounds like a call for violence.
And, “election interference”? Isn’t that what the MAGA crowd tried on January 6?
I never really expect your posts to make much sense,
but this one is really quite odd- and disturbing.

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
23 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

The COVID lockdowns were the single largest transfer of wealth from the middle class and small business owners to conglomerates and Big Industry. As stores locked down, conglomerates maintained their businesses, expanded, and bought out smaller competitors who were driven out of business by being forced to shut down.

And society just let it happen. Went along with it. All in the name of Trusting the Science (as dictated by the governments and the media) rather than any actual scientists, who were censored on social media and slandered by the press.

It was a scamdemic.

Next up, turn over weed biz to Big Ag

D'Tucker Jebs
23 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

Ducks have three eyelids.

I like stars
I like stars
23 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

So two for one eye and one for the other?

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
22 days ago
Reply to  I like stars

UCLA Medical reveals recent testing results: nearly half the students failed basic medical procedures, principally the DEI admissions with lower test scores and GPAs. Squirrel doesn’t know about the rest of you but I prefer the most qualified, merit based professional for life and death medical decisions and flying my plane. Those that support DEI should get the DEI doctors exclusively to provide them medical treatment. Same with airflights, make clear when anyone considering booking just how many of the pilots were DEI hires tested to lower standards than normal pilots. You can say I’m not a risk taker but I rather testing, surgery, and piloting be performed by professionals that are proven to the higher standards before they were dumbed down for DEI

tru matters
tru matters
23 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

We all know who the real Fascist is.

Fly On The Wall
23 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Yeah, Mussolini.

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
23 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Damn Dems are up in arms about SC judge flying a flag with “An Appeal to Heaven” and a pine tree but then we know the playbook of fascism already, stamp out organized religion, indoctrinate the children, force the majority of population into dependency on the state

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
22 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

Prog Dem brags about having 45 abortions, “I love killing babies. I love that.”

23 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

They’re shooting for J62.0. The rhetoric of the Anointed One is approaching fever pitch, that if the election is rigged if he’s not declared winner. Oh he’s a winner alright, has an army of righty-tighty-[edit]’s by the pre-pubs.

Last edited 23 days ago
23 days ago
Reply to  Grace

*that the election is rigged if he’s not declared winner
Management regrets the error.

D'Tucker Jebs
23 days ago
Reply to  Grace

It’s what happens when an entire segment of society is detached from reality.

23 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

Sadly, the Anointed One and Svengali’s know exactly what they’re doing, as do a large portion of followers. Vlad and Xi salivate at this America, turbocharged into decline if not premeditated civil unrest (the far-right militia-types having itchy trigger fingers).

23 days ago
Reply to  Grace


23 days ago
Reply to  Grace

Maybe, just maybe if the rhetoric were not all so bitter, racist and vindictive, people would be less reactive. Trouble is they tend to believe that people running around with flaming torches, pitchforks and shouting death are serious.

23 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

It’s a bit telling that you only post this kind of response when someone like Grace makes a comment and not when someone like the squirrel posts something.

23 days ago
Reply to  Tim

The irony…

23 days ago
Reply to  Tim

It’s not necessary because a certain group of commenters use GS as their whipping boy. There will be insults and attacks aplenty from them. No need to join in a group beating. I don’t defend GS. What I hate are mobs. There little personal in it. Wish I could say the same for the mobbers.
Unfortunately, with the reality of this site and the nature of politics at the moment, almost no one will take on the irrationality of the different varieties of Progressives in misusing their own ideology for personal spite fights. I nominated myself for that. Sort of accidently because some leeches who announced their own more perfect humanity and superiority in loud voices were almost inevitably vicious little shits personally towards somene who just was too weak to capably defend themselves. They were too unkind to tolerate. Now it’s become a habit.
If these commenters were even a bit less consistently disingenuous, propaganda ridden, intolerant and just plain nasty, with their bountiful tolerance for themselves while being so low down mean with individuals, my knee jerk reaction to defend the underdog individually would not be triggered so often.

23 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

As I wrote, it’s telling who you think is attacking whom when they are rebutting, usually with facts and sources, the frequently outlandish far-right memes and conspiracy theories made in these threads and with the insults you wrote about those doing it.

Last edited 23 days ago
tru matters
tru matters
23 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

The squirrel the underdog?
Not hardly.

The truth is what needs defending, not lies and misinformation. And that’s exactly what those commentators are doing, defending the truth.

Last edited 22 days ago
Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
22 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Chuckles Schumer today demanded a rapid pathway to citizenship (and voting rights) for all 21 million or more illegals in the US. And the fascist delusional Dems call the Replacement Policy imagined when Schumer himself calls for it? One thing the Nazis can count on, 30% of population will blindly demand whatever they’re told to.
Last chance to save America, vote Trump ’24!

With Dementia Joe falling so quickly in polls with his daily demonstrations of cognitive incapacity, I’m thinking my dog could beat Biden heads up. Dems better get organized and vote RFK if they are serious about heading off a Trump victory. A wasted vote for Biden is a vote for Trump.

22 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

I second your nomination, the middle-right (Trump voter? Voter at all?) needing a rep, one to provide balance to the, what, 10 on the neo-right. Needed is a veritable yeah-but to address the “varieties” of Prog’s … yet who will carry the baton of replying to the moderates (and backing often enough their opinions and such with reputable enough sources), employing the neo-rights own material against them, for calling out the neo-right lies and liars? The liars, here and everywhere these days, made great again. And doesn’t appear to be many (if any) actual conservatives here. So, a strong seconding for a kinder, gentler voice going after the Progressives varietals. Let us know when you find one so we can distance prior to the armed neo-right crazies coming with their jousting flag-poles. I’d vote for an actual moderate Republican today, are there any running, oh wait, it’s the “uniparty” now, actual Conservatives having been vilified by the maga wing and leader. You’ve my vote. 👍🏽

23 days ago
Reply to  Grace

No. Voting for elimination of the Leftist scourge that has infected our Republic. They can join other Leftist Ideologies like Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Authoritarianism, Despotism, and Anarchy on the scrap heap of history. There’s no place in our Republic for them.

23 days ago
Reply to  Xi’sXoBoy

Fiction much?

The real scourge, documented, is the likes of The Three Percenters (foot soldiers of the whiteright Christian Nationalist elite, and using dupes as both cover and cannon fodder, J6 a perfect example:

The U.S. far-right milieu is not monolithic. It can be divided into at least five sections: racist extremism, namely white nationalism/supremacy; anti-government extremism; nativist extremism; anti-abortion extremism; and male supremacy.

The anti-government movement, which is the most relevant to this brief, can be categorized into six further sub-sections: militias, tax protesters, sovereign citizens, constitutional sheriffs, far-right segments of survivalist or “prepper” communities, and conspiracy propagandists.

The Three Percenter movement is a subset of the larger far-right anti-government militia movement, organized primarily around intense fear and loathing of the U.S. federal government. Although fixated on the federal government, anti-government extremists use coded rhetoric that also expresses anxiety toward historically disenfranchised racial/ethnic/religious minorities. Their ideology and narratives are malleable enough to identify additional perceived enemies, including Muslims. They also often attempt to portray themselves as armed protectors of the U.S. Constitution against tyrants-in-waiting (the U.S. federal government) and various collaborators (anti-fascists [“antifa”], Black Lives Matter, George Soros, Muslims, and others).

Member of?

23 days ago
Reply to  Grace

That’s a lot of fear and words smashed together to try to change my vote.

But it didn’t work.

23 days ago
Reply to  Xi’sXoBoy

By all means vote the man-boy, but just know what’s afoot at both the militant and elite level’s, both the organized and lone-wolves (like … pissy rich types via Hollywood, who can’t do simple things like apply for a permit or pay a small fine):

Reverge Anselmo Donates 250K To Shasta County Political Action Committee
Posted by Kelly Frost Jr.
Date: November 28, 2023

A Connecticut Billionaire with a grudge against Shasta County government is pouring a lot more money into a local politic action committee. Reverge Anselmo has donated another $250,000 to a group called the “Water Users Committee”. It’s basically a reincarnation of the Shasta General Purpose Committee and the Liberty Committee, two political action groups funded by Anselmo to bring about the recall of District 2 Supervisor Leonard Moty. Anselmo also largely funded the failed campaigns last year of candidates for District Attorney, Schools Superintendent and County Clerk. Kevin Crye and Chris Kelstrom also got major funding from Anselmo. Anselmo, who inherited a fortune from his father’s estate, had a winery and restaurant in the Inwood area but moved away after losing a lawsuit with the county prompted by his refusal to get permits for some of his buildings. He declared he would never return unless major changes occurred in county government, including the dismantling of the Resources Management Department.

23 days ago
Reply to  Grace

Sounds like more conspiracies from DemAnon.

23 days ago
Reply to  Xi’sXoBoy

Although out of state for some time now, in 2020 through 2022 Anselmo (registered Libertarian) donated $944,900 to right-wing causes in Shasta County. Another big recipient of his $$$? Nearly $1.5 Million to Rand Paul’s ‘Protect Freedom Political Action Committee’. The PAC’s website is complete with a ‘Stop the Steals’ webpage. The opening webpage paragraph? Pure shitweasel.

22 days ago
Reply to  Grace

Boy, that’s a lot of money going to a Political causes that you apparently don’t agree with. Sorry that doesn’t alarm me as much as it seems to bother you. And Rand Paul is a Libertarian and I approve of Libertarianism. Methinks that your uproar about a private citizen donating his money to causes he believes in is nunyabidness. Or maybe it’s frustrating that all that money isn’t going to taxes so government can waste it?

23 days ago
Reply to  Grace

If you have open eyes, you’ll find an ample body of evidence to question Government. But indeed, some prefer their eyes wide shut.

23 days ago
Reply to  BIllyJr.
D'Tucker Jebs
23 days ago
Reply to  Xi’sXoBoy

Nazism and fascism are right-wing ideologies.
Authoritarianism and despotism more accurately describe the way a ruler rules rather than applying to any particular political leaning.
And, anarchy simply means without rulers.

23 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

There’s ample evidence that scholars consider nazism and fascism as left wing. I posted a link earlier this week in response to Dave Kirby. Authoritarianism and Despotism were included in my post because of Leftists always wanting to tell someone what to do and how to think as they are wont to do. And Anarchy as it is used and funded by the Brownshirts in the Democrat party and their ministry of propaganda (MSM) to create civil unrest.

Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and say a prayer for the souls who gave their lives defending our Republic.

D'Tucker Jebs
23 days ago
Reply to  Xi’sXoBoy

It is a beautiful day and is slated to be a beautiful weekend,
and I think there are better uses of everyone’s time than to debate the definitions of political labels for the umpteenth time.
So, instead, I’ll ask this question:
Are such labels really conducive to a meaningful debate?
Considering that there is a wide array of political ideologies,
is it really helpful to call any, except for those that condone hateful and violent rhetoric, a scourge and to call for their elimination?

Last edited 23 days ago
23 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

I specifically and carefully said “vote”. That’s not violent or hateful. If those who practice leftist ideology have no power in a public office they are effectively eliminated.

Speaking of eliminating leftist ideology, did anyone read that Vivek Ramaswamy acquired a sizable stake in Buzzfeed?

Last edited 23 days ago
D'Tucker Jebs
22 days ago
Reply to  Xi’sXoBoy

As a Socialist who believes it is only right that the wealthy share a portion of their income to improve the lives of the poor nd the working classes, I’d rather not see my right to representation eliminated.
I also see lots of Socialist commenters here who complain about the state of our roads or the slow response time of law enforcement, or who compliment fire departments, search & rescue, or the Coast Guard when they rescue people.
I don’t think it is right to have their voices eliminated either.

22 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

I appreciate your position. All citizens of America share more than the government is entitled due to the vulgar and intrusive16th Amendment. The problem with Socialism as I see it is the share that Socialists want from those that will and do is an ever-increasing and ever-moving goalpost. Eventually, Socialists run out of or mishandle other people’s money to the point of failure and then turn to communism to retain control.

It’s very plainly stated in the constitution. “promote the general welfare”… this is the “welfare” that encourages and should grease the skids and provide limited funds for private projects that allow for smooth free trade and commerce. The government should not be building or maintaining anything. Nowhere in the constitution is social welfare addressed. And several founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson particularly, spoke out against it.

It was the role of the churches to provide for the poor and needy. So if you’re not tithing to your Pastafarian Spaghetti Monster and the clergy in your religion aren’t distributing those tithes to those in need, then you aren’t sharing enough of your wealth to the poor and those in need. I tithe to my church. The government is not my God. Why should I tithe to them? Therefore I lie, cheat and steal each year to lessen the amount of money that the government tries to steal from me each year. Thankfully, the politicians have set up the tax codes and regulations so that it is very easy for people of means to avoid burdensome taxes. That burden falls mostly on folks who have a 9-5 and the government steals money out of their checks before they receive it.

23 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

And there’s this spoken by someone who lived through it…

Fascism is Black Communism and Communism is Red Fascism.” – Don Luigi Sturzo

23 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

What’s really odd is that definition of fascism as right wing is that the left, when they acquire power, inevitable show almost all the same characteristics of fascism. They are authoritarian, militaristic, have a dictatorship, are nationalist, fond of populist demagoguery, etc etc. Soon they become nationalistic because their inevitable faikures always need someone to blame. They can’t help but be because their founding ideologies require forcing a good share of the population into self damaging actions when put into practice. It’s only when it remains incapable of force, it has the pleasant perfume of good for all. When acted upon, it has the stench of death.

D'Tucker Jebs
23 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

Considering that there have been four democratic Presidencies in the past half century: Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Carter,
which of these do you consider an authoritarian, militaristic, nationalist dictatorship?

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
23 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

Ukraine losing ground on all fronts. Biden’s CIA proxy war was lost six months ago when Ukraine could no longer muster replacement personnel for half million front line losses. The recent $60 billion aid package was principally about bribes, kickbacks, corruption, blackmail, and Biden trying to avoid embarrassing defeat before the election. An offer for ceasefire at current battle lines has been offered and it’s time for Biden’s Fascist Reich to end the list war, avoid the killing of hundreds of thousands more, and save tens of billions of US treasure. Zelensky and his cronies can flee to their foreign mansions, yachts, and hundreds of millions stashed cash.

Let’s hope a complete audit reveals all that have personally profited from Biden’s misguided proxy war and they’re all held accountable.

D'Tucker Jebs
23 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel
22 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

None of which were more than mildly left wing. And thanks to our Constitution, none (right or left) are able to grab total power. Or even all that much personal power in general. I suppose Obama with his Dreamers EO came closest.
Nazis or fascists, despite the fact you keep assigning that word to Trump and everyone else you don’t like, have never come close to that kind of power here. Hyperbole is the only thing out of out of control around here.

D'Tucker Jebs
22 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

I have never called Trump, nor anyone else who didn’t embrace such terms themselves, a Nazi or a Fascist.
I know it’s a pipe dream, but I’d love for there to be a place for meaningful discourse, and I do not consider such words to be conducive towards that end.

Fly On The Wall
22 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

Well said.

23 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

Hmm… maybe reparations would be a better word.

D'Tucker Jebs
23 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

I don’t follow.

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
23 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs
D'Tucker Jebs
23 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

Stumbling into a conversation and blurting out incoherent blather…

Irony much?

23 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

GS, your “dementia hitler” cartoon-meme, drafted by noted wingding by Ben Garrison. Why was his signature taken off of it? Garrison, invited to a Trump 2019 White House event but disinvited given he’s bad look, due to his anti-Semitic cartoons. Garrison later claimed it caused him “embarrassment, humiliation, mental suffering, anguish”. Gotta laugh at the shitweasels who dish it out but can’t take it, the “it” being the consequences of their own trash.

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
23 days ago
Reply to  Grace

Even leftist rag The Hill turning on the Alzheimer’s patient occupying the White House

First, because so many are struggling to pay their bills, which they probably associate with a recession. Second, because real incomes are stagnant. People’s living standards have deteriorated, which doesn’t lead them to view things with rose-colored glasses.

Third, and maybe most importantly, Joe Biden and his surrogates have lied so frequently to Americans about the state of the economy (and the country) that people are no longer paying much attention to spin from the White House. Being told repeatedly that everything is great, when you can’t make ends meet, is deeply unsettling. It’s also insulting — the corollary implication is that you just don’t understand your own situation.

Anyone paying attention to Joe Biden when he tells the public over and over again that inflation was 9 percent when he took office and the economy was in freefall knows he’s not telling the truth. Even the uber-friendly Washington Post scolded the president for this canard, awarding him four Pinocchios for having repeated the bogus claim on several separate occasions.

For the record — again — when Biden entered the Oval Office in the first quarter of 2021, the economy was growing at over 6 percent and inflation was 1.4 percent. After pushing an unprecedented amount of stimulus funding (including the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Act) out into a constrained economy, inflation zoomed to 9.1 percent, the highest in 43 years.

23 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

What I can’t understand is why local maga-mouthpieces are so weak, utilizing far more utter trash than at least relative facts and reason (Biden benefitting). Might be rural blue CA regions aren’t worth investing sharper tools.

Fly On The Wall
22 days ago
Reply to  Grace

Resorting to ad hominem tactics eh, Grace? The ultimate sign that someone has no argument.

22 days ago

I’m sorry, but I don’t see a victim of such.

Now as to “weak” and “trash”, how about “so very weak” and “very trashy”, given last check by actual medical professionals is the elderly guy manning the WH doesn’t suffer from the truly awful health issue that is Alzheimer’s, nor is he a patient. Add The Hill has certainly never described him as such, not to my knowledge, and would be unqualified besides. Now, if we could only get the two frontrunners in front of a panel of psychiatrists and psychologists for assessment, casting votes for the most unbalanced.

22 days ago
Reply to  Grace

Yes a lack of curiosity is something you should look in to Grace.

You are well schooled in talking gibberish though. That will serve you well in your government job.

I like stars
I like stars
22 days ago
Reply to  Grace

You accuse others but it seems to be you posting like someone who gets paid by the post and/or word.

22 days ago
Reply to  I like stars

Six figures ($Oo0, ooO, oO0)

I like stars
I like stars
22 days ago
Reply to  Grace

At least they’re paying you every penny you’re worth.

22 days ago
Reply to  Grace

You do realize that you typed out 9 figures, yes?


Are you ok?

Last edited 22 days ago
22 days ago
Reply to  BIllyJr.

There’s actually only two numerical figures. I can just picture some of y’all gears turning “He said six figures but I count nine, boy oh boy I got him now”.
Have a great day merica make agin.

Fly On The Wall
22 days ago
Reply to  Grace

You go by he/him pronouns, Grace?

21 days ago


tru matters
tru matters
23 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Scientists are predicting a sever tornado season….
F-5 Tornado
The warm temperature drops outdoors,
And first drops of fresh rain sprinkle.
The thunder claps right above me,
As lightening is striking afar.
Dust is blowing in the wind,
Trees are bending fiercely,
A train horn blares,
As the core nears me.
Then sudden silence,
A calm reappears.
Electrical fires start,
For a moment one
Thinks it’s over,
Then it starts
Again quickly.
Passing by my
Home taking
My neighbors,
Tin flying by,
The tornado
Fades, look
At all the
And I

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
23 days ago
Reply to  tru matters


New reported emails from a 2015-2016 federal investigation show agents were looking into Hunter Biden’s communication with business associate Devon Archer leveraging Joe Biden’s trip to China in 2013.

ARCHER: “Did you end up meeting Jonathan (Li)?”

HUNTER: “Yes- and they got to meet Dad. All very good. Talk later.”

ARCHER: “great! have a good day over there.”

HUNTER: “Dinner w/ Xi was pretty amazing. They (Xi and JRB) were supposed to spend 2hrs together. It stretched to 7hrs. I think they are in love with each other. They all most kissed on departure”

This is in stark contrast of what Joe Biden said on the campaign trail in 2020.

Joe Biden in August 2019: “I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their business, period.”

tru matters
tru matters
23 days ago

In Bronx speech “Demented Don” brags about how he can put his pants on all by himself.
We are so proud of you Donald…..

Thanks Grace

Last edited 23 days ago
Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
23 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

For those that missed it, Google and find Biden’s press conference yesterday where his mumbling, stumbling, babbling, and general disorientation has caused even leftist pundits to call for Biden to “consider dropping out”.
The Alzheimer’s Patient Occupying the WH did that!

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
23 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Mush Brain Biden attempting to commemorate Kenyan visit to WH (not Obama). What a national embarrassment, 25th Biden Now!

c u 2morrowD
22 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

t v interview with she devil Kathy Hochul governor of the shit state New York, referencing to Trump supports as “clowns” won’t go unnoticed in upcoming elections. Typical liberal spin/spiteful jibberish.

tru matters
tru matters
23 days ago

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas issued a strong rebuke of the Brown v. Board of Education ruling on Thursday, suggesting the court overreached its authority in the landmark decision that banned separating schoolchildren by race.

tru matters
tru matters
23 days ago

LOL…AI is pranking people.

Google’s new artificial intelligence (AI) search feature is facing criticism for providing erratic, inaccurate answers.

Its experimental “AI Overviews” tool has told some users searching for how to make cheese stick to pizza better that they could use “non-toxic glue”.

The search engine’s AI-generated responses have also said geologists recommend humans eat one rock per day.

23 days ago
Reply to  The Real Guest

UN = 💨

I demand the US stop funding the UN and the UN remove its headquarters from US soil.

We’ll see which demand is met first. The UN’s “World Court’” or mine.

23 days ago
Reply to  The Real Guest

And back to the real world, the Israelis will have ended their war and will be fighting the world about post war security issues long before the ICJ can make enough countries agree on actions to enforce its rulings. Which are not really very specific anyway. They did not order a ceasefire. “While the ruling by the International Court of Justice is a blow to Israel’s international standing, the court does not have a police force to enforce its orders. In another case on its docket, Russia has so far ignored a 2022 order by the court to halt its full-scale invasion of Ukraine…The court did not call for a full cease-fire throughout Gaza as South Africa, which brought the case, had requested at hearings last week.”
The reality is that no one wants Palestinians in their country at all, except maybe Biden in an election year, while a lot of countries do business with Israel.

The Real Guest
The Real Guest
23 days ago

‘UN’s top court orders Israel to ‘immediately’ halt its operation in Rafah’

Last edited 22 days ago
Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
22 days ago
Reply to  The Real Guest

Video surfacing of Israel dynamiting Gaza residential neighborhoods so Palestinians have nothing to return to, can all huddle together in a Rafeh until Biden flies millions to US

22 days ago
Reply to  The Real Guest

I remember watching Palestinian celebrations after 9/11/01. Kids getting candy and rejoicing in the deaths of 2700 Americans. Those kids would be about the age of the subhuman vermin who attacked Isreal on 10/7/2023.

Methinks Hamas and the Palestinian rubes who elected them are getting their just desserts. And the only entity who cares is an emasculated, impotent clown court that spawned an American -hating quisling like Jack Smith.

I stand, proudly, by Israel.

Fly On The Wall
22 days ago

In October 2008, following the tragic murders of Jennifer Hudson’s mother, brother, and 7-year-old nephew, Donald Trump offered his support by providing Hudson and some of her relatives with complimentary accommodations at the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago.

In the wake of her family tragedy, Jennifer Hudson has received a helping hand from a very unlikely source — Donald Trump.
Hudson and some of her family members have been staying at the Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago, and Trump has been picking up the tab.
“They are safe,” Trump told People on Monday night. “She’s a great girl and we’re protecting them well.”
According to E! Online, Hudson has been staying at the hotel since arriving in Chicago on Oct. 24, the day her mother, Darnell Donerson, and brother, Jason Hudson, were found murdered, and her nephew, Julian King, was found [to be] missing.
Since checking into the hotel, the Oscar winner and former “American Idol” star has rarely left the hotel.
“She is still in shock,” a source told E! “She hasn’t gone out much at all and has a lot of security around her.”

Last edited 22 days ago
tru matters
tru matters
22 days ago

What’s so special about that?
Not like she was homeless and poor.
Stars get those kind of deals all the time, and Tdump gets publicity for the hotel.

Last edited 22 days ago
tru matters
tru matters
22 days ago

The orange shit weasel using far-right Fascist rhetoric trying to incite violence against migrants.

Former President Donald Trump ratcheted up his anti-immigrant rhetoric at a rally in the South Bronx, where he claimed, without evidence, that migrants coming to the U.S. are forming an “army.”
Google News-

Fly On The Wall
22 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

There’s no evidence Trump was “trying to incite violence” against illegal immigrants — that’s your spin.

Last edited 22 days ago
c u 2morrowD
22 days ago

more leftist spin

c u 2morrowD
22 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

An article from Arab news…

tru matters
tru matters
22 days ago
Reply to  c u 2morrow

Trump also sought to link the illegal entry of migrants from the Mexico border to the economic plight of Black and Hispanic voters, claiming that migrants were taking their jobs.
D’ Tucker Jebs!!!

Fly On The Wall
22 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Whose jobs do you think the illegal immigrants will be taking?

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
22 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

The number of working Americans has declined under Biden, part time jobs way up, takes two to survive, with FT down, average weekly earnings of black workers down meanwhile housing cost skyrocketed. Biden’s criminal migrants did that!

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
22 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Even a recent Turkish border jumper said on TV that it’s insanity for Biden to allow murderers, child molesters, and criminals of other persuasion to come across border without vetting, “they’re not all good people like me”

Last edited 22 days ago
tru matters
tru matters
22 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

Well we have plenty of those home grown. Let’s worry about them.

Fly On The Wall
22 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Tell that to Laken Riley’s family.

North westCertain license plate out of thousands c
North westCertain license plate out of thousands c
22 days ago

Lev Parnas sure has some stuff to tell about Rudy Giuliani and Donald trump Lordy, what happened to my Republican Party?
Please stay away from lead paint and brain worms.

22 days ago

Steve Bannon as of late, in a GB interview, going after the Conservatives in Great Britain:

“You (Tories) have betrayed Britain”, going on to label them “fu**ing left-wing liars”.


tru matters
tru matters
22 days ago
Reply to  Grace

Steve Bannon a strategist sly
With a penchant for causing a cry
He’s a master of spin
and a friend of the bin
But his tactics oft backfire, oh my!

tru matters
tru matters
22 days ago

This Supreme Court Term Was All About Undoing Democracy
The justices made racist gerrymandering easier—and that’s just the start.

North westCertain license plate out of thousands c
North westCertain license plate out of thousands c
22 days ago

😆. Mr trump says China has war ships circling Beijing. 🤣. My god he’s so fricking stupid.