Man and Woman With Significant Burns in McKinleyville

Emergency medical ambulance featureTwo ambulances are responding Code 3 to the 2200 Thiel Avenue in McKinleyville after learning there are a man and a woman with significant burn injuries. The incident was first reported at about 5:25 p.m.

A neighbor reported seeing a woman with what they thought was blood on Thiel Avenue. Then more reports came in saying that there were a man and a woman with serious burn injuries on the front of their bodies.

A Humboldt County Sheriff’s deputy confirmed the incident over the scanner.

The first reports indicate the burns were caused by cooking oil.

Please remember that information gathered from initial reports is subject to revision as more facts become available. 


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19 Let us come and reason together. Isaiah 1:18
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1 year ago

People are still making bho???

1 year ago
Reply to  Jsteezy215

that’s what I thought too, but the last paragraph states that it was cooking oil according to first reports

Last edited 1 year ago
Bug on a Windshield
Bug on a Windshield
1 year ago
Reply to  guest__

Whether “cooking” was used as an adjective or a verb makes a huge difference. Not enough info in the article. By golly I love the English language.

Lost Croat OutburstD
Lost Croat Outburst
1 year ago

Um . . . Ah. . . .OK, man. Pretty fine point, but OK. Damn language anyway. “Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.” That’s what you GET!

Bug on a Windshield
Bug on a Windshield
1 year ago

“Last night I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How it got in my pajamas I’ll never know.” -Groucho Marx

Lost Croat OutburstD
Lost Croat Outburst
1 year ago
Reply to  Jsteezy215

That’s the facile assumption, but from the text it might actually have been a cooking accident. A frying pan of oil being heated might have ignited. In their panic, the pair might have thrown water on the hot, burning oil. The water instantly vaporized, exploding burning oil on the unfortunate cooks. Remember, oil floats on water so the water would go under the hot oil in direct contact with the hot pan. Burning oil acts a bit like napalm, clinging to the skin while burning. This is very bad. NEVER throw water on an oil fire. Put the lid on the pan, maybe flour or your kitchen fire extinguisher cleared for fat fires. The Navy uses special foam that floats on oil. I hope for the best for these folks.

Lost Croat OutburstD
Lost Croat Outburst
1 year ago

Maybe baking soda instead of flour. Flour powder might burn. Check for yourselves.

Madison Manson
Madison Manson
9 months ago

shut the fuck up you have no idea what happened so keep your stupid fucking mouth out of ut

susan hinds in
susan hinds in
1 year ago
Reply to  Jsteezy215

these two people are upstanding. it was a cooking oil burn. nothing else. they would give you the shirts off their backs if you needed them. very caring. prayers needed for a fast recovery love you two. ❤️❤️

Brittany Holland
Brittany Holland
1 year ago

People should probably keep negative ass thoughts to themselves 🤷🏼‍♀️

1 year ago

That is the problem, Brittany. Their thoughts come out of their negative ass!

Humboldt Lady
Humboldt Lady
1 year ago
Reply to  Martin

I agree. Not everyone thinks before they speak. I hope they make a full recovery and are in as little pain as possible during their recovery. How scary and sad. Burns hurt worse than most injuries in my opinion. Brightest blessings to them both.

1 year ago

Man that suucks. Hopefully they heal up quickly. A buddy of mine spilled a five-gallon batch of double boiling BBQ sauce down his front. Now he’s fine.

1 year ago
Reply to  james

My son had a slow cooker full of boiling hot BBQ sauce spilled onto his knee and it bubbled up like a Ballon and was rushed to the hospital. After about 6 mons. he is just fine except the scar it left on his knee

1 year ago

I am so sorry that the man and woman were seriously burned with cooking oil. I hope they will make a full recovery from their injuries. Did they lose their home or part of it due to the cooking oil which I think would have started a fire.

Brittany Holland
Brittany Holland
1 year ago
Reply to  Martin

No, the home was not damaged.

1 year ago

That is great news. Thank you Brittany!

1 year ago

I remember people getting terrible burns back in the days that turkey frying was a big fad.
Dropping the turkey into several gallons of boiling oil would cause the oil to overtop the fryer, usually starting a fire.

Bug on a Windshield
Bug on a Windshield
1 year ago

I hope the couple fare well. My Gra’ma told a tale of fried chicken grease splattering on her hand, long before I was ever around, and the, uh, well, it was gross enough to make me mindful around the stove.