A Woman Says She Witnessed Two Sasquatch Hunting Sheep on the Mendocino Coast—A Recollection to Send Chills Down Your Spine

Please note: Redheaded Blackbelt doesn’t personally believe in Bigfoot. These are the recollections of one person and have not been fact checked but are presented in the spirit of the Halloween season.

An image published on the Twitter Account of Washings State’s District of Transportation along with the caption “Sasquatch spotted!!! I’m not superstitious… just a little stitious…If you look closely by the tree on the left there looks to be something… might be Sasquatch… We will leave that up to you!”

Memories can be elusive, like a figure through a foggy window. But, some moments stay with you no matter how hard you try to forget.

It was a summer evening in August 1966. Two sisters felt the darkness coming on, but the summer light remained. Alongside the mouth of the Albion River, the sun hovered over the Pacific. In the changing light of the Mendocino Coast, the sisters would see something they would never forget.

Albion Flat in the 1960s [Picture from Ebay]

R.J. was 15 in August 1966. One of four children, her family was living in Ukiah while her father worked as a commercial fisherman based in Albion. Mom and the children would make the trip through the coastal range at least twice a week, visiting Dad and bringing him supplies. Soon, Mom, R.J., her older sister, and her two younger siblings tracked down a trailer. They parked it near the dock Dad tied up his boat and made the Albion Flats their home.

R.J. and her older sister slept in the family car while Mom, Dad, and the little ones slept in the boat.

On that August evening, the long light of summer was fading but the river and hills were suffused with light. The sisters got comfortable around 8:00 p.m. tucking themselves into a 1957 two-door Pontiac Chieftan stocked with pillows and blankets.

Big Sister was in the front seat and R.J. was in the back. They rolled the windows down and let the summer evening in. The sisters talked in that easy way you can at the end of a summer’s day.

The moment was broken by an audible bleating of sheep. This was no normal baa. It sounded like an entire flock was crying in terror

Albion River, Mendocino County [Picture provided by the Getty Museum and taken by Carleton Watkins in 1863]

Startled, the sisters tried to pinpoint where the noise was emanating from. Across the river, on a steep hillside, a local man’s flock grazed within a fenced pasture. They caught sight of the sheep running frantically. The flock scattered forming smaller groups afraid of an unknown predator.

The flock’s cries, their frantic movements, the summer evening calm broken by the unadulterated fear of defenseless prey.

And then, the unforgettable came into view.

R.J. and her big sister made out what first looked like two bears, running on their hind legs, moving with an unnatural agility. Their faces were flat. Their arms and legs were long. They were tall, maybe 6′ 4″, muscular and wide. Long, dark hair covered their bodies.

In the fading summer light, the pair watched these strange creatures terrorize the flock 150 yards away on the opposite side of the river. The creatures looked to be working together to corner the sheep.

The sheep cried. The light dimmed. The sisters witnessed the unbelievable.

Summer twilight gave way to seaside darkness and the pair feared these creatures could swim. They locked the Pontiac’s doors and hid under their blankets horrified these creatures would come for them next.

The night was long. The sisters replayed their memories of the summer night broken, the flock wailing and scattering, the senseless cruelty of these unknown creatures.

Morning light prompted the pair to emerge from the Pontiac. The sisters got down to the boat and told Mom and Dad who thought it was all a dream.

Later that morning R.J. was at the local Post Office located across the river not far from where the strange creatures tormented the sheep. Locals spoke of sheep killed in the night. They blamed it on a wild pack of dogs.

Another clipping from the Mendocino Beacon in the late 1960s demonstrate the sheep killings going on in the county.

A clipping from the Mendocino Coast Beacon 11 November, 1966 demonstrate the sheep killings going on in the county.

R.J. was told by Sam Costa, the Mendocino County Sheriff at the time, that it was unusual that dogs would only eat the heart, liver, and flesh between the legs of the sheep. She watched the Sheriff inspect a carcass.

Sheep killings were not uncommon in rural Mendocino County. Whenever R.J. heard about another pack of dogs taking down a sheep, she knew the real culprit.

38 years after R.J.’s experience, she composed a Bigfoot Observation Report and submitted it to the Bigfoot Field Researcher Organization (BFRO).

In the years following her sighting, she would hear tales of more up and down the Mendocino Coast. Her father-in-law described seeing a similar creature near Comptche in the 1930s. He was in a wagon when Bigfoot crossed the road in front of the horses. The man driving the wagon had seen the creature before and told the father-in-law the creature was called the “Woodsman”.

In the 1940s, there were reports of Bigfoot seen carrying an armload of fish near Fort Bragg. In the 1970s, two Bigfoots reportedly stole grain sacks near Albion.

The BFRO classifies R.J.’s sighting as Class A confidently ruling out the misidentification of other animals as Bigfoot. The Observation Report contains notes written by a BFRO researcher who reached out to R.J. asking specific questions to validate her sighting.

R.J.’s report is detailed and vivid. There is almost a naivete to her tone and diction, like recalling that night brought her back to the child that saw the unbelievable.

As time has passed, the sighting next to the Albion River has proven to be a seminal moment changing the course of her life.

How do we know? We spoke with her on the phone.

Deer hunter Rick Jacobs of Elk County, Pennsylvania took this image at the Allegheny National Forest in Northwest Pennsylvania while attempting to photograph deer for the upcoming fall hunting season. [Caption and photo from Wikipedia]

R.J. is 71 now. She lives in Idaho. We know her name, but she’ll remain R.J.

Since seeing two Bigfoots along the Albion River, she has never been the same. “It makes me look at everything individually. I see things that everyone else just passes by.”

R.J. told us once a person sees a Bigfoot “you feel like they have a target on you.”

She told us she regularly sees Bigfoot near her home in rural Idaho. “They are everywhere. They live in bands. If you see one, there are more.”

When R.J. found the BFRO, she found a community that understood her and what she saw. R.J.’s mother never believed her and she felt relief finding others that had encountered what she did as a teenage girl.

Experience and memories form our beliefs. The scar from the hot stove is enough to believe in the power of heat. No need to try that again.

Imagine experiencing something remarkable that is beyond human experience. Parents, friends, and strangers dismiss, discredit, and deny. How can you even trust yourself?

R.J.’s belief in Bigfoot is a product of her memories and experience. That evening by the Albion River was her initiation. She has spent her life availed of knowledge that only a select few have attained.

She is 71 and a vehement believer, a machine gun-style conversationalist vacillating between her childhood in Mendocino, her retirement in Idaho, and the Bigfoot sighting that changed her life.

As American church attendance plummets, belief sounds like an antiquated notion. R.J.’s conviction forced me to ask myself: what do I believe in?

See MendoFever’s earlier Bigfoot story here. And check out the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization for their archives of sightings and their approach to studying Sasquatch.

Here’s a Bigfoot Sighting in Humboldt County that Redheaded Blackbelt wrote about previously.
And for the sceptics, here’s a story about Bigfoot’s bad hair day.

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29 Let us come and reason together. Isaiah 1:18
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2 years ago

The second newspaper clipping in the article appears to be from 1961 or 1962, rather than the late 1960s. The article “State’s Births Exceed Deaths” refers to “preliminary figures for 1961”, so that article about the sheep could not have been anywhere near August 1966 when R.J. had her experience.

willow creekerD
2 years ago
Reply to  Jackie

Jackie, I think you are missing the point. It’s a Halloween story. Suspend your critical thinking for a story like this. I mean, Roger Patterson did admit his whole video and footprints were a joke. (The famous bluff creek video of bigfoot that everyone has seen) So, it’s all kind of a joke, at least for most people.

Angela Robinson
Angela Robinson
2 years ago
Reply to  willow creeker

I’m not disagreeing with you, but I haven’t been able to find any article where Patterson admitted that. Gimlin still believes, though he was a victim to an extent of Patterson’s greed.
On a personal note, I don’t believe in Bigfoot, but if one did finally show up I’d not be shocked.
Like the poster says, “I want to believe”. 🙂

willow creekerD
2 years ago

I am 100% sure I read it in the paper right around when patterson died. Was it the times standard or the NCJ, I can’t recall. But I am positive it was a big article, and it was big news in Willow Creek at the time.

willow creekerD
2 years ago
Reply to  willow creeker

Actually maybe it was when Bob Wallace died. I don’t have time to research it but it was early 2000’s. Looks like patterson died in 1972

I think I read that too.......
I think I read that too.......
2 years ago
Reply to  willow creeker

I believe I remember reading that article as well. It was a very “last one alive, death bed confession” style of story.
I’ve also read a different article that said that the walking figure filmed was a human who was WEARING the skin of a Squatch. In that article they shot first, and looked second. After looking and seeing just how close to a human they were; one was skinned, the film shot, and everything buried in order to avoid possible murder charges. That article had a 1960’s Polaroid quality picture of the bury pit. Yuck.

2 years ago

It was in the obituary

Jocelyn Febreezy
Jocelyn Febreezy
2 years ago

Sheesh. The Gnomes. Duh

Weir screwed
Weir screwed
2 years ago

“I want my Ole Life Back!” I am pretty sure it’s against societal norms to state if you either been baffled or traumatized by seen a bigfoot/feet, dogman, ghost or unicorn.

To much research , trauma, and coach crackers to saw more.

Except go to your local bigfeet center and tell them they all need you to tell them what you saw. Trust me I get dates this way.

” Hey Lady, you saw a guy in a Playa Custom climbing a Mt on meth with the latest magnetic bungee kit!”
Then I invite her to Burner Man/Women and we hackle all the weirdos.

Read, Research, Talk to Elders.

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
2 years ago

To add to the Halloween thread, Biden’s trick or treat? 10 days until the referendum on our Illegitimate President’s policies.

Screenshot_20221029-091906_Samsung Internet.jpg
Panthers Onca
Panthers Onca
2 years ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

And I got a bill for a cop killing a black man.

2 years ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

OBiden is busy buying votes with our tax dollars…

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
2 years ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

Yeah, Biden claims he got the student loan liability transferred to taxpayers with two votes. Oh really, which two Republicans?
Senile Uncle Joe did that!

A vote for Trump is a vote a Fascist America
A vote for Trump is a vote a Fascist America
2 years ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

Trump and his buddies Hitler and Mussolini in tricking and deceiving Democracy’s and turning Countries in Fascist Gov’ts. They are all alike. Lying, womanizing, lacking any level of morals and ended up complete failures in lives who would sell their mothers and children into slavery. They called themselves “conservatives”.

2 years ago

I always hoped to see a Bigfoot when living well off grid. Closest I got was a big old black bear, hearing my dogs chase and tree another black bear (complete with cartoonish forest shaking back and forth as the chase commenced across the small creek valley), and a predator drone. Never any big feet though.

Weir screwed
Weir screwed
2 years ago

Researchers actually live McDonald’s Pancakes, then rap clear tap around trunk to collect hair.

I don’t believe in feeding anything but hungry people. I got born again at Whiskey Town by a junvi small foot punkin me and my girlfriend and hotter besty, and I, anyway, treated, bigfeets have a place, just hopefully away from me, my claims, and equipment.
And close friends…

2 years ago

I believe!

I believe it is just a homeless guy wearing a gorilla suit.

Steve Koch
Steve Koch
2 years ago

Great article, pleasure to read.

Old SchoolD
Old School
2 years ago

This is a case for the X-Files. The truth is out there.

2 years ago

I believe!

old guy
old guy
2 years ago
Reply to  Meme

i have this bridge for sale, cheap.

Weir screwed
Weir screwed
2 years ago
Reply to  old guy

Treated, I have a book that takes a word like bridge and gives you other words to use like, my heart, my 401K , 403 B plan.

I mean bridges are great, retaining walls are cool.

Anyway, stop trying to court mymy

Weir screwed
Weir screwed
2 years ago
Reply to  Meme

Thank You, Big Feets believes in you, and so do I.

I’m also savvy, yet eat chicken, pork ribs, grits, please want large family.
Single, yet willing to perform the freaky to make little babies.

Bananas 🍌
Bananas 🍌
2 years ago

Favorite bumper sticker:
Bigfoot Doesn’t Believe in You Either

2 years ago

Trick or Treat…

Permanently on Monitoring
Permanently on Monitoring
2 years ago
Reply to  Prometheus

Makes great copy!

Why the fuck not? Bigfoot is a real as the Redhead Burglar, I bet…

Sheriff sure as heck will never catch him…

Canyon oak
Canyon oak
2 years ago

I’ve always wondered what the rural north coast would have been like before the influx of east coasters in the 60/70’s.
Albion flat looks so idyllic..
America was on a upswing..

Last edited 2 years ago
c u 2morrowD
2 years ago
Reply to  Canyon oak

good ol days

2 years ago

Box canyons. Friday Ridge. Nobody believes me! So, whatever.