HCSO Warns About the Dangers of Recreating in Local Rivers

Press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:

sheriff's boat on the river

Humboldt County Sheriff’s boat patrolling Klamath River

The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office wishes everyone a pleasant Memorial Day weekend. As we honor those who have served in our military and enjoy the outdoors, we urge caution regarding swimming in our local rivers. It remains too early in the season to safely swim in several of our waterways, notably the Trinity River. Both the Trinity and Klamath Rivers pose significant risks due to high water levels, cold temperatures, submerged obstacles, and swift currents. Even experienced swimmers may struggle in these conditions. Therefore, we advise the general public to refrain from swimming in these rivers at this time.

 For those choosing to swim in one of our local waterways, we offer the following safety recommendations:

  • Check river levels and flow information provided by the National Weather Service.
  •  Avoid swimming alone.
  • Stay near the shoreline.
  • Avoid swimming into strong fast-moving currents.  If the current seems too strong, get out of the water.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol while swimming.
  • Do not substitute inflatable water toys for a life jacket. Ensure young children wear a life jacket and supervise them closely while swimming.

The Sheriff’s Office emphasizes the importance of exercising caution and using common sense when enjoying our counties rivers and the ocean. Your safety should always be the top priority.

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22 days ago

Excellent advice…..you can lead a horse to water……

tru matters
tru matters
22 days ago
Reply to  Zipline

Use some horse sense.

Gary Whittaker
Gary Whittaker
22 days ago

Many river incidents involve alcohol. If it’s dark and you require rescue, authorities usually won’t start searching until daylight the next day. Soon after, it becomes a recovery. Sometimes nothing is recovered.
Sometimes people try to rescue their dogs who get swept away.
Most of the times, the dog is found o.k. and the owner becomes a statistic.

old guy
old guy
22 days ago
Reply to  Gary Whittaker

and, if you can’t swim, don’t jump in and try to ‘save’ someone.

Gary Whittaker
Gary Whittaker
22 days ago
Reply to  old guy

I hate to be so blunt about the subject, but year after year the situation happens with sad results.

22 days ago

Please everyone that is headed to the river for a good time on this Memorial Day weekend, follow all the rules that the HCSO has posted for your safety. If you plan to consume alcohol don’t drive and stay out of the water. Also keep a close eye on your children and pets.

North westCertain license plate out of thousands c
North westCertain license plate out of thousands c
22 days ago

I hope young people read this and pay attention!
Danger, danger. The Trinity was never too swift but way too cold.
It literally stops your muscles from moving!