Game of Thrones Actor Ordered to Pay Nearly $75,000 in Restitution to Willits Homeowners for Unlawful and ‘Shoddy’ Contracting


Dan Hildebrand

Dan Hildebrand

In the strange happenstance way Mendocino County seems to attract the unexpected, yesterday, a Game of Thrones villain was ordered to pay restitution for faulty contracting work he did almost four years ago. In 2018, 59-year-old Dan Hildebrand (AKA Kraznys mo Nakloz, a rich slave-trader) was charged with a series of misdemeanors associated with unlicensed contracting work he conducted on two Willits homes.

Yesterday, as per Mendocino County District Attorney’s announcement on Facebook, those charges resulted in the “longest criminal restitution hearing” in the county’s history in which Hildebrand was ordered to pay $74,961.79 for “faulty work he and his hand-picked associates attempted to undertake in 2018 for two Willits area homeowners.”

Back in August 2018, Hildebrand was found to be “without a required state contractor’s license, unlawfully advertising as a contractor without a required state contractor’s license, unlawfully charging an excessive down payment for contracting work, and unlawfully failing to carry workers compensation insurance.”

In January 2020, Hildebrand would admit to unlawful contracting without a state license and advertising without a license. The court granted Hildebrand a “pre-sentence diversion”, also known as a “deferred entry of judgment” for 24 months. This allowed Hildebrand to “forestall being sentenced for a set period of time.” During that time, Hildebrand would be required to agree on what the press release characterized as “summary probation with specific terms and conditions.”  

Considering the nature of crimes Hildebrand admitted to, he was ordered to not do any contracting work until fully licensed, to obey all laws, and to pay restitution to the victims in Willits.

Since Hildebrand’s deferred entry of judgment began, he had not paid a penny of the restitution he had been ordered to pay the Willits residents which “necessitated what turned out to be an extended contested restitution hearing.”

Over a period of eight court dates starting on December 27, 2021 spread out until yesterday, multiple witnesses testified to “the myriad of problems experienced at the construction site and, ultimately, who was in charge and should be held responsible for making things financially right.” 

Hildebrand has a long-acting career beginning in the late 1980s. Some of his notable appearances include HBO’s acclaimed show Deadwood, NBC’s mystery thriller Lost, and the motorcycle gang series Sons of Anarchy.

This thirteen-year-old video on YouTube appears to be a demo reel for Hildebrand. The YouTube channel hosting the video is entitled “thedanhildebrand” which could mean this demo reel was created by Hildebrand himself who uploaded it on the channel he created. If his contracting is anything like his video editing, the “shoddy” work characterization holds. 

In light of Hildebrand’s “shoddy” work and questionable business practices, the press release from the District Attorney reminded Mendocino County residents to consider a number of “helpful tips” to follow when hiring a contractor:

  1. Only hire state-licensed contractors. 
  2. Check the contractor’s license number at, or by calling (800) 321-CSLB (2752). 
  3. Get at least three bids, three references from each bidder, and review past work in person. 
  4. Make sure all project expectations are in writing and detailed. 
  5. Only sign the contract if you completely understand the terms. 
  6. Confirm the contractor’s workers’ compensation insurance policy for employees, and ask about liability insurance to cover accidental property damage. 
  7. Don’t pay in cash; and never pay more than 10 percent down or $1,000, whichever is less, unless the contractor has a blanket performance and payment bond on file with CSLB. 
  8. Don’t let payments get ahead of the work. 
  9. Keep a job file of photos and all papers relating to your project, including all payments.
  10. Don’t make the final payment until you are satisfied that the job meets all contract expectations. 



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2 years ago

This was his best performance yet. Emmy-worthy. “Big city con man goes to small rural town and pretends to be a contractor.”

Or 11., Do it yourself
Or 11., Do it yourself
2 years ago

Jeez sounds like a full time job getting somebody else to do your work…

Mendocino Mamma
Mendocino Mamma
2 years ago

It is entirely distressing. So many times in MECOCO people seek Justice. Spending who knows how much. I would like to know how much attorney fees were spent before this judgment was reached. Does it even cover the fees? With that long of litigation 100% looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars. No attorney in the area practices for less than $300 an hour. Then the matter of an award even being awarded the judges were awake that day pretty nice. These types of awards that are considered “justice” are very rare and few and far betweeen in MECOCO.

Lexi Phillips
Lexi Phillips
2 years ago

Shame, shame,…shame!!

2 years ago

“I’m not a contractor, but I play one on TV.”

2 years ago
Reply to  What!?

Comedy Gold!🤣😂🤣👍

2 years ago

If his contracting is anything like his video editing, the “shoddy” work characterization holds.

Ooh! Burn!

get what you pay for
get what you pay for
2 years ago

I have noticed an explosion of “handymen” advertising on craigslist. Make sure you use a licened contractor. If the ad says “licensed”, you should make sure they are referring to a contractors license and not a business license.

2 years ago

Any and all “advertising” by a contractor is REQUIRED by law (Business & Professions code) to include the license type & #.

Is super easy to check out licenses.

As owners, if an unlicensed “contractor” does work on your property, you run the risk of being liable for labor law for all workers and for any injuries sustained.
When shit goes sideways it can be a living nightmare far worse than this bad story.

Last edited 2 years ago
2 years ago

When I was much younger, I put “licensed” in my landscaping advertisement. I was referring to the fact that I had a valid drivers license.

2 years ago
Reply to  Squeeler

Shady sheister shit

Bug on a Windshield
Bug on a Windshield
2 years ago

After viewing the youtube video, aside from a few “shoddy” accents, looks like all he’s brought to the screen is his own real like character, a “shoddy” con.

Cetan Bluesky
Cetan Bluesky
2 years ago

Monkey portrays human chump.

2 years ago

Winter is coming and the roof still leaks..

2 years ago
Reply to  FogDog

A Lanister always pays their debts lol

2 years ago
Reply to  John


2 years ago

Just like Tug-Boat Charlie’s aka Thug-Boat Charlie’s…

2 years ago

He is licensed, just does shoddy work and made me pay $2,000 deposit on a $4,600 job. Still trying to get my money back.

canyon oak
canyon oak
2 years ago

Who can afford a contractor, or even find one to hire?
Unlicensed is the way to go when all the working age Americans are still enrolled in college..
And If we don’t need to have proof of citizenship to live in America.. why do they need a contractors license to build for incapable and incompetent homeowners?

Me and Mrs Jones
Me and Mrs Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  canyon oak

You make a legitimate point about how the rules are for the working folks who can’t “donate” to campaigns.

A country more concerned with protecting the bag men and women than they are with a secure border.

I say that we move all illegals to those neighborhoods where members of congress live

2 years ago

Give me a break. Politics is why the border isn’t secure. The republicans would hate for this issue to go away, just like abortion and other social issues. If they had to run on their records of what they did to help people they would lose every time.

2 years ago

Wouldn’t that just class the neighborhood up?

2 years ago
Reply to  canyon oak

You have ZERO recourse against an unlicensed “contractor”.
The only reason this case has any restitution in the judgement is bcuz the DA got involved and filed criminal charges with success.

Permanently on Monitoring
Permanently on Monitoring
2 years ago

In Mendo, they would rather pay the fine and an Attorney, if the Government catches then, or in the case of a complaint/lawsuit…

It’s actually cheaper to willfully violate laws, and wait for someone to catch you, and, obviously, you make money, and a lot of time can pass with no action, and, you can “delay action” by various legal maneuvers…

Obviously, this is the “real endemic” in Mendo, Humboldt, Trinity, Shasta etc, etc…

As for the list of “what to do”, did you want your job done, or do you want to spend a lot of time searching for the most expensive way to do it?

Not a lot of good choices, in contractors, and doing it yourself may cause spotty results…

These days, if you live in the country, you better have lots of cash, or be lucky to know someone…

Benjamen Smith
Benjamen Smith
2 years ago

Time to dracarys the dude again