Cartel Scam Targets Humboldt County residents

phone scam feature HCSOThis is a press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office:

The Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office has recently received reports of a disturbing phone scam targeting local residents.

As part of this scam, the scammer may call or send a text to the victim claiming that they are a member of a cartel. The scammer then threatens to kill the victim’s loved ones if they do not send thousands of dollars to the scammer immediately. The scammer has also reportedly sent graphic and disturbing images to victims attempting to convince the victims to send money.

If you receive these scam calls or texts, do not send money, but notify your local law enforcement.

Remember these tips to help protect yourself from fraud:

1. Spot imposters

Scammers often pretend to be someone you trust, like a government official, a family member, a charity or a company with which you do business. Don’t send money or give out personal information in response to an unexpected request – whether it comes as a text, a phone call or an email.

2. Do online searches

Type a company or product name into your favorite search engine with words like “review,” “complaint” or “scam.” Or search for a phrase that describes your situation, like “IRS call.” You can even search for phone numbers to see if other people have reported them as scams.

3. Don’t believe your caller ID

Technology makes it easy for scammers to fake caller ID information, so the name and number you see aren’t always real. If someone calls asking for money or personal information, hang up. If you think the caller might be telling the truth, call back to a number you know is genuine.

4. Talk to someone

Before you give up your money or personal information, talk to someone you trust. Con artists want you to make decisions in a hurry. They might even threaten you. Slow down, check out the story, do an online search, consult an expert — or just tell a friend.

5. Don’t rely on personal information

Living in the digital age, access to information is easier than ever. Scammers are often able to get their hands on very personal information, providing it to their victims to make their scam look more legitimate. Don’t trust a scammer who is able to provide your personal information. If you followed the above tips and still aren’t sure, call back at a publicly listed number for the organization from which the scammer claims to be or contact your loved one directly.

Sign up for the Federal Trade Commission’s scam alerts at

Visit to learn how to report scams.

Visit to learn more about some of the common scams reported to the HCSO.


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2 years ago

I have never heard of the cartel calling you to demand money. This is a new one to me. El Chapo is that you? Telemarking is kind of the same thing right? And no…….

2 years ago
Reply to  Jim

This is the result and only the beginning of “build back better”… it would be much better if they would just “put it back the way they found it”

Last edited 2 years ago
2 years ago
Reply to  ILoveplants

Because cartels and scammers are new and didnt exist under Trump. Q told me that. 6+2=8, 8 is letter h, h stands for helium, helium has 6 letters, and 6+8=14. 1+4=5, and 5 is sacred. So, its easily proven.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ice

WOW 😮you definitely put a lot of thought into your math equation.. yes cartels and scammers did exist, but to my knowledge there were never “cartel phone scammers “. That’s a new one to me.

Last edited 2 years ago
Jim Brickley
2 years ago
Reply to  Ice

Well Q also said Biden is secretly working for trump. Upon his first day in office, Biden signed 17 EO’s, and the 17Th. letter just happens to be Q. So there, what more proof do you need?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jim Brickley

BOOM!!! Okay- I’m convinced!!

Country Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  ILoveplants


2 years ago

Answer unidentified calls saying “this call is being recorded”
You will be amazed how many instantly disconnect.

North west
North west
2 years ago

If they could get a list of young people partying, flying or hotel reservations Then do the Voodoo they do on a computer and I’m sure they could make things look pretty graphic. They could scare the hell out of parents or grandparents You can’t always call in Mexico.

#1 Grandma
#1 Grandma
2 years ago
Reply to  North west

They tried this one with me saying my grandson was in trouble in Canada and needed bail money. I told them off right then and there! I knew it was a scam when they told me my grandson called me “Grandma.” We have pet names for each other no stranger would ever know.

I like stars
I like stars
2 years ago

Kidnapping for ransom is still a real thing in some places.

Captain 'MuricaD
Captain 'Murica
2 years ago

“We have your spouse/child/mother-in-law. If you don’t pay we’ll let them go!”

grey fox
2 years ago

I always tell them “you can keep them, been causing me trouble for years, now you deal with it”

2 years ago

Cartel members pretend to be someone you trust “Like a government official!? Dude, at that point you’re on your own and deserve what you get.

2 years ago

The government is the cartel, period.

On another note, I think we should pool our resources and see if we can’t hire some of these freelancers, and get some of these government crooks, and order followers disappeared.

Last edited 2 years ago
Bug on a Windshield
Bug on a Windshield
2 years ago

While I agree with all the suggestions on how to avoid these scams, i do believe this IS a scam: a scam, yet another ploy, by AT&T to get me to upgrade my internet speed so I can follow these suggestions.

2 years ago


Connie DobbsD
Connie Dobbs
2 years ago
Reply to  namer

One of my co-workers, every time, no matter what else he’s supposed to be doing.

Tom O
2 years ago

Sucks to be my relatives. Im broke do not answer or open texts that are not on my list.

Connie DobbsD
Connie Dobbs
2 years ago

There’s no such thing as a ‘cartel’ and you’re a racist for saying there is.

2 years ago

I got this on my phone as a text about a year ago…hey this is Jose so and so from a cartel, you owe us money from using one of our brothels, pay us or we will kill you and your family. The thing to do is immediately look it up on the net ..I found this exact scam on-line right away and I reported it to law enforcement. Just like that scammer violin player in the fortuna Safeway parking lot claiming to be some refugee or something a month back, that’s also a scam that was easy to look up really quick. ALWAYS LOOK IT UP