Willits Man Arrested at Walmart for Drugs and Firearm Violations
Press release from the Ukiah Police Department:
On 01/11/2025 at approximately 9:00pm a Ukiah Police Department (UPD) Officer was on routine patrol in the parking lot of Walmart, when he noticed a male in and around a pickup truck that had multiple California Vehicle Code violations. The officer took note, and it appeared that the male hastily walked away from the pickup upon seeing the officer.
A short time later the officer saw the male, who was identified as Dustin Bruce of Willits, CA, walk out of Walmart and return to the vehicle. Multiple officers contacted Bruce to speak with him about the pickup truck and the violations. While speaking with Bruce, officers observed drug paraphernalia in plain view inside the truck.
Officers began a probable cause search of Bruce’s person and located a bindle of methamphetamine. Inside the vehicle officers found a loaded .22 caliber rifle, multiple rounds of ammunition in different calibers, and drug paraphernalia. A records check of Bruce’s criminal history informed the officers that Bruce was a convicted felon, prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition. Bruce also had multiple previous convictions for drug possession, making him in violation of California’s newly formed law 11395(b) H&S: unlawful possession of a hard drug with two or more prior convictions for possession (Prop. 36). Bruce was arrested and transported to the Mendocino County Jail where he was booked for four felony charges: 11370.1(a) H&S, 29800(a)(1) PC, 30305(a)(1) PC, and 11395(b) H&S. Bruce was also booked for misdemeanor charges of 25400(a) PC and 11364(a) H&S.
As always, UPD’s mission is to make Ukiah as safe a place as possible and rid the community of unlawfully possessed firearms and weapons. If you would like to know more about crime in your neighborhood, you can sign up for telephone, cellphone, and email notifications by clicking the Nixle button on our website; www.ukiahpolice.com.

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Ah yes another Mensa member, Willits chapter.
Mensa lol
Describing it as a bindle of meth makes it sound so quaint.
Yes, and I call them Mendocinis, not Mendocino County Residents…
Locally sourced organic bindle of meth.
Maybe the Perpetrator of all these crimes should be incarcerated for a significant period of time…
Or just make him President…
How many strikes do they get, these days?
What’s it to you,I dint think you should judge are give your input on anyone’s life tell you lived in there shoes. Mendocino cops are nothing but a bunch of scandalous fucking people they are more dirty then the criminals just they hold a badge so I guess that makes it ok. .Fuck that
You’re right, you dint think
You don’t Even have a clue stop putting judgement on others and mind your own and judge your own life..some people
Bindle!! lol
“…he was booked for four felony charges: 11370.1(a) H&S, 29800(a)(1) PC, 30305(a)(1) PC, and 11395(b) H&S. Bruce was also booked for misdemeanor charges of 25400(a) PC and 11364(a) H&S.”
Can someone translate cop to English?
Google it.
Not so much “cop speak” as it is the legal state definitions under CA codes for everything. But these all fall under Divison 10 of Controlled Substances for the 11000+ codes
Search here: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/home.xhtml
And Penal Code: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codesTOCSelected.xhtml?tocCode=PEN&tocTitle=+Penal+Code+-+PEN
One of them is 11395(b) described above as “unlawful possession of a hard drug with two or more prior convictions for possession” So he’s been busted for drugs several times already before this arrest. “Hard”=drugs under the Controlled Substance Act which would be prescription drugs or anything on the CSA schedule of 1-5. Meth lands at a C2. C1 is drugs with no medicinal value like heroin.
11370.1(a) H&S –Possession of any amount of a list of hard drugs
11364 is drug paraphernalia possession, like pipes or rigs.
29800 (a)(1) is someone already convicted of a drug felony and busted again for drugs AND having prohibited firearms. That can be two more felonies on top of the automatic one he has.
25400(a) is concealed firearm. He would not have been given a CCW previously from his already being a felon not allowed to have one.
30305(a)(1) is having ammo when you aren’t allowed to have any to begin with. Still a violation even if you have ammo but no gun.
Any one of those is a year of jail at a minimum being he’s already convicted more than twice for the same things.
I think it’s all in the story – the PC violations are most likely felon in possession of a fire arm and felon in possession of ammo; the HS violations are most likely possession of a controlled substance and possession with two or more prior convictions – but POM is correct – you could search it.
He is a punk rip off Tweeker good job Ukiah PD
Yeah I liked to see you say with out hiding behind a stupid fucking screen name not so mendo sickwitit. I know him. And he would give you the fucking shirt off his back if you needed it. I’ve known him for 20+ years..and he ain’t no punk rip off tweeker….[edit by Kym].. I ain’t hiding behind a screen name. Love your life dustin. Much love and respect Heathet mccluskey
Right on….Heather….I love your life
Bindle of meth? Did he have a lid of dope buds as well? LOL
You mean grass
Thank God this ended well…
Sounds like a Jesse Welles song…
Don’t believe what you read about the Sheriffs department intending to keep the streets clean of meth and guns. this slim shady is already out of jail, just on $3,500 bond, was only in jail for a day and a few hours. Shame shame shame…by the time you read most articles, the perps are already on the streets doing the same same.
My uncle tells a story, from his vagabond days, of waking up in the dead of night to a boot in the gut and rolling over to see someone running off with his bindle.