Heart of the Redwoods Community Hospice Celebrates Thankfulness and Remembrance
This is a press release from Heart of the Redwoods Community Hospice:
This is the season when we reflect on the importance of sharing the love that we feel for others. Heart of the Redwoods Community Hospice invites you to participate in our holiday tradition of Thankfulness and Remembrance, in which you can honor a living loved one or remember the special people in your life who have died. We will honor each person named with a commemoration on a hand-folded origami crane. Traditionally, origami cranes represent wishes of good fortune and peace. The cranes will be displayed in the windows of some Garberville and Redway businesses from December 1st until December 31st. If you have not received our mailing and would like to honor someone special, look for forms at Chautauqua, Il Forno, Vocality Credit Union, and Signature Coffee; or phone our office at 707-923-7276. Each week, the list of names and commemorations will be different. Thank you for your participation!
In Memory of Kathy Stanley From Enzi Stugard
In Memory of Tahoe Stugard From Enzi Stugard
In Memory of John Stafslien From Ben Wilke
In Memory of Marty Messenger From Ben Wilke
In Memory of Mousie Stafslien From Ben Wilke
In Memory of Dakota Stafslien From Ben Wilke
In Memory of Wade Brown From Ben and Marcy Wilke
In Memory of Marty Messenger From Sheila
In Memory of Moi Lopez Love DJ, Karen, Tina, & Sheila
In Memory of Jeanette Winkler Love DJ & Karen
In Memory of Blake Lehman From Karen, Tina, & Sheila
In Memory of Bernie Korbly From Karen, Tina, & Sheila
In Memory of Charlie Bussman From DJ, Karen, Tina, & Sheila
In Memory of Marty Messenger From DJ & Karen
In Memory of Bear From His Family
In Memory of Stuart Shayne From Susanne Gratzel
In Memory of Tara Sono From Takiko & Christopher Larson
In Memory of Cyrus Wong-Weissman From Takiko & Christopher Larson
In Memory of Nancy Peregrine From Takiko & Christopher Larson
In Memory of Bob McKee From Takiko & Christopher Larson
In Memory of Chris Carson From Takiko & Christopher Larson
In Memory of Sandra J. Langdon From Tommy
In Memory of Dolly Watson From The Chavez Family & Christy
In Memory of Vicki Kessler From Christy Watson
In Memory of Joan Becker From Deborah & Kea
In Memory of Dakota Stafslien From Christina
In Memory of Mark Winthers From Christina
In Memory of Joe Wolf From Christina
In Memory of Richard French From Christina
In Honor of Spring & Justin From Sally
In Honor of Marina & Joel From Sally
In Honor of The Messenger Family From Sheila
In Honor of Maverick Love Grandma Karen & Grandpa Deej
In Honor of Christopher Larson From Takiko
In Honor of Leif Larson From Takiko & Christopher Larson
In Honor of Maleen Scholl From Takiko & Christopher Larson
In Honor of Jimmy & Lela Friel From Takiko & Christopher Larson
In Honor of Raven Dushay From Takiko & Christopher Larson
In Honor of Cindy Taylor From Deborah & Kea
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