Humboldt County Jail Reports: Daily Booking Sheet – June 13, 2024

Humboldt County correctional facility

Humboldt County Correctional Facility [Photo by Mark McKenna]

The Humboldt County Correctional Facility’s Daily Booking Sheet. This is information from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Department. This shows individuals booked into the jail or given supervised release. Any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty: Click the arrows on the lower left-hand side to see more. It may take a few seconds to load:


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tru matters
tru matters
7 days ago

Hyperbole is a useful language tool. But it can be absurd when taken to the lengths you use.

tru matters
tru matters
7 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

There once was a concept quite abstract,
Called “absurdity,” a curious fact.
In logic it’s vexing,
In life, perplexing,
Yet in humor, it’s just a fun act.

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
7 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

The Administrative State acts in their own self interest and that of corrupt Globalists. They view any populist (literally will of the people) movement as a threat to their current authority over society. Americans demand we again have a government “for the people” and that’ll require the Administrative State operatives be displaced from their positions they’ve used to subvert the good of the people. Biden is just their puppet, can’t even walk ten yards on his own without being directed four times (by “world leaders”, most just lost election or so far down in polls they’ll be gone soon) . The Alzheimer’s patient occupying the White House is a national embarrassment and even the 30% still supporting him know it, the whole world knows it. Save America, vote Trump ’24!

Last edited 7 days ago
tru matters
tru matters
7 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

“Hyperbole is a useful language tool. But it can be absurd when taken to the lengths you use.“

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
7 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Parachutists fly flags at G7 ceremony with Biden watching

tru matters
tru matters
7 days ago

The theatre of the absurd (The plays focus largely on ideas of existentialism and express what happens when human existence lacks meaning or purpose and communication breaks down.

Old SchoolD
7 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Sorta like your commentary, unbearable ennui.

tru matters
tru matters
7 days ago
Reply to  Old School

Unlike my commentary, which is designed to engage and inform, unbearable ennui is the last thing you’ll experience with me around!

Last edited 7 days ago
Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
7 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Leftist media going batshit crazy, to the point John Stewart is mocking them, over a tailgate decal that’s on the market, reminiscent of the one we see with the buck

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
7 days ago
Reply to  Old School

G7 announced $50B “loan” to Ukraine, knowing they’ll never repay any loan, secured by Russian assets appropriated by the West. Can’t our idiot in Chief and his clown show anticipate that Russia will simply appropriate $50B of western assets in Russia, and back and forth until one side runs out? The Biden Fascist Reich is a ship of fools.

I am a robot
I am a robot
7 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

I feel so sorry for you

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
7 days ago
Reply to  I am a robot
Two Dogs
Two Dogs
7 days ago
Reply to  I am a robot

Don’t fret about Squirrel.If we don’t ditch Biden and his crew, you can feel sorry for the whole country.

D'Tucker Jebs
7 days ago
Reply to  Two Dogs

Though to his credit, things have been going pretty well during his term in office.
They could probably doing even better under bolder leadership,
but they sure could be doing worse.

The Real Guest
The Real Guest
7 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs
Last edited 7 days ago
The Real Guest
The Real Guest
7 days ago
Reply to  The Real Guest

Continued…FASANO, Italy — President Joe Biden’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza has caused him no shortage of political troubles back home. And the rest of the world is noticing.

Diplomats and world leaders — many of whom are gathering for the G7 summit here this week — have begun to worry that Biden’s reluctance to more fully break with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could cost him the election in November.

D'Tucker Jebs
7 days ago
Reply to  The Real Guest

It feels like you get tunnel vision sometimes.
I have been very clear in past comments that I am most unhappy with his handling of the situation in the Middle East.
Of course, neither Trump nor RFK seem likely to do any better.
But there is more going on than just the Israel/Hamas conflict.
When it comes to issues such as the economy, the environment, trade, etc., while Biden could be doing better,
he could also most definitely be doing worse.
And it is almost guaranteed that Trump would be a disaster.

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
6 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

National debt increasing faster than GDP. Living the high life on the credit card is all fun and games until the credit runs out. Biden’s policies and actions are a direct threat to dollar stability.

The Real Guest
The Real Guest
6 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

Tunnel vision…???

(Are you sure you are commenting on the right article..???)

Last Chance Grade…???

Did you, or did you not, say this…???

“Though to his credit, things have been going pretty well during his term in office.”




Going so well that the World thinks that he is basically campaigning for Trump…


Focus Jebs, your all over the chart…

Sometimes I think you might have trouble focusing…

The old…

“Biden IS a TERRIBLE President, BUT, it COULD be, SO MUCH WORSE”, trope…

…seems to maybe be a sign and/or symptom of Stockholm Syndrome…???

Have you become “at one” with your Democrat oppressor…???

The grass isn’t always browner on the other side, Jebs…

But, way to go, equally balancing your optimism/pessimism…

(Would that be a hybrid, or a chimera…???)

With Biden, you definitely aren’t looking on the bright side…

And it’s a bit farcical AND prejudicial, wouldn’t you say, of you hypothetically predetermining Trump to somehow have been surely guilty of worse offenses, if he had been reelected, without even a necessary shred of evidence based in reality…???

Sounds to me like you are just trying to justify your 2020 vote for Biden, when, deep down, you know that, just like me, you fucked up…


At least I know, and am willing to admit, that I totally fucked up, when I voted for Biden…

You see, I THOUGHT that Trump sucked, so I voted for Biden instead…

Big mistake.

Biden is way worse…

Just goes to show you that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, and Joe Biden is nowhere near being done destroying our Country and significant parts of the rest of the World, just in his current term…

What could be a lot worse, is Joe Biden getting reelected…

Heaven forbid.

D'Tucker Jebs
6 days ago
Reply to  The Real Guest

That’s some pretty strong coffee you’re drinking.
What blend?

The Real Guest
The Real Guest
6 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

Way to stay focused…

(Tetly, by the way, tea, not coffee…)

And way to judge Biden, by how bad you figure Trump MIGHT have been…


You REALLY don’t see ANY gaping holes in that clearly faulty, “logic”, do you…???

Two Dogs
Two Dogs
7 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

Well, that should encourage all manner of countries to feel secure about dealing with the US. Who’s gonna be first to bail on G7 and join BRICS? I see the Saudis are dumping the oil dollar.

tru matters
tru matters
7 days ago

Vaccine skeptics are claiming a US federal appeals court ruled in June 2024 that Covid-19 shots are not actual vaccines, undermining years of public health guidance. This is false; the panel decided a lawsuit over a school district’s immunization requirements should not have been dismissed, but legal experts say it did not endorse or even evaluate the plaintiffs’ allegations about the effectiveness of the jabs.

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
7 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Vaccines prevent, thereuputics ease symptoms, everyone knows which the covid mRNA inoculation is and the known side effects. But for those so instructed, please get your injection annually and the rest of us will observe the largest human trial ever

Last edited 7 days ago
D'Tucker Jebs
7 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

You’re actually spot on!
Vaccines, do prevent infection.
They’re not perfect, but one’s risk of infection is significantly lower if vaccinated.
Side effects do sometimes occur.
The most common of which is soreness at the site of injection, but a small percentage of people report feeling unwell for a while as their immune system kicks in and does its job.
It is wise for people to stay up to date on the most recent versions of the vaccine.
And it is fair to consider this (and all medical treatments) an ongoing trial, as data is consistently monitored. It’s that constant monitoring that helps us to know that the Covid vaccine is safe and effective.
Good job, Squirrely!

The Real Guest
The Real Guest
6 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

You missed the point.

7 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

Vaccines train the immune system to mount a rapid response to a specific viral or bacterial infection. That’s it. In some folks that response is robust enough that it looks like prevention. In others, the response is a bit less robust but still helps protect against the most severe symptoms. This is true for all vaccines with a spectrum of immune system responses.

The Real Guest
The Real Guest
6 days ago
Reply to  Tim

You missed the point as well…

Two Dogs
Two Dogs
7 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Dictionaries have consequences.

7 days ago

From Michael Cohen’s book Disloyal.

…”When his hair wasn’t done, his strands of dyed-golden hair reached below his shoulders along the right side of his head and on his back, like a balding Allman Brother or strung out old ’60s hippie. I called his plane Hair Force One, for good reason. Trump doesn’t have a simple combover, as it would appear. The operation was much more involved than a simple throw-over of what was left of his hair: the three-step procedure required a flop up of the hair from the back of his head, followed by the flip of the resulting overhang on his face back on his pate, and then the flap of his combover on the right side, providing three layers of thinly disguised balding-male insecurity.

The concoction was held in place by a fog of TREsemme TRES Two, not a high-end salon product. Flip, flop, flap, and there was the most famous combover in the world.”

From my perspective as a male with Male Pattern Baldness, the combover is weird and doesn’t fool anyone. Apparently, in Trump’s case he’s covering up some nasty scars on his forehead from botched hair-replacement surgery.

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
7 days ago
Reply to  NorCalNative

Senile old Joe Biden isn’t even able to simply stand for a photo op, wanders off, needs to be roped and brought back to his spot in another embarrassing display on world stage.

7 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

Heck, I agree with you both.

Yup. There are NO viable candidates for US President.
Reckon that Kennedy would be better than these two… but the Crips (Dems) and Bloods (Reps) won’t allow that. Can’t think of any good candidates… some are too old and some no old enough.
USA is facing a critical time in world history… with nobody to take the helm.

Oh well. Photo is of Caligula (Mad Roman Emperor)

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
7 days ago

Biden abandoned US longtime ally Saudi Arabia (and Israel) choosing to allow Iran hundreds of billions by not enforcing sanctions and now the repercussions, Biden killed the petrodollar, threatening the dollar world status.

FAILURE: Why didn’t Biden even try to convince Saudi Arabia to extend the petrodollar agreement? The demise of this agreement could have dire consequences for the dollar and our ability to fund our deficits.

Biden started his presidency by calling Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman a “pariah.” He then suspended the sale of offensive weapons to the Kingdom, cut off support for Saudi Arabia’s conflict with the Houthis, and removed them from the terror list – the same Houthis who are firing ballistic missiles at cargo ships in the Red Sea. Biden also imposed sanctions on various members of the Saudi royal family, restricting their travel to multiple countries. Time and again, Biden has antagonized the Crown Prince.

Biden has been sabotaging our relationships in the region, starting with Saudi Arabia and now extending to Israel, all while cozying up to their sworn enemy – Iran. It’s almost as if Biden’s actions are designed to weaken America.

Save America, last chance, vote Trump ’24!

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
7 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

Watching the G7 press conference and it’s completely unintelligible, one’s talking in Ukrainian and the other is the mumbling dementia patient attempting to read prepared answers from cue cards

Last edited 7 days ago
tru matters
tru matters
7 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

Let’s talk about Demented Donald’s gibberish.

In Las Vegas slurring his words, Trump starts riffing about how he would rather be electrocuted to death than be eaten by a shark.

No, Joe
No, Joe
7 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Let’s not.

How about we talk about not paying taxes and firing everyone who makes a living off other people’s taxes?

Steve Koch
Steve Koch
7 days ago
Reply to  No, Joe


7 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

What? You’d rather be eaten by a shark? It’s going to be a major issue this election…really affecting our country…

tru matters
tru matters
7 days ago
Reply to  Farce

Deranged Donald gibbering free style.

““So I said, let me ask you a question, and he said, nobody ever asked this question and it must be because of MIT, my relationship to MIT. Very smart.
“He goes, I say, what would happen if the boat sank from its weight? And you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery is now underwater and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there, by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that a lot of shark?”

Last edited 7 days ago
Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
7 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Recent poll found Progs thought raising children within their own stable family unit was an abhorrent concept with Nazi origins. I never realized the family was so recent in human evolution but you’d think all dem college edecated Progs would know a thing or two

Two Dogs
Two Dogs
7 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Try putting your tongue in your cheek and read it again.

Two Dogs
Two Dogs
7 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

No sleep will do that to you.
Left is using pressure techniques that mirror communist political tactics.
How the hell do I get this thing to quit double spacing?!

No, Joe
No, Joe
7 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel

America doesn’t have allies, GS. It has parasites. Lots of them.

Every politician in our own country and the politicians in other countries who say they are America’s allies are merely parasites and vermin.

Steve Koch
Steve Koch
7 days ago
Reply to  Giant Squirrel


“Saudi Arabia ditches US dollar and will NOT renew the 50 year ‘petro-dollar’ agreement with the United States.

Saudi Arabia will now sell oil in multiple currencies, including the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, instead of exclusively in US dollars.”

Big deal since it will hasten the demise of the $ as the world’s reserve currency.

7 days ago
Reply to  Steve Koch

The only thing our currency is given value by is the Petrodollar recycling, and the threat of the U.S. military for nations that don’t fall into line. Do enjoy the relatively modest economic decline we have currently been experiencing, we’re going to start approaching terminal velocity soon.

Steve Koch
Steve Koch
7 days ago
Reply to  Steve Koch

Saudi Arabia joining BRICS earlier this year was a red flag. Iran also joined BRICS this year.

BRICS, led by China and Russia, is attacking the $ as the world’s reserve currency.

The petrodollar is a key support, maybe the keystone, of the $ being the world’s reserve currency.

Saudia Arabia not renewing the petrodollar agreement with usa is a disaster for usa. That agreement was agreed to back in 1974 when Nixon was prez and the negotiating team was lead by Kissinger and Bill Simon.
It was not submitted to the senate for ratification, most likely cuz it probably put usa on the hook to at least defend Saudi Arabia (and probably more). Good example of a Faustian bargain?

Two Dogs
Two Dogs
7 days ago
Reply to  Steve Koch

I commend you for being one of the folks on here who pay attention to geopolitical financing. The folks arguing who is the stupidest candidate aren’t going to know what hit them.
We’ve been forcing “democracy” on the world long enough. The big powers haven’t bought it and never will.
While we forget our roots, and thrash blindly at boogymen, the rest of the world beats us at our own game; Capitalism.
How ironic is that!

Steve Koch
Steve Koch
6 days ago
Reply to  Two Dogs


7 days ago

Looks like this is the political comment page. Lots of chat about Trump and Biden. Both are too old.

One is a habitual liar, cheating husband (while married to his first wife Ivana, he had an affair with Marla Maples who became his second wife. While married to Marla, he had an affair with his third wife, Melania. While married to Melania he had affairs with Playmate Karen McDougal and Porn Star Stormy Daniels.), narcissist, self-serving, arrogant, insecure, mean, rambles incoherently at times and a convicted felon. Worst thing ever for the Republican party. I am a Republican.

The other can barely walk (but than again, at least he’s not out on the golf course (Trump played over 206 times during his term)), seems cognitively impaired at times, waited way too long for tighter immigration policies, allowed big business (gas/oil, meat producers, supermarket giants, financial institutions, etc.) to reap record profits. Yes, we own stock in these industries. Likely whoever became the 46th POTUS would have had an inflation issue due to Covid.

Whoever the President is, they can’t be blamed for everything. Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.

Have you ever wondered why, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, we have deficits? Have you ever wondered why, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don’t propose a federal budget. The president does. You and I don’t have the constitutional authority to vote in appropriations. The House of Representatives does. You and I don’t write the tax code. The Congress does. You and I don’t set fiscal policy. the Congress does. You and I don’t control monetary policy. The Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices – 545 human beings out of 333 million- are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Bank because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered but private central bank.

I exclude all of the special interest and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman or a president to do one cotton-picking thing. I don’t care if they offer a politician $1 million in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it.

No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator’s responsibility to determine how he votes. WE the people, must hold them accountable.

It’s a con game that is played on the people by the politicians. Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. they cooperate in this common con regardless of party.

Anyway, what a horrible couple of choice’s America has in the 2024 Presidential Elections.

Old SchoolD
7 days ago
Reply to  Guest

Government has been dysfunctional for a very long time. Voting changes nothing.

7 days ago
Reply to  Old School

If government is dysfunctional it’s because the society it purports to govern is dysfunctional. Which is to be expected when society seems to be based on a me-first, and in some cases a me-only, ethos. Look at who and what society values.

Two Dogs
Two Dogs
7 days ago
Reply to  Old School

Only the damned world. Part of being old school is not giving up.

7 days ago
Reply to  Guest

Thank you. I agree the problem is with corrupted people from BOTH parties. And in this election we are faced with the worst choices ever. I am voting for the best Vice Presidential candidate and hoping whoever wins the Presidency then dies pretty quickly…it would be a blessing for our country

Giant Squirrel
Giant Squirrel
7 days ago
Reply to  Guest

We’ve got crappy choices, wish both parties had better candidate for America’s future