Medi-Cal Changed the Assets Rule Recently, So Many More Will Qualify

Medi-Cal PSA for Redwoods Rural Health CenterPress release from Redwoods Rural Health Center:

“Assets no longer impact your Medi-Cal eligibility. If your coverage was denied, delayed, reduced, or stopped because of your assets, you can ask your local Medi-Cal office to review your case. Learn more at  Patients of Redwoods Rural Health Center can call today and speak with our navigators, Tulio and Andrea @ (707) 923-2783.“


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tru matters
tru matters
24 days ago

If you apply for Medi-Cal in 2024:

Applications will not ask for asset information starting on January 1, 2024.
Medi-Cal will consider income information but will not consider assets.

This Is My Name
This Is My Name
24 days ago

This is awesome news, potentially.

I’m curious if it applies to vehicles as well, but will have to do the research.

24 days ago

Vehicles are considered property and don’t impact eligibility.

24 days ago

So you can have a million dollars in non-income assets and still receive Medi-Cal? That seems odd to me. The program is supposed to help the poor not the wealthy.

I am a robot
I am a robot
24 days ago
Reply to  Humboldt10

Most folks with millions of dollars do not apply for welfare.

24 days ago

It is designed to make everyone eligible, therfore force more people to apply ,to collect more of California’s information.Also if you own a couple houses no payments fully paid off ,you would still be eligible and I guarantee they would come after your assets if you racked up a huge hospital bill.or over extended your stay they would possibly put a lean on your hpuse.

Mountain Man
Mountain Man
24 days ago
Reply to  John

Yes you may become eligible but when you try to use it what they pay for is sorry . Doesn’t make much difference if you still have to pay the non covered care . Next try to find a local doctor who accept this .

24 days ago
Reply to  Mountain Man

I had a different experience with medi-cal. Prescription drugs, all 100% covered. Ambulance rides and ER visits all 100% covered. Surgery/labs/colonoscopy fully covered. MRI/CT/PET/X-ray/ultrasound all fully covered too .

The only thing I wish was covered is ozempic.

In 5 years, I never saw a bill, nor was any necessary care withheld.

As for who accepts, I think lots of offices do. So many people are on it that a practice needs to think twice about turning them all away. Anyway, I’ve never had this as an issue. Regular insurance also has restricted access to out of network providers.

24 days ago
Reply to  John

When I applied, they didn’t ask for much more than name, address, social security number, and income verification, that is, a copy of latest tax return. I’m pretty sure “they” already had all that. Nobody forced this from me, I gave it so I could have some health care I wanted.

They don’t ask for money from clients, just our estate after death if you go through probate. That’s a deferred payment plan I can get behind.

Medi-cal is not perfect, but it’s a good start.

24 days ago

You don’t have to move out of your house and sell your car. No need to kiss your assets goodbye. Bout time!

I am a robot
I am a robot
24 days ago

It would make a HUGE difference for many if the resource limits for SSI were increased. The current limit of $2000 makes it very difficult to save money for things like flood insurance which requires a once a year full payment. The current limit has not changed in more than 30 years,updated%20for%20inflation%20in%201989.

Last edited 24 days ago