EPD Provides Screenshots of Possible Peeping Tom

Suspect in Peeping Tom case.

Suspect in Peeping Tom case. [Screenshot provided by EPD]

This is from a post on Facebook by the Eureka Police Department. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:

On the morning of May 8, 2024, the Eureka Police Department became aware of a video circulating around social media which occurred the night prior near 14th/K Streets. In the video, a male is observed on Ring camera looking into a residence’s window and appears to be inappropriately touching himself. Investigators made contact with the victim and are asking for the public’s assistance in identifying the male as shown in the attached photographs. If you have information, please contact Forensic Analyst Carly Michael at 707-441-4308.

Suspect in Peeping Tom case.

Suspect in Peeping Tom case. [Screenshot provided by EPD]


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David Trabue
David Trabue
22 days ago

Bailiff – Whack his pee-pee!!! (for those of you old enough to remember)

22 days ago
Reply to  David Trabue


Gary Whittaker
Gary Whittaker
22 days ago
Reply to  David Trabue

Leslie horewinkle.

tru matters
tru matters
22 days ago


22 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Not funny.

21 days ago
Reply to  Really

You remind me of the feminist light bulb joke.
Q: How many feminists does it take to change a light bulb?
A: THAT’S NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!
Power to the peep-pull!

North westCertain license plate out of thousands c
North westCertain license plate out of thousands c
22 days ago

That’s either a mask or the ugliest person on earth.

22 days ago

There is a video that is alot clearer I believe it’s on Facebook humboldt thieves or humboldt co. On alert groups .Clear pics

Ed Thyssen
Ed Thyssen
22 days ago

A friend of mine lived next to a registered sex offender (now dead of natural causes). It was suspected the offender was spying through the wooden fence at my friends 2 young daughters and their friends.

After the offender died, friend and I examined the fence with a UV light once night. There was incontrovertible evidence of copious amounts of bodily fluid Mr. Offender had deposited on his side of the fence. In the daytime, crusty starch like stains all over the fence wherever there was a crack or knot hole.

Stay away from perverts!

22 days ago
Reply to  Ed Thyssen

Buck Snot, Jonas and Romulus.

Gary Whittaker
Gary Whittaker
22 days ago
Reply to  Ed Thyssen

That story is enough to gag a maggot.

21 days ago
Reply to  Ed Thyssen

Thinking of my closest encounters with peek-freaks. One was a roommate who more or less admitted to voyeurism while contending that it was actually exhibitionism om the part of the viewee. Well, maybe. It does happen, but even if true an incredibly stupid situation with all sorts of potential dangers. The other was a guy some of us used to call “Pervy Reuben” years back. IIRC it was somewhere around ten years back that he was found drowned off of Elk Head, wearing a tee shirt and no pants. Given the way he was, it’s not difficult to imagine that he was skulking around in the bushes looking at female bodies and perhaps getting, um, a little too excited and losing control? The Trinidad State Beach Rangers are familiar with that general situation. One way they get their jollies is by surveilling the pervs and getting their information, then presenting it all to their target one fine day. Some of those pervs are pretty brazen. There were a couple of instances I saw of guys wanking on the beach and they somehow got the idea that they looked cool doing it.

20 days ago
Reply to  Thirdeye

How could I have forgotten the peep-perv story that involved a female friend of mine and that was actually kind of funny. It was at Finnish Country Saunas and Hot Tubs, which had well-known problems with peep-pervs back in the day with the outdoor tubs and all. Mara was bright, warm, and funny, but absolutely serious when I encountered her with wet hair and bare feet leaving the front door of that establishment on a mission. Inside, I found out what it was all about. She had been in a tub with her friends when one of them noticed a mechanic’s mirror above the fence. Mara had absolute certainty as to who it was: some guy who came to town to partake of the Timber Wars and began to hang out at Cafe Mokka, where Mara was working. He thought he was pretty cool and that Mara should think so too. He became a closing-time nuisance – when you think about it, the light stalking was the scariest aspect of his behavior – but Mara was not someone who was going to give ground in that situation. He apparently decided to fall back on Plan B, his mechanic’s mirror. After Mara took off on her chase after him, he left the scene.

Last edited 20 days ago
22 days ago

C’mon man! Pick the guy up. You already know his first name is Tom!

Juan Pablo
Juan Pablo
22 days ago

That’s Wade Wilson.

22 days ago

All he’s gotta do is say he identifies as a woman and it’ll be all good.

D'Tucker Jebs
22 days ago
Reply to  Xi’sXoBoy

How so?
A crime is a crime regardless of one’s gender.

22 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

Because then he wouldn’t be “inappropriately touching himself…” she would be saying, “OMG, I really had to pee…”

Looks like a woman to me anyway, to be honest.

What would be considered a crime in most of America isn’t a crime in California anymore.

Last edited 22 days ago
22 days ago
Reply to  Xi’sXoBoy

The whole video is on Facebook humboldt thieves it’s disgusting he is touching himself at someone’s window while they were changing ,the video is super clear and gets a close up of his face these pics aren’t nearly as good.

22 days ago
Reply to  John

I don’t do FaceSuck. The only images I have to base my opinion on are the two images here. How much you wanna bet no charges will come out of this and there won’t be a follow-up story either way?

It’s California, John. The criminals have more rights than any perceived or real victim.

D'Tucker Jebs
22 days ago
Reply to  Xi’sXoBoy

That’s a pretty pathetic attempt at justifying a pretty pathetic comment.

22 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

You’re entitled to your opinion. Everyone’s got one. Mine works for me. Have a nice evening!

I like stars
I like stars
22 days ago

It’s not funny. It’s creepy as hell. Some of them stop at peeping but others escalate to more serious crimes.

21 days ago

Are we sure that’s actually a male? The still shots are blurry and the second one looks more like a female. Either he’s wearing like five shirts underneath that hoodie or he has breasts. Also, that stance with the knees turned inward touching each other is more of a female pose. It would make it quite difficult to access the male anatomy with legs closed and knees turned inwards. Unless the said anatomy is lengthy. That’s what I get from the stills but the whole video is probably a lot more informative and
the persons features more easily distinguishable.

21 days ago

Just post the info on “lost cat” pole posters in the area and see if anyone tries to tear them down. That busted feeling has gotta be so wonderful!