CDPH Warns Consumers Not to Drink Illegal Mary Jones Hemp-Infused Sodas
Press release from CDPH:
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is warning consumers not to drink Mary Jones hemp-infused soda, which have been identified as containing prohibited tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) isolate ingredients. Because these illegal products are inaccurately labeled and contain prohibited intoxicating ingredients, they pose a risk to consumers.
“California simply will not tolerate the distribution and sale of unsafe, mislabeled and illegal products that put the health of the public at risk,” said CDPH Director and State Public Health Officer, Dr. Tomás J. Aragón. “We continue to work with partners across the state to help protect our communities, especially our youth, from illegal hemp products.”
Industrial hemp products are legal in California but are prohibited under state law from containing THC isolates. The state confirmed through laboratory testing that Mary Jones sodas are mislabeled and violate state law by containing Delta-9 THC isolate.
WHAT CALIFORNIANS SHOULD DO: Any consumers experiencing ill effects after consuming these products should consult their health care provider. Anyone finding these products for sale should call the CDPH Complaint Hotline at (800) 495-3232 or submit an electronic report here.
WHAT CALIFORNIA IS DOING: Governor Gavin Newsom recently directed CDPH and the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) to issue notices addressing the sale and distribution of illegal hemp products that put the health and safety of Californians at risk. The state seeks to ensure compliance with existing law to protect Californians, particularly youth, from mislabeled and potentially harmful hemp-infused, particularly youth, from mislabeled and potentially harmful hemp-infused products.
CDPH is working closely with other departments to find, test, and remove these products, as well as partnering with local health jurisdictions to educate the public on these products and what to do if they see or have consumed them.
At this time, Jones Soda Company, based in Seattle, Washington, has not issued a voluntary recall of these products. CDPH issued a notice of violation to the California distributor of Mary Jones beverages earlier this month. The distributor is subject to additional enforcement action, including civil or criminal penalties, as are retailers that continue to sell these products.
ABOUT THE PRODUCT: The hemp-infused sodas were manufactured in Michigan and distributed to retailers across California. The illegal hemp products are also available for direct purchase online. The sodas were distributed in 12 oz. cans in four different flavors containing two different THC amounts. All these products are included in the state’s warning and should not be consumed.
This warning applies to all products listed below regardless of lot numbers and dates provided on packaging and labels.
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As P.T. Barnum said, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.”
Here is another way that the state is wasting resources…
If kid wants to get high, he will figure out a way.
This makes me remember the little markets, the side street motels and liquor stores, and the availability of six-packs and cigarettes to anyone at all with the change in cash…
We’ve become a Nation of Grifters, and anyone who can produce a product, can get a market… The absolute garbage in “Convenience Stores” is pretty shocking, but a drink with Hemp in it?
If it had any THC, it probably wasn’t very much…
It says 5mg and 10mg on the cans, similar dosage to the edibles I get.
So uh, where does one go to ‘avoid’ these?
Quite the advertisement for Mary Jones soda pop.
It’d be better to avoid 5 hour type energy drinks that people drop dead from heart attacks.
the 5 hour is a breeze. Its the rockstar types that lead to harder drugs. Just say no to rockstar types. Ha.
Hurry Babe…go get all you can before they pull it off the shelves!!!!
How do you buy this? I just went to their website and it says they dont ship to CA. I want to get some of this. Can someone help me out here?
I ship banned goods(in California) to Nevada.
It’s very convenient owning more than a mile of the CA/NV border with addresses on both sides. It’s pretty amazing the stuff that can’t be shipped into CA.
Proper wellness on 5th st had them and they are really good taste just like a regular soda
I am confused. It’s says 2% hemp infused THC on the can. 10mg of hemp infused THC is like .00035% of 12 fluid ounces which is well below 2%. 12 ounces by volume converted to milligrams is 340,190mg.
Mary Jones you better watch your speed….Trouble ahead….Trouble behind
So you buy a soda pop with hemp in it… and then it has hemp in it ?
Could you help me understand the difference between cannabis and hemp? As far as I can tell we are both the exact same plant.
Hemp doesn’t contain enough THC to get you high, typically 0.3% or less.
Same plant. Legal/social pressure over the last century meant that the only plants ALLOWED to be grown for fiber or seed had to be low THC. There’s nothing inherently better about the fiber from a low THC plant. A high THC strain may produce fiber just fine, and a high THC drug cannabis strain may increase seed yields in that those plants generally have been bred for flower production. People switched back to growing these low THC fiber strains for flower in this weird last grasp prohibition/synthetic drug decade.
Then how does the hemp beverage get you high? Seriously folks, It’s the same plant! If I harvested my weed a month before it was mature and tested it without trimming it would test less than .3% THC. That;s the testing protocol for “hemp”. Hemp is a scam brought to you by big ag, big pharma, and big govt. FREE THE WEED
//”Then how does the hemp beverage get you high? “//
It’s a loophole that will soon be very closed within the new farm bill.
Just different variations of the same plant.
Think if it as a single species ‘Brassica oleracea‘… that produces Broccoli, Caulflower, Cabbage, Kale, Collard Greens, Kohlrabi… etc.
Hemp bred to produce fiber… Dope bred to produce psychoactive compounds.
Happens in animals too. Common dog Canis lupus familarisis produces Chihuahua and Great Dane.
I appreciate your answer, but my question was disingenuous. If you weigh a Great Dane at birth, and it’s 6 pounds, it doesn’t make it a Chihuahua. Hemp is a product, not a plant.
Whatever. ‘Hemp’ also refers to the plant.
Corn – Yellow seeds in a can. Corn – Plant.
Go figure.
rope smoker
As my moniker suggests, the plant is called cannabis. Corn is called maize zia. Corn is an old english word for any type of grain, all of which also have a name like barley, oat, or wheat. Words matter.
>”…. plant is called cannabis.” I refer to it as ‘dope’.
There is biology and there is the legal system The Feds (and most states) define the same plant as “Hemp” if it’s THC content is low enough. It’s intended as a legal term, not horticulture.
Now that it’s banned kids and adults will seek it out.