New Study Will Identify Ways To Improve Public Transit In Mckinleyville


[Image from the Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities]

Press release from the Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities:

A team of national experts in rural and small town public transit systems is now beginning a study here in Humboldt County. The Western Transportation Institute (WTI) will assess public transit service within McKinleyville, as well as connections between McKinleyville and other communities in Humboldt County. Then they will produce recommendations for improving public transit in the area.

The WTI team is conducting the study under a contract with the Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG). The Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities (CRTP), a local non-profit organization, will be coordinating public outreach for the study.

The study is currently in its earliest stages. A draft report is expected next spring, with a final report in summer 2021. Opportunities will be provided for the public to provide feedback on the draft report. However, the project team is also asking the public to provide initial input on the study now.

“If you ride the bus in McKinleyville, or if you’d like to use public transit but the current system doesn’t work for you, we want to hear from you,” said WTI Director David Kack. “How could the system better meet your needs? Maybe you’d like to see more frequent buses, new routes, on-demand connections to bus stops, or something else entirely. Your input is really important in helping us assess how the system is working and how it could be improved. And, if you don’t think you’ll ever ride the bus, but you still care about transit in McKinleyville, we’d be happy to hear from you, too.”

Comments can be submitted at, where people can also find out more about the study and sign up to receive updates. Questions and comments can also be directed to [email protected].

Project Partners

Western Transportation Institute

WTI is based at the University of Montana. The WTI team is led by WTI Director David Kack and Researcher Andrea Hamre. David has over 20 years of experience in the field of transportation, with expertise in coordinated transportation systems, planning and evaluation, public transportation design and analysis, data collection, and cost/benefit analysis. Andrea has a PhD from Virginia Tech in planning and ten years of experience studying and working in the field of transportation, with expertise in applied economics, sustainable transportation policy and planning, and quantitative methods. More information can be found at

Humboldt County Association of Governments

The Humboldt County Association of Governments (HCAOG) is a Joint Powers Agency composed of the seven incorporated cities (Arcata, Blue Lake, Eureka, Ferndale, Fortuna, Rio Dell, Trinidad), and the County of Humboldt. It is the designated Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) as well as the Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (SAFE). The agency is largely responsible for programming State highway, local street and road improvements, public transportation resources, and the roadside call box program. HCAOG is also responsible for preparing and implementing the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The transportation planning and programming processes are accomplished by a multi-layered committee structure.

Humboldt Transit Authority

HTA was established in 1975 as a joint powers authority (JPA) signed by Humboldt County and the cities of Arcata, Eureka, Fortuna, Rio Dell and Trinidad. HTA is funded primarily through fares and Transportation Development Act (TDA) funds from the JPA members. HTA is headquartered in the county seat of Eureka and is governed by a seven member Board of Directors comprised of one representative each from the five incorporated cities and two representatives from the County of Humboldt. HTA operates and maintains the Redwood Transit System (RTS), the Willow Creek Transit Service, and the Southern Humboldt Transit Systems.

Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities

CRTP is a nonprofit organization operating on the North Coast of California, primarily in Humboldt County. CRTP’s mission is to promote transportation solutions that protect and support a healthy environment, healthy people, healthy communities and a healthy economy on the North Coast. The CRTP team is led by CRTP Executive Director and President Colin Fiske. Colin has helped lead CRTP for 5 years, and has training, experience, and expertise in environmental analysis, as well as advocacy, research, organizing, and outreach surrounding environmental and social issues.


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Willie Bray
3 years ago

🕯🌳Some of the town’s that RTS services needs a public transportation system of some kind. I know this means money but maybe they could work together with RTS and HTS and come up with some kind of a plan. Just saying.

Lone Ranger
Lone Ranger
3 years ago

An open bar would probably bring more business, just a thought Mr. FISKE , and at the same time cut down on driving under the influence. Your welcome, carry on .