Opinion: Pro-police Marketing to Children Does Not Help Public Safety

Pro-police Marketing to Children Does Not Help Public Safety

woman with collarbone length, brown hair, in red shirt and black jacket smiling at the camera

Kaitlin Jackson Roll

Recently, I pushed my toddler on a swing at the playground while a group of children ran around us pretending to be “cops and bad guys.” The police officer was a dark-haired little girl, maybe five. Her role didn’t include helping anyone. She wasn’t supposed to do anything kind, or save anyone from harm. Her job was to chase other kids as they tried to escape an imaginary crime scene and put them in “jail.”

The tiny police officer was clearly understood by the kids to be playing the “good guy.” These preschoolers had already internalized the idea that putting human beings in cages is heroic.

But the child on the playground isn’t the only example of the dangerous narrative that police officers are perennial heroes, even when they are engaging in behavior that is decidedly not heroic. Books, toys and shows glorifying crime-fighting and incarceration are marketed to children from the time they are babies.

For example, in 2022, Paw Patrol, a show for preschoolers with a police dog, was Netflix’s most popular kids show worldwide. Lego and Fisher-Price both market toy jails to preschoolers. Nearly every major costume retailer sells police costumes — many with weapons as accessories. Children who aren’t old enough to write their own names are encouraged to dress up and pretend to hurt other people with toy batons, guns and grenades.

Children’s shows from Scooby Doo to Power Rangers to fairy tales follow the same basic “crime-fighting” structure. There are people in the world who are “good guys” and people who are “bad guys.” It is the job of the good guys to stop the bad guys.

This constant stream of pro-police propaganda (or copaganda) is partly why, when an officer murders someone, a significant chunk of the population sees the victim as the “bad guy.” Even when the crime is something as minor as selling loose cigarettes, like Eric Garner. Even when the victim is a child, like Tamir Rice. Even when there’s a video of the officer executing someone who didn’t commit any crime at all, like Philando Castile.

Hero-worship of killer cops is alarming. But it’s predictable. It’s hard for people to let go of a framework they’ve believed in their whole lives. And most of us learn to dehumanize “bad guys” in early childhood. Once a person is a bad guy, we don’t need to extend empathy or understanding. Because bad guys aren’t multidimensional. They’re just bad and it’s okay to hurt them. In fact, hurting “bad guys” is what makes you a good guy.

It’s no wonder that by adulthood, many Americans don’t see people charged with crimes as fully human. It doesn’t help that police procedurals fill the airwaves for adults too. Law and Order, CSI, NCIS, Blue Bloods and other crime-fighting shows promote a continued understanding of the world as full heroic good cops, and subhuman bad guys.

This partly explains why jailing remains hugely popular, despite the fact that, as stated in a 2021  University of Chicago Press Journals article , “incarceration cannot be justified on the grounds it affords public safety by decreasing recidivism.”

It’s why (in part), we spend $115 billion a year funding police departments, when research shows that using some of that money to expand access to health care, housing and education would more effectively reduce crime.

Media companies have a responsibility to stop the narrative that the jailors are uniformly good, and that people in jail are uniformly bad. That trope is, lazy and actively harmful to children. More than 5 million kids in the U.S. have (or have had) an incarcerated parent. Significantly, Black kids are six times as likely to have an incarcerated parent than white kids.

It doesn’t have to be like this, but it will take pressure from the public, especially parents, to change. A good first step is demanding that media companies include a more diverse array of voices in their storytelling. System-impacted kids and families should be included in focus groups and testing for kids’ media. Those voices should be at the table in other ways too — acting, producing and directing.

Copaganda fantasies prime our populace from a young age to tolerate human suffering. Whether our generation will stop pouring money into the criminal punishment system and start pouring resources into people remains to be seen. But we can help the next generation do better. We can stop using the phrase “bad guys” with our children. And, if our kids consume media with bad guys, we can have nuanced conversations with them about it. Because no one is all bad, and no profession is full of heroes.


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7 days ago

What a bunch of crap. If you didn’t have police willing to risk their lives to protect idiots like you from the bad guys it would be a sad place to live. Get a clue. How about all of the Power Rangers doing good to the evil ones? Are they bad for kids to watch. How about all the pro violence cartoons, are they bad? SMH.

Permanently on Monitoring
Permanently on Monitoring
7 days ago
Reply to  SMDH

Sorry, but you are full of it…

Please take a deep breath, and find some peace…

Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
7 days ago

The author says “no one is all bad”
and I agree – even Charlie Manson didn’t kill someone everyday, for cryin’ out loud.

If we can only get rid of all those mean cops and empty the jails we could all live happily ever after, right?

The fact is, there are “bad guys” in the world and it’s incredibly foolish and naive to pretend otherwise.

7 days ago
Reply to  Truth Be Told

That’s not what the letter says at all.

And Charles Manson never actually killed anyone. Pretty crazy

Country Bumpkin
Country Bumpkin
7 days ago

“Children’s shows from Scooby Doo to Power Rangers to fairy tales follow the same basic “crime-fighting” structure. There are people in the world who are “good guys” and people who are “bad guys.” It is the job of the good guys to stop the bad guys.”
Is this not how things should function in a civil society? Or have we completely lost the concept of right and wrong? All people, including police should be held accountable for wrongdoing. Eliminating policing, that is , holding people to account for wrongdoing will not stop injustice and abuse of power, it will only concentrate it in those sectors of society unwilling or unable to police themselves.

Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
7 days ago


7 days ago
Reply to  SMDH

Oh and its such a happy place to live now? You sound sooooo happy! As for Power Rangers…they are not real; the letter writer is talking about reality. Also yes likely it would be far better for children to have a village and be learning to make and fix things and grow food and build things rather than be sat in front of a screen doing nothing for no one…though perhaps some are learning skills useful for directing drones or someday using a robot to do surgery etc. etc. AND this is about a group of real human beings given too much power and not enough transparency and accountability to the detriment of their mental health and our community safety and health.
Besides how about aiming for contentment and not happiness so much? Ambition will be the death of us all if we aren’t more careful.

7 days ago
Reply to  SMDH

There are many jobs far more dangerous than being in LE and none of those jobs go on PR stints like LE does so often and targeting children in them. If children see LE doing right by the adults in their lives and the community that is all the PR they need. EPD could barely walk for all their ‘Protective’ gear; did you see them rolling around like pill bugs chocking on their own pepper spray in the hallway in Eureka this year? They had no masks but were obese with other protective gear while protecting the public from a man with a bread knife from whom which a child had already escaped.

Country Joe
7 days ago
Reply to  HalfACenturian

Good public relations by law enforcement with the community is always a good thing and important.

6 days ago
Reply to  Country Joe

It happens like every other job through the course of their work. Not like public isn’t aware LE exists. EMTs and Fire Fighters and Nurses don’t need to do PR. In many counties and cities LE also do not need to engage in PR because they have a good relationship with the pubic through actions and proven integrity. Tthe need for local PR for a local agency that is so visible as LE is is an obvious sign of a problem

Wizard of OddsD
7 days ago

“This constant stream of pro-police propaganda (or copaganda)….Copaganda fantasies prime our populace from a young age to tolerate human suffering”

Huh?? This is the most anti-police era in modern history, especially amongst young people. The strange, anti-law sentiment is exactly why we get people protesting wildberries for stopping a shoplifter

7 days ago
Reply to  Wizard of Odds

Oh so you don’t recall the police being called pigs in the 60s and 70s? Maybe we should have paid more attention before things got worse. Also many countries do not have our growing distrust and resentment of the police (not as individuals necessarily and definitely as an institution that our culture created and enables). The Philippines meanwhile found out the hard way …they now regret having elected a vicious fascist….gee wiz it didn’t eradicate poverty and crime and only made things worse? Who would have thunk it?

7 days ago

>”Law and Order, CSI, NCIS, Blue Bloods and other crime-fighting shows promote a continued understanding of the world as full heroic good cops, and subhuman bad guys.”

>”A good first step is demanding that media companies include a more diverse array of voices in their storytelling”

Oh Boy ! Number one game is ‘Grand Theft Auto’ (various versions).

The game isn’t all about cars. It is also about beating hookers to death with a baseball bat and driving a taxi of a cliff with people inside.

Go figure.

7 days ago
Reply to  Bozo

Damn that is astute and also sad. I’m glad some people like you are looking and seeing and that you wrote about it here cause there is no hope, no plausibility for change without that first step and it can be a long time before a next step becomes clear so it is easy to just avoid that first awareness step..until it isn’t.
For now, sad lonely isolated people living in dark little boxes or large empty boxes moving around in metal boxes and watching dark little boxes mainline them scapegoats for all the feelings that if they’d just admit to there would be a better chance of addressing some better way; would like to think it is cathartic and virtual but there is apparently some sort of fine line between that and acting out. We’re all going to die and if we live long enough suffer so i get there is a lot to be angry and scared about AND why make it worse than it already is? We have everything we need as a species to live so well..not going to change death or some suffering AND our ambitions for more than reality gives (including some gracious breaks from it though humor, clean air, shelter, natural beauty, decent food, music etc.) may be the end of our species but worse yet an ugly greusome end. Since when is destruction anything more than a temporary tantrum? Take it out on dead things not living would make a lot more sense wouldn’t it? Go beat a log with a baseball bat, scream at the sky ..be mad at God, physics or whatever then get on with the day people; we’re all we got.

7 days ago

Keep the Scooby-Doo hatin’ to yourself!

7 days ago
Reply to  Non-Native

Scooby-Doo hatin’ ? What are you talking about?

7 days ago
Reply to  HalfACenturian

She named Scooby-Doo as one of the offending children’s shows in the body of her letter. I’m guessing that the back story of the Creepy Witch, Knight Ghost, Phantom, or Swamp Monster would provide more insight into the nuances of their behavior, and we could then view them through the lens of their accumulated experiences, rather than just the snapshot in time that Scooby-Doo episodes are predicating their judgment on. We need to see them as damaged, multi-dimensional monsters (though, generally a human in a mask) instead of the one dimensional creatures the unfeeling script writers present them as. They deserve our compassion, not our scorn.

Last edited 7 days ago
Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
7 days ago
Reply to  Non-Native

You get it!

And under no circumstances should these “damaged monsters” be locked up.

All that’s needed is a little compassion and lots of wishful thinking and “presto chango” murder, rape and robbery will soon be a thing of the past!

6 days ago
Reply to  Truth Be Told

Oh pleeeeease no one is saying to never lock anyone up.

7 days ago

Wow! If your about protecting children maybe you should talk to our reps in state congress on why they are ok with kids being sold as sex slaves, and also why they are ok with not deporting ileagal aliens that molest children.

7 days ago
Reply to  William

Really cause ATF agents murdered many children at Waco (as does too many LE in poor communities all around our Country, especially in urban areas)…did more damage than the mentally unwell leader of the cult. The FBI agent that was the good guy in that scenario and in trying to avert the Oklahoma bombing acted much too much alone because other LE were trigger happy adrenaline and power junkies. Local law enforcement has all the time and resources they need to harass innocent people and somehow can’t do more to at least uncover crimes if not help prevent them more often? They can’t even keep drugs out of jail and prison nor keep cops from fleecing the public ? Put on your big person panties as they say and sub out those fictional LE fairytales with , among many other sources, the American true crime documentary series, ‘Telemarketers” that follows two office workers who stumble upon the reality of who they are fundraising for and expose the industry. No wonder people watch fictional TV programs where “life” is more simple so long as they don’t step out of their door for long and their amazon packages don’t go missing but meanwhile children and other vulnerable people do. The police who have integrity and are not power hungry bullies don’t last long in local LE cause too many bootlickers aren’t brave enough to take a good look at what is happening far far too often and just bow to the uniform like captive children to a tough (but imagined loving) daddy or mommy figure.

Thanks for proving our point!D
Thanks for proving our point!
7 days ago


7 days ago

WOW!!! This woman is seriously out of touch with reality.

Wizard of OddsD
7 days ago
Reply to  DAL

She’s a criminal defense attorney, her job depends on her being anti-police

7 days ago
Reply to  Wizard of Odds

If she was only a criminal defense attorney she could be well employed just representing police. She could get many other jobs with better pay..oh but then you don’t understand bravery and integrity apparently.

7 days ago

Truly a remarkably silly article. So shallow in understanding that it is basically like the definition of oblivious. The triumph of Progressive Social Theories over whatever common sense is left in the drug using, ever offended, blaming segment of the population.

Hello? Long before there was ever such a thing as a police force, human beings knew what a “bad guy” was and had an opinion as to what a “good guy” did. The difference between the ancient “propaganda” and her belief in “copaganda” is that imprisoning large numbers of bad guys was beyond the capability of ancient societies- they usually simply killed them. Or at least banished them. And in large swaths of the world, they still do. Prison was a humanitarian upgrade.

You want there should be less opportunity for abuse by police? Stop whining and make a more law abiding, respectful and cooperative society.

7 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

What a childish perspective you have of human nature. Grown ups know it isn’t so simple. Philippines recently learned the hard way after they elected a president who vowed to kill drug dealers; now the Country is well aware how that really works and now it is too late for so many but at least they came to their senses after one term with a maniac.

7 days ago
Reply to  HalfACenturian

Progressive ideals always seem to mandate insults to people with whom they disagree. Usually nothing more. And they disagree without even understanding. Everyone who doesn’t go along with the melodrama is just belittled as there are no reasonable objections.
Well, you just echoed my comment when referring to the Philippines even if you did not understand it. They resorted to vigilante violence and extrajudicial killings. You conflate the existence of any police with death squads, a truly criminal mindset that is in accordance with this article. But that is not what has happened in the Philippines.
As for the change in leadership in the Philippines -“However, the Philippine leader’s comments stopped far short of any sort of explicit condemnation of Duterte’s bloody campaign, which has claimed untold thousands of lives since its launch just hours after its architect was sworn into office …” The new Philippine president is certainly not anti-police. The police in the Philippines are tools of politics. Now they are to be his tools.
It’s just a power struggle . “In late 2023, Duterte accused Marcos Jnr of being a drug addict. In response, Marcos Jnr suggested Duterte was struggling with opioid addiction. This rift is expected to worsen as both families seek to consolidate power ahead of the 2025 midterm elections ”

Kym Kemp
7 days ago
Reply to  HalfACenturian

HAC, you’re pushing it. I’ve already deleted one comment and are considering putting you on moderation. Stop insulting fellow commenters.

6 days ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

Whoah! I’d appreciate some clarity Kym. My “A childish perspective” is insulting compared to:
Kaitlin Jackson Roll is a just a disgusting, rabid hater of all things related to law enforcement. ”…or “F the police?” “trust fund baby that hates capitalism” police willing to risk their lives to protect idiots like you from the bad guysAnd a whole other list of insults in the comments that are not my comments? . Please explain Kim. Never been banned from anyplace and given i am commenting the most here about local LE misdeeds it is an odd coincidence that my comments are being singled out as insulting unless you can clarify otherwise.
Pointing out the police behaving poorly in a specific recent incident got deleted? Clearly most commenters are in favor of giving LE a free pass no matter so if that is the predominant culture here among readership I may not belong on this site anymore which if that’s the way is going is fine by me and i prefer some clarity as to why i am being singled out and my comment deleted. I’ve donated and now I’m wondering if LE is too and more so? Or some other reason you are overly defending LE’s behavior and calling me insulting when so many here are hurling insults more than mine were? I kept screen shots of my comments and even upon review i do not see why you deleted it unless we just are not support to point out LE being overly violent, unprepared etc. in which case maybe state that up front.

Last edited 6 days ago
Kym Kemp
6 days ago
Reply to  HalfACenturian

Read the rules please. You aren’t a new commenter. You can insult people who are not commenters but you can’t insult those posting here. You’ve been put on moderation for insulting another commenter and that comment has been deleted.

6 days ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

OK i get the general idea. Again if i don’t know which comment you are referring to it is confusing…i can’t avoid what you do not specifically cite. What was it you found “Insulting” enough to delete a whole comment for? And threaten banning. I am not a new commenter and in all the years commenting haven’t been called out for breaking a rule and no i dont’ read and reread rules for every cite all over the internet and never been banned yet from any social media platform or public place for that matter so again that clarification you gave is appreciated and a bit more specifically please.
Not that anyone could catch all of them and you’re not addressing Country Joe and others:
“Member HalfACenturian 18 hours ago
Thank you for your astute, brave and much needed wise clarity on a major problem in our Country; thank you for your intelligence, compassion and service.
Member Country Joe 17 hours ago
Reply to  HalfACenturian
All of which you are lacking.”
Local news outlets and agencies can over time become little dictatorships and i hope that isn’t happening here. Heavy-handed which is especially ironic given the subject matter of the post.

Last edited 6 days ago
Kym Kemp
6 days ago
Reply to  HalfACenturian

I moderate on the back end and sometimes miss something. Feel free to respond with my name to a comment you feel is problematic. I’ve deleted these comments with the underlined parts being the issue.

Note that if someone makes one slightly off comment I might ignore it. If they make several, then they get a warning or depending on the severity or the number or if they continue past a warning, they get put on moderation.

6 days ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

Thank you for being specific.

3 days ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

You sure the second example wasn’t for write instead of right? LOL. Anyway it is surprising how tilted the comment section is in favor of LE and PR and against the letter writer; not a “community” i care to hang around.

Kym Kemp
2 days ago
Reply to  HalfACenturian

The idea is to provide a place here for folks to speak their opinions freely without insulting each other. You are free to vigorously speak out against law enforcement. Just as others are free to speak out vigorously for them.

6 days ago
Reply to  HalfACenturian

Ok so I’ll just say it is a simplistic view point, not yours per se

6 days ago
Reply to  HalfACenturian

Better gamesmanship but you need to be specific as to what the human nature is that you think is not understood in my comment if it not just a rule skirting insult. That people don’t know what “good” is? That they don’t know what “bad” is? That what is bad is really goid?And, since they don’t know, therefore can’t make, “more law abiding, respectful and cooperative society” ? That people have to accept whatever the worst among them do because it is “human nature?”
One big trouble with the Progressive agenda is that it takes under its wing so many people who superficially look like victims but the only thing they are victims of is themselves. It is necessary to sort out what can be fixed in society from what doesn’t want to be fixed. Way too many people can’t see a reason for that- they just empathize with every complaint of injustice. In the end it causes many ideas that are touted as a fix only end up as permission to be worse.

6 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

Yeah and i don’t see this issue as a game and clearly some see it that way and have time to play and comment extensively yet not time to paint with anything other than a broad brush that makes comments’ content meaningless, including both ends of extremes such as “F police” and also “The Progressive agenda” and on and on. Tiresome. Better uses of my time so i don’t “Need” to be specific with folks whose comments are so general. No even worth the energy used getting annoyed…lesson learned.

Canyon oak
Canyon oak
7 days ago

She missed the BLM heyday by four years.
That ship has sank

7 days ago

I couldn’t get past the putting people in cages is tragic.

What about their victims? What about some one that goes around raping children What do you propose? A warm hug and talking to?

Now that Trump is convicted you would have no problem putting him in a cage.

Just another out of touch with reality trust fund baby that hates capitalism.

7 days ago
Reply to  Crap

Of course you couldn’t get past the putting people in cages is tragic…you need a simplistic naive version to stick around. We put poisonous critters in cages and if we did only that and didn’t learn about them we’d be a more stupid species than we already are. Trump “likes” young girls and to lie and cheat his creditors (how very uncapitalistic of him to leave it to stockholders to foot the bill) . I’d advocate that if we lock him up we don’t torture him further but instead study him and his childhood and his f’d up parents and the culture that enabled it all so that we can invest in the very things the letter writer mentions..oh right, you didn’t have the attention span for additional complexity and details.

I like stars
I like stars
7 days ago
Reply to  Crap

It is tragic because they don’t have to be there but they are because of their own decisions and actions.

I’m glad we have prisons. Some people need to be kept away from others because they are predatory in some way.

Coddling criminals does not change them for the better.

Country Joe
7 days ago

Kaitlin Jackson Roll is a just a disgusting, rabid hater of all things related to law enforcement. She has no concerns for the victims of crime. Call a hippie next time you need help.

Last edited 7 days ago
7 days ago

Fuck the po leece…

7 days ago
Reply to  spamned

So not helpful.

Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
7 days ago
Reply to  HalfACenturian

Spamned has simply condensed your verbose and multiple anti law enforcement posts into plain language so everyone can see where you’re coming from. How is that not helpful?

6 days ago
Reply to  Truth Be Told

I don’t condone that over arching hatred suggested in spamned’s comment . I’m focused on : the LE with integrity who we can’t keep on our local forces and people who are brave like the person who leaked the EPD texts and the victims of LE whom articles are never written about unless they are killed or shot and even then not likely gonna make it the news.

6 days ago
Reply to  HalfACenturian

So you think “human nature” is okay for some but demand no tolerance of it in human who are police? Frankly too much association with criminals and their obliviously cruel behavior is likely a very corrupting influence on police that is very hard to resist. It is easy to develop a certain amount of emotional callousness after hearing the same specious reasons criminals a thousand times. And the unreal demands of the some of the public that blames police no matter what they do.

Smoky OG again
Smoky OG again
7 days ago

I am glad to read this viewpoint.
It is NOT a Healthy Priority in any society for toddlers and small kids to be actively targeted for this copaganda brainwashing bullshit.
I feel sorry for all the people who encourage and support and celebrate any governments’ VIOLENT REPRESSION AND HARRESSMENT OF ITS CITIZENS IN THE NAME OF “SAFETY” OR “FREEDOM” OR “ORDER”.
NAH…thats genuine tyranny and oppression.
The Nazis had similar language they used to keep the citizens divided and scared.
And H. Kissinger ( A REAL NAZI ) would be proud how his program is Nazifying USA and the world.
Everyone is suspect.
Anyone is suspect.
No one is innocent.
This time we are in right now is a time ALL will remember….where were you when all the laws were eliminated except the law of the jungle!
Happy times yeah!

7 days ago
Reply to  Smoky OG again



7 days ago
Reply to  Bozo

We lock up more people per capita than most ( or is it all ?) other Countries; how’s that working out? Trump didn’t make things better..he had his chance. Your photo is evidence of public heath neglect …we didn’t want to pay for public health and mental health and better child care and real food and better working conditions and affordable housing etc and left each man for themselves and so we are paying for now what we didn’t wisely invest in sooner.

Country Joe
7 days ago
Reply to  Bozo

This is what you get when laws are not enforced.

7 days ago
Reply to  Smoky OG again

By brain washing you mean how they propagate the LGTG commu ity in schools? How they push political agenda like socilism in schools insted of leaving it up to the parents to teach them values?


7 days ago
Reply to  Smoky OG again

Kissinger was our first Jewish Secretary of State. You might want to rethink this. Or maybe smoke some more OG and feel comfortable in ignorance.

Last edited 7 days ago
Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
7 days ago
Reply to  Smoky OG again

The law of the jungle is exactly what we’ll have if we can only get rid of those nasty police.

Getting rid of cops would probably work for criminals and well armed outlaws – I’m sure you’d do fine if we had “A Day m Without Cops” – but it won’t work so well for people leading normal lives.

7 days ago
Reply to  Truth Be Told

No one in the letter or the comments has suggested anything close to getting rid of cops

6 days ago

In reality that is the inevitable result of the ideas in the article. Even the word she uses “copaganda” is belittling the idea that cops should be the “good guys” just because they are not perfect at it. It also fails to mention that in reality there are “bad guys” who are equally not perfectly bad but are close enough there is no option but to treat them as such.
Criminals tend to associate with other criminals. They tend to develop a blinkered world view that they are average and mostly good people who “made a mistake” and the vast majority of people who don’t steal, assault, murder or abuse others are lying. Or lucky not to have been caught. Ask a criminal what justice is and they will almost inevitably talk about themselves and never justice for the people they harm. Somehow they feel they and only they have been treated unjustly. Nothing seemingly reforms this attitude even if they have developed the ability to avoid criminal activity because of the fear of being locked up again with others of the same ilk. Somehow they are just convinced if they had been treated better they would have painlessly become the stellar citizens they think are lyingvabout being law abiding.

Diablo Blanco
Diablo Blanco
7 days ago

Playing cops and robbers is how young people learn that running from the police is the right thing to do.

Any one ever seen a game of cops and robbers where the criminal surrenders peaceably and then the Leo reads them their Miranda rights before escorting them to county for booking? Me neither.

Clearly the problem is the children.

7 days ago


7 days ago

Thank you for your astute, brave and much needed wise clarity on a major problem in our Country; thank you for your intelligence, compassion and service.

Country Bumpkin
Country Bumpkin
7 days ago
Reply to  HalfACenturian

Intelligence, compassion, bravery and service describes MOST police men and women. Is it they who you are thanking or are you grateful to the people who undermine public faith in our communities and a civil society?

Permanently on Monitoring
Permanently on Monitoring
7 days ago

The more I think about your letter, the sillier it gets…

If you could keep your kids in a vacuum-sealed chamber, and somehow protect them from media, advertising, peer-effects and nearly every kind of Pathological Behavior in the ICD10 book, they might inhabit a world like the one you have imagined…

Police-people are mostly non-present, but your children have to somehow absorb social order, legal and normal behavior, and the structure of our mechanism to deal with each other…

“Calling the cops”, is largely useless anyway, in Humboldt, at least…

Like I always say, the best thing people can do is treat each other with respect and dignity, and attempt to apply the golden rule whenever possible…

I suspect that religion has the same effect, with it’s imposed moral code, and screws people up even more, when they get to the point where they are flying a “Trump Flag” in front of their home…

People are crazy, and shit flies at times, but we have laws, and applying the law or at least acting in behalf of laws and legal processes falls to the Police.

After that, it’s all Lawyers and Money, the two evils one can easily avoid the perils of by living simply, dealing fairly and by not being evil on purpose…

Permanently on Monitoring
Permanently on Monitoring
7 days ago

Sorry, meant the DSM 5…

7 days ago

Pure balderdash.


I am waiting for tough-on-crime policies and a boom in prison construction like California had in the late 80’s. This op-ed is going the wrong way, we need to be tough on crime, not softer. I would love to close my eyes and magic a perfect world into existence but that is not what we have.

7 days ago

The people of Misplaced Compassion will tell you that you are bad and wrong for wanting more prisons. Personally I think we should have more death penalties and executions to free up space. They think I am evil. But they are the ones who are actually manifesting an evil world. Go easy on violent criminals and hard drug dealers and you will not make everything groovy…you will endorse an increasingly evil and dangerous world…Sorry to be real!

D'Tucker Jebs
7 days ago
Reply to  Farce

Other countries have reduced crime without more prisons and without the death penalty.
Why don’t we try what they’re doing?
The prison industrial system we have now is not the solution-
in fact, it’s likely part of the problem.

7 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

Which countries, what crime rate improvements and what society? The US is more violent, it’s criminals more enterprising, more mobile and the pickings are richer than the EU. And the expansion of what is crime has been exponentially increased under the liberals of the last few decades.
“As Keith Humphreys, a drug policy expert at Stanford University, suggested, this shows that the US will likely always need to keep a higher incarceration rate than other nations, due to the number of people who commit serious criminal offenses.”

7 days ago
Reply to  Yabut

Things are pretty violent in some other countries. Today even. But as you say, we have richer pockets to pick. I guess we all have more money to steal when the government hasn’t stolen it already, eh?

6 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

Spot on! What people aren’t talking about here in the comments, is the other part of what her letter is saying. Take care of the underlying issues that cause people to act the wrong way. I bet that if hunger, poverty, and lack of healthcare were taken care of, there would be a lot less crime.
There will always be those that are “just born that way” but for the most part people would be happy and not commit crimes.
It’s always a good idea to think outside the box

Country Joe
7 days ago
Reply to  Farce

You nailed it.

6 days ago
Reply to  Farce

Not evil just short sighted and prone to violence.

7 days ago

We tried tough on time for a solid 3 decades and it didn’t solve our problems

6 days ago

Longer than that.

6 days ago

Maybe it’s just a delusion that there is a solution to criminality in a place that gives ordinary citizens the right to make a whole lot of personal choices? That sooner or later a certain percentage of them will push the envelope far enough to explode?

7 days ago

You need some serious counseling. Sorry for your family that they have to endure you.

Country Joe
7 days ago
Reply to  justsayin

Please name the “Other countries have reduced crime without more prisons and without the death penalty.

7 days ago

I’m the farthest thing from a cop-lover. But in a crisis I would prefer my small children to go up to a police officer rather than a stranger for help. Later on- when they are teenagers- they can figure out that not all cops are heroes or even good. Many are, some are not. That is a complexity that adults are capable of understanding , not children. And not this bizarre woman either!

7 days ago

So I looked her up. She is a supervisor at a law firm in NYC. Want to bet she lives in a safe gated community like other elite with armed security while us underlings need to heed her superior intelect because she knows how to live our lives better than we do.

I am a robot
I am a robot
7 days ago

Very thoughtful. Thank you

I am a robot
I am a robot
7 days ago

Kym, if you required us to use our real names a lot of the nastier commenters would vanish, or at least tone it down. ☺

Kym Kemp
7 days ago
Reply to  I am a robot

You read Facebook?

Permanently on Monitoring
Permanently on Monitoring
6 days ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

I read a comment on You Tube once…

Permanently on Monitoring
Permanently on Monitoring
6 days ago
Reply to  I am a robot

And maybe the dreamers would send their letters to a different editor…

Humboldt is full of paranoid processes, but hating the last line of law enforcement is too silly for me…

6 days ago
Reply to  I am a robot

Define “Nastier” while you’re at it.

Sandy Beaches
Sandy Beaches
7 days ago

I’m all for truth, justice, and the American way. I think the Lone Ranger is a great role model, Tonto also.