Feeling Sluggish In All This Rain?

The cure for too much winter is a trip to Weott’s Garden show today.  This is an authentic small town experience with BEAUTIFUL plants, local grandmas wearing cute aprons, tiny kids entering their first bouquets, and lovely redwoods all around.  I went early this morning to help enter Salmon Creek School’s kids’ offerings into the show. Every year I fall in love all over again with the bouquets, the local plants, and the local folk with their vegi starts and jewelry.  Plus the raffle is bursting with scores of prizes including a lovely orchid and a blue pot that I’m determined to win. There is this amazing handknitted sweater with exquisite blue buttons in the raffle that if I had a 6 year old girl would be worth the trip alone on the chance to win it.

This is the kind of event you won’t regret going to.  It started at 1 and goes until around 4. Ask yourself, why do you live in a country area if not to take advantage of homespun events like this. I’m going back this afternoon and bringing family.  Hope to see you there.

How could I forget-there are tons of homemade cookies, too.  Yum!


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13 years ago

The entries from the students at Salmon Creek School get better evey year. They are adept gardeners and all the club members were super-impressed with their arrangements. They’re as good or better than the adult entries.