Vape Cartridge Recall Due to Presence of Pesticides

Press release from the Department of Cannabis Control:

CUREpen PREMIUM THC OIL Vape Cartridge, front and back of package.

CUREpen PREMIUM THC OIL Vape Cartridge, front and back of package.

The Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) is issuing this consumer advisory for a single CUREpen PREMIUM THC OIL Vape Cartridge product due to the presence of the pesticide chlorfenapyr.

Consumers who purchased this product are urged to check their packaging for the UID and batch number listed below.

Product Details

  • Product Type: Vape Cartridge
  • Product Description: CUREpen PREMIUM THC OIL Vape Cartridge
  • Batch Number: VPPL234457
  • UID Number: 1A4060300036B66000008211
  • Packaged by: Alkhemist DM LLC
  • Date packaged: On or after 9/26/2023
  • Locations Sold: Please see website for locations sold
  • Dates Sold: On or after 9/29/2023Learn more about this recall


If you purchased this product:

If you are experiencing symptoms or any adverse reactions, contact your physician immediately.
Check your package for the UID and batch number included in this recall.
If the numbers match, dispose of the product or return it to the retailer for proper disposal.
Beginning, July 1, 2024, cannabis vape cartridges must be properly disposed of as hazardous waste at a household hazardous waste facility or other approved facility.


DCC and/or the Distributor will send email notices to all licensees with a recalled product in their inventory with instructions. If you have questions, or need additional information, please contact [email protected].

Learn more about cannabis recalls

The cannabis recall process plays an important role in ensuring defective or potentially unsafe products are removed from the market. The DCC maintains a list of both DCC-mandated and voluntary recalls.

View all cannabis recalls


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Redwood Dan
Redwood Dan
2 days ago

I think DCC finally got around to testing products starting last December . Since then I’ve been getting multiple product recall notices per month.
Dec-1, Jan-2, Feb-3, Mar-6, April-4, May-3, and this is the 4th one so far in June. One of Mike Tyson’s batches of flower was recalled a few weeks ago. Ive seen more contaminated trim on the market this year than ever before. At least since 2017-18 when testing became commonplace. I think people are just saying fuck it and spraying anyway. Then try to get it through without being flagged, and if it does get flagged, then it has a legitimate reason to be “destroyed” and gets sold on the traditional market.

Last edited 2 days ago
Ben Round
Ben Round
2 days ago

I appreciate the DCC alerting consumers about potential pesticide exposure. This type action though, again points to the ways in which enforcement (discrimination) upon the cannabis industry is continually disproportionate to other crops in CA. It would be fine, and I/we could be more supportive of this if the food market was likewise inspected/screened, and consumers warned.

2 days ago

Nasty stuff!

“In April 2016, in Pakistan, 31 people died when their food was spiked with chlorfenapyr.

Chlorfenapyr works by disrupting the production of adenosine triphosphate, specifically, “Oxidative removal of the N-ethoxymethyl group of chlorfenapyr by mixed function oxidases forms the compound CL 303268. CL 303268 uncouples oxidative phosphorylation at the mitochondria, resulting in disruption of production of ATP, cellular death, and ultimately organism mortality.””

1 day ago

Funny anecdote- The evil black market cartridges produced by my good friends’ operation never have pesticide contamination. Why is that?…Because they would never spray crap on their plants!! Same as it ever was only now WE are still bad and evil and the wealthy corporate takeover ops are “Good Guys” to be praised. Sick sick sick situation….

1 day ago
Reply to  Farce

Right!? They brainwashed people into believing unlicensed equals poison and then sell poisonous carts. I think these licensed brands are buying trim from Oregon cartel grows by the ton at >$5 a pound instead of $50 for clean metrc trim

Redwood Dan
Redwood Dan
1 day ago
Reply to  Squeeler

Who is selling clean trim for $50?!? I don’t think any Distros in Humboldt are paying over $25, most are $15-20. I’m looking for 80,000 pounds of METRC trim at $8-12 if you got some. Haha. I know someone last week who sold 1000 pounds of contaminated trimmed pounds of bud for $5/# on the legal market. I’m hearing last years pounds are $200-$300 and fresh deps are $400-$550 right now.

1 day ago

good Thing they don’t test the produce in the grocery store, probably healthier to eat the reusable bags.

Ben Round
Ben Round
1 day ago
Reply to  Guess

Ever try organic? It’s probably less toxic, than….. the moving product belt next to the cash register! (Or actually much better!).

22 hours ago
Reply to  Ben Round

I do, right out of my garden.

Kicking Bull
Kicking Bull
1 day ago