Rio Dell to Appoint Greg Allen as New Chief of Police

Press release from the City of Rio Dell:

The City of Rio Dell is pleased to announce that Lt. Greg Allen has accepted an offer to serve as the Chief of Police for the Rio Dell Police Department. Allen has over 28 years of experience in Law Enforcement, having worked for the Humboldt State University Police Department (now Cal Poly Humboldt), California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation and the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office. Allen currently manages the Professional Standards Division at HCSO, supervises the Crisis Negotiations Team and also serves as an instructor and Recruit Training Officer for the Police Academy at College of the Redwoods.

Mr. Allen is a recent graduate of the Sherman Block Leadership Institute (SLI) and is currently completing his Masters in Law Enforcement in Public Safety Leadership. Mr. Allen also has attended the University of San Diego and Cal Poly Humboldt where he has obtained a BA in Social Work with a minor in Ethnic Studies.

“I cannot think of anyone more qualified to lead the Rio Dell Police Department into the future.” Says Rio Dell City Manager Kyle Knopp. “Lt. Allen is uniquely qualified to deal with the challenges of policing today. His resume speaks volumes but he also has a great personal story that has built a strong character with sympathy and understanding towards those who the police often interact with.”Rio Dell Police Chief Greg Allen

Upon accepting the offer, Mr. Allen Stated “The role of Law Enforcement is changing. Safety is a priority and ensuring that the officer on the street excels with their communications skills, de-escalation skills and feels a sense of responsibility is most important. I want to build on the foundation that the leadership has established and to continue the modernization of the Rio Dell Police Department.”

Allen replaces Chief Conner who is retiring from full time police work. An open recruitment began in February of 2022, eliciting responses from across the State. The City Council formed an Ad Hoc committee of Mayor Debra Garnes and Councilmember Julie Woodall to sift through the applications and identify prospects for the new Chief.

Mayor Debra Garnes highlighted the importance of the Rio Dell Police Department to the community and stated, “Greg Allen’s beyond ready and we’re proud to give him yet another new title, Chief.” Allen will be sworn in at the Council’s August 2, 2022 City Council meeting at 6:30pm with a food and drink reception to follow. “The community is encouraged to come and meet the new Chief!” Garnes concluded.


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c u 2morrow
c u 2morrow
1 year ago

wonderful choice.

1 year ago

Congratulations Lt. Allen on becoming the Chief of Police for the Rio Dell Police Department. With your very extensive background in law enforcement, you sir have placed the city in very capable hands. Please stay safe and enjoy your new job.

Theresa adamsand at 950 a month that owner should
Theresa adamsand at 950 a month that owner should
1 year ago

I hope there is a meet and greet at say GJ’s burger bar or the park congratulations you have a great team chief Allen officer Landry n bushane are the best and possibly maybe we can all meet up Wildwood days

1 year ago

Congratulations Greg!

1 year ago

this guy talks just like Samuel L. Jackson.
“did you see the movie where a shark ate me”. LOl……

North westCertain license plate out of thousands c
North westCertain license plate out of thousands c
1 year ago

It’s gotta be a good feeling for the new chief of police to have the people of Rio Dell rooting for him.

Country Joe
1 year ago

Show em how it’s done Chief Allen…

1 year ago
Reply to  Country Joe

Lt. Greg Allen looks like an excellent choice to become the new Chief of Police. I liked what he said about the skills that are now needed to be successful in law enforcement. It would be nice to see him lead the city of Rio Dell, forward, where it belongs!
It will be no easy job, as anyone who has lived here for awhile knows, we have many problems that the big cities also have. It won’t be a cake walk. I think his positive attitude, skills, and continuing education will be the key to his success!
Welcome, Chief Allen.

1 year ago

Two wordss
No cops