Former Prosecutor, Criminal Defense Attorney Ben McLaughlin Runs for Local Judgeship

Running for Judge - Ben McLaughlin

Ben McLaughlin at his meet in greet yesterday evening. [Photo by Ryan Hutson]

Humboldt County residents will go to the voting booth on June 7th to weigh in on a number of positions, one of them being a new judge to preside over local matters at the Humboldt County Courthouse. Local trial attorney Ben McLaughlin announced his bid for a judgeship yesterday, competing for a seat that will fill a void being left by the Honorable Judge Christopher Wilson, who primarily oversaw criminal law matters in Department 5 at the county courthouse. According to McLaughlin, however, there is a need for a judge in the family law department as well, and so the new publicly elected judge will undoubtedly have their hands full.  McLaughlin is running against Steven Steward from the District Attorney’s office. 

Ben McLaughlin made his campaign announcement yesterday in Eureka, asking for the public’s support as they go to the polls in June.  Noting his years in criminal defense work as well as prosecuting criminal cases, McLaughlin said that he was confident in his ability to evenly distribute justice if elected.  In his speech today, he asked the voting public to consider his experience, asking, “Which candidate has done the homicide trials, the rape trials, the “three strikes” trials necessary to develop the experience necessary to be an effective judge?  Which candidate has demonstrated a commitment to community safety by asking for, and receiving, life sentences for criminal defendants?”  

He told the crowd of onlookers and supporters, “I can look all of you in the eye and say that I have 23 years experience as an attorney, 17 years of which spent in criminal court, and I have done those things.” He added, “I take equal pride in the work I’ve done as a defense attorney, making sure that my clients are treated fairly and with respect.”  After the announcement, a meet and greet gathering was held to celebrate and offer swag, such as campaign buttons, bumper stickers, signage and tee-shirts.  We went to see what McLaughlin had to offer. 

At the Humboldt Bay Social Club, we asked the candidate for Humboldt County Superior Court Judge what particular area of law he would be appointed to, versus what he would prefer.  We also asked Ben McLaughlin about what ways might the judicial system locally be challenging Humboldt’s defense attorneys, what improvements at the county courthouse could behoove the local judicial process, and what advantages did he have over any others running?

Taking time out from his candidate meet and greet party to enlighten us, McLaughlin answered a few questions while a crowd gathered at the Humboldt Bay Social Club public event. Candidate for Humboldt Superior Court judge, Ben McLaughlin told our reporter that this campaign even caught him somewhat by surprise, and that he was asked to consider the life-changing career path by a colleague.  

Notably, Mr. McLaughlin’s significant other is currently a presiding judge in Humboldt County, the Honorable Superior Court Judge Kelly Neel, who primarily can be found in the courthouse’s Department 4 presiding over civil litigation.  The website for McLaughlin’s campaign has put together features wholesome family photos, testimonials from peers, and some past cases featured as noteworthy.   

Please note, Ben McLaughlin’s campaign for Judge is an advertiser on Redheaded Blackbelt.


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2 years ago

I get that he pays for your site but researching him shows his poor judgment.

Last edited 2 years ago
2 years ago
Reply to  C

People make mistakes, this was a long time ago, and if you knew Ben you would know he addressed this issue and made the changes he needed to in his life. Seems like that part is sound judgment to me.

Kym Kemp
2 years ago
Reply to  C

This is just one of those meet and greet stories we do on as many candidates as possible. We’ll be putting out interviews with the candidates later (if I can ever catch up.)

2 years ago
Reply to  C

You mean when you are stinking drunk and choose to sleep it off in your car you are exhibiting “poor judgement?” Think again. The DUI was immediately dismissed because he wasn’t driving! The irresponsible thing would have been to try and drive home. Good for Ben for knowing what to do in that situation.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Hmm…that IS good judgement!

2 years ago

Please tell voters how many of your cases as a defense attorney you won…percent won/lost would be an acceptable response.
Your effectiveness as a defense attorney is as important as your rate of conviction as an ADA

Humboldt County LineD
2 years ago
Reply to  Xebeche

I can begrudgingly admit Ben has a very high success rate in getting acquittals. He is a friend and although we differ on some things he is the best candidate in my opinion.

Also, I highly appreciate the fact he’s always wearing tennis shoes.

2 years ago

Worked with Mr. McLaughlin for a number of years. Not as co-workers but he was in my circle of influence. Always found him to be honest, open and sincere and never acted anything but professional.


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