Big Beautiful Bear

A game camera in the Mattole area of Humboldt County captured a recent visit of a bear. The footage showcases the bear meandering through the wooded terrain, offering an intimate look at this handsome critter in its natural habitat. The videographer, who has been monitoring a plethora of animal activity over the past couple of days, notes the presence of various other creatures as well, including a chipmunk that has become a regular visitor inside the dome, seeking walnuts as well as ravens, jays, foxes, raccoons, squirrels, mice, and even bobcats.

What have you seen lately in this wild and wonderful place we live in?

Earlier view from the same videographer:


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tru matters
tru matters
3 days ago

I saw these Pink Flamingo’s grazing on the grass at the Arcata Community Center

It’s a stop over on their migration route to the Arctic tundra.

Last edited 3 days ago
Al L Ivesmatr
Al L Ivesmatr
3 days ago
Reply to  tru matters

Not for long if the Windmill people get their way. They will be quisinarted by 900 foot tall blades made in China, and turned into a million pieces of microplastics which will choke sea turtles and provide another cause celeb for Surfrider to fundraise off. Save the Pink Plastic Flamingos before they get sucked into the gyre of the Great Pacific Garbage patch.

3 days ago

About 3 weeks ago I was throwing the ball for the dog and he went home and found he didn’t have his ball. It isn’t unusual as he gets distracted easily. The next morning we went looking for it and he was barking. Not his usual squirrel bark. I got closer and could hear what sounded like a purr, so thinking feral house cat. Got a little closer and it was a mountain lion under some underbrush with it’s ears laid back and growling as it munched on as it turned out one of last years twins from my resident doe. Just said bye bye and didn’t go to that area until the buzzard had left. It was the second kill in that area. The one before was about 6 weeks before that and it had left what remained of the carcass. I have 14 acres and many well worn trails we use on a daily basis.

3 days ago
Reply to  Bonnie

They eat (about) 1 per week… that’s about 250,000 to 300,000 deer consumed annually by the current California ML population.

Last edited 3 days ago
3 days ago

Look like the same place!

Bobcat Captured on Game Cam