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Country Joe
7 days ago

Spot on Terry…Politicians don’t want to deal with the political ramifications for a proper diversion of 101. Prepare to be demeaned for sharing your opinion.

Last edited 7 days ago
D'Tucker Jebs
7 days ago
Reply to  Country Joe

He’s entitled to his opinion, but I’m afraid I don’t understand what it is.
Will the tunnel not be a more or less straight line?

7 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

I mostly agree. The only translation I can think of is that Caltrans’ process to arrive at a tunnel was rather convoluted. But then, everything these days is convoluted.

Country Joe
7 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

That’s still to be determined.

D'Tucker Jebs
7 days ago
Reply to  Country Joe

Is it though?
They already have the design, the Environmental Impact Report, the Section 4(f) Report, an estimated budget, and an estimated completion date.
Are you suggesting they somehow came up with all these things without knowing the path the tunnel would take?

Country Joe
7 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

They have a proposed path, but mother nature doesn’t always cooperate.

7 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

I think Joe knows about the secret entrance to Talus in that mountainside.

It will be quite the disruption to progress when crews hit that and are.faced with the option to join the Lemurians forever in their capital city under mt Shasta or be eliminated.

7 days ago
Reply to  Country Joe

Prepare to be demeaned? How about you prepare to provide a well thought out, researched, unbiased engineering report yourself? Show your work.

Country Joe
7 days ago

Thanks for proving my point. All I owe you is a hard time.

6 days ago
Reply to  Country Joe

I get ya, Joe. Unfortunately you are dealing with children here. Children who think that if you have a plan written down on paper that the plan will proceed exactly as the paper says. Ha Ha! Even if it is a plan to go deep into the earth-as if there are never any surprises because hey-We wrote a plan and even had a proposed budget!! I was going to cite some construction projects that did not turn out as planned by engineers but I’m not gonna waste my time with 2 of the most childish yet vocal commenters on here. I don’t always agree with you either but I do agree that there may be things/issues that come up in the construction process that were not expected. And then changes must be made… I say this because- there almost always are! Especially on a project this big and this deep. Still it probably is a better solution than all the stream crossings in that landscape but deciding the best route is way above my pay grade or level of knowledge. I’ve read lots of EISs and EIRs and DEISs and they try real hard but reality is something different once you get into the natural world. I wouldn’t belittle somebody for pointing that out…

Del Norte Local
Del Norte Local
7 days ago

We drive to Medford for everything to avoid that road, and will continue to do so even after the tunnel is put in. And how safe will this be in an earthquake? Just no, no no no no no. They need to go inland. There is another option but they won’t do it. Will be A LOT cheaper too – which is probably why they won’t do it. No way to skim money or hire relatives for the work at inflated prices. Let the locals decide by a vote, they are the ones forced to use it in all weather and conditions.

Rita West
Rita West
6 days ago
6 days ago

The Republican play book is to complain about and obstruct any government activity and then decry government inefficiency.

Unfortunately, the Democrat playbook (held up as the only alternative) is to turn government bureaucracy into a poorly built jobs program that ensures inefficiency.

It almost seems like the American oligarchs benefit from this mess and don’t want government to function for the betterment of the people

Country Bumpkin
Country Bumpkin
6 days ago

I guess you didn’t directly insult another commenter, therefore haven’t broken any rules to have your comment edited or deleted. But may I postulate that perspectives extolled by the Marxist liberals indicate severe cranial-rectal insertion. Also please consider that when the ideological, emotional, mental midgets who are the enemy within our country get their way and we need to stand together to defend ourselves from enemies from without, we might wish that we hadn’t been so divisive, inflammatory and degrading of our fellow countrymen with whom we will have to stand, shoulder to shoulder with, if we want our nation to survive.

Bob Ginocchio
Bob Ginocchio
6 days ago

Maybe we can get all the illegals to build it. That seem like the Demo’s plan..

6 days ago

If you’re hoping that a hypothetical democratic Congress and executive will be productive for the needs of the people then I think you’ll be disappointed

Diana Bubb
Diana Bubb
6 days ago
Reply to  Country Joe

That looks really ridiculous if the problem was landslides what happens when that slides in your inside that tunnel

Zach Rotwein
Zach Rotwein
7 days ago

I’m not grasping the opinion, but I am interested in the project. Any clarity available ?

7 days ago
Reply to  Zach Rotwein

Here’s a hint: the graphic is satire.
If you want clarity, go here:

Charlie Brown
Charlie Brown
7 days ago

Well the answer is easy…. They, Cal Trans, and every other property owner in the area have been tossing in their opinion into how one should traverse an old growth forest….
1. Cal Trans took the easy route to get t the job done and get it done quickly with our upsetting folks.
2. That choice led to them throwing BAND AIDS at bullet holes in their decision to take the easy route over the last 50 years.
3. Now all parties involved are back at the table and square one…. Looking at another few billion dollars worth of decisions.
4. No one wants Cal Trans in their back yard…. So Cla Trans figures they will just go under all yards and make a few new friends with the worms and grubs…. Wait they all ready have those friends in Sacramento……anyway
5. Now they figure if the just dig them selves a bigger hole some 6000′ long they can get away from all of the B.S……
Nope when you take the easy route and just keep putting band aids on the biggest mistake next to Hwy 1 they have well why not do it again….
6. Emmenant domain of property and passing through ancient homelands just pisses people off….. Digging holes thousands of times deeper than needed , well maybe who needs to see where their going anyway….

Zach Rotwein
Zach Rotwein
7 days ago
Reply to  Zach Rotwein

Thanks for the link. I wonder if Elon Musk’s Boring Company will be involved

6 days ago
Reply to  Zach Rotwein

Do a search of ‘Devils Slide’, it will give you history lesson of a similar problem.

7 days ago

Count me among those not understanding the point of the comic.

Maybe a commentary on the bureaucratic cluster that project will continue to be?

Two Dogs
Two Dogs
7 days ago

All of the above. He does have a knack for pointing out a mess.

7 days ago

With my luck, I’ll find myself behind (and underneath!) a slow-moving truck through the double-loop-de-loops!

7 days ago
Reply to  Creosote

maybe they’ll have a turnout to stop for a bite or a nap

7 days ago
Reply to  treeman53

As long as they fix the never ending water issues at the Collier tunnel stop while folks wait on the 40-mile-long traffic jam when the 1-way controlled tunnel traffic begins we should be all right.

6 days ago

that’s been a real issue for years

it use to be the water came from a spring way up on Oregon man and ran gravitational quite a ways to the big redwood tanks in the rest area.I think the problem stemmed with them making the water potable ,or trying to
I think they were dealing with wastewater too

Last edited 6 days ago
7 days ago

I believe the only tunnel on Caltrans District 1 (Mendo. Lake Humboldt and DelNorte is the Collier Tunnel on Hwy 199 which is approx 1/4 mile. There is a tunnel above the travel way tunnel that can be walked through for maint operations
It has huge fans in it to keep the air clean from the carbon monoxide They have never turned on or have been activated because of the clean air and the wind

Sandy Beaches
Sandy Beaches
7 days ago

1.13 mile long tunnel , please make old road path for hikers and bikes. Also an accident in a tunnel which results in fire is really bad. Any emergency exits planned?

D'Tucker Jebs
7 days ago
Reply to  Sandy Beaches

Oh, you don’t want to get people started on what a terrible idea a trail is.
What about landslides? Fires? Bum camps? Toilets? Bears? Wolves!?!

7 days ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

They could take the original non-tunnel route (Oregon Mtn Rd.). It’s still useable.

7 days ago

Yup. Hmm… maybe these people planned it ?

Authorities in the US have long planned a Los Angeles-to-San Francisco high-speed rail project which is expected to cost over $100bn, but critics have claimed they have very little to show for it – apart from a 11 billion dollar bridge that goes… nowhere.

Mr. Clark
Mr. Clark
7 days ago
Reply to  Bozo

but it goes nowhere FAST…………

Del Norte Local
Del Norte Local
7 days ago

No matter what they put in, as a local, I will ALWAYS avoid going to Eureka from Del Norte because that road is unsafe and will forever slide into the Pacific Ocean. They need to reroute like the other option is. It will take out trees, but it is safe and no worries of the road collapsing – minimal upkeep compared to literally on the coasts’ edge like it is now and they plan to continue with. Just shows politicians continue to be stupid idiots who don’t understand what people truly need. Why not let the locals decide with a vote???

6 days ago

There is no simple reroute though. Directly inland of the grade is steep, rugged, unstable land that also happens to be protected old growth redwood that’s part of the national park system.

The reality is that there is not a good option for traversing this area with a modern road that is capable of handling a large volume of modern vehicle traffic.

6 days ago

There’s no trees back there that it would take out, if you get out of your car and walk either direction from 101 the trees only go a couple hundred feet that’s been clear cut for years it’s all second and third growth, most people don’t know that fly a drone over the area and watch how many trees there are not.