Fortuna Police Offer Free Training to Keep Churches Safe from Attackers

Arcata Church

Stock photo of Arcata Church.

Press release from the Fortuna Police:

While houses of worship are still a safe place to be, relative to everyplace else, there is still cause for concern.

One expert summed it up in a CNN interview by saying, “In some ways … houses of worship are simply the most “convenient venue” for attackers who harbor grudges against former lovers, spouses or friends. Many sanctuaries have regular schedules, lack robust security and proudly bear open-door policies. They are designed to attract the least and the lost, and to welcome them into a loving community, even if that sometimes has terrible consequences.”

The question is how can we keep our churches, synagogues, and mosques safe places to worship without alarming our congregations, and without making them uninviting places to worship?

We are privileged to have the Director of the Eureka Rescue Mission, Bryan Hall, as one of the keynote speakers.? And, we anticipate having law enforcement officers from local agencies, as well as experts from the Department of Homeland Security, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to present and to participate in the round-table discussions.

The actual location of this event (in Humboldt County) will be sent at a later date, following individual registration confirmation.

?Ideally, we would like to invite one minister from each congregation to participate because of space limitations. However, if we have an overwhelming response, we will make other arrangements.

This event is intended only for active clergy and law enforcement personnel; it is not open to the general public. To register for this event, or for any questions please contact Enoch Ibarra at Fortuna Police Department by email at [email protected] .

Keeping our houses of worship safe - final poster


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Willie Caso-Mayhem
5 years ago

🕯Wow,I know back in the 80’s when Catholic Church’s use to be open 24/7 they started closing them due to drug and prostitution activities being done in them late at night.

No Joke
No Joke
5 years ago

After that church shooting in Texas where the gunman annihilated his ex girlfriend’s entire family, I suppose its necessary that we either beef up church security or confront domestic violence…

local observer
local observer
5 years ago
Reply to  No Joke

or require mental health screening for all gun owners. mass shootings are rarely committed by what we consider criminals that buy hot guns. if it cost me $100 a year for a mental health screening to own a gun, I would be OK with it.

Ullr Rover
Ullr Rover
5 years ago
Reply to  local observer

“…mass shootings are rarely committed…” you could have left it with that.

Maybe there should be mental evaluations to exercise you other rights.

local observer
local observer
5 years ago
Reply to  Ullr Rover

there have been 27 Mass Shootings so far in 2019. you can click around to get information on each event.

Ullr Rover
Ullr Rover
5 years ago
Reply to  local observer

“…instead of having 31 percent of the world’s mass shootings, the United States has fewer than 3 percent. The key takeaway here is that, with 4.4 percent of the world’s population, the U.S. has less than its share of mass murderers, a finding that utterly undermines the prevailing narrative. ”

How a Botched Study Fooled the World About the U.S. Share of Mass Public Shootings: U.S. Rate is Lower than Global Average

5 years ago
Reply to  Ullr Rover

Good links, thank you. I knew about this, but these articles give a more complete overview. Here’s a fun fact, Americans have far more guns in private ownership than all the military’s and law enforcement agencies of the world combined.
From a report by the small arms survey:
Us: 393,300,000
The Man: 156,000,000
Apparently there are issues with these data and in fact there may be more guns in private ownership worldwide. I have seen other sources that indicate closer to 420,000,000 guns in private ownership in the u.s.
And this:
Comparing murder rates and gun ownership across countries

Ullr Rover
Ullr Rover
5 years ago
Reply to  Erik

Yes, it is heartening to know that, potentially, the largest standing army in the world is the People of the united States. And by a very large margin.

(BTW your small arms survey link is carrying two extra characters after html)

5 years ago
Reply to  Ullr Rover

Darn phone! Thanks for catching that. Here is the corrected link:

5 years ago
Reply to  Ullr Rover

You know, like posting on a blog. The first amendment comes right before the second. Maybe the Chinese are on to something. Low social score, in a little too much debt, no posting for you. What, Kym just registered a domain, set up a content management system and began reporting the news? Without a background check and approval from the bureau of public information? Without a license? If it saves just one life…..

5 years ago

How about not being so batshit insane that you not only believe in invisible beings in the sky, but feel the need to dedicate a building to sharing your delusions?

5 years ago
Reply to  Bushytails

How about not being so rude that you not only go out of your way to attack other peoples religion, but feel the need to do it in the comment section of a post about protecting yourself from attackers?

I’m not particularly religious but I find it strange when people go out of their way to attack someones religion. I’ts like you have to do it in order to validate your own beliefs.

5 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

If you don’t understand the very good motivations of anti-theism I recommend that you do a little reading. Try Sam Harris’s book “Letter to a Christian Nation.

Lost Croat Outburst
Lost Croat Outburst
5 years ago
Reply to  Bushytails

I understand your sentiments but not your inappropriate timing. People have a right to religious activities within a broad framework of non-violence. You ruin rational debate with your hate. In a free country, we are always offended by other folks also trying to be free.

It’s a tough challenge, freedom. Right now, the USA is being pressure tested, testing whether “ that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.”

Unless we get a new president, I’m giving it 50/50. America: saved by a Republican and destroyed by a Republican. Can’t make this up.

I like stars
I like stars
5 years ago

Don’t worry. We’re getting a new President in six years.

'Merican Woman
'Merican Woman
5 years ago
Reply to  Bushytails

Bushytails, I agree with you 100%. And the responses prove your point rather neatly😊

Anti troll league
Anti troll league
5 years ago
Reply to  'Merican Woman

A person confuses hubris with truth will not be wrong about one thing. They will be equally foolish about everything. That is the nature of hubris. The defect is not in others. It’s in themselves.

5 years ago
Reply to  Bushytails

What’s The Holocaust©®™ have to do with it?

5 years ago

Any place of gathering could be a Target in these troubled times. With our government creating more tension than ever. With wars and rumors of wars, racism is heated up and homelessness is a crime. The economy that is falling, and the corruption within the banks and industry. And abrupt climate change at our Heels. There is a feeling of hopelessness, a lot of people that study the state of the world. Knows we’re headed for rough times. Even if we start doing the right thing, which our government is heading completely in the wrong direction, and leading the people into hopelessness. We use 60% of the exported oil from Venezuela, now we want to take over their country for our industrial tycoons. Who will sell the fuel to us peons to further pollute the planet, for our children. While they build their bunkers in New Zealand. Protect everything you can, until you can figure out how to stand up to the corruption within our government. Which have become the largest terrorist organization in the world. Even to its own people. For a long time now part of the agenda of the United States government is for people that live in fear.

5 years ago
Reply to  Trevor

I wanted to write a sarcastic response to your post like “whaddya mean, the economy is doing great, we have more millionaires than ever” but I’ll save that for another time. Great post. At this point it is painfully obvious that interventionist US foreign policy enjoys complete and total bi-partisan support, and nothing substantive will be done about climate change in any realistic time frame. Since that’s the case, how are we going to relate to living in the resulting world?

Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt
5 years ago
Reply to  Erik

The Jimmy Dore Show

Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt
5 years ago
Reply to  Joe Dirt
5 years ago
Reply to  Joe Dirt

No one wants to watch the jimmy snore show. Or Russian state run media.

Joe Dirt
Joe Dirt
5 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

Hey Trevor good write-up. Some of this information is also being put out by MSNBC + Democracy Now Amy Goodman and the war End Peace report. Go study for yourself but I’m sorry I’m not a subscriber to Fox network and other controlled media that represents corporate greed and the Nazi regime

5 years ago
Reply to  Joe Dirt

Hmm… in other words you don’t know what any of awful stuff is but you know you don’t like it. Doesn’t that even raise a faint alarm bell that you subscribe to only what echoes what you already think?

5 years ago
Reply to  Trevor

Short and fast summary of Venz facts.

5 years ago
Reply to  shak

So much of this information is just not being shared. I read articles from the Nation, Washington post, and Zerohedge this evening and none of them painted a complete picture, even all taken togather. That being said, I still don’t trust USfedcorp’s motivation there. Thanks for the link.

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Erik

~there must always be the perceived enemy to keep the killing war machine fund$ spread out all over the world.

5 years ago
Reply to  Central HumCo

Follow the money is always a spot on assertion.

He who controls the money, controls the govts, the churches, the homeowners, the …

The Money Changers riled Jesus so bad, he tipped over their tables. Those money changers never stopped changing money. They just keep changing their names and creating more shell companies.

5 years ago
Reply to  Erik

It’s always good to keep an open, cynical?, mind, & question everything. I agree with you.
Rumors have it that Saudi Arabia is low on oil. (Russian pipeline?)
Venezuela used to be a rich exporter of oil, before the last regime took over.
USA is back in the lead of oil exporting, with many untapped wells.

The USA doesn’t appear to need Venezuela’s oil, but we know what appearances are like.

The Epoch Times in the daily reads rounds sometimes fills in the missing blanks. Even they have a sometimes habit of leaving out the important equations until later in the read. IE, they never mention the robber was an armed robber, until toward the end of the article, but they at least do add it.

5 years ago
Reply to  Trevor

Get over yourself. When has there not been problems. Many times far, far worse than now. Racism was certainly far worse and much more violent 50 years ago. Ever heard of McCarthyism? Cold War? The Civil War? Any war for that matter? Rivers on fire? Monopolies? Teapot Dome? Polio epidemics? Cyprus, diphtheria? Heck even the Great Recession was less damaging than the Great Depression. And vagrancy laws were far and away much harsher a decade ago.

How can people get to adulthood with so little understanding of their own history that they think these are bad times? Get over yourself. If you are so complaining at this point, what will you ever do when something really bad comes along? Spontaneously combust?

5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

Propaganda for the reelection of Donald Trump and corporate thugs.

Ullr Rover
Ullr Rover
5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

There is a pretty astute observation that we are now in an unprecedented era some call the “long peace”. Although, certainly not conflict free, the world has not had a major conflict in 70+ years… totally unheard of in modern history.

If people don’t have strife and conflict to focus on they tend to get uppity.

Central HumCo
5 years ago
Reply to  Ullr Rover

‘Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everyone is standing around reloading’ –Jefferson

5 years ago

Arm the clergy!

5 years ago

If a person is set on entering a church and start shooting, there is just no way to stop these nuts. You can have all kinds of meetings and safety measures set in place, but it will not stop the shootings. You just can’t make your church into a bomb shelter.

5 years ago
Reply to  Martin

And some people are saying that if you blocked the road. That it’s okay if Vehicles just bulldoze right through crowds of people. Especially if they are black Mexican are from the Middle East Other ethnic backgrounds are not excluded just Because they are protesting and you don’t agree with it. You could get away with murder especially if you are white and wear a mega hat. You’re blocking my White away.

5 years ago
Reply to  Trevor

What does blocking roads have to do with church shootings? What is a White away?

5 years ago
Reply to  Martin

Another name for the Troll’s Way.

5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

It has to do with the right to gather some do it in churches.
Some people marches through the streets like the women just recently did.
People walking in the streets used to have the right away, even if they are not in a crosswalk. They might be breaking the law of jaywalking, are some other code, but they still had the right away.

People should feel safe in our communities

I like stars
I like stars
5 years ago

How great would it be if only some omniscient, all powerful supreme being could be called on to protect these poor souls? Imagine.

5 years ago
Reply to  I like stars

Like some slave genie out of a lamp that does the will of the person doin the wishin?
A lot of God haters imagine your same vision. Somewhere along the line, their imagery became corrupt. The more the person hoped for the big old fat sky genie to pop out of the lamp to do their will, the more they were disappointed. They should have paid more attention to the Bible. We are the servants of God, he’s not the servant of us.
But, I must say, he did provide us with the necessary brains it takes to separate fictitious genies-in-bottles-floating-on-the-clouds-above fairy tale imagery and the factual knowledge that God is the almighty Creator and that we are merely the creatures he created in his own image.
The bible has some cool history about the first case of jealousy. Why, oh why, didn’t God make ‘man’ after our most perfect image cried the self righteous ‘angels’ that ‘chose’ to be riddled with pompous jealousy. They made their choice, and then BOOM, just like a bolt of lightening they were cast to the earth to do their own reign thing. On a limited time. It will take only 1 heavenly angel to cast a net when the time is nigh, and cast all those pompous ass hate tweekers into the abyss for 1000 years.
Interesting stuff. You should read it sometime.

5 years ago
Reply to  I like stars

Ruth Bader Ginsburg? She’s dead.

5 years ago
Reply to  I like stars

Leave other people to their own thoughts when you don’t have the nous to offer anything more useful.

I like stars
I like stars
5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

On your website you can police my input. Here you’re not the boss.

Perhaps if people would think, the idea might be useful. Remember, God is love. 😉

When a church shooting occurs is it God’s will?

5 years ago
Reply to  I like stars

Of course not! What kind of a question is that?
God’s will is for us to CHOOSE to LOVE HIM, our Creator, our Father in Heaven.
He doesn’t force us to, or deceive us to.
Anybody who offensively instead of defensively shoots anyone is not choosing to do God’s will, they’re doing the opposite of God’s will. They’re stifling the right of another/others right to choose.

5 years ago

Why is this a community announcement if it’s a by invite only meeting? Surely they have the addresses, emails, phone numbers of every church leader in the area.
Seems odd to be announcing the vulnerabilities of the churches in a public fashion.

5 years ago
Reply to  shak

I thought the same. I suppose It’s Just easier than looking up addresses on the internet and emailing letters to them.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

Thank you for the information on a specific thing that raised a question. I don’t think anyone thought “secret information” as much as keeping under the notice of various haters.

5 years ago
Reply to  Guest

You’re spot on again Guest.

Sarah witcher,salem
Sarah witcher,salem
5 years ago

Churches that don’t put their frogskins for an electrostatic air conditioner,don’t pay for entry to your heaven.washington state of emergency.measles,we have no ristance,like natives and smallpox,is viable in air only 2 hours.dont crowd stupit buildings when sick and afraid of death.everybody dies,but a coward? Dies a thousand deaths.better to die on one’s feet than live on one’s circulating in comrad will be waiting for me , at the doorway to hell arguing that I should not be allowed in.nerosis potentials pain 4 times.mixitup.