Just Add Water

From outside, his voice slips through the open door and hums in my ear. Contentment has a sound. When you are a mother, the voice of your child playing punctuates the air with peace. When he is silent, you worry. Water gurgles over rocks and spatters on dirt. My youngest grips a green writhing hose between earnest hands and creates

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Treating Students Like Customers or How to Embed Pleasure in Mundane Schoolwork

A good business understands that adding a little extra service or giveaway brings customers back for more. My little tire shop in a town with a population of less than 1400 builds loyalty among locals by tucking in little extras that make customers feel like they’ve gotten something for nothing. Vernon just balanced my tires ( a feat that required

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Never a Dull Moment

I’ll bet you’ve heard of effervescent water—sparkling expensive liquid silver. But the other night I learned of dull water. What is that? Well… Redheaded moppet tangled in bed covers peeks out. “Mom, I’m thiiiiirstyyyy.” “There’s a glass of water on the window sill from last night.” “Noooooooooooooo, Mo-om, that water is dull, dull, dull!” Though never having heard it described

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You Can't Have Just One

Yesterday, the Times Online reported that a British secondary school was conducting an experiment. The administration was tracking students by embedding microchips in their clothing. On the teachers’ computers, the chip provides information on what classroom the student is supposed to be in, the student’s academic performance, and allows retrieval of the student’s photo. The chip also allows a student’s

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