Smoking Materials Determined to Be Cause of Last Night’s Fire on Harris
Press release from Humboldt Bay Fire:
At approximately 8:49pm on Monday January 28th, Humboldt Bay Fire (HBF) was dispatched to a reported structure fire at the 1500 block of Harris Street. HBF responded with a first alarm assignment consisting of four fire engines, one ladder truck, and a Battalion Chief.
Engine 8114 arrived on scene first and reported an attached garage on fire with smoke and flames visible. E8114 connected to the hydrant across the street which blocked Harris Street, and EPD was requested to the on scene to assist with traffic control. Engine 8115 arrived on scene next and assisted with fire attack. Battalion 8103 arrived on scene and assumed incident command. Mutual aid was later requested for coverage of the district. Truck 8181 and Engine 8112 arrived at scene to assist. Fire control was achieved in approximately 15 minutes. PG&E responded and secured all utilities to the structure.
The pre-fire value of the structure was approximately $465,000 with estimated fire loss totaling $50,000. Upon our arrival all occupants were out of the home, however, one occupant sustained a minor cut on his hand from breaking a window to exit the structure. There were no other civilian or firefighter injuries.
After investigation by HBF investigators, the cause of the fire was determined to be improper disposal of smoking materials.
Humboldt Bay Fire would like to thank our mutual aid partners from Arcata Fire, Samoa Fire, along with the Eureka Police Department and PG&E who all assisted directly with
the incident or provided coverage for the rest of the emergency calls in our area while the fire was being mitigated.
Humboldt Bay Fire would like to remind everyone to be sure your smoking materials are dead out when disposed.
Earlier: Structure Fire Closes Harris Street in Eureka

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After smoking materials causing $50,000 damage to their home, I would sure hope they stop smoking or use the proper containers. Improper disposal of the smoking materials could have easily cost them their lives. Thank you, Humboldt Bay Fire for your quick response and knocking down the fire so swiftly.
My sources tell me “It was the fire tht caused the smoking materials”.
Or just cut out the middle part:
Smoking materials caused smoking materials.
Sums it up beginning to end.