Prescribed Burns Planned for Humboldt Redwoods State Park to Reduce Wildfire Risk

Press release from California State Parks:

Prescribed burn graphicCalifornia State Parks, in cooperation with CAL FIRE, are planning to conduct prescribed burns in Humboldt Redwoods State Park during the current dry weather period until rain returns, possibly this weekend. Smoke and flames may be visible from Mattole Road in Humboldt Redwoods State Park.
The prescribed burns are designed to reduce the encroachment of conifer trees and shrubs into prairies, as well as reduce fuels loads in the forests to lessen the likelihood of catastrophic wildfire. These prescribed burns will continue an on-going resource management program designed to maintain prairie grasslands, enhance forage for wildlife, control exotic plant species, return fire as a natural process to the parks, and maintain our old growth forests for generations to come.
For additional information contact Lathrop Leonard, Forester II (707) 502-9352.

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