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Trust between nations is hard-won and easily lost, and treating diplomacy like a poker game invites chaos, not cooperation.
When a President makes oblique threats to allies or neutral parties, it erodes trust and destabilizes global relationships. Diplomacy relies on consistency and mutual respect, not reckless statements.
Allies and non friendly nations both look at U.S. leadership for clues about intentions. Wild statements risk starting conflicts.
Leadership demands responsibility. Making threats, however veiled, against territories of allies signals unpredictability, not strength.
Totally missing the issue is not “well stated.” Pushing NATO to take on at least a larger percentage of their own defense has been the bee in Trump’s bonnet for years. It may not be clear the way the press chooses to report it but, even while protesting, the offended countries know what this issue is even if commenters here are clueless. However crudely Trump puts it, it comes down to if Denmark will not defend Greenland but instead thinks of it as a possession, than sell it.
The native people of Greenland think differently. “Greenlandic Prime Minister Múte Bourup Egede responded sharply on Tuesday. “Let me repeat – Greenland belongs to the people of Greenland. Our future and fight for independence is our business,” he said on Facebook. “While others, including Danes and Americans, are entitled to their opinions, but we should not be caught up in the hysteria and external pressures.” “The future is ours and ours to shape,” he said, adding that “Every day is spent on working to become independent.”” The problem is of course, they are can not maintain their own independence when others covet their increasing importance in the face of global warming. https://www.npr.org/2025/01/07/nx-s1-5251168/trump-greenland
The other side of the coin is that “NATO estimated the combined defence spending of its members at $1.474 trillion in 2024 – around $968 billion from the United States and $507 billion from European nations and Canada. The overall average is about 2.71% of NATO GDP.” Except the US pays 3.49% of its GDP and Denmark pays 1.65% of its GDP. And that’s after Trump pushed them in a slight increase in his last term.
This is not trust. They have become very used to the US taking care of them. They take advantage of the US while their citizens preen themselves about how much more progressive they are when they spend money on social services rather than defense. That has been the result of “diplomacy” for decades. The US pays for the privilege of taking on their burdens. Of course they object to Trump. They are very used to the gravy.
The US spends twice what the rest of the NATO countries spend combined. Even more imbalanced is that Denmark spends far less than half of the percentage of its GDP than than the US does. This leaves NATO countries and especially Denmark, who pays almost the lowest percentage of their GDP on their own defense, relying almost totally on the US to defend it and of course Greenland. The Russian invasions of Ukraine scared them into ponying up more but no where near their proportionate share.
So Trump saying, if Denmark won’t pay to defend Greenland, then they should not have Greenland is not irrational. The US can not afford to give Russia free rein in Greenland. It’s too risky with expansionist Putin and their allies China. Nor is It irrational, as you make it out to ask them put in at least more than half of what they get out of it. Imagine the idea of saving the US some money by asking your “allies” to pay, not even for an equal share of their own defense, but at least more.
Trump can make noise and drive them a bit into being reasonable as he can not simply refuse to take care of them, which would be really be irresponsible. https://www.reuters.com/world/nato-wont-back-trumps-new-defence-spending-target-will-raise-its-sights-2025-01-10/ https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/nato-spending-by-country
There’s been a lot of coverage on this, but I like The Hill because their reporting is fairly straight forward, and they tend to eschew sensationalism better than other sources.
At an inopportune time for those of us that actually, you know, work …
I agree with them, but feel they don’t fully grasp the way the world works and how we’ve all been gaslit since 1871 – and probably before, but it really ramped up with the Organic Act.
Except for wolves, bears, tigers, etc who defend territories and kill each other to do it. As to Elk, deer and squirrels, etc. Heck farm animals, dogs and cats typically engage in as much violence to get their way as they are capable of.
Ever sit a day someplace and just watch bird behaviors? It’s outright warfare all day every day. Starts off with the early ones getting the worms and bugs, then the crows show up to get the scraps push their dominance and get into your trash. Then the jays show to scope out the other birds nests. Then the ravens come by to laugh at the crows and show them who’s boss. The vultures are just circling and getting chased by angry mom tweety birds. The humming birds just find a way to get at the flowers without getting killed and then the ospreys and eagles cruise through, everything scatters, but it is not them they’re concerned with. It’s the falcon and hawk assassins, and the pigeons are on notice to vacate the area. Or die mid air. Or anything that moves really. And the seagulls are just there to make a mess and noise. Not to forge there’s the thousand starlings going tree to tree like locusts in a field getting in everyone’s way. The ducks and geese are merely interstate travelers stopping at the pond and lake rest areas in their travels.
And you don’t think that animals don’t engage in recreational mayhem because they are bored? Man is just as much an animal as, well, any other animal. Assorted animals certainly do and are seemingly as unconscious about the reason as any commenter here.
The only problem I have with humans being (pun intended) wiped out completely is that we trust the nuclear power plant automated safeguards to properly shutdown an unattended facility will actually work.
old guy
1 day ago
at least if they are all there they won’t be out wandering the streets. (will there be doughnuts is the real question)
1 day ago
It’s a shame that they are so unabashedly politically biased. If they really cared about the goal of preventing children from being harmed they would be admonishing both sides in this conflict.
After all one side has for decades and decades purposely placed their military apparatus inside schools, daycares, and hospitals because it served as a powerful deterrent against attacks from Israel.
Meanwhile they intentionally and directly targeted shopping malls hospitals etc. and we’re not talking about hospitals with military apparatus hidden inside them either.
There has been an alliance formed in the US between black Civil rights advocates and Palestinians. The Israel/Palestinian war has become a proxy for civil rights in the US.
“A decade later, the Palestinian cause in the United States has become tightly intertwined with the much more powerful African American quest for civil rights — an alliance that has been both strengthened and tested in the four months of war since Hamas killed more than 1,200 people in Israel.” And ““My beliefs are rooted in my experiences as an activist in the movement to save Black lives,” Ms. Bush said, referring to her time as an activist with Black Lives Matter.
Many Black people who support Palestinian rights say they see the Palestinian cause in the context of the African American experience, as the displacement, oppression and deprivation of a minority group.”
This has allowed the brushing aside of the nature of Palestinian’s own racism and modern slavery based on color and re animated the long time anti semeticism in many black communities. “There is no more dangerous third rail in American politics and journalism than antisemitism in the black community. It is an issue that has mostly simmered in obscurity for decades for the very simple reason that it can be ugly to talk about. But we have to talk about it. With rapper Kanye West’s recent anti-Jewish rantings, with basketball star Kyrie Irving sharing antisemitic movie trailers, and, most importantly, with Haredi Jews now routinely assaulted in places like Brooklyn, New York, silence is no longer an option.”
Those two historical trends have created the blinkered scenario that Isreal is a white colonizing racist country oppressing a people of color and any liberal activist worth his salt must see it that way. To do it, they have to ignore historical Palestinian racism and segregation. It has become a living embodiment of the aphorism “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” And yet it is demanded that never be mentioned in this country.
“They are often referred to as “abeed”, a local derogatory Arabic term meaning “slaves” and their neighbourhoods as “habs Al-abeed” or the “slaves’ prison,” largely due to their skin colour.
Though many of these Afro-Palestinians have lived in Palestine for centuries, they are often discriminated against because they are black.
They are only respected by their fellow Palestinians because of their role in the country’s struggle for independence.”
Because it was not the point. But I suppose that some LGBT advocates find themselves on the same side as Pro Palestinians with a fair measure of that selective blindness too. But with them it’s more like ABBY- anybody but you- knee jerk oikophobia.
You’re quoting the new York times?? Mouthpiece for the u.s. government. Hitler is very proud of his progeny in Israel and congress. They have learned oh so very well. It’s only genocide when someone else does it.
So you are saying that the Black Civil rights movement and the Pro Palistinians have not formed an alliance out of common ground because the NYT is “Mouthpiece for the u.s. government?” Nothing was said about genocide or the government in my comment. Just that the two have formed a coalition only possible by ignoring each other’s history where it aligns with their opponents.
I’d say that your comment is pretty irrational but I suspect you are well aware of your deliberately making irrational statements already.
That peculiar idea certainly explains your nihilistic posts. But if you really believe that, why do you comment? Do you see yourself as the sole exception?
Ohyeah, walking around Eureka will bring world peace. How about Hamas surrenders and returns the hostages? But that is just to difficult for those out virtue signaling in a useless exercise of exhibitionism….
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Huffman is owned by the Military Industrial complex.
Is he open to the possibility of taking Greenland by military force?
Has anyone suggested using military force to take Greenland?
Yeah, your idiot president to be….
The tangerine tinted buffoon has “not ruled out the possibility.” Because, that’s not at all nuts.
I am extremely interested. Can you provide me a link?
That you for the link. I would hate to get into a poker game with Trump. He knows how to run a bluff.
I’m hoping it’s a bluff on his part, I see the advantage of military bases there, but taking it seems a little…insane.
Trust between nations is hard-won and easily lost, and treating diplomacy like a poker game invites chaos, not cooperation.
When a President makes oblique threats to allies or neutral parties, it erodes trust and destabilizes global relationships. Diplomacy relies on consistency and mutual respect, not reckless statements.
Allies and non friendly nations both look at U.S. leadership for clues about intentions. Wild statements risk starting conflicts.
Leadership demands responsibility. Making threats, however veiled, against territories of allies signals unpredictability, not strength.
This, all the way! Very well stated.
Totally missing the issue is not “well stated.” Pushing NATO to take on at least a larger percentage of their own defense has been the bee in Trump’s bonnet for years. It may not be clear the way the press chooses to report it but, even while protesting, the offended countries know what this issue is even if commenters here are clueless. However crudely Trump puts it, it comes down to if Denmark will not defend Greenland but instead thinks of it as a possession, than sell it.
The native people of Greenland think differently. “Greenlandic Prime Minister Múte Bourup Egede responded sharply on Tuesday. “Let me repeat – Greenland belongs to the people of Greenland. Our future and fight for independence is our business,” he said on Facebook. “While others, including Danes and Americans, are entitled to their opinions, but we should not be caught up in the hysteria and external pressures.” “The future is ours and ours to shape,” he said, adding that “Every day is spent on working to become independent.”” The problem is of course, they are can not maintain their own independence when others covet their increasing importance in the face of global warming.
The other side of the coin is that “NATO estimated the combined defence spending of its members at $1.474 trillion in 2024 – around $968 billion from the United States and $507 billion from European nations and Canada. The overall average is about 2.71% of NATO GDP.” Except the US pays 3.49% of its GDP and Denmark pays 1.65% of its GDP. And that’s after Trump pushed them in a slight increase in his last term.
This is not trust. They have become very used to the US taking care of them. They take advantage of the US while their citizens preen themselves about how much more progressive they are when they spend money on social services rather than defense. That has been the result of “diplomacy” for decades. The US pays for the privilege of taking on their burdens. Of course they object to Trump. They are very used to the gravy.
The US spends twice what the rest of the NATO countries spend combined. Even more imbalanced is that Denmark spends far less than half of the percentage of its GDP than than the US does. This leaves NATO countries and especially Denmark, who pays almost the lowest percentage of their GDP on their own defense, relying almost totally on the US to defend it and of course Greenland. The Russian invasions of Ukraine scared them into ponying up more but no where near their proportionate share.
So Trump saying, if Denmark won’t pay to defend Greenland, then they should not have Greenland is not irrational. The US can not afford to give Russia free rein in Greenland. It’s too risky with expansionist Putin and their allies China. Nor is It irrational, as you make it out to ask them put in at least more than half of what they get out of it. Imagine the idea of saving the US some money by asking your “allies” to pay, not even for an equal share of their own defense, but at least more.
Trump can make noise and drive them a bit into being reasonable as he can not simply refuse to take care of them, which would be really be irresponsible.
There’s been a lot of coverage on this, but I like The Hill because their reporting is fairly straight forward, and they tend to eschew sensationalism better than other sources.
Not if they failed to mention the point of it all and instead term it as imperialism and bombast.
Huffman is an expert grifter …
It’s probably easier to list the politicians that aren’t owned by the MIC.
Ah yes, another virtue get together for the perpetually aggrieved.
At an inopportune time for those of us that actually, you know, work …
I agree with them, but feel they don’t fully grasp the way the world works and how we’ve all been gaslit since 1871 – and probably before, but it really ramped up with the Organic Act.
Peace will come when the last human is dead.
Last terrorist.
We’re all terrorists.
“Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.”
Denis Diderot
Here, here!
Almost, not quite.
I like that, Ernie’s version also, but this one more so.
Except for wolves, bears, tigers, etc who defend territories and kill each other to do it. As to Elk, deer and squirrels, etc. Heck farm animals, dogs and cats typically engage in as much violence to get their way as they are capable of.
Ever sit a day someplace and just watch bird behaviors? It’s outright warfare all day every day. Starts off with the early ones getting the worms and bugs, then the crows show up to get the scraps push their dominance and get into your trash. Then the jays show to scope out the other birds nests. Then the ravens come by to laugh at the crows and show them who’s boss. The vultures are just circling and getting chased by angry mom tweety birds. The humming birds just find a way to get at the flowers without getting killed and then the ospreys and eagles cruise through, everything scatters, but it is not them they’re concerned with. It’s the falcon and hawk assassins, and the pigeons are on notice to vacate the area. Or die mid air. Or anything that moves really. And the seagulls are just there to make a mess and noise. Not to forge there’s the thousand starlings going tree to tree like locusts in a field getting in everyone’s way. The ducks and geese are merely interstate travelers stopping at the pond and lake rest areas in their travels.
Were that the start to a book I’d at least finish the chapter. Still just a sliver of the story. Man is the bridge between the animal and the angel.
Humans do it because they don’t like the colour of your skin or your religion where you put your penis/tongue….no good reason…just for the fun of it.
And you don’t think that animals don’t engage in recreational mayhem because they are bored? Man is just as much an animal as, well, any other animal. Assorted animals certainly do and are seemingly as unconscious about the reason as any commenter here.
The only problem I have with humans being (pun intended) wiped out completely is that we trust the nuclear power plant automated safeguards to properly shutdown an unattended facility will actually work.
at least if they are all there they won’t be out wandering the streets. (will there be doughnuts is the real question)
It’s a shame that they are so unabashedly politically biased. If they really cared about the goal of preventing children from being harmed they would be admonishing both sides in this conflict.
After all one side has for decades and decades purposely placed their military apparatus inside schools, daycares, and hospitals because it served as a powerful deterrent against attacks from Israel.
Meanwhile they intentionally and directly targeted shopping malls hospitals etc. and we’re not talking about hospitals with military apparatus hidden inside them either.
The only good human is a dead human.
That sounds threatening.
Statement of fact.
They do not intentionally target civilian targets. You have been misinformed.
Does it matter if they still unintentionally target civilians? Hell they are targeting their OWN civilians, lookup the IDF Hannibal directive.
There has been an alliance formed in the US between black Civil rights advocates and Palestinians. The Israel/Palestinian war has become a proxy for civil rights in the US.
“A decade later, the Palestinian cause in the United States has become tightly intertwined with the much more powerful African American quest for civil rights — an alliance that has been both strengthened and tested in the four months of war since Hamas killed more than 1,200 people in Israel.” And ““My beliefs are rooted in my experiences as an activist in the movement to save Black lives,” Ms. Bush said, referring to her time as an activist with Black Lives Matter.
Many Black people who support Palestinian rights say they see the Palestinian cause in the context of the African American experience, as the displacement, oppression and deprivation of a minority group.”
This has allowed the brushing aside of the nature of Palestinian’s own racism and modern slavery based on color and re animated the long time anti semeticism in many black communities. “There is no more dangerous third rail in American politics and journalism than antisemitism in the black community. It is an issue that has mostly simmered in obscurity for decades for the very simple reason that it can be ugly to talk about. But we have to talk about it. With rapper Kanye West’s recent anti-Jewish rantings, with basketball star Kyrie Irving sharing antisemitic movie trailers, and, most importantly, with Haredi Jews now routinely assaulted in places like Brooklyn, New York, silence is no longer an option.”
Those two historical trends have created the blinkered scenario that Isreal is a white colonizing racist country oppressing a people of color and any liberal activist worth his salt must see it that way. To do it, they have to ignore historical Palestinian racism and segregation. It has become a living embodiment of the aphorism “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” And yet it is demanded that never be mentioned in this country.
“They are often referred to as “abeed”, a local derogatory Arabic term meaning “slaves” and their neighbourhoods as “habs Al-abeed” or the “slaves’ prison,” largely due to their skin colour.
Though many of these Afro-Palestinians have lived in Palestine for centuries, they are often discriminated against because they are black.
They are only respected by their fellow Palestinians because of their role in the country’s struggle for independence.”
don’t mention their anti female, or gay bias, that’s religion hating stuff.
Because it was not the point. But I suppose that some LGBT advocates find themselves on the same side as Pro Palestinians with a fair measure of that selective blindness too. But with them it’s more like ABBY- anybody but you- knee jerk oikophobia.
You’re quoting the new York times?? Mouthpiece for the u.s. government. Hitler is very proud of his progeny in Israel and congress. They have learned oh so very well. It’s only genocide when someone else does it.
So you are saying that the Black Civil rights movement and the Pro Palistinians have not formed an alliance out of common ground because the NYT is “Mouthpiece for the u.s. government?” Nothing was said about genocide or the government in my comment. Just that the two have formed a coalition only possible by ignoring each other’s history where it aligns with their opponents.
I’d say that your comment is pretty irrational but I suspect you are well aware of your deliberately making irrational statements already.
Humans are primarily irrational. Where did you get any other idea?
That peculiar idea certainly explains your nihilistic posts. But if you really believe that, why do you comment? Do you see yourself as the sole exception?
I see myself as lucky. Willing to take my chances along with everyone else.
says the unabashedly biased one…..
Ohyeah, walking around Eureka will bring world peace. How about Hamas surrenders and returns the hostages? But that is just to difficult for those out virtue signaling in a useless exercise of exhibitionism….
A little music for the peace gathering.
Funny watching liberals, support a Culture that doesn’t even begin to support liberal ideology or policies (LGBQT, Women’s Rights, Abortion, etc)…