Green Diamond Prescribed Burn Today
Press release from Green Diamond Resource Company:
Weather conditions permitting, Green Diamond Resource Company plans to conduct prescribed burning for fuel hazard reduction in Redwood Creek area today 11/8. Burning operations are implemented in coordination with CAL FIRE, and the North Coast Unified Air Quality Management District. Please note that smoke may be visible in surrounding areas, including Highway 101, Highway 299, McKinleyville and the Fieldbrook areas, while prescribed burning activities are being conducted. Green Diamond and Cal Fire staff will be on site monitoring prescribed burning and fuels reduction operations.
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Keep safe out there!
No sooner than the smoke rising from this burn the internet goes ablaze with comments about not being informed of it.
Probably just burning slash piles on landings, not doing prescribed underburns as implied. Way better PR.
My question is how they determine favorable/Weather conditions permitting?
I know they cannot burn in windy conditions, but I have seen a few time where there is little wind, and it ends up going in a different direction, and due to certain weather conditions, a cloud will hover on the ground and move slowly, not dissipating much and can get real thick.
There was a bad one most of the day around the Eureka Mall & Alice Birney School, and a few weeks ago, Oct 22, another bad one to drive thru between Layonville & Willits. That one was in Laytonville around 10:00 AM & in Willits, more dissipated around 4;00 PM.
Laytonville air quality was the worst one could imagine, I feel for the residence there.
There’s a chance of good rain accumulation for the next week or two in that watershed. This is when timber companies ignite those large piles of logging slash.