Celebrate Día de Muertos with Centro del Pueblo at North Coast Repertory Theatre
Press release from Centro del Pueblo:
Centro del Pueblo invites the diverse communities of Humboldt to join a vibrant Festival at the North Coast Repertory Theatre in Eureka!
Join us at the North Coast Repertory Theatre in Eureka for a vibrant Día de Muertos festival honoring Indigenous migrants from Latin America and celebrating life, legacy, and connection. As the principal promoters of our culture in this beloved public celebration in Humboldt, Centro del Pueblo invites all ages and backgrounds to come together in this cultural tribute, bridging generations and strengthening our community bonds.
This event is part of Centro del Pueblo’s Impact Project with NCRT, proudly sponsored by the California Arts Council and Measure J.
Event Details:
- Date: Saturday, November 2nd,
- Time: 5pm to 7pm
- Location: North Coast Repertory Theatre, 300 5th St. Eureka
- Admission: Free event — donations welcome!
- Catrinas Theatre
- Music from Latin America
- Danza Azteca, Danza del Venado, Danza Xochipitzahuatl
- Multigenerational Folklorico Ballets
- Latin Dance
Be part of a celebration that honors our past, unites us in the present, and keeps alive a legacy for future generations. Together, let’s keep the light of Día de Muertos shining brightly.

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I have no desire to celebrate criminals. Illegals go back where you came from. I will never unite with those who refuse to respect the laws of the USA. Hopefully Trump will be elected and send you all packing.
That’s exactly what Jesus said in the Bible! Uncanny!
Exactly correct. In the parable of the ten virgins, the five were prepared. The other five Jesus said, “I never knew you.” There’s no way to sneak into Heaven. Narrow is the road that leads to life and few there are who find it comes from Matthew 7:14. God is not an enabler.
Racist much???
I’m thinking very much.
I have two Black cousins, a Native American niece, a Mexican daughter in law and multiple other non white relatives. I love them all dearly. However, all of them are US citizens. If it’s racist to not want anyone to criminally come to MY country, including whites so be it. However, looks like you’re looking at yourself, not me.
Ah yes. The good ol’ “I have a black cousin, it’s impossible for me to be racist” argument.
What part of “I don’t want anyone here illegally” became racist. It’s the illegals and the bigoted lefties who don’t give a shit about national Sovereignty (unless it’s Native American tribal which, by the way are citizens) who are racist.
Pointing out my family’s diversity, which is by both adoption from here and abroad and by marriage is a statement of appreciation of every race which God created. But thanks for pointing out yourself.
So many people from india have been here illegally working in tech and not a whisper about them stealing jobs nor is it in the media much yet working it tech saw it all the time; those were often white collar jobs just enough so that it was kept quiet cause tech could afford to do so similar to wealthy who depend on illegals for housekeeping and child and elder care. S. America and Mexico and Muslim countries are identified as the primary source of “The problem” and THAT is what is racist about this. Illegal whites are not mentioned nor profiled. How many of Trump’s wives or were legal before marriage and how is it that only the wealthy can afford to be illegal in this country but not those needing political asylum ? It is both classist/elitist and racist to keep harping on those from S. America and Muslims as being “The problem”.
So, let me get this straight, you have no desire to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, Easter, 4th of July, because all are celebrated by criminals. Obviously not only by criminals, but get this, criminals do celebrate holidays. I’m sure folks who make comments such as yours have heard this before, but it obviously hasn’t gotten through a great many of their thick skulls: not everyone from Mexico, Central America, and South America are here illegally. Most have either gotten their citizenship or were born here. They also brought their culture and holidays just like the whities did. Look, I’m whiter than a blank sheet of paper, work hard, pay taxes, respect the constitution, and the flag. I will even stand by your side to defend your rights as a citizen. I am no criminal, shy of running the occasional stale yellow light or changing lanes without signaling; I’ve never even seen the booking room of a PD. But listen hear, I grew up around that culture, honor the dead and respect and practice this particular holiday. You, my dear Alf, have made a personal attack on me.
This is an example of the workings of the minds of the mentally deficient. This person’s cult leader is a convicted felon, yet the poster wrote that he does not want to celebrate criminals. Perhaps he is also one of the lower income devotees who do not believe Trump when he has repeatedly sworn to destroy social security and will have no income to survive on.
Oh yes, let’s show our enthusiasm for a Mexican holiday. You know how excited they get in Mexico on the 4th of July.
It is not a Mexican holiday. It is a Latin America religious holiday. When we remember our dead.
Mexicans are Latin Americans, but not all Latin Americans are Mexicans. I am sure ALL brown people look Mexican to you.
Bad comparison. 4th of July is more the equivalent of 16 de Septiembre. Both are worth your enthusiasm for the exact same reason, a people standing up for themselves against an oppressive ruler, a king more specifically. Dia de los Muertos is nearly identical to All Souls Day; interesting isn’t it, considering both existed long before the Spanish and British colonization of current Mexico and America, respectively
Why then Christmas? It’s just a holiday that another group of immigrants brought to what is now this country. As are St. Patrick’s Day and Easter. Thanksgiving and 4th of July are among the very few that are truly American. And some folks question celebrating those. And Cinco de Mayo? Although a bad comparison, similar to Germany celebrating Japan’s bombing of Pearl Harbor. Yet Americans hugely celebrate it, many wrongly thinking it is Mexico’s Independence Day.
You don’t need to celebrate any, but show your enthusiasm because you respect someone else’s right to their religious or cultural beliefs.
A very article that brings light on All Saints Day & Day of the Dead celebrations:
Spiritual, not spooky. After Halloween, Christians observe All Saints’ Day (from @AP) https://apnews.com/article/36f7b8599b2336d7c700c532db2e26dc
The Latin American culture is beautiful and uplifting. This day of remembrance is honorable. Unfortunately Centro del Pueblo has made their primary mission the encouragement of illegal immigration which I cannot support. Immigration-Yes. Mexican people-Yes. But not the encouragement of criminal immigration and the shitshow that exists at our southern border. Centro del Pueblo entwines their celebration of Latin American traditions with their overt political message that is not honorable. I’ll be honoring my ancestors and the Day of the Dead elsewhere…
Exactly my view. Thank you Farce.
For those willing to expand their view and LEARN something new, there are many easily found outlets to do so without challenging their patriotism.