Woman Injured After Struck by Vehicle on Broadway in Eureka Tonight

Emergency responders and law enforcement vehicles surround the scene of a pedestrian collision near the intersection of Broadway and West Henderson in Eureka. [Image from Caltrans QuickMap]
According to reports over the scanner, the woman was taken by ambulance to the hospital with a head injury and lacerations to her nose and leg.
The medic called in a trauma alert which indicates that the patient is suffering from serious, potentially life-threatening injuries.
Please remember that information gathered from initial reports is subject to revision as more facts become available.

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Another vehicle vs tweeker?
If you have evidence to support your claim, you should provide it to law enforcement.
If not, you should really keep thoughts like that to yourself.
Nope dont believe I will follow your advice. Totality of circumstances and past behaviors of the area. Everyone knows that is tweeker central where they weave in and out of traffic sooo uh no. Play stupid games play win stupid prizes. Besides if you look at the end of a sentence the ? means it was a question not a statement or thought.
The poster is not entirely wrong. It is a heavily trafficked intersection for both vehicles and pedestrians. AND transients that use W. Hawthone (and Henderson) as a corridor to wherever. I’ve had to stop numerous times near the large billboard on the hillside near there because someone decided to play Frogger in the rain at night. It happens. The intersections are clearly marked, lit, with crosswalks and nobody should be crossing anywhere BUT there. There’s too much traffic in the day to be irresponsible crossing the street. If you wanted evidence, I’d give you some myself but I can’t record the 911 or “person in traffic” phone calls to EPD I’ve made before. Insensitive comment, perhaps, but not completely made up either.
I believe that all winter clothing donated to the homeless should have a few pieces of reflective tape sewn strategically on them as a matter of course. Especially black hoodies.
Maybe a new law, just what we need, if you’re not in a crosswalk no harm no foul? Personal responsibility?
yep, more laws will fix it
I went by that billboard yesterday, and there’s definitely a well worn footpath behind it.
The billboard and footpath are directly in line with the area in the roadway that this woman was hit and laying in the roadway.
This pretty much convinces me that this woman was crossing a considerable distance from the crosswalk, and not in it like a few posters here tend to believe.
Hopefully Kym will do a follow up when more information becomes available.
I agree. If that fact comes out, then run with it. Otherwise there is a better chance that you are the lowlife in this scenario than the injured woman. There are a lot of folks on the edge crossing Broadway dangerously, but I do not think from my personal observations that most pedestrians are tweekers.
Of course most pedestrians are not tweekers. But most of those jay walking on broadway seem to be.
Going to need blood work to verify that statement.
If you were forced to take a guess, you would not go with homeless drug addict? I think given the data it would be the safer bet.
Spot on!
You are wasting your breath on this person!
You should say “that person with so much trauma they choose to self medicate. “ addicts are grown traumatized kids with mental health issues.
Or a soccer mom with a sprained knee.
Or anyone who tried it once and enjoyed it. Trauma is not a definite. It’s not always.
Call it what you want. But if it talks like a tweaker and walks like a tweaker, it’s a tweaker! ( not necessarily this injured woman, who may or may not be a tweaker).
I don’t remember the traffic law that allows you to hit a tweaker.maybe it’s a town of drunks. The area history supports that to. Push the button in the crosswalk. Eureka is one of the country’s most dangerous towns for pedestrians
unless they are just dopers you mean ?
What if the tweeker was your mother? I bet you would change your comment.
Yeup, driving on Broadway is like playing tweeker frogger!
I am sorry for the person hit, but I am sorry for the driver. I often eat breakfast on Broadway and am amazed at how many people play frogger with the cars. At night with less visibility the drivers don’t have a chance on Broadway.
What really pisses me off, is that fancy pedestrian stop light on Broadway, near Broadway Cinema, I personally have yet to anyone use it, but the last time that I went by it, someone was playing frogger a half a block away from it.
At the slow rate that this pedestrian was running across amongst busy Broadway traffic, they were a clear candidate to use the pedestrian stoplight.
It’s going to cause a wreck at some point. Nobody is running across the street to get to the movies right there or Jitter Bean to justify it’s existence, though someone thought it a good idea and spent the money on it. Which, who did pay for it anyway? I remember In-N-Out had to cough up the money to rework the intersection and new lighting where it stands now and that wasn’t cheap.
Funny. I’ve seen lots of people use that crosswalk.
I personally have not, with the only time was on the news, when the stoplight was first installed.
If you want to see a well used pedestrian crossing light, the one next to Ramone’s Bakery on Harrison Avenue in Eureka is a good example.
A signaled crosswalk not that far away, but no, let’s cross Broadway a block away at night.
I keep my eyes peeled for pedestrians taking the shorter route.
The picture clearly shows that it happened at the signal at West Hawrhorn and Broadway in front of that new fancy new hotel.
So shut the fuck up.
I drove by this just before the paramedics arrived. The car and injured person were located about 100 feet south of that intersection in the southbound lane. The person was laying on the ground and had a pool of blood around their head while several people stood by looking on. The dusk lighting made it difficult to see, but the person looked like they were wearing shabby clothing. I thought the person was dead, but am glad to find out they were alive and are now hopefully receiving medical care.
That’s pretty much the same distance from the Hathorne intersection where a young mother was killed in March 2020, pushing her baby in a stroller, while crossing Broadway near midnight.
I’m not sure if the signal lights at Hathorne and Broadway were installed or operational at that time.
The signal was not installed until after that young woman was killed.
The intersection was in place. They crossed at the bowling alley. Very unfortunate. Motherless child and father with an infant to care for.
But Let’s blaze across the street against a light anyway because we’re goddamn Braveheart! Freeeeedommmmm!
I knew a catskinner who buried his chokerman and killed him. Chokerman was a stoner, sat down behind a log, got stoned & went to sleep. Catskinner was building road & buried him. He said it disturbed him every day of his life.
Thankful I dont have anything like that on my conscience.
Oooookaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!! LOL . Not really relatable, but thanks for that
I concur.
Does that mean he buried the log too?
Also, could you explain what a catskinner and chokerman are? TIA.
A Catskinner is a Caterpillar tractor driver and road builder. A chokerman… more commonly called a chokersetter is the man that hooks cables around logs to be skidded to a log loading area.
Thank you for asking.
My friend Jerry committed suicide while writing the great American novel in a tiny travel trailer while working as a night watchman on a home his brother was constructing. Years later an employee of mine named Tony needed a ride home from work and he was renting that house. He and his roommates told me about the ghost that lived there. Next day I brought a photo of Jerry to work that I had taken at a party years earlier using low ambient light where he left a trail behind him and looked like a ghost. Tony said “ that’s our ghost”. It still trios me out over 40 years later. I was an atheist in my youth and that was one of the incidents that made me into an Agno-Deist Animist.(tm).
Well it sure didn’t take much to tip you towards supernatural beliefs.
that is west Hawthorn.
Any idea if there was a driver in the vehicle, or was it autonomous?
I hope the woman survives.
Who knows. But I have seen numerous Google street view cars this last week, Another map app cam car and a Waymo vehicle, but I thought those were limited to San Francisco. You know you can trap those in place for shytes and giggles? I’m not saying how but YouTube will tell you.
How to trap a waymo
Hilarious… if true.
Interesting. Guy needs to learn how to speak.
To believe that clip is seven years old … wow
It seems that intersection for pedestrians is dangerous. It does not matter if the person crossing the street is homeless, drunk, or has mental problems. If they are within a marked crosswalk, they do have the right of away, but vehicles going 30 MPH are on them usually before the driver can react. I just pray that the female that was hit will make a complete recovery and be fine. As far as the driver is concerned, I am not sure if they are at fault in anyway. I will wait to see a police report before making a bad comment when it might not be necessary.
At least the driver wasn’t speeding. Isn’t most, if not all, of Broadway 40mph. Possibly just pulled from a driveway and hadn’t gotten up to speed? Or perhaps one of the very rare safe drivers on the road. In either case, it’ll be baggage for life. After hitting a deer on Harris last week, I’ve been pumped with adrenaline, driving with my head on maximum swivel like a motorcyclist on a grade school playground at recess.
Regardless of the victim’s mental stability, professional status, housing situation, blood toxicity, I too hope she fully recovers.
As the mother of one of those homeless so called tweaker that self medicated to bury the PTSD and physical pain in her body from domestic abuse I am praying it was not my daughter that was hit by the car and am praying for the driver of the car. No one thinks it will be there loved ones in that much pain but guess what it can.
Kim, I know several guys who has PTSD from being in Vietnam and they turned to drugs and alcohol trying to bury their feelings, but it did not work for both. One finally came out of that dark space, but sadly my other friend shot himself. It turned his family’s world upside down to say the least. I pray that your daughter is fine now. May God bless her.
Takes a tweeker to know a tweeker
You people are quick to judge everyone on Broadway is a tweeker that’s sad you just assume when you probably don’t even have a clue must be nice to have such a perfect life and never do anything wrong but judge people pathetic. If you got nothing better to do Judge people Get a life
If you had your facts right and had a clue they were in a cross walk you people make your comments and you don’t even know God for bid you people EVER GET ON A JURY THAT WOULD BE THE WORST DAY EVER FOR SOMEONE