Yee Haw! Caught Off Guard but Fighting Back: A Guest Column by our Reporter Nichole Norris

Land owner Charles Garth in front of one of the colorful buildings at Yee Haw.

Full Disclosure- This is an opinion piece and the writer is actively working closely with the residents and owner of Yee Haw to help bring about solutions that help save the Village, and she worked for the Law Offices of Eugene Denson until April 2024, to help negotiate solutions to the abatement.

On September 10, a notice appeared on the gate of the Yee Haw intentional community in Trinidad, signaling the county’s plans to move forward with an abatement originally issued in 2017.

The communal low income village known as “Yee Haw,” has existed for thirty-eight years housing hundreds, if not thousands of people over time in affordable sleeping units and cabins, with communal spaces, kitchens and gardens.

Children in a flowering tree at Yee Haw.

Children in a flowering tree at Yee Haw.

An anonymous child who grew up at Yee Haw and still lives there, said, “My favorite part about living here is the sudden gatherings and celebrations, when we play badminton, soccer, basketball, or do art together, play in the garden and the forest—- oh and picking fresh fruit, that’s the best.”

Twenty-four people, plus nine temporary guests reside there today, which includes eight children, two disabled residents, two elderly, two single moms, and at least four who have diagnosed mental health challenges. But according to the staff report for the September 24 meeting, these thirty-three worlds could come crashing down, along with their homes, depending on findings from a site inspection set for October 2.

Two weeks after the most recent notice was posted on this last Tuesday, the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors heard a presentation by the Planning and Building Departments Code Enforcement unit pertaining to the fate for the intentional community on Quarry Rd, with a goal to proceed with a county led abatement schedule “if substantial progress had not been made.” If anything but substantial progress was made the plan is to demolish the low income community by June 2025, with evictions said to occur in “4 weeks.” Though it is uncertain if that means four weeks from the supervisor meeting, or after a warrant may be served October 2, or by June 2025.The steps for Yee Haw

Screenshot of Abatement Schedule for Yee Haw

The county led abatement will cost an estimated $306,000, or “60% of Code Enforcement’s annual budget,” according to Planning and Building Department Director John Ford, and would be paid for by the general fund.

The property owner and this reporter requested an inspection date anytime the following week of October 7 to occur instead, so the owners current representatives could accompany Garth on the site visit, but Director John Ford refused any other inspection date besides October 2, despite being offered a vast window of time to choose from.

Photo of chickens in a compost bin at Yee Haw

Chickens in a compost bin at Yee Haw.

“Caught off Guard”

“I feel this is happening to us in bad faith” one anonymous resident said, adding, “We were told during the last inspection [in 2021] that if we were making progress that’s all that mattered, and we have.”

Director Ford explained at the meeting, “We slowed that [2017] abatement down to explore other options, and that was impacted by the death of Ed Denson, I don’t want to be unfair about that. But this is a situation where the resolution, if there’s ever going to be one, requires the ability of movement and recognition by the property owner that things cannot remain status quo. The county cannot let people live in substandard conditions.”

September’s notice was the first news the property owner heard since the passing of their attorney Eugene “ED” Denson who was working to bring the property into compliance, alongside John Ford, the Code Enforcement Director and staff, Supervisor Madrone, County Counsel, and this reporter. But after the Supervisors meeting, the county gave them about a week’s warning regarding a forced inspection of the ten acres with the fate of their village on the line.

Many of the residents said they feel “caught off guard” because the abatement communication notice was left on the gate of Yee Haw two weeks before the Supervisors meeting, and it only mentioned inspecting the driveway initially.

People who supported Yee Haw on the steps of the Courthouse after the Board of Supervisor's Meeting this last Tuesday

People who supported Yee Haw on the steps of the Courthouse after the Board of Supervisor’s Meeting this last Tuesday.

Additionally, some said they felt prevented from making a comment at the meeting, because their item was set to be the last on the agenda, but at 9 a.m. Supervisor Rex Bohn attempted to start the meeting with the Yee Haw discussion instead, causing commenters to be confused and consequently many said they were unable to participate meaningfully. One commenter felt the meeting item time change, coupled with 92-year-old Yee Haw resident Jack Nounann being denied a chance to comment because it was a “Brown act violation.”

“Nowhere Else to Go”

children playing in the forest at Yee Haw

Children playing in the forest at Yee Haw.

Phoenix Halling, a Yee Haw resident for about a year, told me, “What Charles, and those here on the land are doing, is humanely solving the housing crisis- and we are doing so more effectively and efficiently than the County, or even the State of California for that matter. Billions of dollars are put towards solving the housing crisis year-after-year, with the unhoused population only increasing. Director John Ford even said back in 2021 in an interview with Nichole Norris on KMUD that, “There is no ability right now, particularly in Humboldt County, to build market-rate affordable housing.””

Halling continued saying, “For Ford to say that, and then turn around and threaten to demolish our homes is unthinkable. Does the County really think we’d be safer and more secure on the streets of Eureka? Because most of us here won’t have anywhere else to go.”

At the September 24 meeting Connie Beck of DHHS said she had alternative housing options and provided her card to residents.

Residents claimed however that Yee Haw filled in the gaps of the DHHS and other emergency housing inadequacies. One resident named Heather Furchess explained that many end up at Yee Haw because of these cracks in county services.

Furchess has lived at Yee Haw for almost 5 years, and she details her experience of an initial culture shock when she moved in, saying, “I’ve never lived anywhere like this before… We get all sorts of people who are needing help, some we cannot help and we try to help them move forward with love …We know what it’s like more than most to be homeless and struggle and to feel like a burden on society. Yee Haw and our community members give sanctuary for those that it can help, and offer what resources we have to those it can’t.”

Furchess said soon after she moved in she discovered it was a vast improvement to low income housing alternatives offered otherwise, and illustrates the nature of the current housing market even for paid professionals.

Furchess explained,

I grew up in a big apartment building, packed like sardines because that is how state and county funds low income housing. I am a very hardworking individual and bring in an income more than some. I work as a medical assistant and have a family of 5. For rent alone for us, I need an income of $6,000-9,000. As they want 3xs your income for rent. Due to my husband’s disability and autistic young adult children still living at home that is not an option for us. At Yee Haw I can actually afford to live, to breathe under the beautiful redwoods, to raise my family, grow my own food and give back, as many of us in the Yee Haw community do.

Finally she begs for an intervention to the County’s pending demolition and eviction plans, adding, “We as a community want the right to stay and continue to help each other, and others, to actually live, not just survive packed like sardines struggling to make it in a broken and unstable system… Living in nature at Yee Haw is much better for the mental health and well being of my family.”

Greedy Slumlord or Saving Grace?

Buildings and garden at Yee Haw.

Buildings and garden at Yee Haw.

During the meeting supervisors and Code Enforcement argued that because Garth bought a church in Trinidad, and collects some rent, he presumably has the money to fix up the alleged code violations at Yee Haw.

This a “mischaracterization” Garth clarified, “and all the picture[s] code enforcement used at the meeting were ancient.”

First, the total rent paid on average for the 24 tenants currently (not including eight temporary guests who don’t pay) is about $83 per person, NOT per dwelling unit, and no family is paying more than $400 for larger individual cabins. Some utilities are also subsidized by Garth.

Additionally, Garth bought a church in Trinidad BEFORE the pending 2017 abatement in question today, with financial investors, and dreams of starting a school and religious-based community center.

Garth explained to this reporter, “I bought the church to start a charter school. I had a bunch of credentialed teachers ready to go, local schools were in favor and the superintendent in Eureka was in support too. But I got robbed of this dream, and so did many parents and kids.”

Garth added, “I live cheap. I had partners buying in on church with me in November 2014, long before this code enforcement case was opened in 2017. At the time, I thought we were in good standing after our release and settlement agreement in 2008, and I submitted my permits.”

Art at Yee Haw

The Tower of Thrones.

One Man’s Junk, is Another’s Up-Cycled Car or Art

The residents at Yee Haw know well that the owner Charles Garth is hardly a slumlord, as they often profess gratitude for his generosity and some consider him family.

Though sentimental, few would refute that Garth has a unique definition of “junk,” seeing value in items many may not, such as building materials or bicycle parts for example. Garth uses these parts, and rebuilds bikes to donate to children in Mexico almost annually.

Contrary to the narrative posed by the county during the September 24 supervisors meeting, Garth’s eclectic style is rooted in his attempts to be a steward of the earth who minimizes waste.

Images of the upcycled toilet art at Yee Haw

Image of the upcycled toilet art at Yee Haw.

He sports reused clothes and is often seen driving the very old cars tagged by the county as “junk.” This is Garth’s attempt to “live in resistance to the dominant culture’s wasteful practices” he insists.

His savvy upcycled toilet art at Yeehaw displays his unique sense of humor about his decades of struggles with code enforcement. This is not “junk” according to Garth, but an artistic nod to his preference for water saving, low impact methods for waste disposal, like compost toilets. Everytime he walks up the driveway he chuckles about his upcycled toilet art, which he calls “the tower of thrones.” This raises the question of what one should be allowed to do on their own property.

Compost toilets

Charles Garth at the compost toilet that he is trying to permit

Charles Garth at the compost toilet that he is trying to permit.

Garth and residents insist they are ahead of the curve as it pertains to waste disposal, with a compost toilet that breaks down waste over time, without the use of water or chemicals. They also have two septic systems, and to appease the county and demonstrate “making progress,” they now even own a porta potty that is serviced regularly, despite many being against this “chemically wasteful practice.”

However during the meeting the supervisors and code enforcement painted Yee Haw as a potential health hazard, or outbreak waiting to happen. In fact, there have been no health or safety matters in the thirty-eight years yeehaw has existed, Garth explained, “aside from one time about twenty five years ago when a child broke their arm who fell out of a tree, we’ve had no accidents or health issues here.”

But Supervisor Wilson said at the meeting, “From a public health perspective our job is to prevent outbreaks, not wait and respond to outbreaks.”

A local plumber named Sierra, who has been to Yeehaw many times and knew many who lived there, spoke about this double standard from her extensive professional experience at the meeting, saying,

“I want to speak about all this fake concern about water quality and outbreaks… I’ve seen the clay sewer pipes leaching into the ground everywhere in Arcata —somehow we’re not all dead from water borne illness. But there’s nothing at Charle’s place that is more of a concern than another country property anywhere else…There’s broken down cars all over the county.”

Sleeping Units and Cabins

Cabin at Yee Haw.

Cabin at Yee Haw.

The code enforcement unit portrayed Garth as a greedy slumlord who “endangers” “vulnerable residents” in upcycled bungalows of various shapes and sizes, however Garth feels his architecture is creative and should qualify for the states owner builder permit, which is said to “encourage creativity of the owner builder.”

The residents acknowledge the village is a work in progress, but they also consider it an idyllic living example for what is possible for sustainable, affordable, cooperative village living in a food forest, with gardens and livestock, that Yee Haw families say they can’t find anywhere else.


Garth looking for four leaf clovers in front of a restored bus, tagged during the last inspection in 2021

Garth looking for four leaf clovers in front of a restored bus, tagged during the last inspection in 2021

With the same waste- free sentiment, Garth also works on older cars, specifically to prevent them from ending up in a landfill. For his own transportation he drives an old Ford truck the county considers junk in their report on at agenda, or one of two early eighties diesel Mercedes he just brought back to life.

Many of the cars photographed during the site visit in 2021 either are being lived in, so are arguably not a vehicle, or they run or are towable, and so possibly not junk, yet some were tagged as “junk vehicles” in 2021 during the most recent inspection.

Photo of Garth looking for four leaf clovers in front of a restored bus, tagged during the last inspection in 2021

The definition of “junk vehicle” will be argued in court soon after an administrative appeal hearing, date pending (here are some related code definitions pertaining to junk vehicles that attorney Eugene Denson and I compiled in 2021).

Attorney Eugene Denson said the CA building code sec 202 applies to “[A] BUILDING. Any structure utilized or intended for supporting or sheltering any occupancy,” which Denson wrote meant “those purported buses are buildings.”
Part of the argument against junk vehicles is that it creates blight for neighbors also. The only neighbor with any view and only of the driveway is Mercer Fraser.


dog and goat sitting peacefully in the forest together during a land meeting at Yee Haw, by Nichole Norris

Dog and goat sitting peacefully in the forest together during a land meeting at Yee Haw, [Photo by Nichole Norris]

Another allegation made by the county against the community, is that this ten acre parcel is too densely occupied and so inadequate for 33 people to live due to it being zoned as Agricultural General (AG).

At the end of the day, this is only a matter of letters on paper, the effect of Yeehaw in rezoning to residential or commercial would likely be inconsequential to the existing community, and consistent with the neighboring residentially zoned parcels, and the unclassified zoned rock quarry that is an industrial operation. Not to mention, the Planning Department determined recently that adequate density for the tiny house village ordinance was 30 people per acre, far more dense than Yeehaw, at 24 for 10 acres, plus guests.


Code enforcement has extensive abatement fines of $45,000 plus $17,000 in administrative fees placed on Garth. The county has the ability to drop these fines, and Garth was recently in negotiations to take the $45,000 off and only pay the administrative fees of $17,000 under the condition his case was dropped. The case has not been dropped and Garth said he is eager to negotiate.

Legal Quagmire

Communal house at Yee Haw.

Communal house at Yee Haw.

Despite the community having changed over the decades, they have faced a long history of alleged code enforcement violations (full review here), many of which are still listed on the current notice, while Garth believes he resolved since 2007 and he was not given credit, such as for moving the power as was requested.

One aspect not addressed by the Board or Code Enforcement at the September 24 supervisor meeting was a 2008 settlement agreement between Garth and the county, stemming from children at Yee Haw being held up at gunpoint by code enforcement in 2007 (covered previously here). The parties essentially agreed Garth would not sue the county in exchange for the Planning Department processing his permit applications so he could come into compliance. Garth submitted applications but they expired before being processed in 2010 without his knowledge, and he feels he did not get proper consideration from the county on that important agreement.

Supervisor Bohn claimed at the meeting this code enforcement case had been unresolved for decades, but in reality the case in question began in 2017, and its resolution has been stalled due to lawyer ED Denson’s ill health and unfortunate passing.

Mentioning any code enforcement matters predating 2008 is also one aspect of the mutual release and settlement agreement that has been broken by the county, including at the September supervisors meeting.

Screenshot of this aspect of the mutual release and settlement agreement

Screenshot of this aspect of the mutual release and settlement agreement

After Garth submitted permits in 2008, he thought he was in good standing, until a new case was opened in 2017, and the case hit a wall in 2018.

In 2017-2018 attorney Fred Fletcher represented Garth at the county’s administrative hearing, and then at the appeal of that decision to the Humboldt County Superior Court. But Fletcher didn’t make it to appeals court, before he had to relocate suddenly.Then the lawyer Garth was referred to, dropped the ball and didn’t show up to the appeal hearing.

Garth said, “The lawyer not only didn’t show up, he gave all my money back voluntarily without being asked, because he messed up my case so badly.”

Then in April 2024 Yeehaw’s case hit another wall when Garth’s last attorney Eugene Denson passed after working on bringing Yeehaw into compliance starting in 2021 (with this reporter).

Denson spent years negotiating a private landowner intentional community ordinance to bring Yee Haw into compliance. Four comparable ordinances passed unanimously by the Board in August and took effect September 20, one business day before the supervisors meeting. These ordinances are a possible remedy being explored by Yee Haw now.

The alleged code enforcement violations have never been moved through the appeals court with legal representation. The administrative law judge and superior court did however side with the county in 2017 and 2018 respectively.

The mother of the child who commented above who also wishes to comment anonymously, said, “In the wake of gentrification, we cannot displace the disadvantaged struggling families, elderly or the disabled. Yeehaw provides solace and the freedom to heal and grow in your time.”

Residents and friends gather in June during a “rock the quarry” music benefit to raise awareness around the quarry’s environmental impact

Residents and friends gather in June during a “rock the quarry” music benefit to raise awareness around the quarry’s environmental impact.

Garth said, “The fact is, we all do good work here at Yee Haw. It’s the neighboring corporations like Mercer Fraser and Green Diamond Logging who are stomping on us with code enforcement’s help, just to make money.”

One longtime past resident who works in education and wishes to remain anonymous, wrote to this reporter about what Yee Haw represents to her, stating,

Owned by Charles Garth, the Yee Haw community has taken in all kinds of people in need for the past nearly 40 years, from elders, disabled, veterans, single moms and those who are poor.

When my son was 8 months old in 1996, I came to live at Yee Haw for a few years because I wanted to raise my family there. I had friends who had previously lived there, and I knew the place well. It was affordable, in the woods and with people of like mind. It turned out to be an amazing place to raise children, and I will never regret that decision. Imagine, as a child waking up in a magical woods full of blackberries and apples and your village of children to play with and create with all day. And create they did! My son has a documentary about Yeehaw he made as a child.

I know both of my children are grateful for the time they had at Yee Haw…
There is nothing particularly unhealthy or unsafe about Yee Haw. There has never been a major outbreak of any kind in the almost 40 years it has been in existence. I wish I could say the same of schools… Shall we shut them all down as well?

Owner Charles Garth plays a flute in one of many gardens at Yeehaw

Owner Charles Garth plays a flute in one of many gardens at Yee Haw.

And the irony, of course, is the elephant in the room, or rather the giant polluting corporation next door, otherwise known as the Mercer-Frazer rock quarry.

It’s kind of a David and Goliath situation here folks. If you care about Yee Haw, or places like it, please, please, please come show your support! This Tuesday, we will sing and make music together as the Code Enforcement, no doubt with the Sheriff’s Dept and DHHS as well, serve their inspection warrant. Thereafter, the Supervisor’s meet every Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. in the Eureka Courthouse. Public comment is close to the beginning of the meeting. If you have anything to say in the matter, now is the time to speak up!!!”

The intentional community is calling those who care about human rights and affordable housing to act in support of Yee Haw and the residents by joining them Wednesday October 2 if you are able.Yee Haw call to action


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94 Let us come and reason together. Isaiah 1:18
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4 months ago

Sad this is still going on. I have been to this property several time over the last 10 years. It is death trap if a fire started here. There has been plenty of time to make a safe environment for these people but they won’t try to make it safe to live. What would be the county liability if it burned and a bunch of people died while we wait for effort to be put in to make it safe. None of them seem to work so time is not a issue. Its just I don’t give a f*&k attitude . Devolution is here.

I am a robot
I am a robot
4 months ago
Reply to  Dumboldt

Has anyone died there (becuse of “substandard” conditions), or been seriously injured?. Have there been any fires? 38 years of intentional peace & freedom.
Shame on Humboldt county

4 months ago
Reply to  I am a robot

Because nothing has happened deems something is safe? That’s a new one.
You could say that about anything, until you can’t.

4 months ago
Reply to  curlybill

Different situation completely [edit].

4 months ago
Reply to  Dumboldt

Ghost Ship warehouse fire

D'Tucker Jebs
4 months ago
Reply to  curlybill

That was a warehouse.
This is a commune of dispersed single-family (or single-person) living shelters.
Night and day.

Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
4 months ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

The Ghost Ship tragedy is much more comparable than you think.

The Ghost Ship and Yee Haw were both illegally created with numerous health and safety violations, without permits and in violation of zoning.

If tragedy strikes the main difference will be the scale of death and injury. But the child or family who dies because of the dangerous conditions at Yee Haw will still be dead.

And the property owner may well be held liable for creating these conditions and he and the County for allowing people to live under these conditions.
The City of Oakland paid $32.7 million for victims of the Ghost Ship; the property owner and their insurance paid $12 million; and PG&E paid an undisclosed amount.

The difference in financial settlements, if tragedy strikes at Yee Haw, just like the tragedy itself, will be one of scale. But it will be no less real.
Also, unlike the bum camps at Redway, the people at Yee Haw are not trespassing because they have permission of the property owner, but because they do not live in habitable dwellings they are already homeless and just don’t know it.

Pick your starting point but after 38 years of health and safety violations, or after 20 years, or after 7 years it’s time to quit knowingly putting people at risk.

Last edited 4 months ago
Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago
Reply to  Truth Be Told

I’m not sure if you read the article, but I added a screenshot showing the settlement agreement where any allegations of violations pre 2008 were never to be mentioned again and the county released allegations of violations in 2008 via a mutual release and settlement. This was in exchange for Charles not suing the county millions no doubt for code enforcement holding yeehaw kids up at gunpoint in 2007. All “violations” mentioned on the 2017 notice are not necessarily valid as the case was mishandled in the courts. Before ED passed the Conditions were perfectly adequate for the county as long as progress was being made and it has been made daily since I first came here in 2021. I’ve witnessed the progress ever since and it’s substantial.
If you are aware of the houseless camps burning twice this week in redway, how to you grapple with your trying to add to the issue? There will either be 33 people living peacefully on private property or 33 more homeless folks. while there are incidents, emergencies and safety issues in all houseless camps countywide, there have been zero public health or safety issues at yeehaw in almost 40 years, the proof is in the pudding.

Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
4 months ago
Reply to  Nichole Norris

Yes, I read the article. The snippet of the agreement you posted only says the parties will not comment on the agreement itself. It does not say the parties are barred from ever discussing the code violations at any time in the future and it does not explain how the code issues are being addressed. Might be helpful to post the entire agreement instead of an out of context snippet?

Saying not all the alleged violations may be valid is a far cry from saying none are – in fact it’s beyond obvious the zoning code is being ignored and many if not all of the structures are lacking permits and have multiple code violations. Also, with all due respect to Ed, a vehicle is not a “structure.”

It’s not true there have been no health and safety issues – the issues are constant – but fortunately appear not to have resulted in serious injury – but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

Except for having the landowner’s permission the situation of these folks is not that different from the people in the bum camps.

When and if they’re compelled to leave they’ll have to make a decision based on what they think is best for them and in some cases – maybe in most – we’ll find out they had other options – I guarantee all 33 won’t wind up homeless on the streets of Eureka.

Kym Kemp
4 months ago
Reply to  Truth Be Told

*”Might be helpful to post the entire agreement instead of an out of context snippet?” Lord, please don’t encourage her. I have to fight to keep articles below 10 pages.

Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
4 months ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

LOL! I know you’re saying that in jest but Nichole is known for her comprehensive articles!

Kym Kemp
4 months ago
Reply to  Truth Be Told

She’s incredibly passionate about what she does and I don’t pay her enough for the incredible amount of work she puts in. But I do tease her a bit about her feature length articles on my tiny little website.

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

I wish you had a laugh option in the comments ha ha. No hard feeling here, so grateful for your guidance Kym, no one would read any of my books, I mean articles, without you insisting I chop them all these years. I’ll never forget our conversation about when a reader called you to ask how many pages they just read after they made it through a full 30 page piece ha. You are the most generous editor too!

Kym Kemp
4 months ago
Reply to  Nichole Norris

Hugs for all you put up with.

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

Same to all you out up with Kym! 🙂

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago
Reply to  Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
4 months ago
Reply to  Nichole Norris

Thank you!

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago
Reply to  Truth Be Told

Sure, I wanted to link it in but wondered if it was a good idea. All my links didn’t copy over I noticed actually anyway. I’ll fix that.

Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
4 months ago
Reply to  Nichole Norris

Thank you but it looks like the link was to screen shots of the pages which were very difficult to read – but I’m not sure it matters because whatever the ‘08 agreement may have said, the issue now is code violations that were alleged in 2017 and those that are existing today.

The zoning issues could be resolved by changing the zoning and issues with non traditional structures could be resolved by an agreement with the County but that still leaves the building code violations.

It’s great the owner charges very cheap rent but it’s probably illegal for him to collect any rent at all on structures that are not habitable as defined by law.

It does seem the owner has done as little as possible over as long a time as possible and really doesn’t have a legal leg to stand on – but it’ll be interesting to see if the BOS follows through or if they cave under public pressure.

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago
Reply to  Truth Be Told

It’s from 2008, it’s the only copy I have. The county wasn’t digital yet at that time. Also my camera had seen better days.

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago
Reply to  Truth Be Told

the ordinances that we intend to qualify for just took effect the Friday before the supervisors meeting. I went into planning to get a petition to be considered by the board to rezone in order to then apply for those ordinances. planning refused to give me the form but I have a copy now and we do plan to meet with our new planning and engineering expert (who used to work for the county) to make a plan on Thursday. Unfortunately however the timeline the county gave, a week, isn’t sufficient to finish all that in time for the inspection Wednesday.

Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
4 months ago
Reply to  Nichole Norris

But unless the ordinances you refer to allow for exemptions for the alleged health and safety violations those are still going to have to be dealt with.

And if that’s the case, the best chance for the ordinances to create a path to resolve the issues in a way that lets the people stay will be to show substantial progress on cleaning up the building code violations.

The County’s proposed timeline (39 weeks?) allows ample time to make progress on both fronts. And if real progress is made that timeline can and will be extended.

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago
Reply to  Truth Be Told

Substantial progress was yesterday’s inspection compared to 2021. They don’t have 39 weeks to show progress, they were given a weeks notice of the inspection. As far as the codes, yes the goal is to draft a resolution containing evidence based local findings that justify new allowances in the appendices to the U.B.C. that are compatible with the structures at yeehaw. 

4 months ago
Reply to  curlybill

Ghost Ship was a firetrap warehouse run by a profiteer masquerading as a cool bro. Talk about some Burning Man esque bullshit…

wantsto know
wantsto know
4 months ago
Reply to  Dumboldt

One man’s home is another man’s death trap. The stats don’t lie. Thirty years and counting without a fire. The resident’s lifestyle isn’t what I would choose but that does not give me the right to close down what seems to be a fully functioning community.

AI Aknows All
AI Aknows All
4 months ago
Reply to  Dumboldt

Save Heehaw

AI Aknows All
AI Aknows All
4 months ago
Reply to  AI Aknows All

Save Heehaw

4 months ago
Reply to  Dumboldt

How is it safer for people to live in the streets though? Also, there’s a deeper issue here, local authority over reaching their power and endorsing multi million dollar companies like Mercer-Fracer, who consequencly wants this land to expand their rock quarry that’s right next to it.

4 months ago
Reply to  Dumboldt

The county is not responsible for building safety . When you pull a building permit and pass all inspections to include the final that means nothing as to the safety or whom is responsible should the unthinkable happen . In fact it is against the law for the building department to make a warranty or claim of safety. Think about it , have you ever seen the county listed as a defendant when a structure fails ? The only way that could ever happen is if the building department demanded a change or that something be done that would compromise the building and no contractor would ever make that risk merely to pass an inspection , there would be a hearing prior to the changes being implemented.
Building permits have more to do with ensuring taxes and fees have been paid and zoning requirements are met than actual safety . Hell most building inspectors in the triangle were never in the trades having degrees in things that dont even apply to the trades . And it is more common than not for contractors to have to take time to explain they whys and hows to inspectors . Basically a building inspector checks to ensure that the building had been constructed according to the plans that were approved not so much that it is safe , the county would not be able to afford the insurance cover such risks

AI Aknows All
AI Aknows All
4 months ago
Reply to  Dumboldt

Here’s a song inspired by Nichole Norris’s guest column about the Yee Haw community:Verse 1
In the heart of Humboldt, where the redwoods stand tall,
There’s a place called Yee Haw, where they heed nature’s call.
Living off the grid, in shacks and old cars,
They’ve built a sanctuary, beneath the stars.
Caught off guard, but fighting back,
Yee Haw stands strong, they won’t crack.
Through the trials and the strife,
They hold on to their way of life.
Verse 2
County says it’s unsafe, with codes to enforce,
But the folks at Yee Haw, they stay the course.
Charles Garth, their leader, seen as both good and bad,
To some he’s a hero, to others, just mad.
Caught off guard, but fighting back,
Yee Haw stands strong, they won’t crack.
Through the trials and the strife,
They hold on to their way of life.
From the first notice served, back in ’01,
To the battles in court, they’ve only just begun.
With penalties high and eviction in sight,
Yee Haw keeps pushing, through the darkest night.
Caught off guard, but fighting back,
Yee Haw stands strong, they won’t crack.
Through the trials and the strife,
They hold on to their way of life.
So here’s to Yee Haw, in the redwood’s embrace,
A community of fighters, who won’t be erased.
Through every challenge, they rise and they stand,
In the heart of Humboldt, they make their stand.
I hope you enjoyed that! 🎶 What do you think?

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago
Reply to  Dumboldt

Have you ever been deep in alderpoint or salmon creek? You want to talk about death traps if a fire started somewhere. Thank goodness for the wonderful fire depts but the roads are one lane in many spots and a bunch of folks live in fire prone hills. We have regions like this all over the county.
To this day there has never been a fire at yeehaw. If there was, leaving would be easy, not like folks are driving the bus homes away, they have cars, bikes and feet, town isn’t far at all nor the ocean.

Barrister Bob
Barrister Bob
3 months ago
Reply to  Dumboldt

Pitiful. Standars were put in place in communties for a reason, not to be mean. This is the U.S., not Somalia.

I am a robot
I am a robot
4 months ago

$360,000 woul buil a pretty great septic system. The county would rather spend it creating MORE HOMELESS PEOPLE.

4 months ago
Reply to  I am a robot

I think you have it backwards. The county- well, John Ford let’s be specific- wants to fine Charles $360,000 and take his money or put a lien on his land. John Ford again w his extremely vicious and unfair civil fines Charles could take some of his money and build a septic system instead…but he won’t. I don’t like Charles. I don’t like John Ford. I’ve known Charles for decades and observed his shenanigans. I agree with his fight to have composting toilets permitted. And his ethos of owner-builder freedoms and up cycling of materials. I basically hate what John Ford has done to our county. He’s a liar and a vicious power-tripper draping himself in robes of public interest. Charles is a manipulative inheritance trust-funder draping himself in robes of poor hippy love vibe. Meanwhile Charles allows the vulnerable people living at his privately- owned “commune” to become pawns in his game with the county. If he really cared about them he would break off a piece of his free family money and improve the place!. He’d rather grandstand his fight as the always-benevolent and caring savior of the downtrodden. But many have learned to scoff at this misrepresentation. He’s in it for his own glory and entertainment and the people living there are just pawns in that game. Pretty sick, Charles! However…John Ford is sicker, much more evil and more dangerous. If Yeehaw is the best chance to beat back John Ford I must throw my weight- however begrudgingly- behind Yeehaw… Those sure were some great 100th Monkey benefits up there! And I welcome the chance to stand against John Ford’s evil machine- See you all at the protests. Let’s attach this to the abatements, their fines and satellite spying program and really knock down John Ford from his perch! He really would rather have people thrown into homeless camps than allow them to live in decrepit particle board shacks at Yeehaw….that man is evil and needs to be stopped

4 months ago
Reply to  Farce

Agreed john ford(caddy shacks stunt double) is out of control.but they all are.$50mil all unaccounted slush fund.entitled much,just buy dance for a shell company.$360,000 for a septic,so what’s merser fraiser gonna be fined they have the longest standing abatement but that’ll drag out until it’s blown off.john ford should’ve went to fort bragg.must of got a bigger cut of the black market permit legal weed money cut.rite before his biggest fan had to resign for not knowing that native Americans aren’t indians&big shots like Schneider has to follow the rules to.heres a question how did Schneider have a 22,000sq ft house when the permit was for 7,000sq ft.who signed that off up until he sank everyone’s boat on fair

AI Knows All
AI Knows All
4 months ago
Reply to  Farce

How long will we tolerate gocernment overreach?
Ah, Humboldt County, where the government’s idea of community support is to fine residents into oblivion and then swoop in to claim their land. Bravo! Nothing says “we care about our community” like slapping a $360,000 fine on someone and threatening to put a lien on their property. And who’s leading this charge? None other than John Ford, the self-proclaimed guardian of public interest, draped in the robes of righteousness while wielding his power like a sledgehammer.

Let’s be clear, John Ford’s actions are nothing short of tyrannical. His vicious and unfair civil fines are a testament to his true nature—a power-tripper who cares little about the people and everything about maintaining his iron grip on authority. If he were genuinely interested in public welfare, he’d be working with residents like Charles to find solutions, not bankrupting them with outrageous penalties.

Now, let’s talk about Charles. Sure, he’s no saint. I’ve known him for decades and witnessed his antics firsthand. He’s a manipulative inheritance trust-funder who loves to play the poor hippy savior. But despite his flaws, Charles is fighting for something important: the right to use composting toilets and the ethos of owner-builder freedoms and upcycling materials. These are principles worth defending, even if the man himself is far from perfect.

Charles allows vulnerable people to live on his land, turning them into pawns in his ongoing battle with the county. If he truly cared about these people, he’d invest some of his family money to improve their living conditions. Instead, he prefers to grandstand, portraying himself as the benevolent protector of the downtrodden. It’s a sick game, but let’s not forget who the real villain is here.

John Ford is far more dangerous. His actions are not just misguided; they are malicious. He would rather see people thrown into homeless camps than allow them to live in makeshift homes at Yeehaw. This man is a menace, and his so-called public interest is nothing more than a facade for his power-hungry agenda.

If supporting Yeehaw is the best way to push back against John Ford’s evil machine, then count me in. I may not like Charles, but I despise what John Ford has done to our county even more. His lies and power trips have gone on long enough. It’s time to stand up and fight back.

So, to all my fellow residents, let’s unite against this tyranny. Let’s attach our grievances to the abatements, the fines, and the invasive satellite spying program. Let’s knock John Ford off his perch and show him that we will not be bullied into submission. See you all at the protests!

Just Another Citizen Scared of Government Harassment

(1) Yeehaw commune targeted by county code enforcement again.
(2) TODAY in SUPES: County Looks to Rein in Yee Haw, the Trinidad-Area ….
(3) County to evict Yeehaw residents next summer unless owner improves ….
(4) Developer Agrees to Tear Down Controversial Home, Faces Daily $40K Fines.
(5) Here’s the Moment the Planning Commission Learned That John Ford is Not ….
(6) Ford Sentenced in Cannabis Insurance Embezzlement Case.
(7) Staff Directory • John H. Ford – Humboldt County.
(8) Staff Directory • Director – Humboldt County.
(9) undefined.

Last edited 4 months ago
Kym Kemp
4 months ago
Reply to  AI Knows All

You are aware that that John Ray James Ford is not Planning Director John H. Ford?

AI Aknows All
AI Aknows All
4 months ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

2 John Fords in 1 small county, incorrect link 🖇️. thanks kym

4 months ago
Reply to  Farce

I’ve known Charles for decades and he’s always seemed fair and helpful. It’s not easy being in the position he is as owner but talk about dynamic! We are all a little quirky but he’s actually living his life and sharing his space. All the haters I guarantee would flip out if someone needed to crash out on their couch in an emergency. Are you horrified that they might eat food together. Are you imagining that he forces his pawns to learn his songs and makes them play for him. In one night, they probably have more interesting conversations and fun than you have had in your moldy Piersons era subdivision in Bayside the entire time you’ve been going through your second divorce.

4 months ago
Reply to  I am a robot

Well then I’d like the county to pay for my septic system. Wasn’t cheep.

4 months ago

This recalls the old United Stand code battles down here in Mendoland almost half a century ago. The Golden Rule vs. the Gilded Regulation. We’re still waiting for some public health emergency to arise from an unpermitted cabin. “Substandard conditions” are in the eye of the beholder.

4 months ago
Reply to  izzy

Yes. Charles has successfully claimed our legacy lol! Yeehaw appears to be the ground upon which we owner-builders must make our stand. Regretfully. I think of Charles as Trump – he is the less offensive of 2 sides I dislike greatly… because he at least promotes some rights of rural people. Yes- Charles is Trump Lol, not to be believed and I disgust myself in taking his side LOL!! The Irony…

4 months ago
Reply to  Farce

HUMcpr protecting a rural lifestyle owner builder until there not the owners

4 months ago
Reply to  SHC707

HumCPR- wasn’t that the organization that Estelle was leading? I liked the part about private property rights until I realized they were only talking about private property rights for the big wealthy people and large properties like logging land and ranches LOL! Yeah Estelle boy she sure was a good talker as she and John Ford devised a program to destroy all of her neighbors while her girlfriend and close friends were granted permits. Always promising that there would be another permit program 2.0 that would help out the small people. What a sick joke. What a farce! Indeed that’s where my name came from-the bullshit that was going down right about then from the people we trusted… But really don’t get me started….

AI Aknows All
AI Aknows All
4 months ago
Reply to  Farce

On Point Farce, Much respect! I wholeheartedly agree John the illustrious Humboldt County Building Inspector – the paragon of fairness and integrity! Or should I say, the grand puppeteer of bureaucratic farce? It’s truly a marvel how one can wield the power of “public safety” to line the county’s coffers while trampling on the rights of the very residents they’re supposed to protect.Remember HumCPR? The organization that once championed private property rights? What a noble cause, until you realize it was all a smokescreen for the wealthy elite. Estelle and John Ford, the dynamic duo, concocted a scheme so devious it would make Machiavelli blush. They promised a utopia of fair permits and regulations, but only if you were part of their inner circle. For the rest of us? Just empty promises and a mountain of red tape.
And let’s not forget the Building Inspector’s pièce de résistance: the hefty, often illegal fines that magically appear out of nowhere. It’s almost as if they’re trying to steal land from under our feet. Oh wait, they are! With fines so exorbitant, they make a mockery of justice12. It’s a brilliant strategy – bankrupt the small property owners and hand over their land to the highest bidder. Bravo!
The inspector’s office claims to protect public health and safety3, but in reality, it’s a well-oiled machine designed to crush the little guy while the big players get a free pass. It’s a sick joke, a farce of epic proportions. The so-called “code enforcement” is nothing more than a tool for extortion1.
So here’s to the Humboldt County Building Inspector – the unsung hero of corruption and greed. May your legacy be remembered as a cautionary tale of what happens when power is left unchecked and the voices of the people are drowned out by the clinking of coins.
A Disillusioned Resident
1Humboldt County Code Enforcement
2Building Inspection | Humboldt County, CA – Official Website
3Inspections | Humboldt County, CA – Official Website

4 months ago
Reply to  Farce

Yes thar HUMcpr.protecting a rural lifestyle.they are in charge of planning building dept as per the lawsuit they won and county won’t pay or a good excuse.its under gag order.whatevr happened to Estelle and her KMUD days.she switched up.mercer fraiser wants the land&they’ll get it.not that I support that just know it goes.they don’t care at all about what happens to anyone only what they want matters.sad to see it happen.

D'Tucker Jebs
4 months ago

Yee Haw, and places like it, serve a valuable service. Most of the people who live there would not be able to afford to rent another pace. If Yee Haw is shut down, its residents will have nowhere to go. The County should be working to end homelessness- not cause more of it.

AI Knows All
AI Knows All
4 months ago
Reply to  D'Tucker Jebs

I agree with you Jebs;
Supporting Yee Haw and Its Residents
I fully support the continuation of Yee Haw and believe it provides a valuable service to the community. As you mentioned, many of the residents would not be able to afford alternative housing options. Closing Yee Haw would undoubtedly lead to increased homelessness, which is a significant problem that the county should be actively addressing.
I urge the county to focus on finding solutions to end homelessness, rather than taking actions that will exacerbate the issue. Yee Haw serves as a temporary shelter for individuals and families in need, providing them with a safe and stable place to live while they work towards finding more permanent housing.
It is important to recognize that homelessness is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. By working together to address these underlying causes, we can create a more compassionate and inclusive community for everyone, rich or poor

willow creekerD
4 months ago

Live and let live. I wouldn’t be able to stand living in such a messy place, but it is the most American quality to be able to live how you choose, on your own private land, as long as you are not negatively affecting your neighbors. The county is being completely Karen, and trying to justify their failing abatement program that brought in hundreds of thousands from growers. Trying to get money from Charles Garth? Sure. He’ll just have to sell the property. That is not right.

4 months ago
Reply to  willow creeker

Brought in millions&millions actually.then the money that’s they stole there washing through DANCO now

4 months ago

I’ve never been to Yee Haw. There is very little liklihood I ever will. However, if what this and past articles have said is true, the county should leave them alone. Those mentioned in the article, Connie Beck, Rex Bohn and the rest of the BOS, the Sheriff, the abatement department and so many more have all, across the board done more harm than good as far as I’m concerned. If everyone is happy and healthy, living on private property, not causing environmental problems, etc then who are they hurting? The time, resources and personnel wasted on this could be much better used cleaning up the environmental disasters the tweakers and criminal homeless are causing all over the county. Clearly some self important shit bag has a huge bug up their ass and likely has sway with the most corrupt county “leaders.” Wasting all this time on 10 inconsequential acres when there are thousands of acres being destroyed by much worse corporations and industries every day should bring up huge red flags to any thinking member of society. I guess in the minds of corrupt county officials, if they put the spotlight on this, it will direct attention away from the real issues they should be working on. It’s not a distraction to me at all, but a reminder we need new leadership in this county. Vote out all incumbents.

4 months ago
Reply to  Alf

If y’all think Connie beck and her ilk care anything about the people of Humboldt think again. Many county employees are working in dirty buildings. It took them years to close off abestos contaminated areas in none other than the public health building. Meanwhile, the county employees were made to go down into the asbestos basement and file through old documents that were needed. It’s still a polluted building and has made many employees sick so yeah tend to your own house first before you start fucking with the populous.

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago
Reply to  Peaseblossom

Wow, that is interesting to know thanks! Reminds me of how for years the planning and building department wasn’t ADA compliant / up to code. I think they just recently updated that, but the building wasn’t complaint while cannabis farms were required to be, which they did not feel was fair.
I also wonder if the DHHS is complicit in the alleged health and safety issues if they paid people’s first and last months of rent to live at Yeehaw? Several residents used the DHHS services to move to Yeehaw, it was perfectly adequate to them until now.

4 months ago
Reply to  Nichole Norris

John Chiv had pictures on his website of the construction in the courthouse for the bathrooms , there were signs up about asbestos. Makes me wonder if they gave notice to courthouse employees or if they had any notice on the building for the public or jurors that there might be asbestos floating around during construction, other than just the signs on the bathroom door. Did they take steps to make sure it was contained? How many workers were exposed, how many members of the public?

Last edited 4 months ago
Tangled Massocells
Tangled Massocells
4 months ago

The guy on the right side(by himself) of the Courthouse picture was some sort of official organizer of the local “Occupy Movement”. Remember them? He rounded up homeless and angry socialists to protest in from of the Courthouse. Watched him get into it with a really pissed off gal cause he didn’t give her more money! Not making it up. These days he hitchhikes out of Trinidad regularly.

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago

That is 92 year old Jack Nounan the grandfather of the earth first movement, who refuses to drive cars for climate reasons. He walks everywhere and hitches rides as a personal lifestyle he has chosen that many consider admirable, particularly for a 92 year old.

Tangled Massocells
Tangled Massocells
4 months ago
Reply to  Nichole Norris

Some of that bunch of nere-do-wells in “Occupy” were not too happy with his barking orders at them. Hope he got paid well?

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago

Jack doesn’t function in a capitalist system, you’ve completely missed the mark there. He lives at yeehaw and is one of 33 threatened with homelessness at 92years old. please show a little respect for an elder who has dedicated his life to the cause.

I like stars
I like stars
4 months ago

Nichole – Have there been any new developments in the case of Shawn Lloyd and his “stolen” tiny home?

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago
Reply to  I like stars

Yes ED died, I’m still in communication with his mother, and last I heard he got a new lawyer to help pick up where ED left off. but I’m currently trying to help save handfuls of other homes from county demolition and children from displacement. It’s been a busy time and horrific to witness frankly. The kids don’t deserve this trauma.

AI Aknows All
AI Aknows All
4 months ago
Reply to  Nichole Norris

Tired of Humboldt Building Inspectors Tyranny? Ladies and Gentlemen of Humboldt County,The time has come to rise up against the tyranny that has taken root in our beloved county! John Ford, the so-called Building Inspector, has turned his position into a personal fiefdom, wielding his power like a sledgehammer against the hardworking, rural citizens of Humboldt. This is not governance; this is an outright assault on our freedoms and property rights!
Let’s talk about the illegal fees and ambiguous fines that are nothing more than a blatant attempt to steal our land. Ford’s actions are a direct attack on our livelihoods, designed to cripple us financially and force us off our own properties. This is not just incompetence; this is corruption at its finest, folks. The evidence is clear: exorbitant fines, murky regulations, and a complete disregard for transparency12.
We have seen the letters to the editor, the cries for help from our fellow citizens. We have heard the stories of families being driven to the brink by Ford’s relentless pursuit of his own agenda. This is not the work of a public servant; this is the work of a tyrant!
It’s time to unite and stand up against this abuse of power. We cannot allow one man to destroy the fabric of our community. We must demand accountability and transparency. We must fight back against these illegal practices and protect our land from being stolen right out from under us.
Join me in this fight! Let your voices be heard! Write to your local representatives, attend county meetings, and make it clear that we will not stand for this any longer. Together, we can put an end to John Ford’s reign of terror and restore justice to Humboldt County.
This is our land, our homes, and our future. Let’s take it back!
Stay vigilant, stay strong, and stay united!
Yours in the fight for freedom, A Defiant Citizen
1: Lost Coast Outpost 2: Times-Standard : Times-Standard : Times-Standard

4 months ago
Reply to  AI Aknows All

Abolish property taxes.

Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
4 months ago
Reply to  Zipline

You’re aware 2/3rds of property taxes support local schools? And a portion of the rest supports Special Districts to help fund a variety of services including sewer, water and fire?

Last edited 4 months ago
4 months ago
Reply to  AI Aknows All

You are correct. Will the rural community stand up together? Or will we be picked off one at a time? This is the time

4 months ago

History, history.
“Yee Haw is a private communty in Trinidad. We are being sued by Humboldt County for unfair business practices because our rent is too cheap by not going to the expense of obtaining building code permits. After a violent and unsucessful pot raid under the guise of a code inspection, the county continues to persecute. [email protected]

4 months ago
Reply to  Yabut

I’ve had similar experience wouldn’t say worse but it’s respect for constitutional rights.bos eat meat&smoke drink and never exercise god bless

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago

Yeehaw has never had a fire issue or health outbreak in almost 40 years.

On the other hand, this is the second fire at a houseless camp in redway this week-

4 months ago

It needs to be shut down, numerous health and safety issues… but it is very clear that we also need so much more affordable housing. Vote NO on measure F if you live in Eureka

4 months ago

The will, skill and money should be put into investigating Ford and all county officials both elected and appointed that are conspiring in the many abatement land grabs happening in Humboldt County. Corrupt Humboldt’s abatement lawfare is being watched closely by other counties with scattered, rural populations. Most counties have embedded officials with agendas to disrupt, evict and disperse rural dwellers to force them into crowded towns and cities where they can be better surveilled and controlled.
Look deeply into all “officials” backgrounds, previous decisions, connections political and otherwise. Expose them and fight fire with fire. It appears this is the best method to begin the fight and right to preserve rural life and communities currently under attack. A good place to start might be

AI Knows All
AI Knows All
4 months ago
Reply to  HardPop

Demand for Investigation into Humboldt County Building Inspector Abuses
To Whom It May Concern,
This letter serves as a formal demand for a thorough and aggressive investigation into the practices of Humboldt County Building Inspector, Mr. Ford. Recent revelations and online evidence point towards a disturbing pattern of misuse of power, questionable fines, and potential land grabs using the guise of abatement.
The accusations against Mr. Ford are deeply concerning. Reports of “corrupt abatement lawfare” and “embedded officials with agendas to disrupt, evict, and disperse rural dwellers” paint a picture of an abusive system aimed at disenfranchising those who choose a rural lifestyle.
These practices are unacceptable. Mr. Ford’s actions not only threaten the livelihoods of rural residents but also potentially violate their legal rights. The exorbitant fines mentioned raise serious questions about the legitimacy of his motivations.
We demand a comprehensive investigation that includes the following:
* A deep dive into Mr. Ford’s background: Scrutinize his decision history, his financial ties, and any potential conflicts of interest.
* A review of all abatement cases overseen by Mr. Ford: Analyze the rationale behind large fines and examine if they adhere to established legal and ethical guidelines.
* An investigation into potential collusion among county officials: Determine if Mr. Ford is part of a larger scheme to force rural residents from their homes for ulterior motives.
Furthermore, we urge the county to consider the following:
* A moratorium on all abatement actions led by Mr. Ford: This will ensure no further harm is inflicted on residents while the investigation takes place.
* A public forum to address the concerns of rural dwellers: Give residents a platform to voice their experiences and engage in a transparent discussion about their rights.
* The creation of a fair and impartial abatement process: Ensure clear guidelines and oversight to prevent further abuse of power.
We will not stand idly by as our rural communities are targeted and dismantled. The tactics described, if true, represent a blatant disregard for the rights of citizens. We will continue to monitor this situation closely and hold all parties accountable for their actions.
We encourage others who share our concerns to join the fight. Utilize tools like MuckRock ( to request public records and shed light on these abuses.
Concerned Citizens of Humboldt County

Last edited 4 months ago
4 months ago

The faster it’s abated the better.

Sad Humboldt…
Sad Humboldt…
4 months ago

Just let them be…for heaven’s sake aren’t there enough homeless folks on the streets? Take care of them first, and then come to do you sanctimonious self righteous supposed good-for-the-community enforcement work….the truth is that it is really about a few of their neighbors complaining, and at least one of them is a rather generous contributor to our favorite good ol’ boy supervisor…if you think the time screw at the Sup meeting was accidental….

AI Knows All
AI Knows All
4 months ago

To the powerlords of Humboldt Posing as Caring Politicians and Caring Community leaders;

Oh, Humboldt County, you’ve done it again! Just when we thought you couldn’t possibly care less about the people you’re supposed to serve, you go and prove us wrong. The recent actions against the community of Yeehaw are a shining example of your unwavering commitment to power and corruption.

Let’s give a round of applause to the politicians and building inspector who have shown us what true leadership looks like: targeting local communities with the precision of a surgeon wielding a chainsaw. It’s almost as if you wake up every morning and ask yourselves, “How can we make life more difficult for the people we’re supposed to help?”

Your dedication to enforcing arbitrary rules and regulations, while ignoring the real needs of the community, is truly inspiring. Who needs affordable housing or community support when we can have endless red tape and bureaucratic nonsense? Clearly, your hearts are in the right place—right next to your lust for power.

And let’s not forget the building inspector, who seems to believe that their job is to terrorize rather than assist. Your ability to find fault in every nook and cranny is nothing short of miraculous. Perhaps next, you can start fining people for breathing too loudly. After all, why stop at homes and businesses?

Thank you, Humboldt County, for reminding us that the true enemy of progress is not incompetence, but a government so drunk on its own power that it forgets the very people it was elected to serve. Your actions have united the community of Yeehaw in a way that nothing else could. We stand together, stronger and more determined than ever, to fight back against your tyranny.

Another Resident fearful of reprisal.

(1) Public Auction of Defaulted Properties – Humboldt County, CA.
(2) County Homepage | Humboldt County, CA – Official Website.
(3) Portal | Humboldt County, CA – Official Website.
(4) Board of Supervisors | Humboldt County, CA – Official Website.
(5) Humboldt Regional Climate Action Plan – Humboldt County, CA.

4 months ago

Mercer Fraser, there you have it. The county is in bed with them. How many contracts around the county do they get awarded? Are they always the best bid, or is it a matter of you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours with the county. A few public records requests would tell people all they need to know about this. The county is salivating over that land Charles owns, they want to abate so they can place exorbitant liens on his property and ultimately get their grubby little hands on it. They purposely inflate the price of abatement. If anyone thinks John Ford tells the truth I’ve got some ocean front property in New Mexico for sale. Remember when he was leaving the county then somehow weaseled his way back in, with a pay raise to boot? If this succeeds against Yee Haw, believe me, he’ll come up with some other scheme to make money off of rural land owners. Yee Haw probably wouldn’t be my thing, but it is for some people, and I’m way more on their side than the lying, scheming county’s and county officials side.
People should know about this too:

Last edited 4 months ago
4 months ago
Reply to  Non-Native

You know what? I fully agree. Charles isn’t such a great guy they puff him up to be but….he surely is way better than John Ford. Let’s use this public opportunity to really dig into his lies and scandalous behavior. He is the worst thing to happen to Humboldt in a long time- destroying property values with exorbitant and sneaky, ambiguous fines. Casting a shadow on any rural land sales. His directions don’t come from people who love this county but from greedy selfish interests. Screw John Ford! And let’s use Yee Haw to do it!!

AI Aknows All
AI Aknows All
4 months ago
Reply to  Farce

On Point Farce!
Exactly my feelings as well;
Let’s Unite our Rural Residents Against John Fords TyrannyDear Humboldt County Residents,
Oh, where to begin with the illustrious John Ford, our very own Building Inspector extraordinaire? If there were an award for the most creative use of power and authority, he would surely be a top contender. His reign of terror over rural citizens is nothing short of legendary.
Let’s talk about those exorbitant and sneaky fines. It’s almost as if John Ford has a personal vendetta against property values. Why else would he impose such ambiguous penalties that leave landowners scratching their heads and emptying their wallets? It’s a masterstroke of bureaucratic genius, really. Who needs clear guidelines when you can have a maze of regulations that only the most cunning can navigate?
And let’s not forget his impact on rural land sales. With every shadow he casts, he ensures that the market remains as murky as possible. It’s almost as if he’s on a mission to make sure that no one can sell their land without jumping through a thousand hoops. His directions seem to come straight from the playbook of greedy, selfish interests rather than from those who genuinely care about the county.
But the pièce de résistance is his blatant disregard for the well-being of Humboldt County’s rural citizens. His power trip knows no bounds, and it’s high time we stood up against this tyranny. We cannot allow one man’s ego to dictate the future of our community. It’s time to unite and demand accountability.
So, let’s use this public opportunity to dig into his lies and scandalous behavior. Let’s expose the truth about John Ford and his destructive policies. It’s time to take a stand and show that we will not be bullied by those who abuse their power.
Sincerely, A Fed-Up Citizen
P.S. If anyone has a copy of the “How to Ruin a County in Ten Easy Steps” handbook, please send it to John Ford. It seems he’s already halfway through it.
1Lost Coast Outpost 2Times-Standard 3Lost Coast Outpost

AI Aknows All
AI Aknows All
4 months ago
Reply to  Non-Native

Sent by Copilot:
Dear Humboldt County Officials,
Bravo! You’ve truly outdone yourselves this time. Your cozy relationship with Mercer Fraser is nothing short of a masterclass in how to blur the lines between public service and private gain. It’s almost as if you’ve taken a page out of the “How to Run a County Like a Private Club” handbook.
Let’s start with the money exchange. Oh, the sheer brilliance of it! Who needs transparency when you can have a labyrinthine web of financial transactions that would make even the most seasoned accountant’s head spin? The Humboldt Exchange Community Currency1 is a stroke of genius. Why bother with boring old dollars when you can create your own currency? It’s like Monopoly, but with real consequences!
And Mercer Fraser, what a gem of a company2. From construction to drug testing, they do it all! It’s almost as if they’re the Swiss Army knife of Humboldt County. Need a road paved? Call Mercer Fraser. Need a drug test? Mercer Fraser again. It’s a wonder they haven’t started offering wedding planning services.
But let’s not forget the pièce de résistance: the seamless flow of money between the county and Mercer Fraser. It’s almost poetic how funds move so effortlessly, like a well-choreographed dance. Who needs oversight when you have such a well-oiled machine? It’s almost as if the county and Mercer Fraser are two peas in a pod, working hand in hand to… well, let’s just say “get things done.”
In conclusion, I must commend you on your ability to maintain such a tight-knit relationship with Mercer Fraser. It’s truly a marvel of modern governance. Keep up the good work, and don’t let little things like ethics or transparency get in the way of your beautiful partnership.
Sincerely, A Very Impressed Observer
P.S. If you ever decide to publish a guide on how to run a county with such finesse, please let me know. I’d love to get a copy.
1Humboldt Exchange Community Currency 2Mercer Fraser Company

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago
Reply to  Non-Native

Also interesting to note, I found internal department records that show Mercer Fraser is in contract with the county as a receiver for abated properties. So while this is a county abatement, it is one of their many businesses.
There are also rumors I’ve yet to substantiate that green diamond owns 600 acres by the MF rock quarry that is next door to yeehaw, with talk of developing five acre ranches and homes for sale on the GD and MF land. So some feel this is all about land access, development, and corporate profits, under the guise of legitimate concerns for health and safety. The code enforcement unit allowed the existence of yeehaw for the past six years since the last abatement case was improperly handled in appeals court. There has still been no health or safety issue during the time the county was complicit in allowing it to remain those six years. the only change in circumstance is that the attorney helping them passed away.

4 months ago
Reply to  Nichole Norris

That is all extremely interesting and seems to not be a coincidence! The county is so “in bed” with Mercer Fraser it’s ridiculous! This all seems like a huge land grab to me, part of a reciprocal give and take, and should be concerning for anyone paying attention! Thank you for your work on this story and for helping people! People should be so angry about this, and should start asking questions.

Peter Childs
Peter Childs
4 months ago
Reply to  Nichole Norris

Nikki, with respect to the five acre ranches and homes you may recall the Chief Building Official saying ca. 1980 that he considered it “my duty to use the building codes as a tool to rid the county of the riffraff”. Then the county Planning Director saying in the late 1990s “Yes! We’re trying to get you out of here so we can develop the County in the Marin-Sonoma model and bring some real money into the county.” There has always been and continues to be a very real attitude problem on the part of County government toward people on the lower end of the economic spectrum. God knows, they’re not alone in this! But it’s wrong. It is not loving, it is very harmful, and it is (as is the case with government at all levels these days) very far from in keeping with their sacred mandate to serve the needs of ALL of the citizenry.

Nichole Norris
Nichole Norris
4 months ago
Reply to  Peter Childs

Thanks for the reminder Peter, good to see you read this one too. Yes I see it every day playing out in almost every corner sadly, that’s what makes yeehaw so special.

4 months ago

I personally know many in the community and they don’t deserve to lose their homes. Rather you personally like Charlies Garth or not how can so many be so heartless and not caring if even more Humboldt county citizens become homeless. The countys code enforcement has face lawsuits for abatement many times, including a previous situation on yeehaw where law enforcement came guns blaring and in front of children. Then the code enforcement agency knew they were going to lose the lawsuit so they convinced Charles to agree to a settlement, and all he wanted was to be given a chance to challenge the abatement and keep the land for his tenents. Code enforcement did not hold up their end of the bargain and never granted him rezoning permits necessary.

4 months ago

I have visited Yeehaw twice from Japan as a tourist.
The first time was in 2015 for two months. The second time was in 2023 for one week.
I love this community. I spent my time here playing with kids, playing music, making blackberry jam, making pizza and so on.

Charles has never charged me any money. 
Charles, Jack, and other residents were very kind to me.

Yeehaw is a very safe place for me as a foreigner and even not a good English speaker.
I learned a lot of tips on how to live in a eco-friendly way here. I wish there were places like this in Japan, but I haven’t found yet.

I really want to go to Humboldt right now to support Yeehaw to protest the evictions, but it’s too far from Japan to go right now.

Is there anything I can do to support you online?

I hope this threat ends soon.

Not SureD
Not Sure
4 months ago
Reply to  Kenta

Send them enough money for a good team of attorneys.

Dirt Hippy
Dirt Hippy
4 months ago

It sure looks like a way better place to live than the streets of eureka (which is where most of these people will end up if it gets demolished).

There are only two reasons why there is a housing crisis- the planning department and the building department. To get anything built you have to jump through a million hoops and pay a fortune. Not to mention there’s barely any developable land because of the planning nazis.

4 months ago

How much rent does this old counterculture hippie slumlord get from his tenants.

Kym Kemp
4 months ago
Reply to  Jeffersonian

According to Nikki, “First, the total rent paid on average for the 24 tenants currently (not including eight temporary guests who don’t pay) is about $83 per person, NOT per dwelling unit, and no family is paying more than $400 for larger individual cabins. Some utilities are also subsidized by Garth.” The total then is about $83×24 which is equal to $1992 total per month.

4 months ago

I’m wondering where this conversation would be going if the name of the landlord was swapped. Let’s say instead of Charles Garth, the landlord’s name is Floyd Squires. Would everyone be so sympathetic to Garth’s (Squire’s) cause?

4 months ago

So what’s the plan? Should we all be there early morning if the 2nd to blockade these assholes from entering? Tell them to come back when Yeehaw has legal representation to be there observing and videotaping? We know John Ford will lie and bully. We can make it a big stink- a big blockade- and get statewide media interested. LA Times is already interested. SF Chronicle too. A big blockade- should get some attention focused on John Ford bullying and asshole maneuvers. What’s the plan here people?;

4 months ago
Reply to  Farce

Maybe blockade the entire neighborhood back to town? Let the neighbors pass of course but keep the county out? The county is not acting in good faith but bullying. What’s the plan?Stand up or roll over??

4 months ago

Here’s a GoFundMe page for yee-haw.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kayala

Weird! Charles Garth comes from a very wealthy family. A trust funders he has never worked a job in his life. Then he received a huge inheritance. He owns YeeHaw. It’s not communally-owned. Why would anybody give their hard-earned money to Charles?!! Maybe another trust-funder who got free money and wants to feel good groovy vibes is my guess?

Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
4 months ago
Reply to  Farce

Right? Dress it up any way you like and the owner is still a slumlord making money by illegally renting out non-habitable “dwellings” while doing as little as possible for as long as possible to clean up the health and safety code violations.