‘Election 2024 — Saving Democracy for the Common Good Workshops’: GrassRoots Institute

This is a press release from the GrassRoots Institute:

It is time to make sure that our democracy is strong and will not be subverted by tyrants and con men. To accomplish this, the GrassRoots Institute (GRI) is offering an opportunity for our whole community to come together to debate, discuss and take action in the most effective way we can to make sure this election reflects the will of the people.

Starting on Sunday, September 29 from 3-5 in the afternoon, at the Community Center of Mendocino (998 School St, Mendocino, CA 95460), GRI will host a series of workshops co-hosted by experts long experienced in how our electoral system works, what actions are threatening its viability and what we can all do to make our democracy stronger than ever. We will meet every two weeks through election day, through the verified election count, through the court cases bound to challenge the verified counts, through the coming together of the electoral college, through the seating of all the elected legislative and administrative public servants at the local state and federal level, through the verification of the Electoral College votes that was such a disaster on January 6, 2021, clear through the inauguration of the next president of the United States in the latter half of January 2025. As we all know, there will be disruptions and surprises throughout the entire process. We will be there analyzing, discussing and acting on all the issues as they arise.

We would love everyone to be part of it. If you want to join this crucial series of workshops, please email Jim Tarbell at [email protected]. Admission is free, donations are welcomed. We look forward to seeing you there.


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43 Let us come and reason together. Isaiah 1:18
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Sarvinski Award Recipient
Sarvinski Award Recipient
4 months ago

Democracy = minority oppression.

4 months ago

The only way to have integrity in the election is to require ID and verify citizenship at all pole locations. Mailing a ballot to everyone is absolutely the worst way to have an honest election. Voter fraud has been proven time and time again. The ABC debate is a good example of the lack of integrity of the election process for this election. It’s clear the left will do anything to cheat their way to the white house.

4 months ago
Reply to  Alf

Alf, when I vote, the person at the table asks me my name. She looks for my name on the registry and crosses it out when she hands me my voting documents.
I’ve done this for half a century, never needed ID and never has someone swiped my ballot.
Our problem is NOT illegal voting; it is the lack of participation.
Your belief that undocumented people are voting is an illusion with no basis.

4 months ago
Reply to  Dan
Last edited 4 months ago
Lisa Music
4 months ago
Reply to  Alf

I suggest you contact your county’s elections office and volunteer. It’s eye-opening.

4 months ago
Reply to  Lisa Music

I did – exactly once. It was such a chaotic mess I decided to never waste the time again unless things change. So far they have only gotten worse.

Lisa Music
4 months ago
Reply to  Alf

Interesting. I had the complete opposite experience. Yes, it was chaotic, but mainly because there are so many checks and rechecks, counts and recounts. It gave me a deeper understanding of the process and appreciation for the workers. I volunteer often and have witnessed improvements including allowing registered voters to vote at any precinct so that they can vote in person even if they live in a remote area with no polling place. For many that don’t trust the vote by mail system, that has been a big relief for them.

Country Joe
4 months ago
Reply to  Alf

Voter fraud has already started in Oregon, but they were caught. Oregon issues a driver’s license to criminal illegal aliens. At that time, you’re also automatically registered to vote. See how easy voter fraud is to commit by non-citizens and it’s rampant, especially when a liberal state assists you.

4 months ago
Reply to  Country Joe

Can you point me in the direction of a story I could read with some details about that?

Country Bumpkin
Country Bumpkin
4 months ago

We don’t have a democracy in the USA, we have a representational republic, and it has already been subverted by con men and tyrants on both sides of the aisle for many years.

4 months ago

Absolutely correct, and our founding fathers understood it, and that’s why they fled the democratic tyranny across the pond. Missing in the social setting of contemporary America is intelligence, and that results in decision making based in emotions, which is a recipe for disaster. View Ken Burn’s civil war documentary with particular attention to the letters home from the common soldier. Observe their eloquence and superior abilities in composition, and look at what we have today. Stupid voters produce stupid results. Why do democrats hate the Electoral College? Because they want national leaders ordained from a handful of liberal shit-hole cities.

Permanently on Monitoring
Permanently on Monitoring
4 months ago
Reply to  Espino

Incorrect: We have an Autocratic Theocracy…

If you are rich, and you want to impose religious morality upon others, you are in charge…

Our Government is corrupt, most of the elected are sponsored by wealthy special interests and many of them were “groomed” for office, like, say, Newsom…

Experience in offices prepares you for nothing, but it does teach the value of “nose in trough” and useful skills like “getting elected by hired guns”…

The average person does not possess the intellectual skills to do this, but some folks in the provinces figure out that they can get a nice paycheck by sitting in Supervisor’s seat, no matter their likeability, abilities or their moral values…

Often, in local elections, nobody else will run at all, and you get people like Rex Bohn and Mike Wilson… Or only crazy people will run and then you get the “least bad”, like Bushnell…

Once in office, they won’t leave, and they have to be tossed.

Like Trump!


More like there’s no real choice, and all it takes are certain states electoral votes…

Somebody wins, somebody loses, but the people have no power and the folks with enormous resources will make money either way.

4 months ago

Incorrect: we have a Plutocracy


A plutocracy (from Ancient Greek πλοῦτος (ploûtos) ‘wealth’ and κράτος (krátos) ‘power’) or plutarchy is a society that is ruled or controlled by people of great wealth or income. The first known use of the term in English dates from 1631. Unlike most political systems, plutocracy is not rooted in any established political philosophy.

4 months ago

Show me one example of church influence that’s a major influence in the election process. I don’t mean suggestions from the pulpit. Of course that exists just like union endorsements. Speaking of that, how about that endorsement from the IRS union for the airhead. We are a constitutional republic. We function under the rules set forth in that document. On many of your other assessments, I agree.

4 months ago
Reply to  Espino

Or the lack of support from the teamsters because the political directors of the organization didn’t care for the popular candidate of the actual union members..


Permanently on Monitoring
Permanently on Monitoring
4 months ago
Reply to  Espino

“Constitutional Republic” was the original fantasy, but the whole place was first settled by persons escaping the mess in England, and from there on, Churches have ruled, even as rebels shot from behind trees to kill taxation and rule from Britain…

Simply the placing of Clarence Thomas and Amy Barrett, and then the overturn of Roe vs Wade following the death of RBG, should suffice to illustrate the “Long Con” of the failure of separation between Church and State…

While we do have “Plutocrats”, it’s more complicated than a Plutocracy, and fully shot in the ass with corruption, incompetence and influence from folks like Feinstein, who simply sat in a chair breathing while others did the actual voting, and while her husband got fat off government contracts she obtained for him…

I am not a historian, and I don’t really give a fuck about politics, but I am sick of people of color supporting a complete fascist racist, and Women supporting a rapist who hates women…

This isn’t a Democracy, and the rules are bent daily, like Tax Law…

The illusion that we have a say, is one more fairy tale some people cling to, but it really does not matter who wins the office, since nothing ever changes.

Kym Kemp
4 months ago

Trump’s win is directly responsible for the lack of nation wide access to abortion.

Permanently on Monitoring
Permanently on Monitoring
4 months ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

I believe I said that, but abortion legality was handed off to the states.

You can have an abortion in California, and:


Placing religious zealots on the Supreme Court is an example of a conspiracy to repress women’s rights, hatched by churches like the one who owns Providence…

And don’t say the word “Abortion” near Jerold Phelps Hospital either…

The Real Guest
The Real Guest
4 months ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

Sure, let’s conveniently blame Trump, and Trump alone, “for the lack of nationwide access to abortion”…

Problem solved, right…???

Oh, wait, that doesn’t really add up, does it…???

That’s not a gross oversimplification, is it…???

Blame Trump, while giving EVERYONE a total pass for ACTUALLY being the ones DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for needing an abortion in the FIRST PLACE…!!!

I mean, realistically, whose responsibility is it that so many people are getting so carelessly pregnant in the first place…???


I don’t think so…

What ever happened to personal accountability, and personal responsibility…???

What ever happened to self control…???

I guess those with hopeless lack of self control think that their “Party” should be the ones in control…

Oh wait…

That doesn’t really add up, does it…???

Trump didn’t have intercourse with them…

They had intercourse with somebody else…

They have no one to blame but themselves…

Don’t put those defending and advocating for lack of self control, in control…

That’s a recipe for disaster…

Kym Kemp
4 months ago
Reply to  The Real Guest

I’m not blaming Trump for abortions. I’m saying his picks for the Supreme Court are directly responsible for Roe v Wade changing. But don’t take my word. Trump said, “After 50 years of failure, with nobody coming even close, I was able to kill Roe v. Wade.” https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110384051064378318

The Real Guest
The Real Guest
4 months ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

The point is, that you are refusing to put the blame for the need for abortions, where the blame for the need of abortion belongs…

The responsibility, or blame if you will, falls squarely upon the shoulders of those who participated in the intercourse, on no one else, and nowhere else…

You seem to be refusing to acknowledge that reality.

How could ,”Trump’s win” be “directly responsible” for anything…???

“Trump’s win” is, in fact, a non entity, that couldn’t possibly be “directly responsible” for anything…

So are you blaming the people that voted for Trump, the few US Supreme Court Justices that Trump appointed, or what…???

Trump, Trump’s win, individual members of The SCOTUS, even collectively in part, ALL could only even conceivably, be held INDIRECTLY responsible, and could never be held DIRECTLY responsible…

You have shifted from solely blaming “Trump’s win”, to solely blaming “Trump’s picks”…

I’m pretty sure that “Trump’s picks” couldn’t possibly have amounted to a supreme court majority decision by themselves…

So, they could not even possibly be “solely” to blame, or “directly responsible”, (as you falsely allege), individually, nor even as a trio or group…

Don’t forget that Roe v Wade was initially decided by a SCOTUS that had a democrat majority, and was decided by a democrat majority decision…

I made quite an effort previously, to research that, and bring it to your attention…

Yet now that the tables have turned, so to speak, you cry foul…

If you think overturning Roe v Wade involved such a foul, surely you must conclude that Roe v Wade was passed in the first place, by the exact same kind of a foul that you are now finding to be so objectionable…

That’s just common sense…

Shouldn’t we be circumspect…???

But you make no likewise mention of that initial SCOTUS imbalance that was “directly responsible” for the “nation wide access to abortion” decision, nonsense, in the first place…

What goes around, comes around…

If you are of the opinion that Roe v Wade should never have been recently overturned, then why don’t you also conclude, using the EXACT SAME LOGIC, that it, likewise, NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN UPHELD IN THE FIRST PLACE….???

I mean, come on, that’s just simple logic…

And trying to use Trump, (after all of your efforts to stain and discredit him), as your “star” witness, sounds pretty desperate…

He definitely didn’t do it singlehandedly, as you allege, and/or, as he alleges…

If people would just take responsibility for their own actions, and used their own self control, along with strict adherence to other available methods , the need for abortions would be minimized.

Let’s put the blame, or, “direct responsibility” belongs…

And that has absolutely nothing to do with Trump, “Trump’s win”, nor, “Trump’s picks”…

Let’s not kid ourselves…

It has to do with careless, irresponsible, promiscuous people…

Let the blame lie with them…

You don’t even mention that…

I’d call that a significant oversight…

Last edited 4 months ago
Kym Kemp
4 months ago
Reply to  The Real Guest

I think you might be surprised how many men you like have wanted fetus’s with their DNA aborted. The men involved might be “careless, irresponsible, promiscuous people.” Or they might have reasons that you could sympathize with.

Incidentally, how many partners does one have sex with before one is considered promiscuous? Curious how many men you know have less than that number.

Country Joe
4 months ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

That’s absurd.

Kym Kemp
4 months ago
Reply to  Country Joe

Well, tell Trump that then. He thinks he’s responsible. https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/110384051064378318

Country Bumpkin
Country Bumpkin
4 months ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

You rarely reply to comments unless it’s too moderate or to respond to a question or criticism of your reporting. I’m wondering why you choose to editorialize here, and since access to abortion has been rightfully returned to the individual states to decide their restrictions, or lack thereof why Trump, who hasn’t been in office for almost four years is responsible for how states regulate abortion?

Kym Kemp
4 months ago

I never said Trump is responsible for how states regulate abortion. My point was about why elections matter. Whether you’re pro-choice or anti-abortion, it’s clear that voting for Trump led to Roe v. Wade being overturned. Elections have real consequences, and this is one of them.
If you need further proof, take a look at the link I’ve shared where Trump himself takes credit for his Supreme Court picks that led to this outcome.
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m pro-choice and sharing my perspective, just like everyone else here.

Country Joe
4 months ago

Trump 2024…

4 months ago
Reply to  Espino

What in the failure-of-public-education kind of take on American history is that?

The British colonists were claiming independence from a literal monarchy with a plutocratic parliament. What democracy was operational in Europe in the middle 18th century?

4 months ago

The federal government is a representative republic wherein representatives are chosen through democracy. Most of the states (maybe all? Im not well read on the variety of individual state governments) are straight representative democracies.

4 months ago

Gotta love it, the political party that didn’t even get a chance to vote for their presidential candidate is going to lecture me on preserving democracy…

4 months ago
Reply to  THC

Yup… remember when the choice of candidates was (well kinda) voted on ???

Angela Robinson
Angela Robinson
4 months ago
Reply to  THC

I found it kind of amusing that the GOP was trying to force Robinson to drop out of the North Carolina Governor’s race after his stuff came out and he was 9 points behind…even though he won the primary fair and square. The GOP saw him as a potential drag on Trump as well. Robinson refused.
This after the pearl clutching about Harris taking over after Biden dropped out. “What about democracy!!!!”. Or, OKIYAR.

Last edited 4 months ago
4 months ago

Didn’t Kamala drop out of the last presidential race because she had less than 2% support? Trying to pressure someone to drop out of a race because of poor performance is a little different than given an entire Political party no choice on who they’re Candidate is In a bid to “preserve democracy”

Last edited 4 months ago
Angela Robinson
Angela Robinson
4 months ago
Reply to  THC

She did drop out without winning any of the primaries. Mark Robinson was pressured to drop out this past week. He had won the NC primary months ago with 64.8% of the vote, Trump endorsed him for Governor.

If he had acquiesced, it would exactly like Biden stepping down. And it was Republicans doing the pressure. So who, because of “democracy” would be the one to replace him? It wouldn’t be the winner of the primary. That was Mark Robinson. So all the concern for “democracy” goes out the window when it’s a Republican? And the election is much closer now than it was when Biden stepped aside, six weeks.

The Republican Party, like the Democratic Party can do what they feel is right, because they are not government entities. Morally, they were correct to want the “Black Nazi” to step down, but a whole lot of it was him being so far behind in the polls.

Personally I like that he stayed. Please proceed…

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Country Joe
4 months ago
Reply to  THC

When Harris dropped out, she had zero delegates…

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Kym Kemp
4 months ago

Or how about the number of commenters who called it elder abuse that Biden was still in the race but are now outraged that the vice president on the ticket is now running for president after Biden dropped out?

4 months ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

But that was painfully obvious years before he dropped out to a lot of people. It’s almost like they planned to do what they did without telling their constituents.. It honestly doesn’t bother you that you didn’t get a chance to vote for your candidate for president? I voted for Kennedy in the primary and am sad to see him drop out, but at least I had a chance to vote for my choice.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

It was clearly abusive to push him to keep going. His “wife” certainly was wicked to keep pushing. However, it was equally wicked to push him out the way they did. As I see it it’s not even part of the same situation to put the VP in without consulting the people Ina primary. There are clearly a lot of Democrat leaders who could have thrown their name in the running, yet the DNC refused the democratic process and instead made an arbitrary decision to place her on the ballot. It would of course, be different if the president had resigned and she had been sworn in, but that’s not at all what happened, now is it.

Country Joe
4 months ago
Reply to  Alf

Spot on. It was a clear case of elder abuse.

The Real Guest
The Real Guest
4 months ago
Reply to  Kym Kemp

If Biden would have resigned, that would have been different…

How can he still be capable of being the president, but not still be capable of being the presidential candidate…???

He needed to drop out of the presidency, not just the candidacy, in order for Kamala Harris to have more legitimately taken his place, since she did not participate, or also participate, in the primary, IMO…

The optics would have been far preferable that way…

No question about it…

Totally legit.

At least moreso…

Country Joe
4 months ago

The GOP was not trying to force Robinson to drop out.

4 months ago

The democrats don’t believe in democracy.

4 months ago

We are a constitutional republic…… not that anybody cares anymore.
keep brainwashing people we are a democracy…. We are democratic constitutional republic. It does mater.