Humboldt Last Week podcast: Jan. 6 locals?, scary rare death, Guy Fieri’s alt coping, famed actor, restaurant boom, more

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Locals allegedly tied to January 6, big money for Eureka Old Town parking, more Eureka Old Town parking spaces on the way, a scary and rare death at the beach, fears quelled in a missing persons case, slowed growth at Cal Poly Humboldt, a sad river safety reminder, saying goodbye to some eyesores, a move for fewer ugly buildings in Eureka, Guy Fieri’s alternative way to cope with death, our ghost town is getting national attention, local Halloween vibes on national TV, a famed actor in SoHum, a new restaurant boom in Arcata, event suggestions, and more.

TLDR Humboldt features episode transcripts. Check

HumAlong Alternative Rock Radio has energy and distorted guitars. Take it with you at

Humboldt Last Week would like to thank its local partners for keeping the lights on. Please support Quality Body WorksBelle Starr ClothingNorth Coast Co-opBongo Boy StudioBeck’s BakeryPhotography by ShiNorth Coast JournalRHBB, and KJNY.

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0 Let us come and reason together. Isaiah 1:18
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