7th Annual Battle of the Badges Blood Drive: EPD Congratulates the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Department’s on Their Win

Press release from the Eureka Police Department:

redwood tree carving from wood with plaque stating winner of Battle of the Badges Blood DriveThe 7th Annual Battle of the Badges Blood Drive took place August 12-16th at various locations around Humboldt County. This was another fun and successful year with the battle bringing in a total of 231 donors over five days, our second largest battle to date. Chief Brian Stephens said, “This was another awesome event and I want to thank all our allied First Responders and amazing community members who came out and gave the gift of life back to members of our community! Almost 700 lives may be touched by these donations and while we may never meet those we are helping, it is the fact we are helping that makes everyone that took part in this event a champion for our community. With these donations the blood bank will be able to get through the rest of the summer and into the fall where they see an increase in donors.” 

Chief Brian Stephens would like to congratulate Sheriff Honsal and the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Department as this year’s winners of the battle. They brought in 59 donors. This is two wins in a row for the Sheriff’s Department and we are thankful for all your participation. They will retain possession of the coveted Redwood Tree trophy until next years battle. All the results are listed below by agency! Again, thank you everyone for giving of yourself and your time for this very important cause.  

Chief Stephens would also like to thank the Northern California Community Blood Bank for another incredible week of work, energy and for taking such good care of our donors. Your enthusiasm, smiles, and passion for what you do is felt everytime I am in the blood bank and I appreciate you all! 

Remember, donating isn’t a one-time event. There is always a need for blood in our community and abroad.  Contact the blood bank for more information about donating and the options for you to support your community! 

Humboldt County Sheriff’s Department 59 US Forest Service 3 Eureka Police Department 44 DHHS 3 Arcata Fire 37 Rio Dell Fire 2 California Department of Fish and Wildlife 18 Yurok Tribal Police 2 Humboldt Bay Fire 15 Shelter Cove Fire 2 Cal Fire 10 Fieldbrook Volunteer Fire Dept 1 Fortuna Volunteer Fire Department 10 United States Coast Guard 1 California Highway Patrol 9 Bridgeville Fire 1 Arcata Police Department 7 Breast/GYN Project 1  Humboldt County Probation Department 6 


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1 Let us come and reason together. Isaiah 1:18
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4 months ago

Dangit! Why are all the cool blood drives always offset from my donation dates by a month?? Congrats to all involved.

Donating blood is literally the least you can do to save lives, and you get to recline in the most comfortable chair ever, while being showered with gratitude and snacks. For the next couple of days when someone wants you to do something strenuous you can claim, “Oh, I can’t, I just donated blood,” while sitting on the couch sipping liquids.