[UPDATE 4:50 p.m.: Now 8,617 Acres] After Boise Fire Ran to 7,223 Acres Late Yesterday, Siskiyou County Sheriff Issues Evacuation Order and More Warnings This Morning

The smoke column on the Boise Fire yesterday as seen from Somes Bar towers over the mountains. Large flames spear the sky on the far ridge.[Image by Misty Rickwalt]
As of this morning, the fire remains uncontained at 0%. The Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Department issued a new evacuation order at around 6:30 a.m. today, along with additional warnings due to the fire’s rapid advance to the east.
Officials continue to monitor the situation closely as the fire pushes further into southwestern Siskiyou County, posing an ongoing threat to the surrounding communities.
Information from Fire Command this morning:
- No structures have been reported as damaged or destroyed despite yesterday’s significant fire run.
- Join us TOMORROW, Thursday, August 15 at 2 p.m. for an online Ask the Incident Commander information meeting. Link TBD.
- Get all your Boise Fire information in one mobile-friendly place! https://linktr.ee/
2024boisefiresrf …
Operational Update:Critical fire behavior was observed yesterday after the inversion lifted and the fire got into alignment with the Boise Creek drainage. The growth was primarily to the east.. Crews had spent the previous days opening and improving lines along Antenna Ridge and those were defended overnight west of Orleans Mountain although significant spotting occurred. Crews were able to get hose lays into the area after activity decreased, and they continued to contain and mop up those spots into the early morning hours. Despite the fire activity, crews were able to continue firing off the Antenna Ridge Road to deepen containment to provide protection for Orleans. Structural assessments will continue today with a large influx of resources coming in to assist. Crews began looking for opportunities to contain the fire on its east side yesterday. This could include locating and re-opening previous fire lines.
The Plan:
The Weather:
According to Fire Command, “The weather today is anticipated to be similar to yesterday, with cooler temperatures and good overnight moisture recovery. All the elements remain in place for active fire behavior after the inversion lifts in the afternoon. Fuels remain critically dry in the fire area, and the fire has been primarily driven by those heavy, dry fuels and the area topography.”
The Maps:
- Operations Map –to see details either zoom or click on the map and download a pdf.
KMZ Map–Zoom for detail or for 3D imagery, click on the map and download a file that connects with your Google Earth program.
Meeting Today:
A Public Meeting will be held TODAY, August 13, 2024 at the Karuk DNR Building, 39051 Highway 96, Orleans, at 6:00 p.m.
Evacuation Information: (Changes since yesterday in pink)
Map and Info: Click here.
Evacuation Orders:
Evacuation Orders have been issued for the following zones. Leave now!
- HUM-E009-A
- HUM-E009-B
- HUM-E025-B
- SIS-1802 (East of Salmon Summit Trail)
Evacuation Warnings:
Evacuation Warnings have been issued for the following zones. Be prepared to leave!
- HUM-E009-D
- HUM-E009-E
- HUM-E025-A
- HUM-E025-E
- SIS-1704 (East of Salmon River Road)
- SIS-1903 (South of Forest Route 10n05, Cecilville Road)
- SIS-1805 (West of Cecilville Road, Know Nothing Creek Road)
- SIS-1707 (North of McNeal Creek Rd)
UPDATE 9:44 a.m.:
- New evacuations here: Humboldt County Sheriff Issues Evacuation Order and Evacuation Warning After Boise Fire Grew Rapidly
More information here:
UPDATE 4:50 p.m.: This afternoon’s IR overflight mapped the Boise Fire at 8,617 acres.
- Humboldt Co. Sheriff Issues Evacuation Orders and Warnings for Boise Fire
- Boise Fire Explodes Overnight to 915 Acres, Structures Threatened, Evacuations Ordered
- Boise Fire in Northeastern Humboldt Grows to 1,621 Acres
- Boise Fire in Northern Humboldt Balloons to 2,933 Acres Today
- Boise Fire Expands to 3610 Acres and There Is 0% Containment
- Boise Fire Forms Pyrocumulus Cloud This Afternoon
- The Boise Fire Continues to Create an Impressive Smoke Column From Many Angles

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Of course this fire is getting massive quickly. You look at the fire maps and their back burns keep escaping. This is done on purpose to get the fire as big as possible and cash in on our tax dollars. You don’t have to believe me, take it from the firefighters themselves.
Don’t trust these people, if you live in the backcountry and the inclination strikes them, they will bulldoze all your possessions, steal, s*** on your doorstep, violate your constitutional rights, bake your neighborhood to a crisp and walk away to return to terrorize again. This happened to my neighbors and I. Some firefighters are heroes, others truly are terrorists and criminals. No different from good and bad cops. The agencies are the true criminals, enabling the employees to commit crimes without repercussion through immunity clauses. Calfire and the USFS are false stewards of our forests, they must be stripped of their power and disbanded if there is to be any remnants of our personal liberty or forests for our children.
Read the articles. Get some ears to hear and eyes to see.
I know – have experienced it myself. Disgusting. Was back burned to suppress fire that wasn’t there. Now the dead trees crash down – whenever. Neighbors back burned towards their homes! Insanity combined with idiocy! USFS? – how ’bout US Destruction Derby?
It was neighbors taking the situation into their own hands that saved property, homes and LIFE. USFS let the fire run rampant and increased it by back burns.
Thank you for posting these links. Very educational. I would suggest to people who think that we’re all crazy to read them. We’ve experienced this and more and that’s the reason so many of us out here in “fire country” are fed up
After fighting fires in our area for decades I can say there is much truth to this post. We could always count on the USFS to have a poor fire plan, waste material and recourses and endanger citizens. We’ve had to run entire crews off a fire because they were there for one thing. Steal and rob. Anything in the fire camp worth money would be stolen. It was rampant and we knew the crews involved. This never happened with CDF and CalFire Crews.
Your implication is to turn ownership over to tribes i presume?
I can just imagine tribal housing units all over the salmon river corridor, or worse, the libertarians may want to disband public land and sell it off to ‘innovators’.
I don’t like out of area fire imports either, but that’s how they fill the positions I guess.
Ideally, local folx would be primarily involved in local fire fighting, but hey..
Local fire fighters tried to evict me off my place 4 years back, I refused of course, because I was fighting the fire on my own terms like some if us will always do
I know, right?