Humboldt County Civil Grand Jury Seeks Alternates for 2024/2025 Term

Press release from the Humboldt County Superior Court: 

Grand jury iconThe Humboldt County civil grand jury is seeking additional Alternates for the fiscal year of 2024/2025 (July1- June 30). Alternates may be called upon to complete the term if/when a Grand Juror finds it necessary to resign during their term, usually because of unforeseen circumstances. Although the term has already begun and the members are empaneled, we encourage interested persons to apply and be considered to serve as alternates, if and when vacancies occur during the term of service. The Humboldt Superior Court empanels 19 citizens to act as an independent body of the judicial system each year. The Court encourages applications from citizens representing a broad cross-section of the Humboldt County community. 

The primary work of the civil grand jury is to investigate and review citizen complaints concerning the operations of city and county government as well as other tax supported and non-profit agencies and districts.  Based on these reviews, the grand jury publishes its findings and reports recommending constructive actions to improve the quality and effectiveness of our local government. The civil grand jury does not consider criminal indictments. 

Eligibility requirements for grand jury service:  

Citizen of the United States; 

18 years of age or older; 

Resident of Humboldt County for at least one year before selection; 

In possession of natural faculties, of ordinary intelligence, of sound judgment and fair character:

Sufficient knowledge of the English language; 

Not currently serving as a trial juror in any court in this state; 

Have not been discharged as a grand juror in any court of this state within one year; 

Have not been convicted of malfeasance in office or other high crime; 

Not serving as an elected public officer. 

For more information about the application process, please visit the Court’s web site at: 

or, contact Administration at (707)269-1204 for any questions you may have.  

You may also download, complete, and email a Civil Grand Jury Questionnaire to:  [email protected] or we can email you an application. Thank you for your interest in serving your local community!  


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