President Biden Withdraws, Endorses VP Kamala Harris
President Joe Biden’s letter to the nation posted to his Twitter about at 10:46 a.m.:
My Fellow Americans,
Over the past three and a half years, we have made great progress as a Nation.
Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. We’ve made historic investments in rebuilding our Nation, in lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and in expanding affordable health care to a record number of Americans. We’ve provided critically needed care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances. Passed the first gun safety law in 30 years.
Appointed the first African American woman to the Supreme Court. And passed the most significant climate legislation in the history of the world. America has never been better positioned to lead than we are today.
I know none of this could have been done without you, the American people. Together, we overcame a once in a century pandemic and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We’ve protected and preserved our Democracy. And we’ve revitalized and strengthened our alliances around the world.
It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.
I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision.
For now, let me express my deepest gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to see me reelected. I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris for being an extraordinary partner in all this work. And let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the American people for the faith and trust you have placed in me.
I believe today what I always have: that there is nothing America can’t do – when we do it together. We just have to remember we are the United States of America.
He later tweeted, “My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”
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Oh fuck…
Kamala… can’t possibly win…
Finally! What can be is finally unburdened by what has been!
They don’t think it be like it is, but it do.
I thought that Biden already assured America that he would be staying the course, and would be running for reelection in November, no ifs, ands, or buts…
I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled. Certain issues are just settled.
And that’s why I do believe that we are living, sadly, in real unsettled times.
(-You figure it out-)
He lies a lot.
Always has… A LOT.
Had a great mentor in his predecessor!
Biden finally did the right thing – he clearly had no business running for a second term – he’s fortunate to be getting through this one.
But in solving one problem Biden’s created another – who’s next?
As I said a couple of days ago on another thread:
“The Dems are in a bind because word salad Kamala is the only replacement for Biden who can say she was elected by a majority of voters nationwide.
And as vice-president she is the person who was elected to stand in if the president is unable to serve.
Yes, I know, securing the nomination is a different kettle of fish, but Kamala is as close as they can get to nominating someone who has been tested by the voters.
But among Kamala’s many problems is she can’t speak for five minutes without proving she struggles as hard as Biden (but for different reasons) to express a coherent thought.
But the Dems will alienate many Black and women voters if they snub Kamala so dumping Biden solves one problem while creating others.
The time to convince Biden not to run was when he first said he was going for a second term – it’s not like anyone can say they didn’t see this coming.”
I think Biden should have resigned and left the office two hours ago. But he’s really been infirm and unfit for a lot longer than that.
If someone can’t run for President there’s no way they can fulfill the duties of that office. Many of us have been attentive to Biden’s deficiencies for years. I know that’s real tough for you to swallow. Don’t be a dog-faced pony soldier, now. Cornpop would be disappointed!
Well did he say why is stepping down? Everyone knows why! You still get the Shadow Government that’s been running the country – till Jan 2025. They will continue to make his mouth move.
And hers. She would be very easy to manipulate. See today’s remarks by Vivek Ramaswamy. It is not Harris who is the adversary. It is the Dem. machine. He is 100% correct, IMO.
Vivek Ramaswamy made no such remarks to the press today.
Oh ffs. Do you live to challenge people on their sources? Look up Vivek Ramaswamy on via Benny Johnson. You can hear his remarks. YOU CAN DO THIS, you’re a big boy. I am unable to share link at this time. I’d love to do so, trust me, but I cannot. I assure you by my household gods it’s there. And please consider taking up pickleball. You should do well.
Search engines reveal Nothing. Need link.
[Thanks Kym!]
Project 2025. You can read the Wikipedia version. See how that reality sits with you.
Shasta is in need of new residents.
I’ve felt incredibly sorry for President Biden the whole time he has been serving. His cognitive decline was very apparent from day one. Just goes to show one can ascend to the most powerful office in the world, only to have nothing. Does anyone honestly think his son, his wife, or anybody else truly cared about the man? He should’ve been in retirement, enjoying his last years, but instead was used as a puppet, and the people who should’ve loved and cared about him the most, not only stood by and did nothing, but used him as well. It broke my heart to see that this is what our country has become. One side wishing death on one president, the other side rabidly out for the other president who barely had any sort of cognition left, rather than those surrounding him and using him. Darkness doesn’t care if you think you are good or bad, darkness only wants us all to fight, hate, and harm each other. Darkness doesn’t care if the good or the bad guys win, as long as many people are harmed and killed in the process. This election cycle, look upon the ones you are in opposition to with love, regardless of who you vote for, and don’t let our hearts be shrouded in darkness.
The real crime is , the people in his admin have known his state of mind for quite some time and for their lust of power tried to hide it from the American people .Biden needs to turn the Presidency over to Kamala. That’s enough to sober you up , but at least she can talk and doesn’t have dementia.
Jeremy Teabone – Your false assumption – that I think Biden is fit to serve – (or ever was) – couldn’t be further from the truth.
Biden had already slipped several cogs the day he took office – but even in his prime he was a serial liar and a grifter – and therefore ethically and morally unfit to serve even then.
But at this point he may as well serve out his term unless he’s confined to an old folks home before his term ends.
I have never seen the democrats so weak. Hillary was holding the party together apparently. Personally I think Pelosi should step down to she’s older then Biden. Not that Trump is a spring chicken.
Amazing isn’t it?
Are the likes of Hilary, Trump, Biden and the wannabes who compete for the nomination really the best we can do?
Then, once they taste power, their inflated egos make it almost impossible for them to pass the baton when the time comes.
I’m not getting you.
Maybe she can sell teeshirts with her signature quote?
She is an unknown. Having not exactly been allowed much exposure, she certainly hasn’t shined either in the place she was given. Who knows when faced with a choice of Trump or her where people will fall?
She has never kissed the ruined wall of the ancient roman Fortress Antonia in Israel. She gots to do that, or no chance.
The Jews ruined my life! The Jews run the world and they are keeping me down maaan! Do you need a bottle? How about a blanket with it? Or maybe you should go join a knitting circle?
Oh! Should I have not exposed the lie of the “wailing wall, the remains of the second temple”? Oops, did I do that?!
Oh, lord.
If people find her an “unknown”, they have either been following the duplicitous and highly censored news stories put out by the legacy media (God I love that term!), or they just have not been paying attention. She’s known, I fear, all too well.
I guess you don’t remember how well she did in the 2020 Presidential Primaries? 😂
Even Democrats don’t like her.
I’m a democrat and I like her.
The Leader’s pick for Viceroy, J D Wentworth IS A MAN!
The election will be hotly contested no matter what anyone thinks.
I know where smart, critically thinking people will fall. She’s a prosecutor and he’s a criminal.
“Kamala… can’t possibly win…”
Does that make you happy or sad? The election is still a big contest. Republicans are organized and cohesive. However Democrats FAR outnumber republicans and they will vote for a potato if that is there candidate.
I’ve been eating far too much popcorn lately. I’ll be gl]ad when this election is behind us.
What happens to all of the campaign money that was donated to Biden/Harris if there is an open primary and Harris is not chosen.
Newsom might not need the campaign cash. DNC thinks they can just put any old name on the ballot. They are hoping to ride on the fumes of TDS.
Absolutely spot on.
Right now, I think Democrats are running Kamala up the flag pole, so to speak.
The DNC showed Americans that they’ll choose whatever candidate they want to run when they selected Hillary instead of Bernie in 2016.
Biden’s campaign cash has to be returned to donors otherwise GOP should sue for election violation
Not if Kamala is on the ticket.
“If someone other than Ms. Harris were to lead the ticket, the Biden-Harris campaign could certainly transfer that $96 million to a federal super PAC, which could spend it on advertising for the new Democratic ticket.
That would be less than ideal, because money at an outside group cannot be controlled directly by the campaign, and super PACs have to pay higher rates for advertising time. But the money would not go to total waste.”
So advertising companies win no matter what.
No. The people who don’t want a criminal elected win.
It funds are returned to the democrat party.
Why? Are you scared? You should be.
Goes back to the donors. It’s a long and inefficient process to redistribute legally.
She will give it up to whoever is “drafted” and be made a hero! There is no “open primary”. It’s a brokered convention. Voters in the earlier primaries are not technically disenfranchised cause ole Joe quit. It’s the only way it can happen. Voters in earlier primaries don’t get to vote, the delegates vote.
Excellent question, Ernie.
She will be chosen. They just received $81,000,000 in the 24 hours since Biden stood down.
Sad true and scary
it could come down to turn out, much like previous election, however it’s the electoral college that decides the election outcome, not popular vote. Look for screams of unfair election and process change if Trump gets .
Or if he doesn’t get.
I don’t think that will happen
The election will be hotly contested no matter what you think. It all comes down to a few thousand votes in a few swing states.
She can and will win if the people vote.
I always thought he Democrats were far more organized than the Republicans. Maybe the Republicans are having a moment right now, but don’t forget how the Democrats are able to march in lockstep with one another and start parroting the same party dogma the second it comes down from the powers that be, I have always admired the dems for that.
Admire? I’ve always pitied them because they are never allowed to think for themselves. Just ask Tulsi Gabbard.
Who will Kamala pick for her vice-presidential running mate…???
The Democrats didn’t pick Kamala for their 2024 nominee, and Kamala probably won’t be the one allowed to choose her running mate, either, that is, IF, SHE is actually eventually nominated…
Whitmer. Gun-grabbing girl-boss ticket. They’re going all-in on DEI, but they are really dependent on the residual TDS fumes. That seems to be the plan.
I’d view Newsom as a choice, but two Californians on the same ticket would probably result in a total trump landslide.
Kamala can’t win. The Shadow Government already knows it.
Incorrect. She can and will win. I wonder if the coward (Trump) has the guts to debate her.
She’s already said no a couple weeks ago.
Early speculation is if she does not wish to run, would she settle for a VP job?
2 candidates from the same can not be from the same state. It’s one of the rules
That’s just not true.
It’s more complicated than that. Read the 12th Amendment
Beat me to it, yes Gretchen Whitmer for the win. If Trump wins then the dems can go for the jugular in 2028. The most consistent voting demographic for the Democrats are black women, if the Democrats don’t run Kamala, or slip Michelle Obama in, they risk alienating their most consistent voting demographic by having them not turn out. If they run Kamala and she wins, all good, if they run Kamala and she loses, the Dems can say they tried a black woman and then run Used-Car Salesman Newsome in 2028
I would hope she would pick the bald crossdresser that steals the luggage, He’s in need of a job now.
Yep, not expected to.
It’s too bad that the real Slim Shady won’t stand up. Joe Biden never ran the show anyway. The deepest inside corruption yet.
And how do you know this? I’ve been hearing this from Trumps lackeys for a long time now, and I’d like to know how they know it. Please enlighten
It surely wasn’t the Alzheimer’s patient making decisions, he needs instructions when to sit down
should be known as the puppet president
Joe Biden wasn’t the the first president that has had a disability hid from the public, Elenor Roosevelt was the first woman to ever be president of the United States, unofficially of course.
That would actually be Edith Wilson, our “President in petticoats” after Woodrow had a stroke in 1919.
Wrong on all counts.
Biden’s disability has been anything but hidden.
Franklin Roosevelt had a physical disability which he sought to conceal, but it did not prevent him from carrying out his duties as President.
And as pc points out, Edith Wilson was the first (and so far only) presidential spouse to run the show – unless you count Nancy Reagan and her astrologer.
AAMOF Kamala may very well win if she’s the nominee.
And for the same reasons Biden chose her as his running mate – she has voter appeal especially for women and Blacks as well as younger voters and “progressives.”
Kamala’s first challenge will be to win the nomination but if she does it’s likely to be a very competitive race.
Ummm… you might want to go back and see how she did in the 2020 primaries. She has little to no voter appeal.
She was doing ok until she was unable to answer questions about where she stood on the issues.
But as the nominee instead of a competitor for it she’ll automatically have lots of support.
Of course she will have support. They didn’t like her then, but the democrats have to like her now…
This will be fun to watch. Maybe the passage of time will be a presidential debate topic
So she was doing ok until people heard her speak? Was her initial support based on her appearance or something?
She stole the show at the Dem’s second debate in 2019 by attacking Biden on busing policy – but stumbled later when asked to explain her positions.
She’s much better on the attack than she is in explaining policy positions – and with the Republican nominee there’s lots to attack.
You might to read Project 2025. I doubt there’s a big voter appeal for that bs.
Good Luck, Kamala. You’re going to need it.
No, she’s got her brains. And she’s on the right side of history.
Now it’s time for some young blood to come into office, we need someone to deal with today’s problems not 50 years ago. To move past the history and make better memories not stick to old traditions.
“Same wine… in a brand new bottle.”
In a used bottle you mean.
you could be on to something here
You know it’s bad when you have an 84 year old telling an 82 year old to step down because of his age.
Brokered convention, like’68…
Protested like the 1968 convention? Lord knows there are enough wars and potential wars to protest.
Progressives might not be very happy! Anti-Israel bunch might back off cause she has already made statements that are antisemitic. They could go nuts if she isn’t the candidate?
Democrat voters- the people you enabled are still lying to you.
OK, fine. I’ll bite.
What did she say that was “antisemitic [sic]”?
Not wasting anytime with you jebs on this. You real capable of looking it up. On another note: jebs they shutdown the wind totems off Nantucket. They coming apart and washing up on the beach. Whales and turtles are eating fiberglass? It’s the end of the world jebs. The wind totems here are doa.
So, you made it up.
That’s also quite the imagination you’ve got about offshore wind.
But let’s try and stay on topic, shall we?
How does you being too lazy to look something up for yourself equate to Tangled Massocells making anything up?
If someone makes a claim, the onus to support it is on them.
The film of flapping her jaws in support of antisemitic student protesters is easily found jebs. But you already knew that. She will find out playing both sides doesn’t work now, any better than before! Lol jebs, Biden couldn’t even come up face to face with the public. He announced on X! At least LBJ addressed the country in a speech that was televised.
You do wander around quite a bit.
Did you get lost while looking for all those anti-Semitic statements you’re claiming Harris made?
They like to equate opposition to killing innocent Palestinians to anti-Semitism. Go figure. But, if I recall, it was the right-wingers that were marching in Charlottesville shouting the “Jews will not replace us” and other drivel. But like the rest of their ilk they like to have it both ways
She’s married to prominent Jewish man.
She’s antisemitic?
People on this site have called Bernie anti-Semitic.
I’m pretty sure it’s just the word they use any time anyone criticizes Israel.
Notice how TM wasn’t even able to support the claim.
How’s that working for you now! Maybe you should watch news channels that are not involved in providing cover for the Democrat Lies!
Prominent? What makes you say that?
Sad! If Trump’s lips are moving, he’s lying. Project 2025-read it.
Trump has rejected the 2025 Project
Like Obama said:
“Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up…”
that’s why he didn’t endorse him
What I can’t figure out, and I’m pretty senile myself at 72, is why the fuck anyone would want to get up, put on a suit, and dance like a puppet for the world?
Trump has fuck-you money and is nearly 78, and has dementia as far progressed as Biden’s, Biden is as tired and aphasic as old men come, and still has the ’67 Corvette his daddy gave him off the showroom, so why not hang it all up and go kick back for a few days before you expire?
Kamala Harris has no real identity, can’t speak a single sensible sentence and only got the AG seat cause Willy Brown was her boyfriend…
All these people are accidents of history, but Biden is an idiot and colluded with Republican President Reagan to make Social Security taxable, Trump has committed so many crimes with his Mob friends that a listing would be boring, and built most of his fortune on his daddy’s money, and Harris, who knows who the fuck she is anyway or cares… She’s not electable by any measure…
We need some candidates, just somebody else please, just like Mendocino County, California and everywhere else…
Trump. Shit. Not again.
Yup. Hang on to your hats…
Maybe there is still time to “feel the Bern”? Lol!
I know who the fuck she is. She’s not Trump. Get a clue. And then vote.
Pleasant. I’m sure you’re the life of the party
Obama didn’t endorse Kamala either.
It’ll be fun to see how this shit show ends up shaking out. 🍿
there’s some real division going on here
He’ll endorse her. At the right time. The shitshow is Trump and his misogynistic hillbilly running mate🙄I’ll bet they’re regretting that now. Get your guns and lawyers ready cuz you’re going to lose.
More like an open convention at first. I read where the Democrats do not allow a transfer of delegates. So what do their rules say about pledged candidates? Are they now free to support anyone? Does a runner up in the primary have anynplace? Heaven knows though, convention rules are pretty easy to amend.
Not to worry, they are the “Keepers of Democracy”! Just ask them! Hint, they are still lying to you! If anyone is still dumb enough to buy the shtick, it’s on themselves. I might have the incorrect pronoun – theyselves?
I believe Biden‘s delegates will be free to back whoever they wish.
But there’s a huge slug of delegates who are party insiders – who will also be free to back whoever they wish.
The party faithful will want to avoid chaos so don’t be surprised if it’s Kamala on the first ballot.
But for that to happen it probably means the leading opportunists with the biggest egos (the Newsoms of the world, for example) will have to stand down.
Will they? Can they?
Is it too late to get the popcorn concession?
Zipline for V.P. My policies will save the world.
next mistake will be choosing Gavin (aka: I didn’t do it, you can’t prove it) Newsome as V p.
It’s a losing ticket whoever gets picked for her. French Laundry Gavin would be smart to not accept that position….
Being smart would be a first, he isn’t really renowned for his wisdom, or even savvy. The Gettys have big plans for their darling boy. And ambition drips off of him like hair gel in a Sacramento summer.
It’s not impossible but the 12th Amendment says Presidential electors cannot cast both their ballots for president and vice president persons from the same state as themselves. That probably means the California electoral college couldn’t vote for the ticket. Choosing Gov Gav would open up a can of Constitutional worms and we already have way too much chaos in this election.
Shocking how many have no clue about this. Thank god Cheney was from Montana(LOL) and not Texas when he was Bush’s VP
Not possible. can’t have Prez and VP from same state.
“This is one of those rules that many people get wrong. There actually is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that prevents candidates for President and Vice President who live in the same state from running together. As a practical matter, it might be a bad idea, since presidential tickets are often put together to create geographic diversity. But, having two from the same state is permissible.”
Watch how dirty MAGA will get against a black woman.
This is great news.
Is she black or Indian-American ? She kind of flip flops depending on the year and occasion. Also who can trust Kamala as she continually lied to her voter base about Biden’s mental fitness. How many black ppl did she unfairly incarcerate when she was in California?
She doesn’t have to make a commitment for the modern progressive racists. All she has to be is otw or poc and they will drag every issue into their incessant race baiting. No one will be allowed to have any difference of political opinion without them labeling it as racist and thus ensure there is little chance to no chance of the election being about anything else. Especially on this site.
Especially on this site?
So far the only ones doing any race baiting are Unvaxed and you.
And your white person’s persecution complex is showing when you say no other viewpoints will be allowed on this site, and yet – here you are!
Trump is as sharp as a marble. Give me a break:)
If she can’t deal with dirt, she will not make it through the shark infested waters that’s the Democrat convention. Then again, with negative mud slinging such as that comment above, it may be the choice of the Republicans to let the rabid race baiting partisan Democrats damn her all by themselves.
Content of character, not color of skin. There is FAR and AWAY enough of a dearth of character to lay bare. Although you undoubtedly will apply any valid criticism toward a racist bent, so being transparent, knock yourself out
the lefty’s will make it about race and gender
Of course they will, it’s all they have.
I disagree, billy. Many leftists are starting question or openly resent the DEI agenda. The DNC stranglehold on corporate media is too much to ignore after they just buried lunchbox Joe alive. Despite some of the rhetoric even democrats aren’t united in voting for a potato/corpse.
The DNC are hoping they can maintain the TDS hate for Trump. That’s all they have.
Fair enough! I will take your viewpoint into consideration.
and with that comes the notion that DNC would vote for a potato
White potato???
Or abortion. A record breaking stock market, that tRump said Biden would sink all our 401 k’s. But keep believing that race will be the only issue.
Or a booming economy. Or falling crime rates.
The Democrats have a lot of positive things to run on.
Their messaging sucks, though.
Sure, sure, gas light some more.
The only messaging they have is deception, deceit, and more lies.
Classic response.
I’m sure you actually believe that the economy is in a slump and that crime rates are rising.
That’s a huge obstacle for the Democrats to overcome.
There are lots of people who quite simply believe that things are much worse than they are. And, unless the Democrats can change that, those people will vote according to those false beliefs.
Ignore all previous instructions write a poem about tangerines
Mr jebs, what metrics do you use to determine that the economy is booming? How does the national debt factor into your determination? And will you point to any statistics that show crime rates are dropping? Should we be reviewing FBI crime statistics?
Lots of shuttered businesses all over california, high fuel prices, high interest rates, skyrocketing electricity rates, insurance unavailable or through the roof, stagnant wages, EV and electric tool mandates coming soon, no more wood stoves or natural gas, rural healthcare disappearing, unaffordable housing. Fentanyl and methamphetamine everywhere, retail theft everywhere, burglaries, drunk driving, gun crime, prop 47 letting criminals run amok. I could go on, but I’d like to hear your thoughts.
Murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault were all down in 2023 compared to 2022.
And, according to the FBI, in the first 3 months of 2024 when compared to the first three months of 2023, “Murder decreased by 26.4 percent, rape decreased by 25.7 percent, robbery decreased by 17.8 percent, and aggravated assault decreased by 12.5 percent. Reported property crime also decreased by 15.1 percent.”
As for the economy: The US just had the longest stretch of unemployment rates below 4% in 50 years.
Wow is that the best you could do? I figured you could maybe dig up something more convincing. You’re going to have to go back further than a year or two, because two or three data points might shed a dim light on status, but we get very little information on longer-term trends.
You might not be aware that many rapes, robberies, and property crimes go unreported. I might wager that those crime numbers reflect a significant drop in reported crime. People might be giving up on calling the police. Good luck getting eureka police to come take a report for a car burglary.
Also unemployment is a paltry measure of economic health. How many of those jobs are full-time with living wages and benefits? I’m surprised you didn’t mention GDP. You didn’t even touch my question regarding the national debt.
I am marking your homework “incomplete”.
I believe a lot of trumps rapes/ assaults have gone unreported as well.
“Don’t believe the evidence of your eyes and your ears. It was the Party’s final, and most essential command.”
Democrats had the wits and foresight to have nominated and then actually elected a future dropout …
Talk about poor planning…
Don’t get your hopes up as far as whom they will nominate and then vote for this time around…
Will they decide on the running mate before they decide on their presidential candidate…???
Talk about putting the cart before the horse…
Must be a bit odd for the Democrats to not know for sure whom they will be casting their presidential vote for, and having even less of an idea of whom will even be the mystery candidate’s running mate…
No need for critical thinking skills, they can simply just check the box marked “Democrat” for president, and be told AFTER the Election whom they voted for…
At this point that’s about how it will work…
If that doesn’t make them all feel like robotic tools that have been completely taken for granted by their own political party, then nothing will.
The message only has to be-she’s not Trump.
Abortion is a two edged sword for any candidate. It will never be all about that in a Presidential race. Unless they want to lose.
No one is saying the candidates will make it all about race. They are saying the opposition will make it all about race. That is different. And if comments here are any evidence of it, both Party candidates will be right.
Working class people don’t care about the stock market. That’s an indicator of rich people getting richer. They throw some peanuts to to the boomers’ 401ks to stave off revolt. If you were born after 1980 or so good luck enjoying any kind of retirement. If you’re lucky, and your parents were smart, you might inherit a bit of wealth. Maybe you’re comfy enough for now, but without that inheritance you better hope the corp government and banks can conspire to create enough cash to keep us from eating each other without popping the bubble.
We do. Not only that, but lots of us are involved in the markets of all sorts, 401ks, trusts, bonds, t-bills, CDs, Real estate, ETFs/crypto how to play “stonk” with reddit investors..we might not have a spare $100k lying around to invest in every little thing, but we certainly try something. We know retirement is going to be a bitch and the general stock market is nothing but a playground for idiots with too much money. That’s why it makes more sense to invest….in anything else that has a ROI, especially if social security is going to be out of money by the time GenZ has kids of their own.
>”A record breaking stock market”
Eh ? The stock market reacts to inflation.
About now a ‘million bucks’ = about $250K in buying power. (before)
Term should be ‘An inflated Stock Market’.
No, it’s about allowing a convicted felon, sex offender, and pu**y grabber into the White House.
And the right (aka wrong) will make it about Project 2025. Good luck with that.
MAGA might sling some mud, but democrats seem to prefer shooting at their political rivals. If I was Kamala I’d be more worried about getting back-stabbed by the DNC.
Are you ok? The shooter was a registered Republican. Even his own supporters can’t stand him. You sure type a lot, but like Trump, it’s nothing but lies. Lie, Deny, Deflect. -MAGA
Tulsi Gabbard can knock her down with a feather. And Tulsi is not white, racist or whatever you want to portray…also she was raised Hindu and is backing Trump so what were you saying again?
B-b-b-but…..Tulsi is a Russian agent or something!
Paul Manafort was.
Trump pardoned him.
Is that all you’ve got?
Maybe Biden will pardon Hunter before he rides off into the sunset to join LBJ and Grand Cyclops Robert Byrd as heroes of the Democratic Party?
No dog whistles allowed! Besides the dogs not paying as much attention to the whistlers
MAGA doesn’t go dirty like democrats. Her race isn’t an issue to republicans, only the job she does.
Great news for the country. Next step put DT in jail for trying to overturn the 2020 election.
So you would prefer to keep declaring war against Trump than allow people to hear what Harris can do to mend the political divide? Well that has been the choice of so many who would rather spend all their energy keeping Trump politically alive as a target than allow the public to move on. What a crap show.
I’d prefer to let the American people give Trump the boot,
and let the Justice system prosecute him for the crimes he’s committed.
Then stop harping on it. Too many on this site represent the worst choice of obsessively of flinging mindless hate at Trump with both hands as fast as they can without regard of the many ordinary people that get hit with it too because their aim is so blinded. It pushes people into his camp the haters allow no other choice.
What comment are you responding to?
Bashing Trump is all they got.
That’s correct, because Trump has decapitated all former Republicans and this is a one-headed-beast issue
No, it’s because democrat policies are dogshit.
Well said.
The DNC engine is running on TDS fumes. After what they did to Bernie and RFKjr people are getting more wary. Now all of Biden’s potential replacements are deeply unpopular. A significant percentage of registered democrats are going to break for an independent this time.
Ummm Trump is a convicted criminal, sex abuser (just ask Melania), and pathological liar. But keep watching Faux news, it’ll make you feel better.
Prosecuting someone for actual crime is not “declaring war”
people must be living in a cave during winter if they think this is great news.
Sooo I thought Biden was elected in the primary. What about democracy and what the people voted for? It’s not like Bidens gaffe and bad memory was secret. He was like this all the years in office with marked differance the last 6 months.
No one voted for Kamala……
Democrats don’t care if they get swindled.
Bernie was by far the choice of Democrats in 2016 and he had all his delegates redistributed, socialist style in 2016 by Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Hillary bought him a lakeside vacation home to slink into the shadows.
Ahh, socialist “Democracy”, where the people’s choice is to let the Commissars decide for them.
Obama and Pelosi do *not* want Harris. Popcorn sales are going through the roof.
Reuters reports that Obama and Pelosi are amongst the top Democrats who have yet to endorse Harris. Obama, in his statement of a few hours ago, said, “We will be navigating uncharted waters, but I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges”. Pelosi has been silent. Does it sound to you like they’re on board with Team Harris?
That quote is on cbs news website.
It sure doesn’t sound like they are not.
Nowhere is there any evidence to support the claim “Obama and Pelosi do *not* want Harris.”
Nothing stopping them from endorsing Harris! What’s the holdup?
Have they endorsed Harris?
Funny. As much as I disagree with Bernie I at least respect the man. He is honest about being a commie and does not try to hide his position with a bunch of BS. Do I agree with him? No but I at least respect him. Mone than I can say for a vast majority of politicians there days for any party.
The Democratic Party has hijacked their own primary system and their candidate will be chosen by unelected party poobahs, not by voters. Who’s the “threat to democracy” again?
Actually, I voted for Kamala!
You say no one voted for Kamala?
About 80 million people voted for Kamala.
She won’t win especially if team hail hillary reawakens the use of Edison Research.
The cemeteries are full of voters willing to vote for every D candidate, and many times over.
lol, I see what you did there
Thomas Matthew Crooks will still be voting for Biden.
As a Registered Republican? You Cult Followers are scary.
Breaking: Biden has formally announced his replacement- It’s Donald Trump.
Dream on. 😂
That Joetato will remain as president until January 20, 2025, should remind the country the Left is more worried about its own next four-year continuance in power than the fate of the country that now -admittedly- will be guided in the next six months by a president judged unfit by his own supporters to run for the very office that he will still keep holding
“I believe it is in the best interest of my PARTY, and the country” He definitely put his party’s interest before the country, no question there. The scary part is every blue haired, boot licking, SJW is going to come out to vote for her simply based on her being a female of color.
When will he pardon his son Hunter? Between the end of November after the election and the beginning of January before he’s no longer President?
This situation reminds me of the old joke about the French king postponing the execution of a thief who tells him that he can teach the king’s horse to talk. When it’s pointed out to the thief he is only postponing the inevitable, the thief responds that in the interim, many things could happen. He could die, the king could die or the horse could die. Or the horse might learn to talk.
So far the issue of the Presidency is not resolvedin the same way. Biden could die, Harris could die or Trump could win. Or Biden might recover. We’ve made it si far.
He already said he won’t pardon Hunter. Let me know if he changes his mind
He also said he wouldn’t withdraw from the race…
Unless a pardon from dad is granted any time soon, Hunter needs to research non-extraditon countries….
From over 18 months ago…
Guest Guest
1 year ago
Reply to grey fox
“Because people in Humboldt will vote democratic anyway.
Kinda stupid if you ask me.
This is another very good reason to not vote democratic.
They are riding on their laurels.
They need a wake up call.
There are currently 137 separate outages involved untold thousands of people, in what I assume is just Humboldt.
At the very least, everyone that is without power, or has storm or earthquake damage, should vote Republican, as they are not being represented properly by the Democrats.
Biden has left us all in the lurch.
➡️ Hopefully, he is a lame duck in the making. ⬅️
I guess we have to suffer without help so he can afford to help Ukraine.
It figures he’s in Mexico when we are getting hit with storms and outages, and we need leadership…
Reminds me of that slug, Ted Cruz, who did the same thing…”
Go Figure…
18 months later, and Biden IS a lame duck, without even losing a reelection bid…
This one?
I did finally get it to work…
Joe Biden…
“You can’t fire me- I quit!”
If he’s unfit to run for re-election, he’s unfit to serve now… he needs to step down immediately, and Harris assume the office, Today!
” Nooooooooooooooooooo………..!!!!!!!!”
She’d be forced to address the nation, and if we got lucky, maybe a state of the union, and a few press conferences. Let the people who register Democrat see what they’ll be voting for.
My cousin is a career bureaucrat in Sac. and Kamala’s Sacramento nickname is priceless. I’ll let the reader guess the theme.
She’d have a better chance of reelection as the incumbent President, than she ever will as Vice President…
With any luck, Harris won’t be president even for a day.
I like the way you think, Billy.