Occupants Flee from Crash in Eureka
At approximately 4:40 p.m., a vehicle rolled over in the vicinity of 16th and I in Eureka. Traffic is moving slowly in the area.
Two men reportedly fled the scene each with their dog.
A passersby followed one of the males who fled and kept tabs until an officer was able to locate them. The male, reportedly a passenger who had an Australian Heeler type dog, has now surrendered to law enforcement.
Please remember that information gathered from initial reports is subject to revision as more facts become available.

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Oh, Eureka. There’s always more scuz to come and the wait won’t be long. Poor dogs.
Dogs are so much more important criminals.
I like Eureka. Better than most towns up here
That’s funny! Oh wait, you were kidding, right?
Not at all. Stay off the 101 corridor and it’s great
Because that’s where all the problems are at? You don’t get out much. Or you have a high tolerance for certain activities.
Can’t stand Arcata…not kidding. Homeless everywhere. Eureka has its problems, too, but not like Arcata.
Thanks to Joe public 🖐️ hi 5
Well trying to find a positive in the situation, at least he’s not the type to abandon his dog. Those heelers tend to be loyal dogs.
Amazing dogs!👍
He owns a Queensland healer, he is a real Road Warrior.
Yup !!!
Keep good uninsured motorist insurance…bums and border crashers abound….I hope trump gets something Maga to put in the hole in his ear since it’s there now.
How much dope was found?
Always head on a swivel at Eureka intersections. Have almost been hit multiple times by people flying through stop signs and red lights.
If the timestamp on the jail arrests is any indication, but seems to match, the person what appears to be the driver and held up by citizens, was picked up on a laundry list of vehicle code violations; no license, insurance, on probation and a couple felonies for a crash and injuries other than self. Yeah, no wonder they took off running.
Crap like this is why I tell people around here to have as much no/underinsured coverage on their policies as they can possibly afford. You’ll need it.