25-Year-Old Woman Arrested for Attempted Murder in Connection with Crane Street Stabbing
This is a press release from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:
Maria Hernandez-Ruelas Booking Photo | Humboldt County Correctional Facility
On 7/10/2024, at about 12:05 a.m., Humboldt County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to the 4600 block of Crane St. in Eureka for the report of a stabbing.
Upon arrival, deputies located and detained 25-year-old Maria Hernandez-Ruelas, who was being restrained by persons on scene. Deputies also located a 30-year-old female victim suffering from multiple stab wounds and lacerations. During the investigation, it was learned that Hernandez-Ruelas and the victim were acquainted. The victim was transported to a local area hospital with significant injuries.
Hernandez-Ruelas was arrested for attempted homicide (PC 664/187(A)) and was later booked into the Humboldt County Correctional Facility after being medically treated for injuries she sustained during the assault.
This case is still under investigation.
Anyone with information about this case or related criminal activity is encouraged to call the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office at (707) 445-7251 or the Sheriff’s Office Crime Tip line at (707) 268-2539.
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She looks normal…
normally crazy fer sure
That’s what the girl she stabbed said
Such a sweet looking girl….. what happened?
Those look like meth sores on her face.
If we’re sitting here scrutinizing her face, well, I’d say she recently suffered some serious jaw/orbit/head trauma.
She/it could have at least fixed the hair for the photo.
She was probably still cuffed.
Bruha de Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerta.
Enjoy the fruits of your political decisions.
I think you meant Bruja
Bruja works equally well, and likely more etymologically correct. Thanks for that!
You had the pronunciation right.
In other words, we are products of your leadership
I have a feeling that high pressure life and death decisions have been distracting her from headline politics as of late.
I was referring to folks who feel virtuous and smug about allowing a constant unfiltered stream of millions, where some report state that a full 10% of the nations population now is comprised of, “Undocumented”, much of whom are criminals fleeing justice in their own countries, and the mentally dysfunctional that their home country was glad to see go.
Google : killed by illegal, sexually assaulted by illegal, abducted by illegal, assaulted by illegal
Yes, I am presuming she is in the country illegally, but since immigration status is never reported in west coast states news story, out of political Kindness of course, you can’t prove she’s not.
As a bonus, word is, bubonic plague is back on the menu, boys, with exotic variants of Tuberculosis. I only hope fate is just with whom it metes out the death cards.
Innocent Until Proven Guilty…
Agreed. Hopefully there are witnesses willing to testify and justice is served in this case.
You get just as much “justice” as you can afford. The “truth” is what’s provable and what’s provable is rarely the truth. Ask O.J.
She has the look of a homicidal maniac.
I am sure there is more to the story, we never get the defenders side of the story, what happened to jailhouse phone interviews. Even Charlie has those, Imagine a local media outlet that interviewed the detainees 🤔
I noticed that the whole left side of her head is deformed. Part or her left eyebrow is missing. Her left ear is higher that her right. Her left eye socket is different. Her face is wider on the left.
She may have brain damage from a terrible accident. I hope she gets a fair trial.
Refreshing to see a comment that isn’t a mob mentality, rush to judgement shooting fish in a barrel type which seems to be the majority on this site lately. Also the article said injuries she obtained during assault which isn’t clear if self defense though sounds like witnesses.
Brain damage or not if she is running around tying to kill people she needs to be locked up for life. If she is to crazy to be held accountable then state hospital. The next person she kills could be you or one of you kids.
What has already been tried?
Lock ’em up and throw away the key shouldn’t be the first option.
Yet there is some guy somewhere that will still date her when she gets out because she said “I’m good now” and that’s all he needed to know.
Yea like the guy that killed the old lady a week or so back outside of willits. They can get married and have crazy children together that they can abuse and really screw up.
Enhance charges child edangerment