Redway CSD Seeks Board Members
Press release from Redway Community Services District:
Redway Community Services District has three director seats up for election this November. Redway Residents interested in running for an open board seat must obtain and file declarations with the Office of Elections at 2426 6th Street, in Eureka. The candidacy period is July 15th – Aug 9th. Questions regarding directorship can call (707)923-3101 ext.3
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I don’t know, not exactly a great time to be on the Redway CSD Board, not with having to increase rates, having to re-write and re-circulate their Waste Water Treatment Facility CEQA project because they forgot to include some significant information, like how they will deal with running a new raw sewer line over Leggett Creek from the Eel River Con Camp and new wastewater treatment line over to their new settling ponds. Or how any of this new construction will impact sensitive indigenous cultural sites. Or that they might have to pay over $100K to straighten out their water rights to provide water to the Meadows Business Park.
Yeah, there is a lot the current Redway CSD Board and GM are not telling the Redway customers, ratepayers and public. And 2025 is not a good time to be on the Redway CSD Board, that’s for sure…
They are going to have to get grants or raise rates for the needed infrastructure upgrades. Unfortunately we don’t get dirt cheap federally subsidized water like So-Cal.
Somebody has to deal with the situation. Every single person who serves on a CSD board is a hero and should get free food and drinks on the 4th of the July.
Where are redways new settling ponds located? And where did they send wastewater before that?
I always figured redways wastewater was pumped to garberville ponds.
Let me know Ed.
Being involved with small special districts is interesting and important. It’s the nuts and bolts of what allows a small town to operate with any level of modernity.
If your interested in how your community works, get involved with special districts.
Why ask Ed? He does not seem to know they have been there for decades.
You can ask him about the 100K though since that is his doing and correcting the error would be much much cheaper without him lobbing the state to screw rcsd.
And just how is that $100K, my doing?
You can read here where RCSD is expanding the capacity of the old settling ponds, with a new larger treated wastewater line and create new larger existing settling ponds.
And by “nuts and bolts” you mean private development, then you are correct, all done in private between the CSD GM and the developer!
The only problem with Special Districts like GSD and RCSD, they all think the surface water belongs to them and they can use and abuse as much of the water was THEY deem fit!
You can read here, where Cody Cox explains were RCSD misinformed the public about what was not included in the CEQA Document and share that information with the RCSD Board, as I requested:
I respectfully suggest to those who know what needs to be done at Redway CSD, or any of the local CSD’s, fire departments, school boards, etc. should put their hat in the ring for the board — the only qualification is that the candidate is a registered voter in the district for which they are running. Yes, I do know that Mr. Voice doesn’t qualify for RCSD, like most of the people who assert they know better about these issues than the people who are actually involved, but like all of us he is entitled to express his opinion. To achieve better government, the people actually have to take some responsibility; complaining (even if justified) is not enough. Democracy BY the people: that’s what it means. Right in your own backyard is where you’re needed most. Do it.
Thank you!
I salute everyone who has served on boards in our community. These are all volunteer positions that require ongoing study of the subjects involved, critical thinking, teamwork skills, commitment to time and immense patience. We need more board members representing all parts of our community, and there are plenty of boards to choose from. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone commenting here volunteering, the next time there is an opening.
That sounds good on paper or in theory; only public boards like RCSD are not 100% “volunteer positions”, they are paid a stipend each month to attend meetings. However, in reality, the CSD and Special District public boards in Southern Humboldt do what they are told to do by their GM or paid consultants. Common sense goes out the window, just like throwing out the proverbial baby in the bath water. And you sure do not need more oversight from “board members representing all parts of our community”. None of the current public board in Southern Humboldt have any kind of regulatory oversight now and you want more?
Save the South Fork Eel River, keep as much water as possible, in the river, than in the hands and pipelines of Special Districts, Community Services District and private development!