Humboldt County and Xodus Join Forces to Propel West Coast Offshore Wind Development
Press release from the County of Humboldt’s Economic Development Division:
The County of Humboldt’s Economic Development Division will partner with global engineering and advisory consultancy, Xodus Group, to work on a critical project to assess and map the local and regional workforce, supply chain needs and upcoming opportunities within the emerging offshore wind industry.
Xodus will undertake a sector gap analysis and opportunity assessment at a local and regional level, actively engaging interested parties to set out capabilities, analyze the broader offshore wind landscape and inform understanding.
By assessing relevant groups across the local, regional and national offshore wind sector, a comprehensive database of interested parties will be developed, paving the way for engagement through a combination of in person and virtual interviews and surveys. These learning sessions will inform key areas of interest in the study, highlighting needs as well as opportunities and actively engaging key contributors to describe local and regional capabilities.
“We need to gain a fuller understanding of the workforce and business resources our region has to offer the offshore wind sector and the opportunities this new industry presents. We hope to identify where we can meet those needs and opportunities, and where the gaps are,” said Humboldt County Economic Development Director Scott Adair. “This project will help ensure that Humboldt County workers and businesses can fully participate in this emerging industry. We are really looking forward to beginning this work with Xodus and our local partners.”
“The ultimate goal of this project is to develop a roadmap of strategic actions that prioritizes initiatives for supply chain and workforce development in the region, driven by in-depth community engagement, ” said Hillary Bright, US, VP of Renewables at Xodus. “By drawing on lessons from existing programs, the roadmap will identify and examine key parameters for effective and equitable implementation in Humboldt County and the greater Redwood Coast region.”
This collaborative effort between County of Humboldt and Xodus highlights a shared commitment to responsible offshore wind development that centers on community and input from those with vested interest. By leveraging the expertise of both parties, this partnership will drive economic growth and foster a resilient future for Humboldt County.
This project is being funded through a Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act grant under the preview of the Humboldt County Workforce Development Board.
About Humboldt County’s Economic Development Division
The Humboldt County Administrative Office’s Division of Economic Development (GoHumCo) supports livelihoods and prosperity for all persons and communities in Humboldt County by administering programs and initiatives relevant to the County of Humboldt’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). GoHumCo is committed to promoting sustainable and equitable economic growth through numerous programs and initiatives in addition to supporting a wide range of socio-economic activities. For more information on the County of Humboldt’s economic development efforts, please visit
About Xodus Group
Xodus Group is a global engineering and advisory consultancy specializing in energy and infrastructure markets. With a wealth of expertise and a commitment to excellence, Xodus Group partners with clients worldwide to deliver innovative solutions that drive sustainable development. For media inquiries regarding the Xodus Group, please contact Hamish Penman at hamish.penman@bigpartnership.

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Very bad idea this whole wind deal. They’ll learn the hard way unfortunately. Just wasting money
True that, in the end the Prog green agenda is nothing but a transfer of trillions from the people to crony capitalist donors. They’re adding a drop to the ocean expecting sea level rise, simply isn’t going to change the climate but will economically harm average Americans
A stupid idea, in a very bad place…
This is a very good place for offshore wind.
One of the best, actually.
Describe this picture in one word without using the word lightning.
(Free) Energy is everywhere; apply critical faculties appropriately…
(Yeah, I now it’s not a real word.)
Lighting represents an incredible amount of energy with no known way to harness it.
Wind is harnessable (still not really a word, but you get the idea.)
And it’s abundant, renewable, and clean.
So let’s harness it and use it to replace dirty and unrenewable sources of energy.
Wind is far from a perfect solution to our energy needs, it just happens to be one of the better ones currently available to us given what we’re doing to the atmosphere.
I would prefer that this is put on hold until all roofs and parking lots are covered with solar panels and then let’s see where we’re at energy-wise.
And killing whales…
This reads like a press release written by AI (Artificial Intelligence) ?
By leveraging the expertise of both parties, this partnership will drive economic growth and foster a resilient future for Humboldt County.
Great…’resilient’ awesome political key word. Scores 10 points !
Go figure.
Get used to it.
Aren’t most of these wind projects going belly up? I heard the companies were walking away from the big ones in the east coast. Seems like a lot of money is spent, a lot of press releases made, and after years of that, everyone walks away with bags of federal and state cash without a finished windmill in sight. Almost seems like this is by design.
Anyway, no windmills off our coast. Those things are going to be leaking oil and hydraulic fluid non-stop.
What was the half of a billion dollars the feds threw at it for? Thought they already had a plan?
build back better
That’s what they wanted you to believe. It’s time to revive the US OUT OF HUMBOLDT COUNTY bumper stickers. Biden and Granholm can go sniff around and sell their TURD somewhere else. I’m with Sparky below being a lifelong Humboldt surfer as well. Your question to where Surfrider is: : they are chickenhawk Political Science advocates populated with far left greens and should be ignored. Don’t ever give them money either, they get plenty from Exxon. Your question about our ocean being a marine sanctuary: nothing ever stops these lunatics and their diabolical scams.
The hot wind these companies constantly blow is enough to secure our power needs indefinitely. If they could only harness the awesome power of self grandizing delusional bullshit. Take your con to southern California please.
Dumboldt’s Economic Destruction Division seeks to find out what kind of workforce is available to assist in the highly irresponsible offshore wind farm project.
As a Humboldt wave rider of 30 years I am warning you all, this will be the biggest disaster this area will see.
Our fragile coast will have to endure more heavily polluting ships back and forth, more semi trucks driving in materials, more bay dredging, more trees cut to run more power lines. And don’t forget more trash and packaging littering the coast.
Where are the environmental advocates !!??
Where are the Surfriders ??
Who can save our bay?
Who is standing up for whales and sea creatures that are impacted by this debacle!?!
This coast is supposed to be a protected marine sanctuary!!
We are getting screwed with a bunch of fake greenlit Huffman’s/Gavin/Bidens.
Oh yeah and more jobs they speak of, don’t worry the big city folk got you covered..
100%. They are jamming this down our throats in a political backwater with no recourse. Shameful.
The company who is the experts on wind energy has no experience in earthquakes and no experience in drilling on a shelf! CA coastline is sitting on shelf and by disturbing the shelf it could cause great disaster! Recently on the east coast drilling has their houses shaking! This is a alarming problem with very little concerns to a real problem! The windmill company has zero experience in earthquakes and have done zero testing!
Wave rider in Humboldt for thirty years, while the shores were stripped of vegetation,
never said a thing.
Surfriders? The same.
While I’m glad they are being thorough in the planning,
this project seems to be taking forever to actually get going.
The rest of the world is kicking our butts regarding offshore wind.
Construction should have been started years ago.
A floating outlet mall/ grand motel/ military base would look nice out there too. Maybe a subdivision for equity and diversity. A natural fit for the times.
Babylon by boat.
Where’s the dollar figure? And why would Humboldt County be seeking and spending funds on a project that is so nascent that it’s unlikely we’ll see any action on construction for a decade of more—if ever. There’s a precedent for these sort of major commercial proposals that is found in the investment scam.
“If you have to ask the price, you cannot afford the price.”
Shmarmy’ car-guy at the BMW dealership.
Yeah sounds like a great waste of money to me.
OMG! Offshore wind power is so new and different — it must be bad.
Still, this Xodus deal does sound like somebody sold the county a pig wearing lipstick. Whatever our labor force is now, and whatever our supply chains are now, it won’t look like that for long, once things start rolling with the wind generators. I’m sure our local planners, and the planners who work for the wind companies, already have a very good idea of what our strengths and weaknesses are, without spending ?how much? on another document for the shelf.
The ocean will begin immediately, destroying everything they put out there.
Constant flow of ships in and out towing disabled platforms… then we have the electric cable repair ships… anchor and mooring line ships, and of course mega substations on shore… then about six 120,000 volt transmission lines out of the county… and finally about 6,000 workers at Samoa.
(Hmm… same as the ‘old’ days) when Hammond Lumber Company was booming.
Meanwhile, the ‘deep water’ wind generating platforms off Scotland have been de-commissioned. The wind turbines couldn’t handle the sea conditions and broke down.
Oh well.
These fake man caused climate change, Oscar the Grouch, religious zealots never give up. Just like Jim Jones on a People’s Temple religious crusade, they continue on their sugar coated warpath, promising jobs and money for everyone at the expense of wildlife, residents, and Humboldt aina. P Don’t buy the lies from the carpetbagger, cement/windmill people. Their greasy schtick with the top hat and white suit straight outta Josey Wales doesn’t cut it. Pass the Levi Garrett, Josey. Hope they use tide pods.
Let’s get it on with the experience.