SoHum Chamber Mixer: Prioritizing Essential Services in an Era of Natural Disasters
Press release from Southern Humboldt Chamber Of Commerce:
We have a special program lined up for our upcoming June Chamber Mixer, which will be held on Friday, June 7th, at Briceland Vineyards Winery, 5959 Briceland Rd.
Confirmed speakers Sean Quincey, Humboldt County Deputy County Administrative Officer, Tom Mattson, Humboldt County Director of Public Works, and Nick Pape, Fire Chief Shelter Cove Fire
Prioritizing Essential Services In an Era of Natural Disasters
Overview: Over the past three decades, Sacramento has taken over $500 million in revenue from Humboldt County’s budget. The combination of unfunded mandates and state takeaways is costing us more than $25 million each year, and with the State’s current budget deficit, more takeaways are on the way. We need additional, guaranteed sources of local funding just for Humboldt County—that cannot be taken by Sacramento. We want to share the magnitude of the issues we see facing Humboldt County and hear your top priorities in advance of what is going to be a challenging budget cycle.WHEN: Friday, June 7th
WHERE: Briceland Vineyards Winery, 5959 Briceland Rd.
TIME: 5:30 PM – 7:00 PMThis is a great opportunity to participate in this vital discussion and connect with our board of directors, fellow business owners, and community members.
Bring a gift for a door prize, cash, and your business cards for our 50/50 raffle.
We hope to see you there!
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The past thirty years Sacramento has stolen $500M from Humboldt County citizens. Sounds like a damned good reason for an uprising!
Yeah? What do you suggest people do?