[UPDATE 3:37 p.m.: APD Gives More Information] Stabbing in Arcata This Morning Sends One to Hospital
At approximately 8:30 a.m., a Arcata resident called 911 reporting that their roommate had been stabbed. Dispatchers sent Arcata Police to apartments in the 1600 block of Foster Avenue.
The suspect, a man, reportedly was still in the residence to medical personnel were requested to stage away until law enforcement could clear the area. The suspect quickly surrendered and was detained.
Medical personnel were requested to respond CODE 3 into the apartment. The approximately 25-year-old male victim was stabbed in the back near his kidney. He is being transported to the hospital by an ambulance.
At this point we have no further details, but we have requested information from Arcata Police and will update when we have more information.
UPDATE 3:37 p.m.: According to Sgt. Chris Ortega of the Arcata Police Department, this was a domestic violence incident. “There was one resident that had been stabbed by their significant other,” he explained via phone this afternoon. He said that the victim is expected to survive the serious stab wound. “They were transported to the hospital or they are undergoing treatment,” he explained.
He said that officers placed the suspect, 31-year-old Arturo Joshua Joseph Flores, an Arcata resident, under arrest for assault with a deadly weapon and felony domestic violence.
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Dude was literally “stabbed in the back” by someone.
At 25, when I moved here in 1972, right here in Humboldt, we never locked our doors, nobody carried knives, we could have things in our front yards that didn’t get stolen. You could leave your car unlocked, windows down. The fights in the Plaza in Arcata every weekend were epic, the bars were full. The worst crime was a bunch of drunk college kids. This all just makes me so sad. WHAT ARE WE DOING????
Seen on a bumper sticker.
Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket….
Maybe the vast and growing disparity in income has made some people desperate.
That and the lack of respect for life!
Tired old tune, it’s because they’re assholes.
That isn’t as potent an excuse as it is made to be. A growing lack of respect for others, and increase in the belief that work is too hard and things should come easy to you, and rampant drug use is fueling this. Reflection on crime should focus first and foremost on how to lessen the impact on victims and law abiding citizens. Enough with phony excuses to justify getting ever more lax on criminals… sadly the current trends will drive many to become more and more rightwing leaning…
No one is law abiding citizen anymore , it is impossible to follow all laws . So we are all criminals just some still like to pretend they are not while others pick and chose which laws they break and which ones should be enforced and when . Sure what you say sounds good but when you take the blinders off at how the laws are applied and enforced selectively any logical person would come to the same conclusion that people making or agreeing with your statement are ones that feel superior to others yet at the same time break laws and would scream the loudest if all laws were equally enforced not just the ones certain people tend to agree with
I am calling OUT that rational as total BS! There is NO good excuse or reason for assault. I am sick of people trying to use their financial status, problems and down and out situations to rationalize bad behavior. Dude needs some time in the county lock up to get a clue about accountability and self control. Seriously.
Gosh, ur right! It’s crazy to think of how unfair it might be to hold someone accountable for stabbing someone! I mean, maybe they didn’t even KNOW stabbing is a crime. Dont you worry. They’ll be out in a day or two.
This backwards, upside down, excuse making, zero responsibility crap is part of the reason the country is going to hell in a handbasket.
Eh, I’ve seen some quite well off folks that are equally desperate and murderous, given the right situation that sets them off. Getting out of alimony payments, for example.
Maybe people should get some kind of training if they can’t earn enough. Nobody without actual job skills shouldale as much as skilled individuals. You don’t deserve to make a living wage without some sort of job skills. You obviously think otherwise, which likely means you think you are worth more than you really are. Typical Democrat sheep nonsense.
y-y-y-you m-m-m-mean actually get a job?
Oh nooooo..lol.
lack of being taught respect, maybe.
Exactly. We blame these kids for having no respect and being selfish. In reality the reason they feel that way is because they were failed by their parents. Their parents made excuses everytime they were called on something, told them they were good and just being picked on… went to bat for them against oppressive school officials, etc. Then the kids turn out to be selfish entitled shit heads that can’t function in society. Stop protecting your kids and start raising them to understand they aren’t that important and there are consequences for your actions.
Like equality of income ever existed anywhere at any time. Desperation is not defined by having as much as the rich (that’s just envy) but not having enough to survive. Frankly it’s the devaluation of work that has created the latest expansion of income inequality. Wages stagnant while resource values increase.
And that has come from politician’s choice to pander increase wealth to some by sending manufacturing overseas to cheaper unregulated countries though government regulation increased costs here, massively importing goods while sprinkling some money around to the some of people stuck in poor paying jobs or not working at all. To keep labor cheap, immigration becomes the capitalist’s solution to cost reduction. We are a country that has shifted from Horatio Alger beliefs to entitlement expectations. A country of service industries, which magnify every economic glitch because, in a pinch, most people can do without them.
Hello? Below shows what desperation really looks like. And it’s not what we see around us. Yet.
No… it’s deeper than our pockets. It’s a decline in general civility that in my opinion is exacerbated by our coarsening culture… violent movies and music are a reflection that fosters a negative feedback by normalizing such behavior. Social media also contributes… the current TikTok challenge is for kids to run up and kick someone’s front door in. Eventually, we’ll have another senseless shooting over such nonsense. So many people are angry and they don’t even really know why; I think it’s a carry over from the Covid pandemic. But whatever it is, social instability is here to stay.
You hit that on the head. And the lack of access to mental health care. Recipe for disaster.
Stabbing someone won’t help pay the bills unless it was a robbery attempt.
Hi I am brother of the victim, there was no monetary goal with this attack. It was a random attack with no real reason. Hope that clears things up.
Humboldt Sate long ago engaged in a program that brought urban SF and LA ‘gangsta’ hoods up here.
Replicated now by Newsome pledging to import bums to communities that don’t have ’em.
That’s what went wrong.
Heh-heh . . . I’m down here in LA. Stabbings on the Metro Rail and even street-level buses are becoming a common occurrence. Which is why I’m finally doing things to get the hell outta here. I may even go up there where you guys are, to your beloved Humboldt Region. But I swear, Scout’s Honor, pinkie promise, that I will not be engaging in these sorts of behaviors if and when I do get up there. North America, particularly the US, is in the process of becoming balkanized. We’ll just wake up one morning and realize that we’ve all broken up into a set of distinct identities, distinguished by ten or less geographic regions.
If you make it past the piled up busses, snipers and machine-gun nests, I think you should be able to stay.
No, I want to get up there before there are piled-up buses, snipers, and machine gun nests for real. Serious. Up there it’s Ecotopia, Cascadia, the State of Jefferson.
Definitely the most likely, evidence based explanation for what went down on Foster. Sir I commend you on your piercing insight.
What happened libs? You forget about that dark chapter in our quaint village’s history? The Gang Bum imports of ’88?
People carried knives in the 70’s, you are ignorant to say otherwise.
And whiny.
The comments here are really something else.
We live in a safe time and place. But all some people seem to be able to do is complain about what they imagine the world to be like.
Change is not necessarily progress and the price we pay for freedom gets higher every day! Poor parenting and lack of proper birth control contribute. Lack of an education in one’s duties as a citizen leads to those who shout, ‘I know my rights’ but they don’t know their duties!
THEY are doing drugs.
I was having this conversation earlier today with friends, on a different bend but within the same parameters.
We have created a society where drug use is a disease that gets you monthly money from Social Security. This is a non-limited time…you get to have this disease as long as you choose, or live. This creates a growing number of people with substance use disorder, which leads to wilder behavior becoming the norm and more and more catering to addicted people.
Want to make a difference? Change that social security as a one-year get-clean program. You’ll get a year of treatment/live in, and after you’re put on a track in sober living and medication assistance as needed.
And this only happens once. Relapse, and you have chosen to go back down that path.
Keeping addicts addicted is every sellers dream, and social security helps them.
There is a big part of the problem. The government literally creates longer-term addicts..
Always with the stabbing in Arcata
Stabbiest town in humboldt, without a doubt
Et tu Brute
There are various sources of codes of behavior for people that support positive non harmful behaviors. Religions are full of them. The 10 Commandments, ( which are commandments, not recommendations or suggestions ) include do not lie, steal or murder. Values are not exclusive for religion based in believing in God. Atheists have codes. Military has ethics, Semper Fi. The Girl Scout oath provides for good qualities of behavior. If you were a Girl Scout or Boy Scout, you can probably still recall the oaths you memorized so many years ago. These concepts become ingrained in one’s mind and act as a moral compass for one’s life.
Why so much crime and violent behavior? One might consider how the youth of today is taught good behavior.
That sounds like a very serious injury. I hope the victim has a full recovery.
Arcata is stabby. Always has been.
Outlaw dinner knives… and forks too… maybe spoons ?
Lmao forked by a spoon lol
A lot of people don’t have much food on their table
But they got a lot of forks and knives
And they gotta cut something
I read the story. Not random violence caused by income inequality. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, not uncommon in any era or any location.
Y’all can make up any story you’d like.
At least the assumption junkies had a good run until the facts came out.
Did it say that drugs were not involved? Domestic violence can involve drug use.
Violent crime against domestic partners has always been a serious problem. Nothing new here. I hope the victim recovers soon with no permanent disability.