Humboldt County Jail Reports: Daily Booking Sheet – April 6, 2024
Humboldt County Correctional Facility’s Daily Booking Sheet. This is information from the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Department. This shows individuals booked into the jail or given supervised release. Any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty: Click the arrows on the lower left-hand side to see more. It may take a few seconds to load:
The 20240406_BookingSheetDaily booking sheet from the Humboldt County Correctional Facility.
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Emperor Trump. Like Caesar wants to end the Republic and be declared dictator for life.
Intolerance thrives,
Man yearns for understanding,
Healing begins now.
A wall of stone, a heart of ice,
Intolerance casts a chilling dice.
It builds its fort on flimsy sand,
Of fear and hate, a shifting land.
With blinders on, it cannot see,
The vibrant hues of diversity.
A single tune, a narrow view,
It snuffs the light of something new.
In skin and creed, in dress and tongue,
It finds a cause to raise a hung
And pointed finger, sharp and cold,
Excluding souls from stories told.
But tolerance, a gentle breeze,
Whispers wisdom through the trees.
It celebrates the different drum,
And finds in each a welcome hum.
For unity thrives in varied strand,
A richer tapestry, hand in hand.
Let understanding be our guide,
And cast intolerance’s tide aside.
The greatest ever threat to our democracy is the fascist Biden Regime
Absolutely correct!
Leftist Cenk Uygur Makes Shocking Statement: “I’m Now Considering RFK Jr.”
He says Biden has “been corrupt his whole life.”
“You’re never going to get anything but corruption from Joe Biden.”
Uygur issued another staggering statement:
“The Democratic party … they love to rig elections. Yes, I use the word rigged. Okay, so you can go cry about it. If you’re mainstream media, how about you do your job and talk about how they canceled the election in Florida in the primary and just declared Biden the winner. So, if you’re going to make the argument that you’re a champion of democracy, you should probably try it in your own primaries.”
Leftists are now turning on the DNC and Joe Biden. It looks like Nicole Shanahan was a great VP pick, after all.
A vote for Biden is a vote for Trump. RFK ’24!
Funny. I thought of him as Caligula. But Biden…that’s our Nero. The Fall of the American Empire is obvious and is happening presently. And BOTH sides are bullshitting everybody as they clean out the drawers…And they BOTH are promoting us to choose a side and then fight with each other.
Except the economy is growing, unemployment remains low, wages are up, inflation is down from it’s post-pandemic spike and remains amongst the lowest in the World, violent crime is dropping….
I kind of though the fall of the American Empire would involve more negative things.
the stockmarket is artificially supported by the market makers, whos only goal is profit. And they can profit from loss. The unemployment numbers from the west wing spinsters. And Inflation? You are telling us its down? So you eve go outside?
I agree that the stock market is, at best, an indicator of how the wealthy are doing. That’s why I didn’t include it.
Unemployment numbers are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics- the same organization that always calculates it. Do you have another number you’re simply choosing not to share?
And inflation isn’t calculated by going outside.
You seem to be confusing it with the local weather.
Inflation calculated by people who knw what they’re talking about, and they currently have it at 3.2%. Are you suggesting that 3.2% is not lower than the 9.1% that we saw in June of 2022?
If so, you might be holding the chart upside down.
Don’t worry, that’s apparently a rather common mistake.
A Pollyanna knows no problems
All that was also true under Trump, except we didn’t see a 20% increase in prices
As did most of the world, certainly in North America and the Eurozone. Some apparently think the US is isolated from the world, especially markets. We are not.
Yes, the US dollar is the global reserve, Europe is deeply susceptible to our decisions, as we saw in 2008.
BRIX is working on that problem.
Yeah, those guys.
As a solution to America’s poor economic position related to lack of productivity, Janet Yellen goes to China to complain, “You are producing too much”.
Absolutely brilliant.
We peaked decades ago. The fall is slow- doesn’t happen in an election cycle! It happens over decades. The last stage is jingoism/patriotism and military emphasis while the infrastructure decays. Read some history- it’s a fairly common pattern. Empires come and go. That is the nature of civilization. You are young and have no perspective. But you sure talk a lot!
You seem to be painting with broad strokes over a complicated issue.
Nonetheless, I’m curious when it is that you think the US reached its peak.
I vote 1952. You?
Sorry for butting in, but this is interesting.
Segregation, Jim Crow, Women as second-class citizens, LGBT classified as a mental illness, back-alley abortions, environmental degradation on steroids, above-ground nuclear testing, open-pit toxic waste-dumps, the Korean War, McCarthyism, the Detroit Lions as the best team in football…
Yeah, no thanks.
On the other hand, the tax rate for top earners was 92%
Maybe, if we kept making progress on environmental and social issues, and started taxing the rich again to pay for investments that benefitted everyone, we just might be able to make America into the country it has always pretended it was.
I’d like to think our best days are yet to come.
1966, for about 6 mos
Source: Colin Quinn, Long Story Short
Where do you people get this shit. Do you really believe what you say? If so I feel sorry for you being so delusional. Quit believing whatever idiots you listen to, like the hens on The View. Just use whatever jelly you have between your ears!
What will happen to our leftist friends if they come to understand all the tens of millions excess deaths are caused by vaccines and covid was man-made genetic alteration? Will they continue to support the fascist New World Order as they are now? Let’s hope they don’t end up institutionalized, can’t afford to support them that way.
On a somewhat related note, have you read the article of the physically healthy 38yo Dutch woman that’ll soon be euthanized for mental illness? Ironically, she wanted to be a psychiatrist prescribing such treatments earlier in her life
Did you ever find that evidence to support your claim that vaccines are responsible?
Never will…
No Evidence Excess Deaths Linked to Vaccines, Contrary to Claims Online
Is it your flimsy position that not even one excess death was caused by the Covid Vaccines..???
Are you, and DTJ, quite foolishly claiming, somehow, inexplicably that there is, and has been a ZERO Covid Vaccination Mortality Rate, from it’s rollout, to the present time…???
Because, it sure appears that is what you both are trying to errantly represent…
You see, I don’t care how either of you try and spin it, which I am sure you both will, unless there were NOT even ONE death attributable to the Covid Vaccines, it is a fact, that they are, in fact, responsible for “excess death”…
(That’s a no-brainer…)
If either of you intend on trying to dispute that, you will already be dead wrong, if/as you begin…
My advice..???
Don’t waste your breath.
What part of “no excess deaths” are you not understanding?
Those that accept propaganda that huge jump in excess deaths at advent of covid vaccines was “coincidental” must also believe in bat f***ing pangolin covid origin, and they’ll buy a bridge at right price
What part of THIS, (Excess Deaths), don’t YOU understand…???
Also, what part of, “Don’t waste your breath.”, concerning this, don’t you understand…???
Fact Check
That link is woefully outdated…
(It’s a year old…)
There is much newer evidence out there, (that solidly debunks that claim), FROM THIS YEAR…
Factcheck is also recognized propaganda purveyor, can’t trust what they say
“The process of elimination”…
So you couldn’t find any credible evidence either.
You have, unsurprisingly, misinterpreted my comment…
Then can you clarify?
Guess again…
It’s a double entendre…
Don’t hold your breath.
GS don’t need no stinkin’ evidence! Q told them it was true.
Well there’s this as a contrast to your unfounded assertions about vaccines and death:
Well, there’s this, as a contrast to yours…
‘Autopsy findings in cases of fatal COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis’
“COVID-19 vaccines have been linked to myocarditis, which, in some circumstances, can be fatal. This systematic review aims to investigate potential causal links between COVID-19 vaccines and death from myocarditis using post-mortem analysis. We performed a systematic review of all published autopsy reports involving COVID-19 vaccination-induced myocarditis through 3 July 2023. All autopsy studies that include COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis as a possible cause of death were included. Causality in each case was assessed by three independent physicians with cardiac pathology experience and expertise. We initially identified 1691 studies and, after screening for our inclusion criteria, included 14 papers that contained 28 autopsy cases. The cardiovascular system was the only organ system affected in 26 cases. In two cases, myocarditis was characterized as a consequence from multisystem inflammatory syndrome. The mean age of death was 44.4 years old. The mean and median number of days from last COVID-19 vaccination until death were 6.2 and 3 days, respectively. We established that all 28 deaths were most likely causally linked to COVID-19 vaccination by independent review of the clinical information presented in each paper. The temporal relationship, internal and external consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis, its pathobiological mechanisms, AND RELATED EXCESS DEATH, [emphasis added by me for clarity], complemented with autopsy confirmation, independent adjudication, and application of the Bradford Hill criteria to the overall epidemiology of vaccine myocarditis, suggests that there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death from myocarditis.”
That means it’s YOU, that is most likely to be dead wrong, about anyone else’s assertions about there being a causal link between vaccines and death, Tim…
Ah yes, another paper based on correlation data that they had to stretch to fit the premise and authored by Peter McCullough, a guy who is selling an herbal detox for those who took the vaccine. Notice that they excluded 99.2% of the papers they examined because they didn’t support their hypothesis.
You want more…???
I found more than one hundred “similar articles”…
Here’s another…
From way back in 2021…
Poor guy was only 22 years old…
You gotta ask yourself, how many more vaccinations have there been since 2021, don’t you…???
Myocarditis-induced Sudden Death after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Korea: Case Report Focusing on Histopathological Findings
“We present autopsy findings of a 22-year-old man who developed chest pain 5 days after the first dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine and died 7 hours later. Histological examination of the heart revealed isolated atrial myocarditis, with neutrophil and histiocyte predominance. Immunohistochemical C4d staining revealed scattered single-cell necrosis of myocytes which was not accompanied by inflammatory infiltrates. Extensive contraction band necrosis was observed in the atria and ventricles. There was no evidence of microthrombosis or infection in the heart and other organs.
The primary cause of death was determined to be myocarditis, causally-associated with the BNT162b2 vaccine.”
Why kid yourself, Tim…???
Since we seem to be copypasta articles. Note that they found that even in this specific subset of the population that seemed to have a heightened risk of the myocarditis side effect, it was still about 1/2 the rate of myocarditis following a COVID infection. There have been literally billions of people vaccinated for COVID so even rare side effects are going to be found.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), among males aged 12 to 17, about 22 to 36 per 100,000 experienced myocarditis within 21 days after receiving a second vaccine dose. The incidence of myocarditis was 50.1 to 64.9 cases per 100,000 after infection with the COVID-19 virus among males in this age group.
For the new study, the Yale research team conducted a detailed analysis of immune system responses in those rare cases of myocarditis among vaccinated individuals. The team was led by Carrie Lucas, associate professor of immunobiology, Akiko Iwasaki, Sterling Professor of Immunobiology, and Inci Yildirim, associate professor of pediatrics and epidemiology.
They found that the heart inflammation was not caused by antibodies created by the vaccine, but rather by a more generalized response involving immune cells and inflammation.
“The immune systems of these individuals get a little too revved up and over-produce cytokine and cellular responses,” Lucas said.
Earlier research had suggested that increasing the time between vaccination shots from four to eight weeks may reduce risk of developing myocarditis.
Lucas noted that, according to CDC findings, the risk of severe forms of myocarditis is greater in individuals who contract the COVID-19 virus than in those who receive vaccines. She emphasized that vaccination offers the best protection from COVID-19-related disease.
A very predictable response, Tim…
But, don’t even try to give ME that tired old bullshit trope comparing vaccine mortality to covid mortality…
That’s some cuckoo type shit right there, Tim…
And, I’m smarter than that…
That’s what is called a, (fucking idiotic), logical fallacy, and it’s what is known as a false equivalence, Tim…
Give yourself a little bit more mental dignity than that…
You are embarrassing yourself by using such a ridiculous, faulty line of reasoning, Tim…
Not everyone that got the vaccine would have gotten Covid, regardless of getting the vaccine or not, Tim…
You do realize that, don’t you…
Your argument assumes that you either get the vaccine, or you get covid, and that’s just a stupid idea, Tim…
That is quite simply, in no way true…
You might have wanted to gamble that you would FOR SURE, SUBSEQUENTLY be exposed to Covid, AFTER YOUR VACCINATION, but that definitely wasn’t a sure thing for you, nor for everyone else, and it is likely that MANY were exposed to Covid, and contracted it, yet were asymptomatic, making vaccination even more risky, yet also making it an unnecessary risk.
Natural immunity was shown to be equal to or superior than vaccine induced immunity, AND more long lasting…
Now, getting vaccinated, with whichever dose, could easily have happened AFTER having been exposed to and contracting covid, which would have done one or both of a couple of things…
First of all it would have made a vaccine reaction more likely, and had the potential of also making it a more severe reaction, especially a second dose, or maybe worse even for a third dose.
That has been shown, but that was ignored, and the recommendation, was upheld, foolishly in my opinion, for two doses, and whatever follow up boosters, without even testing for covid antibodies, before each vaccination…
Secondly, if one had already contracted covid, then post infection vaccination along with it’s increased risks, was relatively unnecessary, if it was necessary at all…
(It may not have been, but again, this was ignored…)
Again, no tests for antibodies were performed, pre vaccination, with any dose, as a safety precaution…
And lots of people got lots of vaccinations and boosters, whom were, nevertheless, destined to never be exposed to, nor ever contract covid.
You are comparing apples to oranges, Tim…
And that is just fruity.
It seems that you have willingly quaffed deeply of the fruity Government KoolAde …
Don’t even try to serve it to me…
The data suggests that almost 80% of Americans had contracted COVID in some form or another by the end of 2022 based on blood sampling for anti-bodies, a number which has no doubt increased since.
Those who were vaccinated and caught COVID generally had much less severe cases than those who were not vaccinated based on hospital admission and mortality data.
That means that 1 in 5, up til 2022, never even needed to get vaccinated for covid, in the first place…
How many of them faced multiple risks from taking multiple doses, FOR NOTHING…???
Get the idea…???
You see, (or maybe you don’t), that is where the whole, “risk of covid vs. risk of vaccination”, trope, goes right out the fucking window…
It is not an “either/or”issue, so it’s an improper comparison…
It ain’t rocket science…
But sooo many got deceptively duped into vaccination by that bullshit Government line…
And some have even been zealously parroting it to others ever since…
And there is no talking them out of it…
As far as your statement…
“…a number which has no doubt increased since.”
Same goes for the number of excess deaths and adverse side effects due to the vaccines…
Get the idea…???
And your statement means that after 2022, 80% of people had natural immunity, and so may no longer have even needed a covid vaccination, and many, if not all, of those same 80% of Americans may have faced increased risks from unnecessary post infection vaccination, because not everyone was tested for antibodies prior to each dose, and also probably were not given those results even if they were…
That also meant that we had likely achieved natural herd immunity, by 2022, but they were still trying to jab everyone like crazy…
These aren’t very difficult concepts, or are they…???
“The data suggests “… give us the peer reviewed study that confirms what the data suggests! You forgot to give that!
That’s actually how peer-reviewed science works.
Scientists gather data and report on what it suggests.
That’s part of the reason scientific recommendations are downplayed by so many people.
Scientists are loathe to speak in conclusive terms.
“Scientists are loathe to speak in conclusive terms”! Wonder why? Guess from your past statements, neither you or Tim are Scientists
You’re right, I’m not a scientist. Which is why I don’t pretend to know more on a topic than someone who has dedicated countless hours studying it.
I’m glad to see you asking why scientists don’t speak in conclusive terms. The simplest answer is, unfortunately, that the answer is complicated.
Here’s a short and interesting (long and boring) read on it:
What he is saying Tim is that he has no real proof, but does have very strong opinions on the issue.
Are you representing that your dubious position has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt…???
Where is your real proof…???
It’s nothing more than a strong opinion of your own, as a matter of fact…
“The immune systems of these individuals get a little too revved up…” not from antibodies caused by the vaccine … but by a more generalized response… presumably from Covid-19. So if you can get vaccinated and still get Covid … how can this be discerned?
WaPo and NYT are government’s first choice propaganda distributors and proven wrong frequently, need go no further than Russian Collusion Delusion and Hunter laptop Russian Op
What, still upset that Trump got busted, his trying to withhold hundreds of millions in US aid to Ukraine in exchange for dirt (he could never find) on Biden? Or is it Mike Flynn getting canned for cozying up to Russia? Or the troll farm memes, lol, some of which ended up here?
Free speech is a wonderful right.
It does, however, require responsibility.
People need to be careful to confirm the validity of information before sharing it.
“Anonymous users are dominating right-wing discussions online. They also spread false information”
Mainly sad, lonely old men looking for attention or wanting to cause trouble.
Dementia Joe visits Baltimore with his crew promising help
Sloths don’t fart!
Well there’s a bit of bitter bias delivered in one sentence.
Hello, pot. Meet kettle. 😝
It’s kind of funny. For some reason I remembered Nibiru (that sneaky rogue planet that was going to crash into the Earth) yesterday. Shortly after the 2016 election, a (now so so former) business associate came over to gloat. He went on about how he had suffered under Obama (which he did not…like I said he was a business sort of partner. We knew how he was doing) and now it was his turn. He went off on all kinds of tangents and one of them was Nibiru. I asked him why no one could see it and he said something like it was, at the time, “hiding” behind the sun. And that the government was hiding this “fact” from everyone. My husband and I were were standing there, on our porch, with mouths agape.
It was when he then started going on about the Clinton Death List that I told him to GTFO on my porch. He later sold his boat and everything and moved to the Philippines after marrying a local lady. That crashed and I hear he’s now back in the US, working as a security guard somewhere. I wonder if he’s still waiting for Nibiru to stop hiding behind the sun.
Anyway, a stroll down memory lane, specifically under the header “2017 Revival”.
Aiwass was last heard from April 8, 9, and 10 in 1904. Cited in Hillary Clintons Senior Thesis titled “Saul & Aleister my mentors”(I think that’s the title)
Apparently, now God has sent a (very minor) earthquake and a (very predicable) eclipse as a warning to us: “God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent. Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come. I pray that our country listens.” -Marjorie Taylor Greene
LOL. Gawd, she’s such a fucking idiot.
Did she say the same thing about the 2017 eclipse? Or the earthquakes that happened while Trump was POTUS?
Which reminds me. Next year, Easter falls on Hitler’s birthday. What kind of weirdness will she and her ilk think up for THAT? Of course Hitler isn’t nearly as bad as the Trans Visibility day that has been in effect since 2009. That was a “righteous” moral panic, Hitler, not so much.
This AP article is literal misinformation.
Those screaming the loudest about misinformation, are always the most misinformed
Yep, that’s Trump alright.
Him and his “fake news” rants
Interesting that you denounce the article as misinformation even though you weren’t able to find any evidence to refute the claims made in the article.
Would it help if I shared another source that came to a similar conclusion?
“In the Facebook sample, those self-identified as extremely conservative—7 on a scale of 1 to 7—accounted for the most fake news shared, at 26%. In the Twitter sample, 32% of fake news shares came from those who scored a 7.”
How about this one?
“Conservatives are less able to distinguish political truths from falsehoods than liberals, mainly because of a glut of right-leaning misinformation, a new national study conducted over six months shows.”
Or this one?
“Fake news accounted for nearly 6% of all news consumption, but it was heavily concentrated—only 1% of users were exposed to 80% of fake news, and 0.1% of users were responsible for sharing 80% of fake news. Interestingly, fake news was most concentrated among conservative voters.”
Frankly most of the information on Trump from progressives on this site is fake news. They just don’t recognize it as such, won’t admit it if shown and resort to insult instead. But that set of blinders encompasses everything else too.
“On the left if you’re consuming fake news you’re 34 times more likely than the general population to be a college graduate,” says Green.
If you’re on the right, he says, you’re 18 times more likely than the general population to to be in the top 20 percent of income earners.”
Good AP post.
Really gotta hand it to Musk. He makes gobs off both general sides of the spectrum, to get his junk to Mars.
Part of the USA lost its mind a black man was elected president. Twice. The guy in Moscow? He knew it was time to hatch his virus. No, not that virus.
Putin seethed when the West didn’t take him seriously. Then GW invaded Iraq, any credibility the neo-cons had left going out the door. Putin could never take on the West militarily, didn’t want to. But while America was stuck in a quagmire, Putin put together and hatched his Psy-Ops recipe … to get the US to screw itself. He knew how bloated and stupid part of the population was; knew they were drunk on salt, sugar, fat, soda, bad beer, TV, the internet. And he knew fear of the Other could be taken much further, wholly weaponized.
In a pot, toss relative no-limits First Amendment garbage (social media, the needle). Add no-limits Second Amendment interp (thanks NRA, an early adherent of lie-based marketing). Sprinkle in some jacked-up Replacement Theory. Top with splash of hardright Evan-G blah-blah. When serving say “Dem Government, and neo-cons both sides, they are coming for you”.
If any doubt, see rightwing jail report comments. There’s an old Republican or two around, sure, but half-fooled by the newer, sewer-spewer breed. The Virus. GOP got it bad.
“Right-wing authoritarians tend to aggressively back the established hierarchy, while left-wing authoritarians tend to aggressively oppose it. They are almost like mirror images of one another that both share a common psychological core, the researchers conclude.
“Authoritarians have a predisposition for liking sameness and opposing differences among people in their environment,” Costello says. “They are submissive to people they perceive as authority figures, they are dominant and aggressive towards people they disagree with, and they are careful to obey what they consider the norms for their respective groups.”
Sure. Know, look at actual practice, at regime-level. USSR was a biggie. Some S. American countries had a go, places in Africa and SE Asia, sprinklings elsewhere. But today it’s highly nationalistic leaders and cohorts, a minority of the political population (think: freedom caucus) and overall population. Russia today? Putin no lefty, no commie. Ultra-nationalist billionaire dictator.
I better give it a rest for a while…
The fascist Biden Regime supplied the weapons for ME genocide and now average Joe Americans have to pay the price.
Vote RFK ’24! Give Peace a Chance!
Intelligence officials are sounding the alarm over the increasing possibilities of attacks at “mass gatherings such as sports stadiums, concert venues, or houses of worship in the United States” like concerts by ISIS and even “lone wolves.”
The FBI is particularly concerned about potential “copycat” attacks similar to the mass shooting at a Russian concert hall last month.
This comes just days before millions of people will be gathering to watch the Solar Eclipse in dozens of cities across the US.
Source: ABC News
Dementia Joe Biden did that, then heads for weekend vacay in Deleware!
Biden is causing a Solar Eclipse?
1223 BC: The oldest eclipse record
It is certainly clear that by the eight century BC, the Babylonians were keeping a systematic record of solar eclipses, and may even have been able to predict them fairly accurately based on numerological rules.
And then the Bronze Age collapsed.
We really need to start taking these warnings more seriously.
They really do drive people mad.
Look at MTG’s statement.
Donald Trump posted on Truth Social that it would be his “great honor” to be jailed for violating his gag order in his New York hush money trial.
“I will gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela,” the former president said.
Mandela spent 27 years in prison.
Is the Secret Service going to take the cell next door?
“If Biden was some spry whippersnapper I’d say go ahead, run for a second term, but the guy is pretty much incoherent, works 2 hours a day, and is stumbling and falling down” 🤣@itslinklauren We 💙 Gen Z !
The clueless and hapless Democrats are actually blaming Netanyahu, instead of themselves, for Biden’s deteriorating “image”…
What a bunch of idiots…
The funny part is, is that it’s been steadily deteriorating for far longer than the six months Netanyahu has been stinking up the picture…
Like, Biden and his Administration have been badly staining America’s perception of them, ever since the minute Biden stepped foot into The Oval Office…
Just another perfect example of Democrat denial, blame, and projection, Liberally applied, and all wrapped up into one…
Hey Democrats, do you think it might have something to do with the Palestinian destruction and genocide that Joe Biden has gleefully encouraged and enabled…???
Maybe something to do with the fact that he approved sending more bombs and weaponry to Netanyahu on the day Israel Murderer the 7 World Central Kitchen Aid workers in cold blood…
Ya think…???
Not even to mention how badly, overall, the American way of life has suffered and deteriorated since Biden the Bozo took the helm…
Trump and Melanie raised a record $50m tonight, double the previous record set at Biden/ Obama/ Clinton rally in NYC earlier. That and billions profit on stocks this week puts Trump in good standing to fund a campaign of his choosing
A con man would speak off the cuff,
Spouting all sorts of nonsense and guff.
Loyal crowds stretched for blocks.
“You should come host for Fox,”
Said a staffer. “You’ve got the right stuff!”
“Megalomania” refers to a psychological condition where a person has delusional fantasies of power and importance. While it’s challenging to treat, therapy and medication can help manage symptoms. However, the person must be willing to engage in treatment for it to be effective.