Burglary Suspect Caught with Community Help Says EPD
This is a press release from the Eureka Police Department. The information has not been proven in a court of law and any individuals described should be presumed innocent until proven guilty:
On March 19, 2024, a Community Service Officer (CSO) with the Eureka Police Department was dispatched to the 1700 block of I Street on a report of a residential burglary. The investigation revealed the theft occurred during the night on March 18, 2024, and a large quantity of construction equipment had been taken from a job site.
The victim spoke with neighbors in the area and was able to locate surveillance footage of the suspect. The victim placed still photos taken from the surveillance on social media and the Nextdoor app asking for assistance in identifying the suspect.
A citizen located a suspect matching the description and provided a clear photograph to police. Later the same day Eureka Police Officers received a tip the suspect was seen near the 1800 block of J Street.
Eureka Police Officers responded to the residence and located the suspect, identified as Adare Armes, and detained him in the back yard. Eureka Police Detectives authored a search warrant for Armes’ living area and recovered several items taken during the burglary. During the investigation Officers learned additional stolen property was likely stored in a vehicle nearby.
Eureka Police Detectives canvassed the area and were able to locate a vehicle containing the remaining stolen property. Eureka Police Detectives authored a second search warrant and
retrieved the additional stolen property.Armes was placed under arrest for burglary, possession of stolen property, and transported to HCCF without further incident where he remains in custody.
The Eureka Police Department would like to thank the community for their vigilance and assistance in this investigation. The rapid sharing of suspect information ultimately led to the arrest of Armes and the recovery of stolen property.
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Sounds like the victim did all the leg work for EPD. He should do a training class for them.
Friend had a credit card stolen. Went around to a gas station where it was used, looked at the stills, got the photo and took it to the cops. Perp was a ‘regular visitor’ to LEO.
Perp was out on probation.
Sons G/F had a car broken into… same thing, went to a store where the card was used, got the photo.
Showed it to the cops… yup, the perp was a ‘regular visitor’ to LEO.
Perp was out on probation.
Hmmm…. Go figure.
Yes! This is how it’s supposed to work! Unfortunately now the “justice” system will blow all this good work by releasing him and then eventually giving him some weak sentence that does absolutely nothing to change his mind about being a thief. It would have almost been better if the good people of Eureka never called the cops and then dispensed justice themselves as seen fit….because the police and the courts are NOT cleaning up our towns- they are instead only helping to destroy our communities…
Stand our Ground!
Where do I get one of those career criminal white tank tops!? Is it part of the “become a punk kit” sold on-line?
It’s part of the starter kit.
After you can show your wife-beater tan lines,
you can start on the neck tats.
Time to bring Stocks, stonings, and Gallows back for the bad ass’s .
Maybe a few days in the stocks in the rain as J.Q.Public pass’s by might set the bad ass’s back in to rightfully thinking.
For the sake of history.. [Edit: For the sake of history, I’m leaving this. But the implied advocation of vigilante violence has been deleted.]
The Willits Triple Lynching of 1879
In 1879, the idyllic hamlet of Little Lake in Mendocino County, California, which is now a neighborhood of Ukiah, was taken over by Elijah Frost, Abijah Gibson, and Thomas McCracken. These constantly drunken ruffians committed petty larcenies and generally made life unpleasant for the townsfolk.
The group’s leader was Elijah Frost, a member of the deadly Frost clan that was involved in a longtime Mendocino County feud with the equally homicidal Coastes family. Elijah’s father, Elisha, had been murdered on October 16, 1867, in the infamous “Little Lake Election Day Shootout.”
Prior to that shootout, the Frost clan arrived in Northern California from Missouri around 1858. Working as sheepherders and hog raisers, the always well-armed family was known as a bunch of troublemaking thugs. Their idea of a fun night out was getting roaring drunk and shooting up a Native American ranchero. The Confederate-supporting Frost family became even more obnoxious during the Civil War.
The Coates family arrived in Mendocino County at about the same time as did the Frost clan. The Coateses were from Pennsylvania and they supported the Union. Bad blood flowed between the families, and there were frequent beatings and public arguments, usually over politics. It all came to a head in one of the bloodiest shootouts in California history.
October 16, 1867, was an election day and the citizens of Mendocino County meandered into Little Lake to vote, have a drink, and do a little socializing. It was a warm day and Little Lake was crowded with families.
Members of the Frost family saw the Coates family pull up in a big farm wagon loaded with relatives. Elisha, Martin, and Isom Frost picked a fight with the Coateses that ended in a shootout that killed Albert, Henry, Thomas, Abraham, and Wesley Coates. Abner Coates shot Elisha Frost in the chest with a double-barreled shotgun. Three other participants were seriously wounded.
As a result of the shootout, Elijah Frost was left fatherless at age seventeen. Three years later, Elijah’s mother Amanda died. Although he was twenty-one years old, the wild Elijah and his three brothers were left in the care of their brother-in-law, James McKindley, who soon threw up his hands in frustration.
Elijah was apprehended a couple of times with stolen produce and livestock, but charges were dropped due to lack of evidence. In September 1875, Elijah, along with his wife Mary and fourteen-year-old brother Jimmy, started on a horse-stealing excursion, traveling around northern California, pilfering horses whenever it was convenient.
They made the mistake of stealing sixteen horses from a Shasta County rancher named Joseph Brock. Brock wasn’t the type to let anyone get away with stealing his livestock. Teaming up with Tehama County Deputy Sheriff O. A. Lovett and Butte County Sheriff S. L. Daniels, the men tracked down the rustlers, finally catching up with them a few miles from Oroville. Mary and Jimmy were released, but Elijah was sentenced to four years in San Quentin.
The people of Little Lake were taken aback when Elijah was released after serving only thirty-two months of his sentence. Prison had only intensified his obnoxious behavior. He teamed up with fellow thugs Abijah Gibson and Thomas McCracken, and the trio was off and running, committing petty thievery, break-ins, and senseless vandalism, and making a general nuisance of themselves to the people of Little Lake. The men enjoyed hotting and hollering and firing their pistols in the streets of the town. People became afraid to go out on the streets in fear that the drunken gang would harass them, beat them up, or worse.
The hooligans killed an entire flock of geese and tied their heads to the rails of a fence. When a man implied that the ruffians were responsible, his barn was burnt down.
The final straw came when the men were caught stealing a set of harnesses in September 1879. The shackled prisoners were taken to the town of Willits and jailed at Brown’s Hotel. While waiting for their September 4 preliminary hearing, the gang threatened revenge against anyone who testified against them.
The townspeople were terrified of what would happen if the men were released or escaped. They formed a vigilante committee to take care of the problem, and during the early morning hours of September 4, they made their move.
Little Lake citizens wanted to send a clear message to other ruffians and drifters who thought they could terrorize the town with impunity. The determined crowd took the three men (two were handcuffed together) to the customary site of summary execution, a local bridge.
Then, during a solemn moment, the men were pushed off the bridge, their necks snapping as a rope borrowed from a local farmer became taut above their weight. According to the local Dispatch Democrat, “During the proceedings not a word was uttered.”
Following the hasty execution, the bodies of the condemned men dangled from the bridge until Thursday afternoon. The jail guards could not identify a single man in the vigilante posse.
Culled from: California Justice: Shootouts, Lynchings, and Assassinations in the Golden State
That is some pretty cool history and there are Frosts in Laytonville today.
Not really sure how that has anything to do with this article buddy
Only recently have communities became so docile that they allow constant robberies, home invasions, drug addicts passing out on every street up and down the 101 corridor. Before this time, if the cops didn’t get a criminal, then the long arm of the law did.
Stop extrapolating from online news to develop your vigilantist ideas.
Not really sure?!!! Really?!!! You can’t see it? Did you read the article? Thieves used to be dealt with accordingly!!! Pretty simple.
My bad. I forgot about all the wannabe tough guys who frequent this site and constantly fantasize about dispensing justice with their six gun.
How stupid of me!!!
The POINT is that criminals are not being dealt with now. When they were not dealt with in the past the citizens dealt with them.
It sounds like we need to revisit the past until the “feel good” types stop voting for politicians who prioritize criminals over law abiding citizens.
It sounds like you are advocating for vigilante justice without due process. Blatantly un-american. Something only a socialist would advocate for.
Justice for a witnessed crime can be dispensed swiftly and decisively.
Being soft on criminals, at the expense of tax payers and regular citizens, is the true “socialist” mentality.
But tell me again how it is “American” to let criminals victimize citizens over and over with zero repercussion. Clown world mentality.
Someone can step on your foot over and over, you might be nice the 1st ten times, eventually you will get tired of it and eventually you will send a clear message not to do that anymore… Or you can wait for somebody else to do something about it, but it’s not going to happen… Not in California anymore, you would be lucky if anyone shows up to even take a report… We got to start taking our communities and towns back…. Where do you suppose we begin?
I am absolutely advocating for people to be responsible for our communities , community property, our towns and our counties. Something absolutely must change, we have thieves and political whores and puppet masters in charge who are purposefully destroying our country with a free flow of druga from our southern border, they hate us and are destroying our communities with criminals amd sleeper cells of terrorists from other countries. Chinese nationals are the newest threat coming in our Southern Border in record numbers! Even complete Idiots like the one arrested in this article have a solutely no fear of repercussion since there is no justice and the justice system is broke, it allows people to do drugs in plain sight, shoot up and freebase in plain sight of Highway 101, in front of our kids… The system is broken and only serves the criminals…. Where do we begin? You know why crime is up and we got drug addicted nut jobs in every city in California l? Because good people like you and me did nothing to stop these pieces of shit.
Best damn comment/story I’ve read in YEARS! Thanks for sharing!!!👍
Yay. Let’s celebrate murder by the populist mob!
Yay, let’s just let our kids get handed drugs by criminals on the streets, lets allow out towns to be over run by dangerous street people from the cities. Let’s let illegal aliens in to our communities who just got out of prisons in other countries for rape and murders. Let’s let thousands of people just overdose in our entryways to businesses. Let’s allow street people to take over the parks where our kids play. Let’s allow street people to intimidate and harass our elderly and our children. Let’s just allow murder and home invasions and car jackings. Let’s allow the open sale market of fentanyl and street drugs in plain sight. Let’s allow pedophile networks of wealthy men to human trafficking our kids. Let’s allow women to be raped and raped again and do absolutely nothing to stop it, let’s allow street culture with panhandling, shoplifting, open drug use and open prostitution to proliferate like it currently is. Enough is enough!